
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
jphilipsUnit193, brainwash: either of you know how to request OPs permission in a channel10:46
Unit193If you already have flags in the channel, /msg ChanServ op #channelname10:47
jphilipsno there doesnt seem to be any flags in the channel. the first time i joined the empty channel, it gave me the privileges, but after exiting and coming back in with others also having joined, i no longer have it11:08
ali1234found a bug on the live cd23:53
ali1234well, the USB live image23:54
ali1234exactly two hours after system power on the USB drive stops working, so / stops working and everything crashes23:54
ali1234it looks like this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/V4YxjBkmWr/23:55

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