
RikMillsEickmeyer: yes, that systemsetting crash is just because new Kirigami is stuck in proposed (due to ppc64el test builder outage)08:35
StevenJayCohenOne of the Audacity contributors, Paul Licamelli, is an audiobook narrator. 11:22
StevenJayCohenHe and I have worked on some features he's added to the program specifically for narration. 11:23
StevenJayCohenWhat exactly is the Audacity issue with Jack? 11:24
OvenWerksStevenJayCohen: A jack application should open any ports it expects to ever use at application start and not close them until application close. The ports should have reasonable names that the user can figure out actually belong to that program. I will explain more.13:54
StevenJayCohenI will forward Paul whatever you think might be helpful13:56
OvenWerksI open Audacity after setting the audio to jack. I expect to find "Audacity" ports in the jack graph so I can connect thembut there are none. Then when I press record, two ports appear and auto connects to system_1/2... but it is already recording and if I want to reconnect to different ports I have missed part of the recording...14:00
OvenWerksso I am recording silence until I reconnect the ports. Not only that the ports are called "Portaudio" and the port numbers are in_6/7???14:01
OvenWerksOh wait, I stop recording and start again and the port names have changed! now they are in_8 and 914:02
OvenWerksSo I can't even use something like jack_plumbing to audo connect because the port name is a moving target.14:03
OvenWerksConcider someone who is recording there guitar on channel 4 and is using guitarix as a amp emulator. They want to record the output of guitarix but they can't really do that except after it is already recording.14:05
OvenWerksConcider mhWaveEdit as an example. It is not as nice as Audacity, in fact it is rather basic. But it gets the jack connects right. As soon as mhwaveedit starts, there are jack ports available. They are named mhwe:inL/inR every time all the time.14:09
OvenWerksHmmm, I am also noticing that Audacity does not set the project rate to the actual sample rate14:11
OvenWerksStevenJayCohen: I like Audacity for editing audio files but pretty much use it connected to pulse so I can pre connect pulse's i/o to where it needs to be because pulse's ports are always there and always the same name14:13
OvenWerksAt least for recording I can put Audacity in Pause then record and can set up port routing but for playback I only ever have ports while the transport is rolling.14:16
OvenWerksAnother reason for having ports available ahead of time is for setting levels. Inputs most important, but outputs as well.14:17
OvenWerksI might suggest that even when not using jack, some of these points are important14:18
OvenWerksWe use Audacity for overall recording on a windows machine and being able to set input levels before recording is a pet peeve of those who use it this way as well.14:19
OvenWerksStevenJayCohen: is that reasonably clear?14:21
StevenJayCohenThis is perfect14:48
EickmeyerRikMills: Ok, that's what I thought after doing investigating on my own in update-excuses., glad you could confirm it.15:19
StevenJayCohenOvenWerks:  From Paul about Audacity: "I will forward this information to the team, and we might try to fix the problem in the next release, which is scheduled to be a very short one (about a month)."16:43
StevenJayCohen2.4, their current release mostly addresses issues with macOS Catalina16:44
StevenJayCohenIt looks like the repo is 1 version behind that one. So, you may have Audacity/JACK working together for the 20.10 release16:44
StevenJayCohen * So, you may have Audacity/JACK working together for the 20.10 release16:45
OvenWerksStevenJayCohen: thank you. Audacity I a good program for it's various features. I do not think there is something we can replace it with that is open source.17:15
StevenJayCohenHappy to help. Paul is eager on his end of things17:36
RikMillsEickmeyer: kirigami is about to migrate :)22:37
EickmeyerRikMills: \o/22:37

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