=== Eickmeyer[m] is now known as Eickmeyer_ === Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer__ === Eickmeyer_ is now known as Eickmeyer[m] === Eickmeyer__ is now known as Eickmeyer_E === Eickmeyer[m] is now known as Eickmeyer [10:50] LP: #1876876 [10:50] Launchpad bug 1876876 in xdg-desktop-portal-kde (Ubuntu) "SRU tracking bug for plasma 5.18.5 in Focal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1876876 [10:51] in focal-proposed. please test [10:51] !testers [10:51] Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping RikMills, soee, BluesKaj, mamarley, mparillo, wxl, DarinMiller, tsimonq2, crydotsnake-M for more information. [11:29] 'Morning all [11:36] Did the selection box for enabling proposed move in Discover? I can no longer find it. [11:41] Of course, Plasma 5.18.5 is fine in GG. [11:42] mparillo: not sure there ever was such a checkbox [11:43] 5.18.5 may be fine in groovy, but focal is just 11 source packgages built against a older base, so needs verification in its own right [11:44] Maybe my memory is not what it used to be. Is there a guide to enabling proposed? The Ubuntu one seems to assume something other than Discover. [11:44] software properties has a checkbox [11:53] I think I found it. Click on Software Sources, Enter your sudo password, Select Updates Tab, Click on Pre-Released Updates, Close, Reload, View Updates (for some reason that did nothing), Check for Updates. [11:54] Updating all. [11:59] Looks good. Re-booting. Is there an SRU bug in Launchpad already for us to add our comments? [12:00] LP: #1876876 [12:00] Launchpad bug 1876876 in xdg-desktop-portal-kde (Ubuntu) "SRU tracking bug for plasma 5.18.5 in Focal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1876876 [12:18] Comment added. === erich is now known as E_Eickmeyer [15:47] How do we determine Canonical target QT version for 20.10? [16:06] I'm not sure Canonical is targeting something when it comes to Qt [16:07] I wonder if they rely on Kubuntu or LXQT teams for input for version preferences. [16:08] It supposed to be 5.14.2, most likely [16:11] (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/JFa4Le0u/file_29534.jpg Btw is this a new default wallpaper for Plasma? [16:11] Looks nice [16:11] I like it too. [16:12] Finally something darker and not monochromatic :) [19:42] Wow, the 5.19 plasma changelog is huge: https://kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.18.5-5.18.90-changelog.php