
kc2bez@tsimonq2 should your timers start at 0? https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/ci-tooling/browse/master/ci/lp_check.py$6100:41
tsimonq2kc2bez: Yes.00:41
tsimonq2The upgrade to 20.04 for Phab is almost done.00:42
tsimonq2There we are.00:47
tsimonq2Let's see if this works/00:47
tsimonq2It'll probably take 20-30 minutes because of the LP publisher.00:47
tsimonq2Once that's working and all of the packages are Lintian clean, I'll consider 0.15.0 ready for upload.00:54
lubot<N0um3n0> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> Once that's working and all of the packages are Lintian clean, I'll c …], for 20.10 or 20.04? :P00:55
tsimonq2Actually, I'm thinking about both.00:55
lubot<N0um3n0> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> Actually, I'm thinking about both.], ok00:55
tsimonq220.10 has to be first though.00:55
tsimonq2I'll be going AFK for about 30 mins to an hour.00:58
tsimonq2When I get back, I'll check if the dust has settled.00:59
tsimonq2I also did the first Britney run in a while, so unstable-ci and stable-ci release pockets will see new packages.00:59
lubot<teward001> what'd you break02:30
lubot<teward001> (also: support tickets!)02:30
lubot<teward001> oh i see what you did you broke LXD on that server02:33
lubot<teward001> congrats02:33
lubot<teward001> *smacks tsimonq2*02:33
lubot<teward001> @tsimonq2 CI is in the process of starting up again.  Rebooting after whatever you did torpedoed LXD02:35
lubot<teward001> so it's Your Fault02:35
lubot<teward001> CI is in the process of restarting though02:36
lubot<tsimonq2> Nice02:38
lubot<Leokolb> @guiverc Tested for the calamares bug 1871877733 today with a failure -added comments to your bug report07:17
lubot<Leokolb> @guiverc intend to look at it again in a day or 2..07:18
guivercthanks, mine were all good today, but i'm only using sudo -E cala.. -d now  ; i think it's random(timing) so I'll hopefully get verbose reporting with the issue eventually  (fingers crossed anyway)07:19
* guiverc wonders if it's always good with debugging verbose; we have a work-around by making that default anyway :)07:19
lubot<Leokolb> @guiverc funny I was actually thinking that when  got the fail-it that works why not use it?07:20
guivercis lp 1878336 against correct package?  or should it be pcmanfm-qt?  I'm out of time today, but I'll endeavour to give that a test on debian-bullseye tomorrow maybe & if issues there & someone agrees, I'll file upstream (I don't see any issues on https://github.com/lxqt/pcmanfm-qt/issues?page=2&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen - but am I missing anything?07:34
ubot93Launchpad bug 1878336 in lubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "the pcmanfm-qt crashes on an inexistant image background" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187833607:34
lubot<aptghetto> guiverc yes you should link the bug with pcmanfm-qt07:46
guivercthanks @aptghetto07:47
lubot<aptghetto> Thanks for testing and triaging07:48
guivercthanks aptghetto :)  and for all your work too !08:55
apt-ghettoteward: Regarding your change in ci/jobgenerator.py on line 134 from https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCIf7e731faaed830d279095cab16db69fcadd0ca46 why is `if data is not None` better than `if data`? Isn't it possible to pass a boolean or empty list or empty string?17:00
tewardapt-ghetto: you could but then you get an indexerror with references.  given the way Simon wrote this out I assume thst this is JSON data but as I init the thing as None as I did then its still None.17:02
tewardtheres a few ways to achieve the same goal but as data is init as None anyways... :P17:03
apt-ghettoAs far as I understand, data is set to None only if you don't pass a second parameter17:04
apt-ghettotsimonq2: I cannot `git push origin ci/unstable`, bug or new feature?18:03
tewardapt-ghetto theres ways to do it but the way we are extracting data only works for dicts.20:56
tewardso anyting else is invaluf20:56

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