
mupBug #1878307 opened: Consider replacing math/rand with crypto/rand in snapd <crypto> <go> <snapd> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1878307>00:34
mupPR snapcraft#3119 closed: elf: fix string format for debug log <bug> <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3119>00:44
mupPR snapcraft#3120 opened: spread: only run in LXD with the google/multipass provider for repo <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3120>01:29
=== Psi-Jack is now known as Guest9815
=== Guest9815 is now known as Psi-Jack
pedronismborzecki: hi, I have a question in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/864705:59
mupPR #8647: cmd/snap-bootstrap: tweak recovery trigger log messages <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Skip spread> <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8647>05:59
mborzeckipedronis: hi, let me see06:09
mborzeckipedronis: those are log messages06:12
pedronismborzecki: ok, because Ian suggestion sounded instruction like, I suppose it works for a log too but got me confused06:19
mupPR snapd#8647 closed: cmd/snap-bootstrap: tweak recovery trigger log messages <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Skip spread> <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8647>06:27
pedronis#8649 needs review (it's relatively short)06:39
mupPR #8649: usersession,tests: clean ups for userd/settings.go and move xdgopenproxy under usersession <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8649>06:39
mborzeckimvo: hey06:55
mvomborzecki: good morning06:57
mupPR snapd#7728 closed: cmd: implement snap run --explain <Created by zyga> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7728>06:58
pedronismvo: hi06:58
mvohey pedronis ! good morning06:59
mvo8652 needs a second review, pretty simple fwiw07:00
pedronismvo: could you land #8653 (it's a follow up to a previous review), it failed on user services issues. You can look at it/tests, it's all renames really.07:03
mupPR #8653: asserts: make clearer that with label we mean a serialized label <Bulk assert refresh :scroll::scroll::scroll:> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8653>07:03
mvopedronis: sure07:03
mupPR snapd#8653 closed: asserts: make clearer that with label we mean a serialized label <Bulk assert refresh :scroll::scroll::scroll:> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8653>07:04
mvopedronis: yeah, just looked at it, this could have been done with skip-skpead even07:04
mvopedronis: anyway, merged :)07:04
pedronismvo: thanks07:06
zygagood morning07:11
mborzeckizyga: hey07:13
mvogood morning zyga07:14
mborzeckiand good morning pstolowski07:16
mvohey pstolowski07:20
pedroniszyga: hi, #8655 failed differently, it seems the fix as is, is too blunt07:21
mupPR #8655: tests: remove generated session-agent units <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8655>07:21
zygaI noticed, I think I know why07:22
zygaMy fix was tailored for core 16 and not generic enough07:23
zygaI will have to check07:27
pedronismborzecki: thanks for the reviews, fwiw I pushed this: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8649/commits/a98339435069517eb7a2997d4802bf926bc322b707:29
mupPR #8649: usersession,tests: clean ups for userd/settings.go and move xdgopenproxy under usersession <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8649>07:29
mborzeckipedronis: thanks!07:29
zygaI send a follow up07:31
pedronispstolowski: hi, did you see Dimitri email?  afaict we check for /dev/mem as landmark, do you remember why we need /dev in general ?07:31
zygathe problem was that snapd-failover test runs on all systems but only core16 needs the workaround07:32
zygaclassic systems gain the extra services via snapd.{deb,rpm}07:32
zygacore systems, apart from core16, have snapd snap used in general and the services do not need to be removed07:32
zygaonly core16 is special here07:32
zygalet's see if it passes07:32
zygapedronis: I also noticed I need to update the permissions for core20 - the test user does not have journal access there07:33
zygathat is a different path so needs special treatment (test user setup on core20)07:33
pstolowskipedronis: hi, i've read it just now07:34
pstolowskipedronis: right, i'm checking dev/mem among few other things in snap-preseed. i don't remember why anymore, need to run without it to see. i suppose something was failing somewhere, i think there was a reason i added it. will check in a moment07:37
pedronispstolowski: thank you07:38
* zyga found the missing core20 test user setup 07:45
mupPR snapd#8660 opened: tests: test user belongs to systemd-journald, on core20 <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8660>07:58
mborzeckizyga: some comments under https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/865607:58
mupPR #8656: snap-mgmt: perform cleanup of user services <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8656>07:58
zygagood ideas indeed08:00
* zyga eagerly checks if https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8655 is green now08:29
mupPR #8655: tests: remove generated session-agent units <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8655>08:29
zygamborzecki: we don't support user-level timers, do we?08:33
mborzeckizyga: hm looking at the code, seems like we do08:35
mborzeckizyga: and not sure we have a spread test for it either08:35
zygaAh, I understand now08:36
zygaTimers bind to apps08:36
zygaAnd apps have scope08:37
mupPR snapd#8658 closed: cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: cosmetic changes in prep for future work <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8658>08:45
jameshzyga: could I trouble you to do another merge for one of the snappy-hub test-snapd-* branches? https://code.launchpad.net/~jamesh/snappy-hub/test-snapd-dbus-service/+merge/38385408:52
zygajamesh: hey09:10
zygasure, in a moment09:10
zygajamesh: done09:11
jameshzyga: thanks!09:17
clmsyhi everyone09:50
clmsyim in need of some help09:50
clmsyim trying to build an image using the ubuntu-image tool, i get this error ubuntu_image.parser.GadgetSpecificationError: `role: system-data` structure must have an implicit label, or 'writable': flasher09:50
clmsyill show you the part related in gadget.yaml09:50
clmsyare we not allowed to try rename the writable partition ?09:52
ograclmsy, nope, while this might be different in core20 images, until core18 the existence of a "writable" labeled partition is essential09:55
ograyou can add additional ones as you like but there must be one called "writable" that carries the writable bits of the OS09:56
ograoh, and looking at your paste you seem to define two targets for the same thing ... i dount that can work09:57
ogra... and your target: entry is also not properly indented09:58
clmsyit was i think pastebin related09:59
clmsythe original file is properly indented09:59
ograis it ?09:59
ogra(tabs vs spaces ?)09:59
ograthe paste show the other indents just fine10:00
clmsyyes it broke when i pasted there and i just hand changed it quickly to look ok :)10:00
clmsyyeah i understand the issue, so im not allowed to do what im trying to do10:00
clmsywhich is trouble10:00
ograwhat exactly *are* you trying to do ? :)10:01
ograthere are probably ways, just not the one you're walking ;)10:01
clmsyi would love to know if thats possible because it looks like i just couldnt find a way10:02
clmsycan you check pm for a second pretty please10:02
mupPR snapd#8247 closed: .travis.yml: enable arm64 again as unstable <Skip spread> <β›” Blocked> <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8247>10:11
mupPR snapd#8400 closed: osutil: make the TestWriter() test less racy <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Skip spread> <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8400>10:11
mupPR snapd#8612 closed: sysconfig: use new _writable_defaults dir to create cloud config <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8612>10:14
zygamborzecki: I updated https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8656/files based on your suggestion10:18
mupPR #8656: snap-mgmt: perform cleanup of user services <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8656>10:18
zygaI'll add some test code now10:18
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8655 passed but I think there's still something fishy going on there10:20
mupPR #8655: tests: remove generated session-agent units <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8655>10:20
zygaI wonder if I should merge and see broader results10:20
zygaor run some more and try to get it to break10:20
zygamvo: ^ how do you feel about this?10:20
mborzeckizyga: thanks, will take a look in a bit10:22
mvozyga: yeah, it seems ok to land this10:26
pedroniszyga: well, the issue is regularly breaking master so if it's even a partial improvement it would be useful, unless you know it breaks on core != 1610:26
zygapedronis: I fixed the thing you noticed, my fault for testing on core-16 only10:27
pstolowskipedronis: hey, so /dev/mem is not needed, it was a silly check that /dev under mounted image is not empty, so i'm getting rid of that. what is really needed is loop devices for mounting squashfs. however i just learned after discussing with zyga that lxd needs fuse, but snap-preseed assumes squashfs when mounting snapd/core snap, so that needs fixing. and we clearly need a spread test under lxd, so i'm going to work on one too10:27
zygapedronis: it passed now (but perhaps due to luck)10:27
pedronispstolowski: we still need to emit units for squashfs but use fuse ourselves to be clear. yes sounds we need a spread test indeed10:28
zygaI'll merge it and let's see what this brings10:28
pstolowskipedronis: yes (about units)10:28
mupPR snapd#8655 closed: tests: remove generated session-agent units <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8655>10:29
pedronispstolowski: unless we are making images for lxd itself, at which point we need to think10:29
pedronisbut it's its own tasks10:29
pstolowskipedronis: i see10:29
pedronismvo: sorry about #8400, I did make a proposal, I can try to look at it again when I have a moment10:30
mupPR #8400: osutil: make the TestWriter() test less racy <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Skip spread> <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8400>10:30
pedronispstolowski: mborzecki: not urgent but when you have a moment #8568 is ready for review, rebased it but I also addressed your initial comment10:33
mupPR #8568: asserts: rest of the Pool API <Bulk assert refresh :scroll::scroll::scroll:> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8568>10:33
zygamborzecki: expanded snap-mgmt test and checking what that shows10:35
zygait now covers user services, sockets and timers10:35
zygaI need a 2nd review on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8566 to make progress on refresh app awareness10:37
mupPR #8566: c/snaplock/runinhibit: add run inhibition operations <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8566>10:37
bdxI am trying to get our slurm snap live10:57
zygahello bdx10:58
bdxzyga, hello!10:58
bdxcan you aid me in getting this snap live ? I feel like I’m spinning my wheels trying to Communicate about this through discourse11:00
bdxi need auto connect granted for physical-memory-control and network-control for slurm11:01
bdxas well as the capability to push to the snap store11:01
bdxZyga , is there anyway we can take care of this now?11:02
zygabdx: hey, I cannot grant such permissions11:02
zygayou can make your snap live without them at any time, it's entirely up to you11:02
bdxdah, ok11:02
zygaas for the auto connect, you must follow the process on the forum11:02
bdxI can’t though ... the store won’t let me publish it ... telling me that I need approval11:03
zygathere's usually a small queue but I cannot speak about that as I'm not directly involved in the process11:03
bdxI see11:03
zygabdx: what's the store message?11:03
zygaperhaps your snap is stuck in manual review11:03
bdxI think it may be11:03
zygaphyscical memory control is a privileged interface11:03
zygaso probably that's why11:03
bdxI see11:03
zygado you really need it? Just checking11:03
zygait's rarely required11:04
bdxI mean ... is this usually what it takes? Lol11:04
zygaI'm not familiar with your snap, can you explain?11:04
bdxyeah we do , slurmrestd try’s to allocate memory for its endpoints ... it fails with cannot allocate errors without the physical-memory-control11:05
zygayou don't need physical-memory-control to allocate memory11:05
zygado you explicitly need to write to /dev/mem?11:06
zyga(forgive me if I misunderstand what slur is doing, I never heard about it before)11:06
bdxslurm is a workload manager for HPC11:07
* pstolowski lunch11:08
bdxslurm is the software that many enterprise organizations use to run their hpc workloads11:08
bdxwe are trying to deliver this software to one of the enterprises11:08
bdxand many more in the furure11:09
zygabdx: are you following the forum process for permission access?11:10
bdxby requesting it via discourse? yea11:10
bdxis there something else I should be doing?11:10
zygaI think only clarifying how the interface permissions are required for the application and then waiting11:11
bdxgot it11:11
zygaand using the right forum category11:11
mborzeckibdx: and also the right people should be coming online in a couple of hours i believe11:11
zygabdx: btw, can you feed my curiosity please, how is /dev/mem used by your application?11:12
mupPR snapcraft#3120 closed: spread: only run in LXD with the google/multipass provider for repo <tooling> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3120>11:12
zygamborzecki: I found a funny/weird bug11:12
zygamborzecki: well, probably a feature actually :)11:12
bdxzyga, are you saying I should repost my original post ?11:13
zygasnap names matter more than file names :D11:13
zygabdx: if you have a link I'll gladly read it11:13
zygabdx: I'm just curious,11:13
zyganever had to use /dev/mem in my work before11:13
mborzeckibdx: also, /dev/mem access can be limited by other factors that aren't snap related, such as kernel config, iirc core for instance has strict devmem enabled11:13
pedronispstolowski: sounds we might not need to work on supporting fuse immediately, we should unblock the other thing so they can try further11:14
zygabdx: that thread does not explain why specific permissions are required, it might help to explain to the reviewers what the use case is11:15
bdxgot it11:15
mupPR snapd#8661 opened: configcore: add "system.console-conf.disable" config option <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8661>11:17
mupPR snapd#8662 opened: tests: run core/snap-set-core-config on uc20 too <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8662>11:19
zygabdx: I responded on the forum11:21
pedronismvo: what's the status of #8531 ?11:25
mupPR #8531: secboot,cmd/snap-bootstrap: add model to pcr protection profile <UC20> <Created by cmatsuoka> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8531>11:25
pedronisoops, not that one11:26
pedronismvo: I meand #835111:26
mupPR #8351: config: apply vitality-hint immediately when the config changes <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8351>11:26
bdxzyga, thanks11:26
bdxI catching the errors produced by not having the physical-memory-control plug created11:27
bdx^ the big one11:27
zygabdx: can you please provide apparmor denials instead, or a line number in that file where I should look specifically if that's easier11:27
mvopedronis: should be ok to review, it has one known wart about the reload/restart iirc but maybe okay, it's not terrible11:29
pedronismvo: ok, I'll try to look at it when I have a moment11:30
mvopedronis: thank you11:31
pedronismvo: it's probably a good idea to do a master merge as well11:31
mvopedronis: I can double check after lunch if you prefer11:31
mvopedronis: good point11:31
pedronisit doesn't have conflict but things might have changed in that area11:31
mvopedronis: yeah, actually let me write one or two more unit tests, I see that the "merging" of old and new is in parts only covered by spread so I think it makes sense to add something more unit-testish first11:33
* mvo lunches first though11:34
zygasomething weird is going on11:35
* zyga investigates11:35
pedroniszyga: I reviewed #857811:40
mupPR #8578: interfaces: add system-packages-doc interface <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8578>11:40
zygapedronis: thanks, looking11:40
bdxzyga, yeah that is the strange thing, nothing is showing up in dmesg11:44
bdxthat link was the incorrect traceback - my apologies11:48
bdxI'm working on regenerating the error now11:48
bdxI'll post it discourse here shortly when I figure it out, thanks11:49
zygathanks bdx11:54
mborzeckimeh, running uc20 spread tests is so sloooow11:59
* zyga ran into a shell trap12:09
zygashell never ceases to surprise12:09
mborzeckizyga: surprise in the worst sense i guess ;)12:14
zygasmurf gift box surprise12:14
ijohnsonmorning folks12:17
mborzeckiijohnson: good morning12:38
ijohnsonhey mborzecki12:38
zygahey Ian, how are you?12:39
ijohnsondoing fine mostly, how bout yourself?12:41
* ijohnson -> coffee12:41
zygaijohnson: yeah, feeling better, my back is not so bad today12:44
mupPR snapcraft#3121 opened: spread tests: improvements for python-hello-with-stage-package-dep <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3121>12:54
mupPR snapd#8662 closed: tests: run core/snap-set-core-config on uc20 too <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8662>13:34
zygacachio: the label was set later, after the PR was opened, perhaps that is relevant13:38
cachiozyga, but I restarted all the jobs13:38
cachioand it is running again the tests13:38
zygayes, but perhaps that's not how it works13:38
zygawe definitely used this label with workflows13:39
cachiozyga, ok13:39
cachioit is ok in that case13:39
cachioI'll wait until tests finish to merge it and publish the new bionic image13:40
cachiozyga, I'll ping you once it is ready13:40
Psil0Cybinmorning yall, question since this is kind of just opinionated > what or why does certain software only have to be downloaded from snap.d?13:52
Psil0Cybinand why does snap.d have a daemon? actually wait let me see if they have a channel13:52
zygaPsil0Cybin: hello, we call it "snapd", there's a daemon because it has an API layer that various things talk to13:55
Psil0Cybingotchya so this daemon has to always be on?13:55
Psil0CybinI am just confused becuase only 1 piece of software I use is offered only via snapd,. but not from tar.gz and im just trying to understand what snappy really is13:56
Psil0Cybinor snapd..is it a new aged marketplace for all linux distro?13:56
zygait's a packaging manager that's quite different from classic packaging systems13:56
Psil0Cybinas I am just interested why i need to get snapd, before my application and what benefit would this have for me in the future?13:56
Psil0Cybinokay, is it safe to use at the moment?13:56
Psil0Cybincould it cause flaws in my system by installing and having the daemon always run?13:57
Psil0Cybinsince its "constantly" communicating?13:57
zygait's not what you say as it's not constantly but we try to be very careful and we have a good security track record13:58
zygapstolowski: can you do a 2nd review for a trivial test change: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/866013:58
mupPR #8660: tests: test user belongs to systemd-journald, on core20 <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8660>13:58
zygaPsil0Cybin: software developers who make applications decide how they are distributed, please ask the makers of whatever the application you were interested in for their particular motivations - snapd is much easier to package software for, compared to traditional packages, and it also allows the same package to work in many environments14:00
zygagood luck :)14:00
zygadegville: could you please look at a one-sentence change that needs some improvement here https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8578#discussion_r42437160214:00
mupPR #8578: interfaces: add system-packages-doc interface <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8578>14:01
zygaonce I have a suggestion I'll adjust it and that branch will be good to go14:01
degvillezyga: will do!14:01
zygathank you :)14:02
mborzeckicachio: about spread tag in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8657 the tag was added later, from what i've seen, with gh actions, you need to add the tag when creating the PR14:07
mupPR #8657: tests: disable mount-ns test <Skip spread> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8657>14:07
mborzeckicachio: otherwise the tag info is not present in the gh even that gets evaluated as action context14:08
mborzeckimaybe we should restore the old way, the current setup is bit inflexible14:08
cachiomborzecki, ah, nice, thanks for the explanation14:09
zygamborzecki: hehe, found a bug14:15
zyga- Make snap "test-snapd-user-service" (unset) available to the system ([--user --global --root / enable snap.test-snapd-user-service.test-snapd-user-service.service] failed with exit status 1: Operation failed: Invalid argument14:15
zygamborzecki: user services do not operate on 14.04 at all14:15
zygaand installing snaps fails14:15
zygamvo, pedronis: ^ advice on what we should do, refuse to install early on?14:15
mborzeckiwe have a systemd version check now too14:16
zygamborzecki: what do you men about "restore the old way?"14:17
Psil0Cybinzyga, thanks just wanted some input14:17
Psil0Cybinwas i am intersted in snapd, and this is the first time i heard of it14:17
zygaPsil0Cybin: sure14:17
Psil0Cybinfrom the software.14:17
Psil0Cybinso thank you for your oppnions. :)14:17
zygaPsil0Cybin: you can read the source code for snapd, it's up on github.com/snapcore/snapd14:17
mborzeckizyga: do the check in the job code by poking the PR url instead of getting gh actions engine evaluate the conditions itself14:18
zygaah, I see14:18
zygamaybe it's a bug, worth asking about it14:18
zygaI kind of like this way more than the old version14:18
mborzeckizyga: i suppose the context that the job gets is what was set/present at the time the PR got created, so not a bug per se14:19
Psil0Cybinthank you zyga.14:19
Psil0Cybinyou have more peaked my interest.14:19
zygamborzecki: it depends on perception, I'm sure that's how it is implemented though14:20
* zyga breaks for lunch and bike ride 14:20
zygaI'll adjust the postrm test not to install snaps that require 16.04+ systemd14:20
zygabut we should probably fix this so that it fails at installation stage14:20
zygaI'll send some code towards that later tonight14:20
mupPR snapd#8660 closed: tests: test user belongs to systemd-journald, on core20 <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8660>14:23
pedroniszyga: that's known (14.04 not working), we just need to have a reasonable and if possible early message14:26
pedroniswe'll talk with jamesh tomorrow14:26
=== cory_fu_ is now known as cory_fu
pedronismborzecki: mvo: I asked a question in #8661, bit confused14:51
mupPR #8661: configcore: add "service.console-conf.disable" config option <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8661>14:51
mborzeckipedronis: yeah, double checking this now14:51
mborzeckipedronis: so i can invoke the chooser after completing console conf & rebooting, but after a reboot /var/lib/console-conf/complete does not exist (even though i get the right prompt)14:56
pedronisit's all a bit confusing :)14:57
pedronisdid we change the wrapper? what writes /complete14:57
mborzeckipedronis: iow, when there's /var/lib/console-conf/complete it actually indicates that console conf should not run and getty@ starts instead15:00
mborzeckipedronis: but without the file consoel conf starts, but presents the login details here: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/subiquity/blob/master/bin/console-conf-wrapper#L33-L68 and block getty from starting15:01
mborzeckiand wow it's a hack :)15:01
mborzeckipedronis: yeah, i've created /var/lib/console-conf/complete and we directly get getty instead15:05
mupPR snapd#8657 closed: tests: disable mount-ns test <Skip spread> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8657>15:09
mborzeckipedronis: mvo: we should that condition from the unit file and instead handle it directly in the code after we had a chance to invoke the chooser15:10
mborzeckiafk for a bit15:10
pedronismborzecki: yes, sounds we need to do something like that15:11
ijohnsonstgraber: hey how well is lxd's cross-distro support? would you expect it to be able to launch containers on all supported snapd arches on the following distros: debian 9, debian sid, fedora 30, 31, arch linux, centos 7 and centos 8 and maybe even amazon linux ?15:24
mvomborzecki: thanks, commented in #866115:35
mupPR #8661: configcore: add "service.console-conf.disable" config option <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8661>15:35
zygaijohnson: don't forget fedora 3215:37
ijohnsonoh do we support that now too?15:37
ijohnsonI was just going off what we have spread.yaml for systems15:37
zygaijohnson: we ought to15:39
zygawe should stop supporting f30 as f32 is the current one and f31 will be out of support soon15:39
ijohnsonthanks zyga, so stgraber same question, just minus fedora 30 and add fedora 3215:42
zygayeah, that's a great question ijohnson15:43
zygait's about what a product, shipped as a snap, officially supports15:43
zygaproducts vs services15:43
ijohnsonI'm sure it's probably documented somewhere I just didn't find it in about 60 seconds of googling so I figured I'd ask instead15:48
zygaijohnson: I would not be surprised if it was a mental transition that we've yet have to do15:52
zygaas snaps can be consumed on !ubuntu just as easily15:52
mupBug #1878374 opened: UC20 stuck at installing system on some Intel NUC systems with nvme <bot-comment> <core20> <snapd:New> <Snappy:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1878374>15:54
stgraberijohnson: yes16:07
ijohnsonperfect thank you stgraber16:07
stgraberWe test on most of those too16:07
mupPR snapd#8663 opened: interfaces/desktop: silence more /var/lib/snapd/desktop/icons denials <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8663>16:10
mupPR snapd#8664 opened: interfaces/desktop: silence more /var/lib/snapd/desktop/icons denials - 2.45 <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8664>16:12
mupPR snapd#8665 opened: interfaces/desktop: silence more /var/lib/snapd/desktop/icons denials - 2.44 <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8665>16:13
jdstrandmvo: fyi, I noticed with snapd 2.44.5 a lot of log noise due to ^16:14
jdstrandmvo: I don't know if you are cutting another 2.44 (I see 2.44.5 is in candidate, not release), but you might want to pick that up16:14
cachiozyga, the new bionic image is already promoted16:16
mvojdstrand: will fix16:17
mvojdstrand: thank you!16:17
mvojdstrand: thanks for this16:17
zygacachio: excellent16:18
zygacachio: looking now16:18
cachiozyga, thanks16:18
mupPR snapd#8649 closed: usersession,tests: clean ups for userd/settings.go and move xdgopenproxy under usersession <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8649>16:19
jdstrandmvo: np16:19
jdstrandmvo, zyga: fyi, still executing the "What's Jamie up to..." plan. I should move to step 4 this tomorrow/friday (PR reviews)16:21
zygajdstrand: ok, I don't have much for you now, perhaps just the new interface PR16:21
zygajdstrand: more will come next week16:21
zygajdstrand: (the one with /usr/share/doc)16:21
jdstrandmvo: step 5 (2.45 policy updates) isn't until after that, but I thought this denial was important to do fast16:21
* jdstrand nods16:22
mvojdstrand: I hope we don't need another 2.44, especially since libseccomp is not quite ready so we may as well fix it as part of 2.4516:24
=== egeeirl1 is now known as egeeirl
jdstrandmvo: I'll leave that up to you. I'm seeing this with 2.44.5 and can say there is a lot of noise that will only get worse as people start to install snaps that use icon sets16:30
jdstrandmvo: but how that weighs against the existing testing for 2.44.5 in candidate, I can't really say16:31
jdstrandbut, you have the info :)16:31
mvojdstrand: 2.44.5 is build against the libseccomp with the regression so that is a nono, it will at least need a rebuild. but aiui there is no fixed libseccomp yet so I'm leaning towards skipping it and moving to 2.45, the "only" reason it exists is the libseccomp fix on armhf16:35
jdstrandmvo: I sponsored an update from amurray to groovy for libseccomp that can be cherrypicked while the SRU is in progress. the ~uc1 libseccomp in the image ppa has 2.4.3 with the fix and should not have the regression16:37
jdstrandmvo: again, as fyi for any decisions you might make16:38
jdstrandmvo: (dimitri uploaded that ~8 hours ago to the image ppa)16:39
jdstrandmvo: anyway, I'm not trying to convince you of anything. having it in 2.45 is great. just want you to have all the info16:40
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mborzeckipedronis: mvo: perhaps we should use /quit17:24
mborzeckipedronis: sorry for the nice, had unfinished line in the buffer :)17:24
mvojdstrand: yep, much appreciated :)17:27
mupPR snapd#8666 opened: tests/mount-ns: update to reflect new UEFI boot mode <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8666>17:27
zygacachio: ^17:27
cachiozyga, nice thanks!!17:28
zygaerrand 1h now, I'll send more fixes to my branches later17:28
* cachio afk -> doc app17:44
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
mupBug #1878307 changed: Consider replacing math/rand with crypto/rand in snapd <crypto> <go> <snapd> <Snappy:Opinion> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1878307>18:46
zygaso cold but pretty outside19:08
zygaijohnson: if you have a moment, needs 2nd review, test update for UEFI boot https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/866619:59
mupPR #8666: tests/mount-ns: update to reflect new UEFI boot mode <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8666>19:59
ijohnsonzyga: sure will look now20:02
zygathanks, just merge it if you are okay with it20:02
ijohnsonsure, it is all green amazingly20:02
zygaright? :D20:03
mupPR snapd#8666 closed: tests/mount-ns: update to reflect new UEFI boot mode <Created by zyga> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8666>20:06
mupPR snapcraft#3121 closed: spread tests: improvements for python-hello-with-stage-package-dep <bug> <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3121>22:37
mupPR snapcraft#3122 opened: pluginhandler: make the build environment available to all steps <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3122>22:49

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