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MunskoHello. Somebody plays here FreeCol in the last version of lubuntu(20.04)?11:11
MunskoIts just for check one problem im having with the game11:13
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=== macc24_ is now known as macc24
CrazyTuxwhen will be Lubuntu 20.04.1 released?18:06
CrazyTuxwxl, thanks18:07
CrazyTuxis lubuntu 20.04.0 i.e Lubuntu LTS with lxqt as stable and as bugfree as Lubuntu lxde?18:08
MunskoBugfree isnt exist(even the lxde one have its bugs)18:10
MunskoYou can use 20.04, i didnt find important bugs18:11
CrazyTuxbtw, does xfce have more features and functionalities vis a vis lxqt?18:12
MunskoI really dont know that, never tried Xfce18:13
MunskoQt is still in dev18:13
MunskoBut u can install non QT packgaes if u need the18:13
CrazyTuxso, lxqt is still not as mature and as complete as xfce?18:14
MunskoI cant aswer that either, because i dont know xfce XD18:14
wxlxfce is certainly heavier18:15
MunskoSorry, im new in linux18:15
wxlfeatures and functions: maybe. probably not.18:15
wxlthe only part of lubuntu that's really kind of slimmed down is its window manager (openbox). officially lxqt is window manager agnostic, so lxqt doesn't necessarily mean openbox. if you want a more fancy window manager, kwin is a good choice.18:16
CrazyTuxI am just a casual end user.18:17
CrazyTuxI want a fully functional yet lightweight distro.18:17
CrazyTuxa distro that is lightweight and newbie friendly.18:17
wxlthat's lubuntu for you18:18
CrazyTuxI'll try Lubuntu.18:18
wxli like to think of lubuntu as the OS that doesn't get in your way18:18
CrazyTuxthe reason I'm looking for a lightweight distro is my laptop has limited resources and I don't want to upgrade it.18:19
wxlthen you certainly want lubuntu18:19
CrazyTuxit runs on intel core i3 5th gen quad core cpu, 2 GHz, 4 GBs of RAM and intel integrated graphics.18:20
wxlthat's a hot rod compared to what a lot of people are using XD18:20
CrazyTuxwhich DE would be suitable for this computer?18:21
wxli.e. lubuntu18:21
wxlit's not so limited that you need to do some ridiculous super slim thing18:22
wxlbut if you wanted to you could do something like ONLY use openbox and not have a desktop environment at all18:22
wxlthat's an advanced subject though18:24
CrazyTuxI think for a casual end user, a DE would be better.18:24
wxljust use lubuntu. it will do you well. you won't have to think about how to put all the pieces together.18:24
CrazyTuxI will wait for 20.04.118:24
wxlif you have problems or questions, drop a note here or on our discourse or the mailing list18:25
wxli wouldn't wait18:25
wxlthere's no reason to18:25
CrazyTuxsome say that it will be more stable as compared to 20.0418:25
CrazyTuxnow, I'm using mx linux. Even mx is awesome. But, since, mx linux is based on debian stable, it will have slightly older versions of packages.18:26
CrazyTuxwxl, I'll try Lubuntu.18:28
apt-ghettosome say slightly older versions are more stable18:28
CrazyTuxapt-ghetto, yes mx linux is very stable.18:28
apt-ghettotake the desktop environment which you like and look for a distro, that provides fixes and updates18:29
wxlstable can also mean less functional18:29
wxlstable can also mean it has bugs the new software doesn't18:30
CrazyTuxwxl, please elaborate on that.18:30
CrazyTuxwxl, so, which distro would you suggest?18:30
apt-ghettofixing bugs can also mean to introduce other bugs18:30
wxlCrazyTux: what i mean is "stable" is kind of a farce18:31
wxllike everyone gravitates in ubuntu to these LTS versions because they're so stable18:31
wxlmy experience is that they're *outdated* and they lack things relative to more current versions18:31
wxlalso my experience is that *EVERYTHING* has bugs18:31
wxlso to try to avoid them is useless18:32
CrazyTuxso, do you recomment non LTS versions of ubuntu/lubuntu?18:32
wxlon the other hand i will say running on the cutting edge is not a wise idea18:32
apt-ghettothe lts versions are mainly important for servers18:32
wxli recommend *all* versions of ubuntu/lubuntu, not just the LTS ones18:32
wxlthe only good reason for using LTS only is because you are a business and the scale of managing upgrades is just way too overwhelming18:32
CrazyTuxwxl, so, which distro would you recommend to a casual end user like me? It needs to be secure as well.18:33
wxli'll add one other thing, though, about secure: security depends upon your risk model18:33
wxlif you're paranoid about state actors, there's really only one out there i would suggest (tails)18:34
wxlif you're a normal person and just want to not have to worry about causual malware and the likes, lubuntu works just fine18:35
wxlin fact, most distros do18:35
CrazyTuxI'll try Lubuntu in VM first.18:35
wxlif you want something in between, in general, you won't find a lot of distros out there that do the trick18:35
CrazyTuxor on a live usb.18:35
apt-ghettoAnd don't evaluate only the software, but consider also the community, the help and documentation you can get or not18:35
CrazyTuxapt-ghetto, ok18:36
wxlyou will almost ALWAYS need to do your own work to more vehemently harden software18:36
wxlheck, even the big name operating systems don't do the job there18:36
wxlluckily linux is, in general, not much of a target18:36
CrazyTuxI'll try it.18:38
CrazyTuxthanks for all this info.18:38
CrazyTuxhave a great day.18:39
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=== TheMetamorphosis is now known as Metamorphosis
=== TheMetamorphosis is now known as Metamorphosis

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