
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== Eickmeyer[m] is now known as Eickmeyer_
jdwwattsok im running goofy gorilla 20.10 usb seems to work great02:41
=== xu-help73w is now known as Peruvianewbie
PeruvianewbieHello, is this the right place to make specific questions about my failed xubuntu installation process?02:45
jdwwattsi got my start here butdon't know much02:46
PeruvianewbieSo do people regularly ask stuff and help each other? Is information sharing secure'02:48
jdwwattsI got help here but the other websites have plenty of instuction  I do konw this is like a public place you as forsecurity i wouln,t know02:50
jdwwattswhat have you tried so far ?02:52
PeruvianewbieThanks jdwwatts! I've looked for answers to problems similar to mine on stackoverflow and similar forums, but haven't found an answer to fix my problem02:53
Peruvianewbiei'm trying to fully install xubuntu from a bootable usb02:54
geniiUusually the solution to an issue does does require the helper to know any kind of information which might be considered insecure. But the channel here is public, and logged so just use good sense and don't make public here any information which is not required02:54
jdwwattsSo What is yourproblem02:54
PeruvianewbieThanks genii, then I'll go ahead and explain it all02:54
PeruvianewbieSo here it is:02:54
PeruvianewbieI've tried to install xubuntu (latest version 20.04) from a bootable USB (created using RUFUS, latest version as of today as well). After creating the Boot drive I used the BIOS configurations to set the iso-USB as first booting option.02:57
PeruvianewbieThe USB Xubuntu starts apparently fine, if I use the EFI option I get to the GRUB where i can choose to try xubuntu on "safe graphics" or install it.02:59
PeruvianewbieOnce i'm on the xubuntu installer (through any of those options) i start the installation configurations but the whole thing freezes and starts "loading" endlessly after a given point. I can never get past the "install 3rd party drivers"  (4th page of configs after  language, keyboard and wifi configs), but if I take longer on the first pages i03:01
Peruvianewbiemight just get stuck on keyboard or wifi configuration with an enlessly "loading" mouse symbol.03:01
PeruvianewbieI've googled this and it seems like people have similar problems when trying xubuntu for the first time with an Nvidia GPU, but this is not my case since my cheap laptop has nothing but the incorporated Intell graphs card.03:03
PeruvianewbieAnyways i tried their fix, changing a line of code in the GRUB of xubuntu installation, from "splash" to "nomodeset" or something similar, but to no avail03:04
PeruvianewbieI have carefully checked all the BIOS configs to disable any "Secure boots only" or similar options. I habilitated the Legacy Rom bootables, which allowed me to enter the drives Xubuntu without going through the GRUB, but i get stuck nevertheless in the same circumstances.u03:08
PeruvianewbieI supposedly have all the requeriments in my dell 11 3000 series,  2.3GHz core i3, 8 RAM.03:12
PeruvianewbieIt currently works a shitty and glitchy Windows 10 (main reason i've been looking forward to changing over to xubuntu)03:13
PeruvianewbieAnd after checking every forum post of problems similar to mine, and trying everything my (very limited) experience suggested could work, I've run out of options and come to ask for help.03:14
Bashing-omPeruvianewbie: Seen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/CDIntegrityCheck ? and also Win 10 is UEFI, If you are to dual boot will also install xubuntu in UEFI mode to match.03:14
PeruvianewbieI doubted that to be the reason since I created the bootable drive just today.03:16
Bashing-omPeruvianewbie: Will not take but a few minutes to verify the copy. Until we are certain we have no foundation to diagnose.03:18
PeruvianewbieThanks Bashing-om, ill go try it. Only problem is I have to leave freenode in order to do that, since it's the same computer. I'll be back in a few minutes I guess. Thanks for the help03:21
=== Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer__
=== Eickmeyer__ is now known as Eickmeyer_E
PeruvianewbieHi, i left a while ago while getting help for my failed xubuntu installation.03:48
Bashing-omPeruvianewbie: Still here too :) and "check disk for defects" comes back good ?03:52
PeruvianewbieGreat, thanks Bashing-om! I checked drive for failed files, and actually noticed that the filechek takes place automatically when I boot the system, i believe thanks to my BIOS configs. The instructions to trigger the check (pressing any key while the xubuntu OS loaded up) didn't work, and I accidentally figured out that Ctrl+C stops the filecheck,03:55
Peruvianewbiesends me straight to install page one and sort of "buys me time", because after cancelling filecheck i was able to get to the 5th page of install configs (useless, beacuase it freezed afterwards, but I guess it kind of helps to notice theres some sort of time/memory related problem)03:55
PeruvianewbieSo, shortly as per your exact question, yes, disk checks fine every time I try the boot, minutes before loading freeezes04:00
Bashing-omPeruvianewbie: Humm - In this case I just do not know what it will take to boot the installer :(04:01
PeruvianewbieThanks anyways Bashing-om, i'll just keep looking04:03
MoogusShowI go Shift+Ctrl+S and system suspends nicely. I press power to wake up and system runs fine for a bit and then freezes. Anyone know where I can read a log to find out what went wrong?04:06
PeruvianewbieHi, i've posted a detailed explanation on stackexchange about my failed xubuntu installation.  Could you please give it a look and help? I thank you deeply05:00
diogenes_Peruvianewbie, i'd suggest you to try 18.04 to see if you get better chances there. If 18.04 works fine, then we can suspect a new bug, either in the installer or kernel. After that you can upgrade to 20.04.05:12
Peruvianewbiediogenes_ thanks a lot! I will try that now.05:15
diogenes_no problem.05:17
xu-help79wHello, could somebody help me to connect my printer (Canon MG5250)? It seems to be a problem with the libtiff4...06:55
lisbethsI have a folder of files on a flash drive07:58
lisbethsI selected all of the files in that folder in file manager07:58
lisbethsI right clicked on them and clicked "move to trash"07:58
lisbethsnow I have opened my recycle bin and have clicked empty07:58
lisbethsI continually get this error:07:59
lisbethsCould not delete file "filename.extension" Failed to delete the item from the trash. Do you want to skip it?07:59
lisbethsEach of the files in my trash has a lock icon on the corner of it as if I do not have read/write access to my trash bin.08:00
lisbethsthe folder ~/.local/share/Trash does not exist on my system08:02
gnrplisbeths: Files on volatile storage are not moved to trash usually?08:04
gnrplisbeths: Also check the trash directory of other users, e.g., root08:05
lisbethsthere is no /root/.local08:07
lisbethsthe trash must be stored on my volatile storage08:09
lisbethsI removed it from the machine and the files went away08:09
lisbethsah I found it08:10
lisbethswhen I right click on these files in the hidden trash folders it only gives me the option to cut or move to trash08:11
lisbethswhich is the same options I had which lead me into this issue08:11
lisbethsI don't want to cut or move to trash I want to delete them all08:11
lisbethsor at least mark them as deleted08:11
diogenes_lisbeths, it's in /home/user/.local/share/Trash08:12
lisbethsnope the files were deleted from an external usb08:13
lisbethsso it is in /media/username/my-usb-name/.Trash-100008:13
lisbethsthe only problem I have now is I don't know how to delete something without moving it to the trash08:13
diogenes_lisbeths, https://i.imgur.com/KhgwjOZ.png08:15
lisbethslel I feel like that was there in 18.04 and is now gone08:16
lisbethsI dunno08:16
lisbethsa linux noob would not have been able to figure that out08:16
diogenes_in thunar preferences.08:16
lisbethsThank you my problem is solved08:17
Perfec7bom dia a todos! good morning for all of you!10:33
jphilipsif anyone is interested in contributing to xubuntu by helping us improve the documentation, please visit this google doc to begin https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KpmN_tCOHaDwQgNtqyyt6DqZ7M0xSMCNTadORcY_Whw/edit#12:01
xu-help95wHello. My name is Michael. I am trying to update my Xubuntu to the latest LTS version13:15
xu-help95wI currently have 18.04.4 LTS13:16
diogenes_xu-help95w, i'd advice you to wait till july.13:16
xu-help95wWhat will happen in July?13:17
diogenes_xu-help95w, the upgrade will be available via the update manager.13:18
xu-help95wOkay I will wait until then. Thank you for your advise13:19
diogenes_no problem.13:19
xu-help95wBye Have a great day13:20
diogenes_thanks the same to you.13:20
gijoe3kHello there, if I wanted to put in a feature request in XFCE....where would i submit one?14:49
gnrpgijoe3k: Maybe rather ask in #xfce14:50
gijoe3kdoh...good point XD14:50
gnrpotherwise, https://bugzilla.xfce.org/ should be the place I guess14:50
=== erich is now known as E_Eickmeyer
CelsoBoa tarde!15:19
=== Israphel is now known as Guest40356
=== Israphel_ is now known as Israphel
tripelbI don't know how to implement this.  https://twitter.com/Xubuntu/status/125554236228733337816:34
tripelbAnd I do give you permission to PM me.16:35
brainwash(the tweet gives you the command)16:35
tripelbQ?uestion:. Or maybe a suggestion. I'd like there to be a site like ask Ubuntu but for xubuntu. That will make help searchable. That will mean that I can get answers even if I'm not on in the middle of the night.16:37
tripelbMy problem was implementing that is when do I do it? Do I go to recovery and do it before I boot into xUbuntu? Once I boot up into it I can't do anything because the display is garbled/munged. When I did it in recovery mode then I got the same readable but not right display that I got when I booted Ubuntu in safe mode. Now I am stuck with the new u16:39
tripelbnity -- tweaked.16:39
tripelb---------- done -----16:39
tripelbHello brainwash. Though I didn't notice you responded you now understand my problem..  At what point do I apply this command?16:39
tripelbAnd if it works will it persist?  ---. If you hadn't guessed I'm not really sure what it does.16:40
tripelbBrainwash, it's cool to think that after a while I will learn more and these things will be obvious to me too.16:40
ali1234lol, that's a very good point... how do you run that command when your display is messed up?16:41
ali1234also ask ubuntu is for xubuntu as well16:42
ali1234there is not much point splitting them out, xubuntu is 90% ubuntu16:42
ali1234ah the answer is posted in a reply16:43
ali1234"You can do this at the login screen or when you are already logged in. Simply press Ctrl + Alt + F1 to switch to the terminal, log into your account, run the command and then press Ctrl + Alt + F7 to return. Yes it will stick and you won't have to repeat this."16:43
tripelbali1234 oh thanks. I didn't see the reply. (I tried some f combos but (obviously) not the correct one.17:10
jdwwattshas anyone used goofy gorilla18:54
jdwwattsThe appearance is slightly different . but I haven18:57
jdwwattst  tried doing an install18:57
xu-help48wI have two Xubuntu computers. I want to upgrade to the new version 20 lts. I tried the command and this is what I got, please help"sudo do-release-upgrade [sudo] password for nathan: Checking for a new Ubuntu releaseThere is no development version of an LTS available.To upgrade to the latest non-LTS develoment release set Prompt=normal in18:58
vimartWill have a look at it jphilips , thanks18:59
jphilipsvimart: look forward to it. thanks.19:00
diogenes_xu-help48w, do-release-upgrade -d19:02
xu-help48wdiogenes- will that keep me on LTS? I only want LTS19:02
jdwwattsyes if thats what your on now19:03
xu-help48wok it downloaded some focal repositories and is now prompting me if I want to go ahead and do this, scary but yes19:07
xu-help48wI have to do this to get gnucash version 319:07
jphilipsxu-help48w: ubuntu put out a blog post that should make it easy https://ubuntu.com/blog/how-to-upgrade-from-ubuntu-18-04-lts-to-20-04-lts-today19:08
xu-help48wI tried instaling gnucash version3 on xubuntu 18 LTS and no matter what I tried i couldn't get a build that would work19:08
xu-help48whooray for ubuntu and especially xubuntu thanks guys its installing now with any luck everything will be fine, and I also read the blog jphilips shared19:10
jphilipsgood luck xu-help48w19:11
Noboru55hello, someone here run the ms office2010? i cant activate it19:53
Noboru55well, i just like to say the xubuntu 20.04 is amazing19:56

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