[00:32] hi [00:35] i've got difficulties to configure properly the sound system, i've got an alesis multimix 4 usb connected to the computer , and i would like to configure it just as an input device and listsent it from the PC headset connection and i'm unable to find how to do it in the ubuntu studio configuration, anyone can give me a hand please? [00:36] every time when i start the ubuntu studio control i cannot use the PC headset connection [00:39] i need it because i'm using the guitarix software to set the amp, and distor, but if i connect the headset to the alesis board i always hear the clean guitar and at the same time the distorsion guitar( guitarix) and it's very anoying to play like that [00:39] please can you give me a hand? [00:40] menik667766: It can't be done within ubuntustudio controls, which is why we have Carla. Click "Open Carla" in the interface, click on patchbay, and bob's your uncle. [00:41] but guitarix and ardour request me to have running the ubuntu studio controls, otherwise they doesn't work and give me an error [00:41] Yes, I'm not saying stop Ubuntu Studio Controls, I'm also saying use Carla. [00:42] Ubuntu Studio Controls is just to get Jack up and running. After that, Carla does your patching. [00:43] ok, but how i need to set up the interface in ubuntu studio controls? as jack or alsa, ans usb master device or default? [00:43] Set up the alesis multimix as master, go to the "Extra Devices" tab, and add your internal audio card. [00:44] (apoligize in advance as i'm spanish and my english is very poor , so there's alot of conceps in the configuration that i'm unable to understand properly) [02:27] Hi Eickmeyer_ === Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer__ === Eickmeyer_E is now known as Eickmeyer === Eickmeyer__ is now known as Eickmeyer_E === Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer--M === Eickmeyer[m] is now known as Eickmeyer === Eickmeyer--M is now known as Eickmeyer-K === Eickmeyer-K is now known as Eickmeyer-[m] [11:12] so i'm trying to share a laptop as a NAS but when i create a samba share i use a 6 digit password, which worked on another laptop. but with this one, the 6 digit password seems to be saved as 8 digits, so the 6 digit password won't work from another computer, and changing it to an 8 digit password doesn't seem to want to log in, help! [13:04] Seems FireWire is available as backed in qjackctl, but not in us-controls... Am I missing something? [13:08] Hmm... After having started us-controls once it is impossible to change settings in qjackctl. Not even after reboot. Somehow jack is auto started at boot now, but I can't find where to turn of auto start at boot [13:10] Ok, stoping Jack from controls removed autostart it seems [14:25] sakrecoer[m]: you are not missing anything. controls supports firewire as an alsa device. but so far I have not been able to get my FW device to work. [14:25] So I have not left support in the GUI for it. [14:26] It is possible to add FW to the config file by hand... [14:26] Yes jack autostarts at session start if it was left running at last session end. [14:27] Ffado and älska do not play well together. The only way I know to make jack detect a firefire device is to blacklist all alsaFW stuff [14:27] I have one fw device, one cable and 3 fw PCI(e) cards [14:29] yeah, I know that one... but so far no luck. If I can't get it to work here, I can't really support it either. [14:29] S/älska/alsa [14:29] :) [14:30] I guess I need to add a hidden option for FW. That is if the user already knows what they are doing... [14:31] Would be nice to have some visual feedback of that in the panel :) [14:32] sakrecoer[m]: actually that has become the standard way almost everything on the desktop works these days, however you leave things is how they are next time. [14:32] Or you mean a systray object [14:33] That _is_ on my list... but not so close to the top. [14:33] Makes sense :) it's probably a bit of a waste of time given that FW is phasing out ... And that things do work fine with FW and a little fiddling. [14:34] if I could get my FW device working here I would be a lot more comfortable supporting it in controls. but not being able to test it or help people get it going makes it not workth it. [14:34] I got it to play nicely now. Just added that blacklist to modprobe.d, stopped jack in controls and restarted with qjackctl and I was back on track! [14:35] can you paste a copy of your file in modprobe.d? [14:36] (so far as I can tell my device it not even detected) [14:36] sakrecoer[m]: ^^ [14:37] just cat |pastebinit [14:42] No, not a systray... Messages pop up in a weird order right now on my riot.... But I meant a visual feedback that Jack is now going to be autostarting on next reboot. Some checkbox maybe... I don't know :) I have to say I really like it for non FireWire related stuff [14:43] I use the one from archlinux wiki [14:43] Haven't installed riot on this machine... Hold on a second [14:43] This one: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/JACK_Audio_Connection_Kit#Firewire [14:43] Sure! [14:43] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hZzNQgKSMX/ [14:46] Not sure why, but I always start by letting ffado mixer detect it... Might just be ritualistic, but there are some settings available and I figure why not start there anyways .. === erich is now known as E_Eickmeyer [18:40] where would i find help docs setting to use jack with guitar [18:41] 19 is what i have got going right now