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HypothesisFroghi. Just upgraded to ubuntu studio 20.04. The problem I'm having is that applications take a really long time to load. They didn't used to.00:36
sarnoldHypothesisFrog: is it all applications? just some applications?00:38
HypothesisFrogsarnold, all00:38
HypothesisFrogpretty much00:38
HypothesisFrogI haven't tried ALL the applications.00:38
HypothesisFrogOne of the things I did before I upgraded from 19.10, was I backed up my user directory, including all config files. Could my old user config files be causing the new system some confusion?00:39
sarnoldHypothesisFrog: I've heard that some of the applications packaged as snaps are slower to start than the older .deb versions, but haven't tested myself00:40
HypothesisFrogsarnold, does sudo apt-get use snaps?00:42
geniiSort of a trick question00:42
sarnoldHypothesisFrog: some deb packages do install snaps as part of their processing; eg apt install chromium-browser or lxd will do a postinst snap install chromium-browser or snap install lxd00:42
geniiChromium, yes, is the one I was reminded of00:43
designbybeckUbuntu 20.04 on Samsung Notebook 9 Pro. ....No Sound? ANyone else have this issues?00:47
sarnolddesignbybeck: usually running pavucontrol is enough to help folks find out what to change00:48
designbybecksarnold is that in Ubuntu by default?00:48
designbybeckrun it in the CLI?00:48
sarnolddesignbybeck: it's a gui program, so you can launch it however you like; I'm not sure if it's installed by default or not00:49
designbybeckso that is the default audio site00:50
designbybeckaudio program00:51
HypothesisFrogWish I could solve the problem. I'm used to applications loading instantly. Not waiting 5-10 seconds.00:52
HypothesisFrogHang on. This guy reckons he had a similar problem, and it turned out to be the nvidia drivers. I'll try that.00:57
HypothesisFrogyep. Much better.01:00
sarnoldHypothesisFrog: hah, how the heck did you get anything useful out of that post? well done, anyway :)01:02
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glitsj16I'm dual-booting Ubuntu 16.04 and Arch Linux and I face a somewhat complicated GRUB issue. The default grub-pc version on xenial generates 'initrd /boot/intel-ucode.img' for all the Arch Linux stanzas instead of 'initrd /boot/intel-ucode.img /boot/initramfs-linux.img' (because arch deals differently with the microcode loading). So while not incorrect, it does mean I have to manually edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg all the time. Is there a more01:19
glitsj16elegant way to do this?01:19
vimartI'm downloading now Xubuntu 20.04 let's see how's it.01:24
Raymond_GHi, I have a question about Ubuntu LivePatch and ESM for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.01:38
Raymond_GIt says on the site that it is limited to 3 computers per user01:38
Raymond_GI have just erased my hard drive to upgrade to an SSD and setup livepatch and esm on this new install, do I have to manually remove the other devices somewhere?01:39
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NathanKochI have booze in my blood, You want an earful GCHQ!01:55
NathanKochI hear by Nathan Koch denounce the Crown and any allegiances to it and the Government of Saskatchewan!01:56
NathanKochaswell as the Government of Canada.01:57
EickmeyerMildly entertaining.01:59
bitblitanyone know how to set the max/crit values that "sensors" returns for the CPU? mine default to 95C02:31
JoshuaDI've got a home-entertainment system dedicated to running Kodi and RetroPie. The machine is plugged into a large TV and primiarly controlled with an xbox-style controller, but also has a wireless mouse and keyboard when needed.  Which Desktop Environment do you think would be most comfortable for this sort of setup?02:41
JoshuaD(I go to the desktop for troubleshooting and occasionally opening up websites in a browser)02:42
leftyfbJoshuaD: Please ask for opinions on software in #ubuntu-offtopic02:54
JoshuaDk ty02:55
MordocJoshuaD: While this isn't the forum for this ask around about XFCE...see you on #ubuntu-offtopic03:00
fribI need to run a bash script with cron. Cron is running and executing commands I put in crontab but will not execute my script correctly that otherwise runs fine from the terminal03:07
fribit's a one line script that runs a program with 2 arguments03:08
Bashing-omfrib: A thought: full paths in both the crontab and your script ?03:12
fribBashing-om, yes but at this point I'm trying to just run the program directly from crontab to take the script element out of it and even that's not working03:13
fribthings like echo, date work but not my program03:13
Bashing-omfrib: Access rights ? set as executable ?03:16
fribBashing-om, apparently I made a dumb mistake in my command03:16
fribas usual03:16
fribsorry about that03:17
Bashing-omfrib: What matters most is there is resolution :D03:17
fribyes, but will things like `date` work in cron?03:18
Bashing-omfrib: in the cron ' /bin/date03:20
Bashing-om' ?03:20
fribdate works fine without /bin03:20
fribbut `date` will not resolve03:20
frib(why I wanted to run a script)03:21
fribbut that is not working03:21
fribI tried /bin/bash /full/path/script.sh but no03:21
fribits the SHELL= PATH=03:28
merpnderpIs NodeSource the normal way to install node on Ubuntu now?03:42
kvndyI just started using my 2017 Macbook Pro 14,1 again because audio broke on my little Dell inspiron running Ubuntu 18. Apple just keeps getting worse and worse. I tried installing Ubuntu on the MBP but there are hardware issues04:13
kvndyIronically, what prompted this was audio breaking on my Dell Inspiron running Ubuntu, but on the 2017 MBP audio is not supported!04:14
kvndyApple broke basic dragging behavior with the trackpad. "tap to drag without drag lock" no longer works as it used to. There is now a delay, making every single interaction with every slider, scrubber, combo box, or window drag a broken and confusing experience04:16
SomethingGenericHey all! I'm confused about the layout of my boot drive. The built-in "Disks04:16
SomethingGeneric" program shows my SSD as having two 249 paritions, which is impossible given that my entire ssd is only 256 gb.04:16
SomethingGenericAnd I also have two FAT32 "boot paritions", at least according to Disks04:17
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SomethingGenericHey guys, I have a question that’s (partially) Ubuntu related. I’m following  the LFS boot, and when building the kernel, there’s a warning that says “if your system has a separate /boot partition, you need to do <x>.” My host machine only has Ubuntu on it, and I told the installer to put everything in one partition. However, according to Disks, I do have one separate partition mounted as /boot/efi.04:40
SomethingGenericIs that what’s they’re referring to as the boot partition? Or is that a re-mounted sub-directory as it appears to my naïve eyes..?04:40
bargSomethingGeneric- not sure if you'll get this 'cos you seem to be offline but there is a #lfs04:59
jwashhi everyone, I want to strip out html table tags from a document, removing everything from < opening to > closing05:37
kenperkinswhat does that have to do with ubuntu? :D05:37
jwashhow would i match <font size="2">05:37
jwashbash is used by ubuntu right05:38
jwashthis is an ubuntu computer05:38
banisterfiendup tto06:12
exit70[m]hi, is it just me or ubuntu boot splash has always been a little janky?06:21
rfmexit70[m], so who cares? not like you're looking at it for more than 10 seconds/06:24
exit70[m]i don't care that much. but some friendly distro like opensuse seems to be better in that regard. just curious about the reason behind it.06:25
rfmexit70[m], and yeah, I shouldn't get sucked into this, gn06:25
halvorsWhen will Ubuntu mainline ppa be updated with the latest upstream kernel?07:00
ducassehalvors: when it's ready, we don't know any more than you07:01
halvorsI mean the lastest stable release 5.6.1207:01
halvorsIs there automation in building latest tagged stable release?07:01
ducassetry #ubuntu-kernel, maybe?07:02
halvorsok thanks.07:02
halcyfornmaybe someone can tell me what can be wrong. my wifi intel card on linux detect only 2 networks, and can easy cut lost connection. on windows wi-fi card detect 30 networks.07:06
CQ3halcyforn, sounds like a driver issue. figure out what card it is, what driver it is using, and google ...07:11
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halcyfornwhat command show me what driver i use i dont remember this07:13
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pi0apart from tmux what other app to seperate terminal sessions is there https://imgur.com/a/gSzqe7S07:59
CQpi0, screens ?07:59
pi0is that sceeens08:00
pi0the user was able to resize with mouse08:00
CQnot sure, but if you search terminal screens resize mouse, or maybe "screen resize curses" you might find our08:01
oceanpi0: probably guake terminal08:02
oceanpi0: Using & lovin' it, powerful. With only couple of hotkeys, calling/hiding it, shifting through various terminals and yes, split (both horizontally, vertically)08:09
ThinkT510looks like a tiling window manger08:10
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pi0i thought it was like i3wm08:14
pi0but it wasnt08:14
ducassepi0: if you want several terminals in one window you can also try terminator08:16
pi0thank you08:21
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mesaboogiepi0: tilix --- another tiling terminal09:16
MikiSofthello, i'm trying to setup postfix with dovecot-lmtp but i'm getting connection refused error09:49
MikiSoftMay 12 12:21:29 2nrl postfix/lmtp[19237]: CE2B4A1553: to=<office@mail.gournet.co>, relay=none, delay=992, delays=992/0.06/0.02/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to mail.gournet.co[private/dovecot-lmtp]: Connection refused)09:49
MikiSoftcan anyone help me? i'll send the config files09:49
Deano59hi, if I setup "encrypt" my local /home - how can I change my root/user password? I tried and couldn't login. when I changed the password back to my old one I could login fine.10:01
EriC^^Deano59: you need to change the wrapped passphrase, wrap it with your new password10:02
EriC^^Deano59: i think though if you use the gui stuff for changing the password it might do that stuff for you10:03
Deano59EriC^^: I didn't create a passphrase when it asked me to, I clicked close. is that bad?10:03
EriC^^re-run it i guess10:04
mgedminhmm, I would expect pam_ecryptfs to re-wrap the passphrase when you change your password using passwd10:04
mgedmin(or the gui bits)10:04
Deano59what's qui?10:05
Deano59how do I re-run it?10:05
Deano59sorry, never done it before.10:06
mgedmingui is a Graphical User Interface, by which we mean gnome-control-center's Users panel10:06
mgedminhow did you change your password, exactly?10:06
Deano59"sudo passwd *name*"10:06
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mgedmindon't do that10:17
mgedmindo just 'passwd', or if you're not logged in as yourself, sudo -u name passwd10:18
mgedminsudo passwd doesn't ask for the old password, so the pam_ecryptfs module is unable to unwrap the passphrase, and therefore it's unable to re-wrap it10:18
doomlist3what is the fastest server for downloading10:19
mgedminbittorrent, I'm sure10:19
doomlist3It's currently 1MBps but I have 5MBps connection for installing programs using apt install xxx10:19
doomlist3i am talking for apt servers not torrents10:19
doomlist3in ubuntu 18.04.4 where is software sources in settings?10:24
Deano59mgedmin: "sudo -u *name* passwd" ?10:24
MikiSoftanyone works with postix and dovecot?10:25
doomlist3where is software properties in settings10:26
doomlist3they keep changing the interface10:26
doomlist3ubuntu has become like windows10:26
Deano59thanks mgedmin that done the trick!!!10:27
doomlist3Deano59: pm10:28
Deano59please don't PM doomlist3, ask in the channel.10:29
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doomlist3Deano59: ok in gui settings where is software sources10:33
Deano59what DE?10:33
Deano59mine is under start > prefrences10:34
doomlist3ubuntu has unity10:34
doomlist3there is no start in ubuntu10:34
Deano59there is but OK. if you're using unity, just search for it.10:34
doomlist3ok under software and updates10:35
Deano59mine is under start > preferences10:35
doomlist3which version are you using10:35
doomlist3maybe they added start in 20.0410:36
Deano59depends on your DE.10:37
doomlist3my DE is default unity i guess... i didn't install any new DE10:37
ThinkT510doomlist3: the default in 20.04 is not unity, it is gnome-shell10:38
Deano59you can search in unity for software sources...10:38
Deano59not sure what problem you're having.10:38
BluesKajHi folks10:53
Deano59sup BluesKaj10:54
Aktivemassive bug11:43
Aktive2 cursors on the screen11:43
pnwiseWhat is snap on the server release used for?12:07
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RoseBuswhat's a good tool for reading .md files?13:04
RoseBusyea but cat doesn't have any formatting13:04
stephpdale_wedr Alt+Tab13:10
stephpdale_Also vim is better13:10
wedrvim reads Markdown?13:10
stephpdale_vim reads everything13:11
wedrin that case, why not just get the more optimum solution.   "sudo apt-get install snap && snap install code && code"13:11
Woetew snap13:13
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g105bHello Ubuntuers! I just bought a Logitech webcam, and it is too dark. Please can someone suggest some software that I can use to configure the webcam?13:13
RoseBusgood luck... logitech didn't support my wireless mouse13:16
g105bWell the webcam works just fine, but I need to configure the brightness, just without hacking inside config files if possible.13:16
ZennI need help I cant install 20.0413:18
Zenncan someone help me on this13:20
Zennif I go through the normal disk check it auto shut down my Lapto13:20
Zennif I go through the normal disk check it auto shut down my Laptop13:20
Zennanyone able to help me please?13:24
g105bCan you launch into Grub menu?13:26
mgedminthat's a disk error ("access beyond end of device")13:26
mgedminis /dev/sdb the USB drive were you stashed your 20.04 image?  could it be the device is actually too small to contain it?13:27
Zennmy usb 32gb13:27
mgedmin20.04 desktop iso is 2.7GB, so it should definitely fit13:27
Zennyeah why does it do as such ?13:28
Zennanyway I can troubleshoot it?13:28
g105bOh, Zenn are you currently trying to boot from USB or have you installed to your HDD and trying to boot as normal?13:28
Zenncould it be it failed to write the iso properly ?13:28
ZennI want to install to my SSD13:28
Zennas in make it my primary booting laptop and get rid of windows13:28
Zenng105b, https://imgur.com/a/ph5sw5913:32
Zennis this correct?13:32
mgedminis the file limit on FAT32 2 GB or 4 GB?13:33
mgedminI'm not familiar with this 'Rufus' tool13:34
Zennwhat tool you recommand ?13:34
g105bLooks good to me Zenn.13:34
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g105bmgedmin Rufus is recommended on https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows13:34
mgedminyou can dd if=ubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/YOURUSBDEVICE13:34
mgedmin(this will wipe the entire USB drive)13:35
g105bmgedmin he's on Windows.13:35
mgedminit would be really funny if the official tutorial recommended a tool that can't handle the ISO size13:36
mgedminthe rufus website mentions "Improve support for Ubuntu 20.04" in the changelog for version 3.1013:38
mgedminso, hm, what else could it be?13:38
mgedminis the iso image downloaded successfully?  can you check the file size?13:39
mgedminI wonder why the filename has a (2) in front of .iso in your screenshot13:39
jonvonbumm.. https://send.firefox.com seems broken. Attempts to log in from up-to-date 19.04 and 20.04 machines fails with the "Something went wrong" error page.13:41
jonvonbWorks just fine using chrome on those same machines. Go figure.13:41
jonvonbIt's only fails when logging in via firefox13:42
stephpdaleI hope you mean Chromium not Chrome13:46
Zennit does not work13:49
Zennafter pressing Ubuntu it goes into disk check after casper something it turns off my Laptop13:51
Zenncould Ubuntu 20.04 have a Bug for Asus Laptop13:51
SpudDogg7good morning13:52
Zenngood morning there is a Bug in Ubuntu13:52
Zennit does not install on My Laptop at all13:52
stephpdalezenguy Boot it again13:53
stephpdaleZenn ^13:53
stephpdaleAnd then press Control + C13:53
stephpdaleWhen it begins checking13:53
ZennI did that13:53
Zennthis happens stephpdale13:54
stephpdaleZenn Tried safe graphics mode too?13:54
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Zennhow ?13:54
stephpdaleZenn When the colored screen appears with the two icons, right after you select the boot option for Ubuntu13:55
stephpdalePress one of the arrow keys or escape13:55
Zennokay let me try and get back to you all13:55
Zennhope it works13:55
stephpdaleThen use the arrow keys to select the Try Ubuntu without installing (Safe Graphics) and hit enter13:55
mgedminZenn: have you checked if the ISO image you downloaded is complete?  it should be 2.7 gigs in size13:55
mgedminsince the failure happens during _disk check_, and the error is about _disk I/O_, I bet safe graphics isn't going to help any13:56
mgedmin(and once again I missed them)13:56
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ZennI made a video14:01
Zennlooks like you guys got a Bug in Ubuntu14:01
Zennhopefully you can find something in it14:01
mgedminZenn: have you checked if the ISO image you downloaded is complete?  it should be 2.7 gigs in size14:02
Zennit is completed14:02
ZennI redownloaded and install again just to be sure14:02
Zennyou should see that Video14:02
ZennI think there is a Bug in Ubuntu, as I never encounter any issues with installing Ubuntu before.14:02
mgedminah, this time there's no disk i/o error, just a bunch of noveau stall messages and then a sudden reboot: Power off14:05
Zennwell yeah it is like this14:05
Zennare you a developer?14:06
mgedminI am a software developer, but I'm not an ubuntu developer14:06
Zennoh lol14:06
Zennwell let me try using safe graphic and try to boot up14:06
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zennsafe graphic install works14:31
zennIm able to boot up from Ubuntu now14:31
eldowanI'm trying to find out how to trend bandwidth usage over time by IP address. The realtime bandwidth /network usage monitors aren't exactly what I'm looking for. Are there good options?14:31
zennthanks for the help everyone but it is odd I hope they fix it14:31
wedrAnyone knows how to get the Dash-to-Dock Gnome3 extension's version?14:33
zennthank you guys14:42
zennI will take my leave hopefully they fix the issue with the normal boot up14:42
mgedminlooks like I made the right choice when I decided to avoid nvidia when picking my latest laptop14:43
mgedmin10-15 fps in subnautica, but at least no problems in ubuntu14:43
zennwell why would nvida cost such a issue14:45
zennare you refering to my issue?14:45
mgedminnvidia doesn't provide any hardware documentation or source for their video drivers, which makes it hard to support nvidia hardware in linux14:49
mgedminthe choice is between reverse-engineered open drivers that are buggy and slow, and nvidia-provided binary drivers that are buggy and might not support all the other OS component versions like the kernel14:50
enrioooooooim using ubuntu 16.04 , suddenly all fonts are disappeared14:50
enrioooooooeven the terminal fonts14:50
Deano59can we get RPI4 support here?14:51
zennoh lol14:53
BluesKajDeano59, try #raspberrypi chat14:53
DocMorsis there a dedicated server chat?15:07
NoiseEeeHi folks, I have a silly question... on one server when I SSH in, I get a nice message and updates about packages needing updating, or the server needing to be rebooted. On another server (same Ubuntu OS), when I SSH in, I just get the command prompt. How can I make that second server show me information when logging in, like the first?15:20
ewomerHow does one install the real 440.82+ Nvidia drivers and not the 440.82+really.440.64-0ubuntu6 versions?15:20
leftyfbewomer: sudo apt install nvidia-driver-44015:22
leftyfbNoiseEee: what version of ubuntu on both of the severs?15:23
leftyfbNoiseEee: the exact version15:23
ewomerleftyfb: nvidia-driver-440 is already the newest version (440.82+really.440.64-0ubuntu6).15:25
leftyfbewomer: that is the "real" 440.82 nvidia driver15:25
NoiseEeeleftyfb: 16.0415:26
leftyfbNoiseEee: lsb_release -ds15:26
NoiseEeeleftyfb: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS on both15:27
leftyfbNoiseEee: who built them? Seems like they're not built the same. Are they VPS's or cloud containers of some sort?15:28
NoiseEeefound it leftyfb... PrintMotd in /etc/ssh/sshd_config was set to 'no' on one server15:41
leftyfbNoiseEee: like I said, the 2 servers were built differently15:42
DocMorstieinv, thanks15:44
kur1jwhat is the "new" method for simply restarting a network device on the CLI?15:46
tieinvDocMors: your welcome15:47
ewomerleftyfb: its really 440.64 not 440.8215:49
ewomerReported by nvidia-settings15:50
enrioooooooim using ubuntu 16.04 , suddenly all fonts are disappeared15:50
oerheksenriooooooo, you said that before, what did you do before that?15:51
enriooooooowell i just put my laptop in suspended mode15:52
enrioooooooand reopen with fonts disappeared15:52
oerheksoh, not suddenly, but a suspend issue15:54
blahboybazHow do I fix it if when I try to add a repository and get 404 error and it says there is no release file. It is from a very popular and well-known package and I'm shocked to get this with them.15:55
enriooooooohow do i fix oerheks15:55
oerheksenriooooooo, not surehow to reload them, reboot?15:56
enrioooooooreboot or restart of lightdm is not the right solution :/15:57
blahboybazenriooooooo:  oerheks: I did not catch the question (just came in) but are you trying to load a configuration file?  "source" command does that with some things and there is systemctl command too15:57
oerheksenriooooooo, sure, it is not a solution, but can you try it and recreate the issue again?? then you could file a bugreport, but it depends on the tasks you were doing, browser [pages and such16:01
enriooooooowell i really don't want to close all of the things at this point.16:03
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blahboybazI sort of figured it out. I got what I need installed and now my repositories stuff is corrupted but I don't feel like dealing with it at the momemnt. Thanks16:07
oerheksblahboybaz, on what ubuntu version, what repository?16:09
vtxhi folks o/ i'm getting the following errors on 18.04 when using apt-get: `curl: (56) OpenSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 104'`; has anyone else had trouble with the same error? is there a known fix for this?16:15
oerheksvtx, what ar you trying to install? can you share the full output on paste.ubuntu.com please?16:17
ubiqueI have a problem, does anybody have any ideas?    https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HJCRnzN85K/16:21
akemubique, Did you do "apt-get update" before the upgrade?16:25
ubique#akem yes16:26
oerheksubique, looks like this bugreport https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-pi-flavour-maker/+bug/183905416:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1839054 in Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker "Apt update fails linux-firmware-raspi2" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:27
oerheksfix in answer #1 ;; sudo dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-firmware-raspi2_1.20190215-0ubuntu0.18.04.1_armhf.deb16:27
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Val_Khi, I have a problem with my fstab: it doesn't mount my network drive at boot. If I mount it manually with "sudo mount -a" all is good, but it doesn't work at boot. This is the line in my fstab: //192.168.0.XXX/[name of resource]/     /media/[name of resource]/     cifs username=[username],password=[password],auto,iocharset=utf8,vers=1.0      016:41
Val_K0 I suspect it doesn't mount the drive because the network is not ready when fstab is run, so how can I fix it?16:41
vlouvetis it possible to use ubuntu 20.04 server with zfs support to create an rpi4 NAS? (using a single external disk via USB)16:42
bjarne333isnt there a systemd solution for this? like ordering deps16:42
bjarne333Val_K: ^16:42
jayjoI'm having trouble getting my bluetooth headphones to connect to my ubuntu desktop. Are there any resources that are helpful for debugging something like this? Are there better bluetooth packages instead of the system that I should use? Or is there any way to check if something is interfering with the system bluetooth?16:43
Val_Kbjarne333, I am not aware of that16:43
bjarne333it's been years since I played with fstab. but I think it's controlled by a systemd service right? and it runs before network is ready16:44
Val_Kbjarne333, I don't know the answer to your question, but as I said in my initial message I too think that fstab runs before network is ready16:45
bjarne333Val_K: try adding _netdev as option.16:45
bjarne333his will prevent the system from attempting to mount this filesystem until the network has been enabled on the system.16:45
Val_Kshould I keep "auto" in the options?16:46
Val_Kor is it auto by default?16:46
bjarne333Val_K: i dunno. read the man page16:47
Val_Kbjarne333 _netdev doesn't work. however thanks for the help16:48
bjarne333sounds like a common scenario. you should find answers on the world wide web16:49
rjwiiiOk ... so I plug my iPhone X into Ubuntu 20.04 for the first time and it comes up as a camera. I plug it in a second time and all I get is documents. Any clues?16:52
Val_Kbjarne333, thanks for the suggestion, I'll google harder16:52
bjarne333rjwiii: my advice: use lsusb and journactl to see what kind of devices the iphone is presenting16:53
RoseBushello, how can I remove a host from my known_hosts16:53
bjarne333rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts16:54
rjwiiiRoseBus: Just edit the file, find the host you want to delete and delete it ...16:54
RoseBusbut how can i determine which host is which inside the file16:54
rjwiiiRoseBus: by ip address?16:55
RoseBusi dont see any ip addresses, it looks encrypted16:55
bjarne333RoseBus: ssh-keygen -R hostname16:56
bjarne333it was very easy to google16:56
superbootWhat is the config file precidence for Awesome Window Manager? Is there a system default that loads after the user-specific ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua?16:57
rjwiiibjarne333: lsusb: Bus 001 Device 008: ID 05ac:12a8 Apple, Inc. iPhone5/5C/5S/6, journactl has a bunch of messages "Unable to get XDG directory path for special directory $?????"16:59
bjarne333rjwiii: you are looking for something with USB device17:03
rjwiiibjarne333: I don't know if this is related, but every time I plug my iPhone in, it crashes RhythmBox ...17:04
lordcirthRoseBus, yeah, the addresses are hashed in known_hosts so that an attacker can't read what systems you have credentials to17:07
rjwiiibjarne333: journactl: May 12 10:41:43 system76-pc gnome-shell[2131]: Unable to mount volume iPhone: Gio.IOErrorEnum: Error initializing camera: -53: Could not claim the USB device17:11
RoseBuswill my ssh keys still work if i delete my known_hosts file?17:11
vltRoseBus: Yes.17:12
bjarne333rjwiii: sounds bad. they probably want you to use your mac laptop17:12
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thyriaenI already have a linux setup running with grub and i would like to install ubuntu without it installing its own grub on a seperate disk - is that possible ? ( then in order to boot i would have to add the ubuntu install to the grub on my first disk )17:22
donaldkbrownHi all. I have a separate keyring for `aws-vault`. I accidentally set it to unlock when I log-in, so it no longer asks for my separate password when doing things with aws-vault. How do I unset that?17:30
tijarahello, does anyone know how to change the default non-unicode fonts? I'm on Mint 19.3 Cinnamon and it keeps using wacky fonts for certain languages.18:12
lordcirthGR1M0R4CL3, welcome!18:24
GR1M0R4CL3hey thanks :) total noobie here !18:24
Deano59tijara: this is for ubuntu support, not Linux mint. try their irc/channel.18:25
GenuineGNULinuxYour GNU/Linux copy is not activated. You may be a victim of software counterfeiting. Do you want to enter product key now?18:25
mattmutijara: Try https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=22427018:25
GenuineGNULinuxIf you don't have a product key, contact me to purchase a license.18:26
GenuineGNULinuxOne license for one computer. How much licenses do you want to purchase?18:26
lordcirthUsual scammers/trolls18:27
sarnoldhey dho18:27
GR1M0R4CL3bought a new Dell XPS and came with 18.04 ubuntu. wondering if there are people here with same laptop but running more recent version of LTS like 20.04 for advice18:27
tijaraDeano59: sorry, I assumed a Ubuntu solution would have applied since Mint is Ubuntu based18:27
lordcirthGR1M0R4CL3, wondering if it's compatible? If 18.04 is working fine, 20.04 probably will too18:27
Deano59someone do the command, I don't know it.18:27
Deano59!not ubuntu18:28
Deano59!ubuntu only18:28
Deano59I fail.18:28
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)18:28
Deano59tijara: ^18:28
GR1M0R4CL3well machine comes with some additional apt repositories and I have been checking the repair iso which contains also a file listing some packages. everything is working now : camera, sleep, etc so I am wondering about 20.0418:28
GR1M0R4CL3i have seen people try Fedora 32 on the 9300 model I have and they have shutdown troubles :/18:29
tijaranoted, my apologies18:29
GR1M0R4CL3is there other channels beside this one for irc and ubuntu noobs ?18:31
sarnoldGR1M0R4CL3: you may also like #ubuntu-discuss, there's a bit more open-ended conversation there from time to time18:32
GR1M0R4CL3thanks :)18:32
sarnoldGR1M0R4CL3: I've heard that 20.04 may go further with providing oem-driver experience with the standard install media; previous releases were pretty rough in that respect, the pre-installed system might work great but if you ever reinstalled, it might be frustrating to try to get those drivers back18:33
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GR1M0R4CL3i can perhaps image the whole partition. upgrade to 20.04 and see what happens. keeping a list of current packages, and the files in /etc/apt/sources18:35
GR1M0R4CL3seems i'm using a 5.0.0 kernel that is available on Launchpad + the patch18:35
GR1M0R4CL3well that 18.04 is supported until 2023 so i dont really need to move to 20.04 but i tried 20.04 on the desktop pc and gnome feels much quicker18:36
sarnoldGR1M0R4CL3: backups are always good :)18:36
GR1M0R4CL3i think the m.2 has a re-installation partition.18:37
ActivateYourLinuPurchase a license now! $89 for single computer if you purchase it before I'm banned!18:37
GR1M0R4CL3until now i had to buy laptops and install linux. this one directly came with linux. and it is a joy18:37
GR1M0R4CL3just launching the camera thing and seeing my 60-days unshaven bear face because of Covid18:38
tomreynGR1M0R4CL3: this channel is great is you have a concreate support question. for chat, please try somethign else such as #ubuntu-offtopic. for none-support Q&A but still ubuntu topics, #ubuntu.discuss can be fine.18:40
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conrloving 20.04 so far. anybody have a setup to share large files behind a vpn with ubuntu?19:28
swe442how do I disable that tapping super opens an overview?19:29
swe442on 20.0419:29
Deano59if I don't have swap enabled, swappiness doesn't apply to me, right?19:32
Deano59conr: 20.04 is awesome. I agree. ;P19:32
sarnoldDeano59: excellent question, I've wondered that before19:32
swe442anyone know?19:33
swe442how do I disable the dashboard thing that gets opened when I tap super?19:34
swe442I can't find the option anywhere19:34
ioriaswe442, on 18.04 is the overlay key in gsettings (i guess it's the same on 20.04) ; you can set it to null19:35
swe442ioria okay that gives me something to search, ty19:35
ioriaswe442, first : gsettings get org.gnome.mutter overlay-key19:35
ioriaswe442, then (if the return value is Super_L) you do  : gsettings set org.gnome.mutter overlay-key ''19:36
swe442or is that two single quotes?19:37
mydog2hi.. trying to do a recursive grep using find and grep..19:37
ioriaswe442, nope, double single quote19:37
swe442got it19:37
swe442makes sense19:37
swe442yes, that's perfect19:37
mydog2find /home -type f  ! -path "*/csvn/*"  ! -path "*/Android*/*" -name "*.*"    -print0  | xargs -0 grep 'repos'19:37
swe442weird that that option is not in the settings19:37
mydog2this works for finding the 1st term19:37
swe442works, perfect, ty!19:38
mydog2find /home -type f  ! -path "*/csvn/*"  ! -path "*/Android*/*" -name "*.*"    -print0  | xargs -0 grep 'repos'  | xargs -0 grep 'github'19:38
ioriaswe442, ok19:38
mydog2this throws an xargs: argument line too long19:38
swe442ioria is tehre a way to see all the gsettings I manually over-rode?19:38
mydog2searching the 'net.. can't see what i'm doing wrong..19:38
ioriaswe442, not sure, but you can restore all to default19:39
mydog2any pointers?19:39
swe442okay , thanks,19:39
sarnoldmydog2: what are you trying to do?19:39
sarnoldmydog2: my guess is you went off the rails at: xargs -0 grep 'github'19:39
ioriaswe442, maybe in 'dconf editor'19:39
mydog2sarnold, -- i want to grep files in certain dirs, and search for files having multiple words19:44
mydog2or.. for files in certain dirs, i want to find files with 'repos' and 'github'19:45
EriC^^mydog2: how about  "find..... -exec grep -E "github|repos" {} \;"19:46
EriC^^i think you might need grep -HE  so it shows the filenames next to the stuff19:47
mydog2so get rid of the args19:47
sarnoldmydog2: I usually use grep -l for this -- if you don't want the actual line itself; try: grep -l root /etc/passwd19:48
mydog2is there a way using xargs19:48
EriC^^mydog2: why though, just to learn xargs?19:48
BananaManCJI have Ubuntu installed on a portable drive. I originally installed it on a 2017 iMac and sound was working fine. I then plugged the drive into another computer. Sound was working fine there. I then plugged it back into the Mac and the sound doesn't work anymore. How do I fix this? One thing I noticed is that it shows "Headphones" as an output source even though there aren't any plugged in.19:48
BananaManCJBluetooth audio does work19:48
EriC^^mydog2: your command works for me here19:50
BananaManCJAudio doesn't work through traditional headphones, either19:51
oerheksBananaManCJ, maybe ' sudo dpkg –configure -a' fixes things?19:54
oerheksor just try booting again?19:56
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BananaManCJThis persists after a reboot19:58
BananaManCJIt's been like this for about 24 hours now19:58
BananaManCJEven tried reinstalling ALSA and PulseAudio19:58
micrex22try installing OSS instead of ALSA :p19:58
micrex22(good luck though, I've never done it myself), only on actual proprietary UNIX19:59
oerheksweird advise, micrex22 ...19:59
micrex22I mean... it 'might' work :p19:59
micrex22If it in fact is a software issue20:00
oerheksBananaManCJ, killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.config/pulse/* ; rm -r ~/.pulse* >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure20:01
BananaManCJNope, I also noticed that sound input isn't working either20:03
BananaManCJIt works over bluetooth, though20:03
MoPacHi, so I've run into a bit of a problem during an upgrade 19.10 --> 20.04 (Kubuntu). During the confirmation step of the "sudo do-release-upgrade -m desktop" method, I went to "details" of package removal and then accidentally terminated the whole program rather than returning and saying "N".20:23
MoPacApparently this means that my software sources are set to "focal" even though nothing was approved for installation/removal. When I try to run either the console tool again or the GUI, it won't proceed because because I need the latest updates to my current software first -- all 2326 updates it thinks I need, since with my current source config, everything looks behind, and the check step isn't comparing version names.20:23
MoPacI'm hoping it will be enough to just manually switch back the four sources that are active in the middle of an upgrade -- [ver. name]/updates/backports/security, back to eon. But I haven't wanted to touch anything yet in case this is actually a bigger mess than that.20:24
sarnoldMoPac: I think I've done something similar, and I think I was able to get back to a working config with a simple s/foo/bar/ in the sources20:24
meltingwaxi'm getting errors for apt-get update in fresh ubuntu:18.04 containers; complaining that the files it gets have the wrong hashsum20:26
meltingwaxi assume this is an infrastructure problem that I can expect to go away?20:26
sarnoldmeltingwax: it depends what introduced the problem -- if you have a caching proxy that is caching too agressively, or worse, if your ISP has a caching proxy that they have not told you about, you'll probably have to take action yourself to fix it20:27
sarnoldmeltingwax: the last person who ran into this problem found out their VPN provider was using a caching proxy, and hadn't expected that..20:27
meltingwaxsarnold: it's under a corp network, so maybe there is a hidden proxy. but it worked an hour ago, now it doesn't work at all20:28
sarnoldmeltingwax: if you request the same files using curl or wget, do you get something that looks like an error page? or something that looks right but is too short? or something old?20:29
urxtnwIf I use systemd to start a unit at book with: systemctl enable unit. What is actually happening? Will this be enabled forever, or is there a chance this setting might be re-written if I do a system upgrade? Will this setting be written in some file?20:30
MoPacsarnold: looks like replacing "focal" in sources.list is doing the trick; thanks for the reassurance.20:30
sarnoldMoPac: nice! :)20:30
oerheksurxtnw, enable is for starting at boot20:31
oerheksstart is starting for this session20:31
sarnoldurxtnw: 'enable' fiddles around with some 'wants' requirements as directed by the [Install] section of the unit20:31
urxtnwoerheks, sarnold, yes but I am asking if this setting will get overwritten if I upgrade my system20:32
meltingwaxthats a good idea sarnold, i will try20:32
sarnoldurxtnw: it's strongly unlikely, but it is possible, that an update will change that config20:32
urxtnwsarnold, do you know where the config is, as in that is getting written, when I run that command?20:33
sarnoldurxtnw: most services' [Install] sections just say to add themselves to the multi-user target: ls -l /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/20:35
meltingwaxsarnold: the file i wget'd matched the sum; and now i restarted the job and it works; so who knows. maybe an ops hiccup20:35
sarnoldmeltingwax: oh cripes, I hate problems that go away without a known reason *why*... oh well, at least you're back doing whatever it was you *wanted* to do :)20:35
urxtnwsarnold, thank you!20:36
TheCowboyI can't get snap apps to access any NFS mounts, even if I mount it under /home/$USER, is there a solution to this?20:38
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meltingwaxsarnold:thanks for your help!20:42
ajshell1What's the best way to completely remove GNOME 3 and everything releated to it from the default version of Ubuntu in preparation for installing a new DE?20:43
ajshell1I'm asking because the regular GNOME Ubuntu seems to be the only one to offer ZFS on root installation options.20:44
ThinkT510ajshell1: do you really need to remove gnome-shell? why not just install the DE you want and log into that?20:47
sarnoldTheCowboy: I've seen someone do something *seriously* gross to address this20:48
sarnoldTheCowboy: try asking in #snapcraft about this -- it feels like something they should had addressed by now20:48
sarnoldTheCowboy: if they haven't, well, I've got an idea, but it's super-gross..20:49
TheCowboyI'll try there, this seems like a significant limitation if not addressed as more packages become snaps20:50
TheCowboythank you20:50
ajshell1ThinkT510: I want ZFS on root installation with minimal effort for a virtual machine, Kubuntu doesn't offer that in the options, Ubuntu GNOME does.20:50
micrex22you can always use JFS :320:53
micrex22(I don't know if linux JFS is actually JFS2 or JFS1, there is conflicting information on that)20:54
ajshell1On second thought, this isn't the best idea, since the host zpool and guest zpool are both called "rpool" by default. This is a disaster waiting to happen, especially since the guest pool is on a ZVOL.20:57
ajshell1BTRFS it is, then.20:58
sarnoldoh man, just wait until you find out that both hosts are known as 'localhost'20:58
ajshell1There is actually an issue that you can run into if you have two identically named ZFS pools on the same system. I froget if it'll only import one or if it won't import either.21:00
kZoanyone have experience with setting up xbindkeys?  Trying to get my mouse forward/backward buttons working.21:23
kZojust really looking for it in Chrome.   I have checked online and many different ways of doing it, the couple options I've tried doesn't seem to work.21:24
kZodoesn't look like xbindkeys -k is getting any input.   To make it worse, I'm using synergyc on my linux and synergy on my windows machine.  Maybe it's synergy.21:27
mesaboogiekZo: boot to live usb ubuntu (without synergy) and test it straight up. elimination21:33
mesaboogiekZo: or just turn off synergy in your current setup21:34
Somethin1Hi! I just restarted my 20.04 install, and suddenly can't find my ethernet connection. I'm on a desktop where I didn't need any drivers initially for my network card so I'm really confused21:37
mesaboogieSomethin1: settings | network | share screenshot21:39
s98259Hi, I'm missing /etc/mysql, how do I restore it?21:39
Somethin1It's just not there21:40
mesaboogieSomethin1: hrmph , strange one21:41
Somethin1Wait I know what it was >:|21:41
Somethin1i think21:41
Somethin1I was following along with LFS and I edited my host /etc/network/interface instead of the chrooted one21:41
Somethin1small brain moment21:41
mesaboogies98259: that directory+files is supplied by mysql-common package.21:41
mesaboogieSomethin1: what was it?21:41
mesaboogieSomethin1: ah21:41
s98259Awesome, thanks, it worked.21:42
mesaboogies98259: yw21:42
Somethin1mesaboogie one question though, now that i've unbroken that file,, how do i apply changes?21:42
mesaboogieSomethin1: probably a reboot or a restart of network services21:43
sarnoldSomethin1: /etc/network/interfaces is ignored unless you install the ifupdown package; note that this isn't officially supported on 20.04, so you're kind of on your own in case it doesn't work out well21:43
mesaboogiethanks sarnold for the clarification21:44
kZomesaboogie: I just got it.  The bindings weren't setup right.   Stupid '21:45
mesaboogiekZo: good job21:45
kZoI just needed to know how to call the bindings.  Once I found the "right way" to set them up it was pretty easy.  Just didn't know how to call them.21:45
CrtxReavrIf I edit /etc/(passwd|shadow|group) files, what must be run to make those changes active on the system?22:27
mluis there any quick way I can customize away the purple motif that's in the default install?22:28
mluor is the purple kind of like the black in the Model T?22:28
sarnoldCrtxReavr: they're live immediately, there's no database step as on other systems22:29
CrtxReavrsarnold, cool - thanks22:30
mluin other words: I don't like the defaults for the desktop, are there other ones available, or should I bleach my eyes?22:30
sarnoldmlu: there's a bunch of desktop environments if you just want something completely different; i3m, or lxde, or xfce, or lxqt, or kde, etc etc etc22:32
sarnoldmlu: I don't know what's involved in making a new theme, or selecting a different theme, for the gnome-shell, but I assume there's some way to do that22:33
mlucool, but nothing that's simply "pointy-clicky" right?22:35
mluwas wondering if I can like `apt install clearlooks` and make it look like Fedora22:35
otisgo to fedora then22:36
sarnoldheh, "apt-cache search clear look" returns some gtk 2 and 3 packages.. doesn't look promising22:38
mluin practice, though, I'd probably just wait for a focal-based Mint to drop22:40
CrtxReavrsarnold, so the passwd-, shadow-, and group- are just backups?22:42
sarnoldCrtxReavr: yes; they should be managed by vipw et al22:44
sarnoldCrtxReavr: there's no equiv of mkpasword or pwd_mkdb, etc22:44
CrtxReavrWell. . . their docker container is ubuntu, so they can be overwritten with no extra step.22:45
* CrtxReavr got confused what channel he was typing at.22:46
CrtxReavrsarnold, thanks.22:46
sarnoldCrtxReavr: you're welcome, have fun :)22:47
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eelstreboranyone experiencing multiple vlc icons on the top bar on the right hand side?  i'm sure that it's a bug23:07
flying_sausagesHey guys, I upgraded to 20.04 and can't see Wireguard in the Gnome Network Manager. I'd like to import a .conf file for it. Any suggestions on whether I need to install some packages? I already have `wireguard` installed ha23:12
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ecovanyone have any suggestions for a squeezebox client23:52
bluezincmlu: you could always run kubuntu if purple's not your thing23:54

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