
callmepkgood morning01:19
dufluHi callmepk 01:25
callmepkhi duflu, how are you?01:25
duflucallmepk, mostly good. You?01:31
callmepkGood, thanks duflu 01:37
didrocksgood morning06:47
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:48
didrockshey luna_, oSoMoN 06:51
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 06:53
luna_Translations for 20.04.1 has opened now :)06:57
dufluMorning didrocks, luna and oSoMoN 06:57
oSoMoNhey duflu 06:58
didrockshey hey duflu 07:02
luna_so its Wimpress that came up with Groovy Gorilla :D07:03
seb128goood morning desktopers07:31
didrockssalut seb128, pas trop fatigué ?07:38
seb128didrocks, lut, un peu mais ça va :)07:38
dufluHi seb128 07:40
oSoMoNsalut seb128 07:45
* luna_ drinks tea and waits for Day 2 of RIPE 80 to start in 15 minutes07:49
seb128hey duflu, oSoMoN, how are you?07:52
dufluseb128, going well I guess. Some early nights and long sleeps. You?07:52
seb128duflu, the night was a bit exciting but doing well, tired though :)07:53
oSoMoNI bet :)07:57
marcustomlinsonmorning deskrockers07:58
oSoMoNmorning marcustomlinson 07:58
didrocksmorning marcustomlinson 07:58
marcustomlinsonhey oSoMoN and didrocks07:58
dufluMorning marcustomlinson 08:00
* marcustomlinson waves at duflu08:00
seb128hey marcustomlinson, Laney08:03
didrockshey hey hey Laney 08:04
dufluHi Laney08:04
marcustomlinsonhi seb128 and Laney08:06
Laneyhey seb128 didrocks duflu marcustomlinson 08:07
Laneylooks like my desktop froze at 07:5108:07
* Laney shoots into the air08:09
didrocksan ioctl which never returned08:10
* oSoMoN ducks08:10
dufluConsider yourself lucky. I keep seeing freeze reports with nothing left in the journal08:10
oSoMoNmorning Laney, btw08:11
duflu... in other peoples' bugs08:11
LaneyI like it when journald decides to rate limit in the middle of the interesting part of the log08:12
Laney(didn't happen this time)08:12
Laneykenvandine: bionic daily builds are still failing https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/bionic/ubuntu/08:19
ricotzhey desktoppers08:32
ricotzseb128, oSoMoN, apparently the libreoffice help patch didn't work out, so trying to be more convincing https://launchpadlibrarian.net/479522892/libreoffice_1%3A6.4.3-0ubuntu0.20.04.2_1%3A6.4.3-0ubuntu0.20.04.3.diff.gz08:33
ricotzLaney, hey, update for bios! :)08:34
ricotzLaney, P8Z77-V LX BIOS 250108:35
Laneyget it in fwupd08:38
Laneywell, LVFS →fwupd08:38
seb128ricotz, hey, yeah I saw that, I checked the deb yesterday evening :(08:53
oSoMoNhey ricotz 09:10
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
* Laney fixes gnome-photos autopkgtest failure09:15
Laneyadwaita-icon-theme dropped the dep chain that used to bring in librsvg2-common09:16
Laneydebian bug #95958409:16
ubot5Debian bug 959584 in src:gnome-photos "gnome-photos: FTBFS: FAILED: src/photos-resources.c" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/95958409:16
XaThi there :)09:20
XaThave you got a working preseed file and boot options for auto install ? 09:20
seb128Laney, gtk+3.0 from proposed should fix that09:31
seb128retrying with the new gtk should work09:31
seb128Laney, ignore that, similar fallout I guess09:32
seb128I though it was gnome-photos triggering the gtk test09:32
Laneysame problem different pkg09:32
* Laney spanks bigon!09:33
bigonhaving an icon theme depending on a library looked really wrong to me :p10:38
Laneybigon: gtk doesn't try to load the svg when the .symbolic.png is there, right?10:48
LaneyLooks like adwaita-icon-theme in Ubuntu is buggy in this respect btw10:50
KGB-1adwaita-icon-theme ubuntu/master 5db8d70 Iain Lane debian/rules * rules: Put the PNGs generated by gtk-encode-symbolic-svg in a-i-t * https://deb.li/3h0cs11:03
KGB-1adwaita-icon-theme ubuntu/master b3f0c70 Iain Lane debian/changelog * Update changelog * https://deb.li/8vhv11:03
KGB-1adwaita-icon-theme ubuntu/master 43b25bd Iain Lane debian/changelog * Finalise changelog * https://deb.li/3NUyn11:03
KGB-1adwaita-icon-theme signed tags e98f6fa Iain Lane ubuntu/3.36.1-2ubuntu2 * adwaita-icon-theme Debian release 3.36.1-2ubuntu2 * https://deb.li/Rw2e11:03
bigonLaney: debian is also not ok in that regard11:58
bigonisn't it?11:58
bigonah no, we have only 1 pkg in debian12:00
oSoMoNricotz, FYI, I've fixed (worked around, really) the firefox s390x build failures in the stable branches, and I've merged back the change in the beta branches12:05
oSoMoN(this is bug #1878292)12:05
ubot5bug 1878292 in firefox (Ubuntu) "firefox FTBFS on s390x" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187829212:05
ackkhi, is fractional scaling supposed to be working on wayland too on 20.04?12:09
XaTneed help here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1238696/preseed-autoinstall-does-not-work-on-20-04 about preseed :)13:31
Laneybigon: indeed, although it makes me wonder if we should drop shipping the .svgs13:39
kenvandineLaney: oh good, failed for a different reason now :)14:07
kenvandineLaney: i needed to open the track for gnome-3-34-180414:07
kenvandineLaney: done14:07
ricotzoSoMoN, hi, great!14:24
seb128ackk, it's another gsettings key to set on wayland, the g-c-c control isn't working there which is bug #187186415:08
ubot5bug 1871864 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Toggle "Fractional Scaling" does nothing on wayland" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187186415:08
hellsworthhi there desktopers15:08
seb128hey Heather, how are you?15:09
hellsworthi'm alright... why are you here and not with your new baby?15:09
seb128I just sit a the computer 3 minutes ago, everyone is sleeping15:10
hellswortheveryone is sleeping... how nice is that :)15:10
seb128indeed, I bet that's not going to happen often15:10
seb128in fact it's around time to go wake up the older one15:11
seb128I'm just taking a few minutes break and enjoying a coffee :)15:11
seb128XaT, the person the most likely to be able to help you is off this week, maybe open a bug on launchpad15:11
* hellsworth cheers seb128 with her coffee15:11
XaTseb128 thx15:11
ricotzseb128, hellsworth, hi, looks like the libreoffice patch finally worked 17:14
hellsworthricotz great job!!!!17:15
hellsworthwhich ppa might i find this build in?17:15
hellsworthalso were there autopkgtests run?17:15
ricotzhellsworth, please test it https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=focal17:15
hellsworthi wonder why the arm builds failed17:16
hellsworththere's no build log..17:17
ricotzI assume they got killed due to some builder issue17:17
hellsworthseems reasonable17:17
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
ograhrm ... is there no right click menu in nautilus anymore in 20.04 ? (my GF just selected about 1000 photos from a folder (ctrl-click selection), right clicked and 30min of selecting files were unselected ... and no menu shows up)17:20
hellsworthricotz: for some reason i don't see this package in a ppa when i have added the ppa to my test vm : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FpDR6p5Wjy/17:41
hellsworthi see the 1:6.4.3-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 build but no .3 ..17:41
hellsworththe .3 look like it was built for focal. i'm testing on a focal system. what am i missing for this to show up?17:42
ricotzhellsworth, probably some launchpad issues (similar to the interrupted arm builds)17:42
ricotzso some very large publishing delay17:43
hellsworthok then i'll just try later. thanks :)17:43
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
oSoMoNhellsworth, ricotz: some of my arm* PPA builds got killed too17:53
hellsworththanks for the verification oSoMoN 17:53
seb128ogra, hum, that should work, can you reproduce the issue?20:10
ograyep ... opening nautilus and right-clickin on ym laptop doesnt open anything 20:11
ograjust selects like i would have left-clicked20:12
ogra(or trashes the existing selection)20:12
ograi wonder if some broken setting persisted the upgrade, both laptops were upgraded from 16.04 ... not really running 18.04 at all, just using it to move on to 20.0420:13
ograso i wonder if settings only get migrated once you logged in once into 18.04 20:13
ograOH !20:14
ograso the right button on the touchpad acts as left-click ... but a two finger tap seems to prperly emit a right click 20:15
ograhow weird20:15
ahayzenogra, maybe check what "Mouse click emulation" in Tweaks -> Keyboard & Mouse is set to, sounds like it could be on fingers rather than maybe area before or something20:40
ograahayzen, hmm, so i cant have both like it always was ?20:57
ograseems these settings are mutually exclusive20:57
ograoh, i get both when disabling finger 20:58
ograhow illogical20:58
ogra(and how did it get set on both laptops ... hmm )20:58
ograahayzen, thx !!!20:58
ahayzennot sure how it works, just been caught out by it with different styles of touchpads before :-)20:59
sharpertoolI've had a heck of a time trying to launch a VNC session that isn't the main desktop on Ubuntu 20.04. I'd like to be able to launch a session of specific resolution, and also have multiple sessions.23:04
sharpertoolMy host computer has 4 monitors, so, it makes sense to have a couple of VNC sessions open to the Ubuntu machine next to me.23:05
sharpertoolMore specifically, I can launch vncserver all day. I've tried multiple combinations of options in xstartup, none work properly. Most result in a blank screen. The only one that halfway works is xfce4, but that looses mouse after a while, and some windows are not draggable/sizable, so it's really not working23:06
sharpertoolmost examples involve spawning gnome-session, but that's never worked for me. 23:07

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