
RAOFEickmeyer: I know it's preexisting, but that postinst looks suspicious. Unconditionally deleting configuration files seems bad?00:01
EickmeyerRAOF: That service file is meant for non-Ubuntu distros, such as Fedora.00:02
RAOFAre we both talking about `/etc/xdg/autostart/autojack.desktop`?00:03
RAOFBecause that's a configuration file you're deleting in postinst.00:03
EickmeyerRAOF: Oh, no. That has to be deleted because we don't want it running in xdg/autostart, but rather as a user systemd service.00:04
tumbleweedah, that dbus issue is part of Ubuntu's dbus delta00:04
RAOF(Deleting `/lib/systemd/system/studio-system.service` in the postinst *also* seems suspicious, but is at least not in an usually-preserved path)00:04
vorlonEickmeyer: so why is that file present such that it needs to be deleted in postinst?00:06
RAOFEickmeyer: Why might that file exist in `xdg/autostart`?00:06
EickmeyerPrevious versions of Ubuntu Studio had it.00:06
Eickmeyerer... ubuntustudio-controls.00:06
EickmeyerAnd it wasn't autodeleting during upgrade.00:06
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-mail-autoconfig [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [1.0.3-6]00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-pack [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [1.0.7-5]00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-timezone [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [1.1.0-5]00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-vfs [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.4.0-5]00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-mime-viewer [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.2.2+debian0-1]00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-tree [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.0.5-5]00:07
RAOFEickmeyer: https://manpages.debian.org/wheezy/dpkg/dpkg-maintscript-helper.1.en.html00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-smtp [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [1.9.5-5]00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-xml-element [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.0.4-7]00:07
vorlonshould be using dh_maintscript for this, not a hard-coded delet00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-editor [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.0.5+debian0-4]00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-itip [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.1.2-6]00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-queue [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [1.1.5-5]00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-routes [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.0.5-7]00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-socket-client [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.1.2-3]00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-text-diff [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.2.0-5]00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-http [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.1.7-5]00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-rdo [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.1.0-5]00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-spellchecker [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.1.3-7]00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-listheaders [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [1.2.5-5]00:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-rpc [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.1.8-5]00:07
RAOFLikewise, why would `/lib/systemd/system/studio-system.service` exist?00:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-argv [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.1.0-5]00:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-date-parser [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.0.6-5]00:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted volk [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.3.0-2]00:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted volk [armhf] (groovy-proposed) [2.3.0-2]00:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted volk [riscv64] (groovy-proposed) [2.3.0-2]00:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-crypt [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.7.12-3]00:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted volk [arm64] (groovy-proposed) [2.3.0-2]00:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted volk [s390x] (groovy-proposed) [2.3.0-2]00:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-image [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.6.0-2]00:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted volk [ppc64el] (groovy-proposed) [2.3.0-2]00:08
EickmeyerRAOF: In other distributions, ondemand.service does not exist. That service file is required every boot for studio-controls to function.00:09
Eickmeyerondemand.service is an Ubuntu-only thing.00:09
RAOFBut why are you manually `rm`ing `studio-system.service` in the postinst?00:11
EickmeyerTo prevent people from enabling it. I could not convince the developer that it can exist without doing anything.00:12
EickmeyerMostly to make him happy.00:12
xnoxRAOF:  Eickmeyer: what package are you discussing? i'm curious to review it.00:12
Eickmeyerxnox: studio-controls, it's identical to ubuntustudio-controls, but we're de-ubuntuifying it and making it distro-agnostic.00:13
EickmeyerSo, it's literally a file rename of what already exists.00:13
RAOFAnd hence has the good fortune to be subject to AA review 😉00:14
xnoxEickmeyer:  why are you de-ubuntuifying it?00:14
xnoxEickmeyer:  are you..... leaving us?00:14
Eickmeyerxnox: I'00:14
Eickmeyerxnox: I'm not leaving, but other distros want the tool. I also lead Fedora Jam.00:15
EickmeyerAnd my developer, Len Ovens (OvenWerks) doesn't want to have to develop in two places, and I don't blame him.00:15
xnoxi see. cool.00:16
RAOFYeah, it's perfectly reasonable to change it from a native to a real upstream package.00:16
RAOFBut I still don't see why the Ubuntu postinst has “#Remove systemd service file for non-Ubuntu systems” :)00:17
EickmeyerRAOF: Because the functionality already exists in lib/systemd/ondemand.service.d00:17
EickmeyerThere's a studio.conf file there that does the same thing.00:18
EickmeyerWe wouldn't want that function to double-up, causing two processes to start.00:18
RAOFOh! You mean to say that the package *installs* `/lib/systemd/system/studio-system.service` and then you delete it in the postinst?00:19
EickmeyerRAOF: Correct.00:19
RAOFUm, no.00:19
RAOFJust don't install it in the package!00:19
EickmeyerI tried that, and debhelper threw an error, iirc.00:20
EickmeyerBut, I suppose I might be able to manipulate studio-controls.install.00:21
RAOF`dh_missing` may have warned about upstream files existing but not being installed?00:21
EickmeyerYes, I think I remember that.00:21
RAOFIf so, `debian/not-installed` is the file you want to list them in.00:21
xnoxEickmeyer:  we have many packages that install only a subset of things.00:22
xnoxbased on distro00:22
xnoxe.g. cloud-init00:22
xnox(a very versatile per-distro thing)00:22
EickmeyerThis also may have been when the package was native.00:23
RAOFThere seems to be even less for a native package to install a file, only to delete it in its own postinst :)00:23
RAOFs/less/less reason/00:24
* Eickmeyer feels as though he's about to get hit upside the head with a Nack00:24
EickmeyerRAOF: I've made the changes, including the maintscript, changed debian/studio-controls.install to not install studio-system.service, and added not-installed to list that file.00:27
RAOFSounds good. I'll reject what's there and the new upload a review?00:29
EickmeyerYeah, sounds good.00:29
Eickmeyerteward: ^00:29
EickmeyerRAOF: https://launchpad.net/studio-controls is where it's located, FYI.00:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: rejected studio-controls [source] (groovy-proposed) [1.99.1-0ubuntu1]00:31
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: keystone (focal-proposed/main) [2:17.0.0~b3~git2020041013.7bb6314e4-0ubuntu1 => 2:17.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (openstack, ubuntu-server)00:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: heat (focal-proposed/main) [1:14.0.0~b3~git2020041012.2ef9f4bf3-0ubuntu1 => 1:14.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (openstack, ubuntu-server)00:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: designate (focal-proposed/main) [1:10.0.0~b3~git2020041012.9ed2623a-0ubuntu1 => 1:10.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (openstack, ubuntu-server)01:00
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: neutron (focal-proposed/main) [2:16.0.0~b3~git2020041516.5f42488a9a-0ubuntu2 => 2:16.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (openstack, ubuntu-server)01:00
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New source: studio-controls (groovy-proposed/primary) [1.99.1-0ubuntu1]01:10
tewardRAOF: studio-controls now in New should meet with better approval01:18
RAOFTa. I'll get onto that next.01:19
=== Eickmeyer[m] is now known as Eickmeyer_
=== Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer__
=== Eickmeyer_ is now known as Eickmeyer[m]
=== Eickmeyer__ is now known as Eickmeyer_E
=== eickmeyer[m]1 is now known as Eickmeyer-E
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: vlfeat [s390x] (groovy-proposed/universe) [0.9.21+dfsg0-6ubuntu1] (no packageset)05:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: vlfeat [ppc64el] (groovy-proposed/universe) [0.9.21+dfsg0-6ubuntu1] (no packageset)05:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: vlfeat [arm64] (groovy-proposed/universe) [0.9.21+dfsg0-6ubuntu1] (no packageset)05:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: vlfeat [amd64] (groovy-proposed/universe) [0.9.21+dfsg0-6ubuntu1] (no packageset)05:28
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: vlfeat [armhf] (groovy-proposed/universe) [0.9.21+dfsg0-6ubuntu1] (no packageset)05:28
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted studio-controls [source] (groovy-proposed) [1.99.1-0ubuntu1]05:29
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: studio-controls [amd64] (groovy-proposed/none) [1.99.1-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)05:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: openssh (xenial-proposed/main) [1:7.2p2-4ubuntu2.9 => 1:7.2p2-4ubuntu2.10] (core)05:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: vlfeat [riscv64] (groovy-proposed/universe) [0.9.21+dfsg0-6ubuntu1] (no packageset)06:00
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted studio-controls [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [1.99.1-0ubuntu1]09:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted vlfeat [arm64] (groovy-proposed) [0.9.21+dfsg0-6ubuntu1]09:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted vlfeat [ppc64el] (groovy-proposed) [0.9.21+dfsg0-6ubuntu1]09:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted vlfeat [s390x] (groovy-proposed) [0.9.21+dfsg0-6ubuntu1]09:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted vlfeat [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [0.9.21+dfsg0-6ubuntu1]09:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted vlfeat [riscv64] (groovy-proposed) [0.9.21+dfsg0-6ubuntu1]09:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted vlfeat [armhf] (groovy-proposed) [0.9.21+dfsg0-6ubuntu1]09:21
mitya57Can someone please reject tilda in focal SRU queue? Then I will upload a version with a different changelog entry, addressing bdmurray's comment.10:11
sil2100RikMills: hey! You around?10:14
sil2100RikMills: I'm looking at the plasma SRUs right now, and just wanted to make sure this is not an error - for two packages already I saw that debian/control has been modified and some dependencies being changed from >= 4: to >= 4:5.18.4~ (for example the libkf5sysguard-dev dependency in plasma-vault)10:18
sil2100RikMills: it's weird that the dependency is now smaller, is this intentional, or a typo for something that was supposed to be 4:5.18.5~ ?10:18
sil2100Since this is .5 basically10:18
sil2100mitya57: done10:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected tilda [source] (focal-proposed) [1.5.2-0ubuntu1]10:23
RikMillssil2100: sorta intentional or sorta not. let me explain. the packaging was taken from 5.18.5 in groovy where the interneral stack build deps were bumped from to 5.18.5, where I then lowered some in debian/control to allow things to build sice we are not doing the whole stack for the SRU. in this case I forgot that Plasma people made a snafu so had to release so just pout 5.18.4. In the end it doesn't matter at all as10:24
RikMillsthe build deps in the archive are fine, but that is why10:24
mitya57sil2100: thanks!10:25
* RikMills glares at mistypes10:25
sil2100RikMills: ok, so what's important is that those that were downgraded to .4 from .4.1 don't really require .5 - thanks!10:32
RikMillssil2100: yep. exactly.10:33
sil2100Ok, was also worried about the new build requirement of KF5 CoreAddons in plasma-browser-integration without a new build-dep, but then I see almost all libkf5*-dev packages actually pull it in ;p10:37
RikMillssil2100: yes, much of kf5 frameworks is like that. I should probably add it explicitly though. I'll do that in groovy packaging10:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted drkonqi [sync] (focal-proposed) [5.18.5-0ubuntu0.1]10:44
sil2100RikMills: thanks o/10:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted kinfocenter [sync] (focal-proposed) [4:5.18.5-0ubuntu0.1]10:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted kwin [sync] (focal-proposed) [4:5.18.5-0ubuntu0.1]10:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted milou [sync] (focal-proposed) [4:5.18.5-0ubuntu0.1]10:45
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted plasma-browser-integration [sync] (focal-proposed) [5.18.5-0ubuntu0.1]10:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted plasma-desktop [sync] (focal-proposed) [4:5.18.5-0ubuntu0.1]10:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted plasma-discover [sync] (focal-proposed) [5.18.5-0ubuntu0.1]10:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted plasma-pa [sync] (focal-proposed) [4:5.18.5-0ubuntu0.1]10:47
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted plasma-vault [sync] (focal-proposed) [5.18.5-0ubuntu0.1]10:47
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted plasma-workspace [sync] (focal-proposed) [4:5.18.5-0ubuntu0.1]10:48
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted xdg-desktop-portal-kde [sync] (focal-proposed) [5.18.5-0ubuntu0.1]10:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected live-build [source] (focal-proposed) [3.0~a57-1ubuntu38.1]10:51
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: qemu (bionic-proposed/main) [1:2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu7.24 => 1:2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu7.25] (ubuntu-server, virt)10:52
cpaelzerthe qemu that showed up in bionic-unapproved fixes an issue in an ongoing SRU verification10:54
cpaelzerthe actual change vs what is already reviewed and in -proposed comes down to just https://git.launchpad.net/~paelzer/ubuntu/+source/qemu/commit/?id=47a2da2f474b81bb2ba033b9facf21c16194e3eb10:55
cpaelzersil2100: you did the initial accept - since this is also blockign some coming CVE fixes I wante to ask if you (or someone else of the SRU Team) could check and accept that qemu10:55
cpaelzerit also builds quite some time, so accepting it soon would allow to re-verify it today10:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected sbuild-launchpad-chroot [source] (focal-proposed) [0.16ubuntu0.20.04.1]10:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected sbuild-launchpad-chroot [source] (eoan-proposed) [0.15ubuntu0.19.04.1]10:58
sil2100cpaelzer: ok, looking good o/11:01
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted qemu [source] (bionic-proposed) [1:2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu7.25]11:02
cpaelzerthank you11:07
rbalintddstreet, true qemu is not found on arm64, i've updated LP: #1684588 with ppc64el finding it now11:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1684588 in systemd (Ubuntu) "ADT upstream tests should run with QEMU on more architectures" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168458811:08
rbalintLaney, systemd/ppc64el still times out :-(, is there anything else to make the change to adding it to long_tests take effect?11:09
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: tinyxml2 [amd64] (groovy-proposed/universe) [8.0.0+dfsg-2] (i386-whitelist, kubuntu)11:13
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: tinyxml2 [s390x] (groovy-proposed/universe) [8.0.0+dfsg-2] (i386-whitelist, kubuntu)11:13
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: tinyxml2 [ppc64el] (groovy-proposed/universe) [8.0.0+dfsg-2] (i386-whitelist, kubuntu)11:13
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: tinyxml2 [i386] (groovy-proposed/universe) [8.0.0+dfsg-2] (i386-whitelist, kubuntu)11:15
rbalintLaney, ahh, it  is bos02, not bos0111:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: tinyxml2 [arm64] (groovy-proposed/universe) [8.0.0+dfsg-2] (i386-whitelist, kubuntu)11:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: tinyxml2 [armhf] (groovy-proposed/universe) [8.0.0+dfsg-2] (i386-whitelist, kubuntu)11:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: tinyxml2 [riscv64] (groovy-proposed/universe) [8.0.0+dfsg-2] (i386-whitelist, kubuntu)11:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: tilda (focal-proposed/universe) [1.5.0-1.1 => 1.5.2-0ubuntu1] (ubuntu-mate)11:34
rbalintLaney, fixing it ...11:34
Laneyyeah forgot we had separate configs there11:35
Laneyannoying system11:35
rbalintLaney, agreed :-)11:35
Laneyit's going to be gone with the New Deployment®™Ⓒ11:36
Laneythat looks more like https://git.launchpad.net/autopkgtest-cloud/tree/mojo/service-bundle?h=wip/mojo-juju-211:36
rbalintLaney, could you please update the config? https://code.launchpad.net/~rbalint/autopkgtest-cloud/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/+merge/38394311:38
rbalintddstreet, Laney ^ sneaking systemd-upstream in11:38
Laneyrbalint: it needs to be in both configs11:40
rbalintLaney, ah, even more confusing, fixing it11:40
Laneywe have two cloud regions that can run ppc64el tests11:41
Laneynot sure if systemd-upstream will work there11:41
Laneyrbalint: also  long_test not big?11:41
rbalintLaney, i'd like to try in on big, to see the gain, it runs qemu11:42
Laneywhat gain?11:43
Laneybig reduces the capacity available for all other tests11:43
Laneyand we frequently get many systemd tests running at once11:43
Laney(yeah systemd-upstream should work there I think)11:45
rbalintLaney, i thought ppc64el was doing relatively well regarding capacity11:45
rbalintLaney, also the shorter run time may make up for some of the kept resources11:46
rbalintLaney, we can revert to long if big makes too much trouble11:47
rbalintLaney, i think it would make sense to give it a try11:47
rbalintLaney,'ve updated the mr11:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted rabbitmq-server [source] (focal-proposed) [3.8.2-0ubuntu1.1]13:05
Laneyrbalint: sorry went to lunch. m1.large uses 5 1/3 × as much RAM and 4 × as many vCPUs as the autopkgtest policy and so I don't really want to do this 'on spec' without more consideration13:23
LaneyI'll give you long_tests for now13:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted rabbitmq-server [source] (bionic-proposed) [3.6.10-1ubuntu0.2]13:24
rbalintLaney, please check the comments on ddstreet's previous mr, it seems vorlon finally approved the big change13:25
Laneywhich one is that?13:26
rbalintLaney, https://code.launchpad.net/~ddstreet/autopkgtest-cloud/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/+merge/369620/comments/97413313:26
rbalintLaney, also linked from current mr13:26
Laneythanks, I'll refer to my previous arguments then13:31
Laneybasically that if we want to do this, we need to work on improving our own support13:31
rbalintLaney, is there a bug/ticket to track that?\13:32
rbalintLaney, also trying and reverting does not seem too much hassle if it turns out to be too heavy on the infra13:33
Laneyrbalint: There's https://bugs.launchpad.net/auto-package-testing/+bug/1654761 for at least part of it13:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1654761 in Auto Package Testing "Make sure duplicate tests cannot be queued" [Undecided,In progress]13:38
LaneyI think we're missing a bug for 'limit the number of concurrent big tests'13:38
rbalintLaney, ok, thanks for merging the long bump, i'm opening a new mr for 'big' to let the discussion be documented around the change13:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted rabbitmq-server [source] (xenial-proposed) [3.5.7-1ubuntu0.16.04.3]13:42
LaneyFYI I killed the current systemd/groovy/ppc64el run13:42
Laneyit sneaked in before I had deployed the change13:43
Laneyshould restart in a few minutes13:43
rbalintLaney, ok, thanks13:49
rbalintLaney, i've filed the new mr and invited you, too, to the review/discussion13:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: barbican (focal-proposed/main) [1:10.0.0~b2~git2020020508.7b14d983-0ubuntu3 => 1:10.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (openstack, ubuntu-server)14:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ceilometer (focal-proposed/main) [1:14.0.0~b3~git2020041012.75b9d4e9-0ubuntu1 => 1:14.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (openstack, ubuntu-server)15:00
=== erich is now known as E_Eickmeyer
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ironic-inspector (focal-proposed/universe) [1:10.0.1~git2020041316.14b425e-0ubuntu1 => 1:10.1.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (no packageset)16:32
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: magnum (focal-proposed/universe) [10.0.0~b3~git2020041013.01629398-0ubuntu1 => 10.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (no packageset)16:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: manila (focal-proposed/universe) [1:10.0.0~b3~git2020041013.ea90fd17-0ubuntu1 => 1:10.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (openstack)16:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: masakari-monitors (focal-proposed/main) [9.0.0~b3~git2020041013.e225e6d-0ubuntu1 => 9.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (no packageset)16:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: panko (focal-proposed/universe) [7.0.0-0ubuntu1 => 8.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (no packageset)16:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: zaqar (focal-proposed/universe) [10.0.0~b3~git2020041014.22c457a5-0ubuntu1 => 10.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.2] (no packageset)16:45
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: masakari (focal-proposed/main) [9.0.0~b3~git2020041013.94ec959-0ubuntu1 => 9.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (no packageset)17:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: python-os-ken (focal-proposed/main) [1.0.0-0ubuntu1 => 1.0.0-0ubuntu1.1] (ubuntu-server)17:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: python-oslo.service (focal-proposed/main) [2.1.1-0ubuntu1 => 2.1.1-0ubuntu1.1] (openstack, ubuntu-server)17:45
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: networking-bagpipe (focal-proposed/universe) [12.0.0~b3~git2020041013.c15d5e0-0ubuntu1 => 12.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (no packageset)18:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: networking-bgpvpn (focal-proposed/universe) [12.0.0~b3~git2020032545.9dcd5ed-0ubuntu1 => 12.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (no packageset)18:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: networking-hyperv (focal-proposed/universe) [1:7.3.2~git2020021315.1b1ee11-0ubuntu1 => 1:8.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (no packageset)18:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: networking-odl (focal-proposed/universe) [1:16.0.0~b3~git2020032509.3de47a829-0ubuntu1 => 1:16.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (no packageset)18:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: neutron-fwaas (focal-proposed/main) [1:16.0.0~b3~git2020032402.5e6c04885-0ubuntu1 => 1:16.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (openstack, ubuntu-server)18:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: neutron-dynamic-routing (focal-proposed/universe) [2:16.0.0~b3~git2020041013.045811b-0ubuntu1 => 2:16.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (no packageset)18:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: neutron-vpnaas (focal-proposed/main) [2:16.0.0~b3~git2020041013.358d35202-0ubuntu1 => 2:16.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (openstack, ubuntu-server)18:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: xorg-server-hwe-18.04 (bionic-proposed/main) [2:1.20.5+git20191008-0ubuntu1~18.04.1 => 2:1.20.8-2ubuntu2~18.04.1] (no packageset)19:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: networking-sfc (focal-proposed/universe) [10.0.0~b3~git2020032510.8417568-0ubuntu1 => 10.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (no packageset)19:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: placement (focal-proposed/main) [3.0.0~b3~git2020041014.0f90d197-0ubuntu1 => 3.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (no packageset)19:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: octavia (focal-proposed/universe) [6.0.0~b3~git2020041014.771a5d87-0ubuntu1 => 6.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (no packageset)19:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: mesa (bionic-proposed/main) [19.2.8-0ubuntu0~18.04.3 => 20.0.4-2ubuntu1~18.04.1] (core, xorg)19:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: swift (focal-proposed/main) [2.24.1~git2020041316.a495f1e32-0ubuntu1 => 2.25.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (openstack)19:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: systemd (bionic-proposed/main) [237-3ubuntu10.40 => 237-3ubuntu10.41] (core)19:55
ddstreettjaalton when you get in tomorrow, for your ~ubuntu-sru shift, would be great if you could accept this systemd upload ^ has an urgent patch.  thanks!19:56
ddstreetor bdmurray or vorlon if you happen to have sru review time today ^19:57
bdmurrayddstreet: I reviewed some of this already right?20:03
ddstreetbdmurray some of it was in the upload for focal, yes (and there is also an upload in eoan with some)20:03
bdmurrayokay then it might make sense for me to do it20:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: networking-l2gw (focal-proposed/universe) [1:16.0.0~b3~git2020032509.d57ae1a-0ubuntu1 => 1:16.0.0~git2020051415.30f4209-0ubuntu0.20.04.1] (no packageset)20:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted systemd [source] (eoan-proposed) [242-7ubuntu3.9]20:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted systemd [source] (bionic-proposed) [237-3ubuntu10.41]20:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Packageset: Added studio-controls to ubuntustudio in groovy20:47
Eickmeyer^ Thanks!20:48
ddstreetEickmeyer i replied to your dmb email, essentially all the DMB bits are done now, we just need the TB to change the packageset uploader over to the new ubuntu-studio-uploaders team21:55
ddstreetif it gets urgent, you might be able to ping one of the TB members, otherwise I assume they'll get to it at their next meeting21:56
fo0barflipping through channels; IRTA "i replied to your dumb email"21:57
Eickmeyerddstreet: Thanks!22:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gnome-desktop3 (focal-proposed/main) [3.36.2-0ubuntu1 => 3.36.2-0ubuntu2] (ubuntu-desktop)22:57

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