
wallyworldbabbageclunk: is it true we hard code leases auto expire to false? did we have plans to change that? if auto expire is always false, then we can remove more code?00:10
babbageclunkwallyworld: ? not sure what you mean00:10
wallyworld/ Autoexpire is part of the lease.Store interface.00:11
wallyworldfunc (*store) Autoexpire() bool { return false }00:11
wallyworldcontrols how the worker expires leases00:11
wallyworldwhether it does it on the next tick or if a client call i needed00:11
babbageclunkAh - right! Yes, I'll remove that - it's because the db leases needed to be expired, but the raft ones get expired on clock tick00:12
babbageclunkthanks for the reminder!00:12
wallyworldbabbageclunk: np, but for raft, if it is done automatically, wouldn't auto expire be true?00:12
babbageclunkit is00:15
babbageclunkI mean, I'll remove the code in lease manager that does stuff when !autoexpire00:15
wallyworldbut it's hard coded false?00:15
babbageclunkin the non-raft store00:16
wallyworldah, ok, i was looking at the wrong one00:16
babbageclunkyup yup00:16
wallyworldbabbageclunk: you can also remove ExpireLease() right? and reduce code in provider dummyLeaseStore, or even remove that entirely00:46
babbageclunkyeah, that was what I was planning00:47
thumperhttps://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11582 for someone01:04
thumperbackporting develop fix to 2.801:05
thumpershould really have landed in 2.7, but I don't think it is worthwhile going that far back now01:05
wallyworldthumper: wanna land in 2.8-rc though01:19
wallyworldthat will get forward ported today later01:20
thumperwallyworld: ok01:20
kelvinliuwallyworld: hpidcock could any of you take a look this PR https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11583 for fixing upgrade-charm? ty01:42
thumperwallyworld, hpidcock, kelvinliu, tlm: do any of you have any running k8s models that have been upgraded from earlier versions?01:48
* thumper wants to test a theory01:48
wallyworldnot currently01:55
wallyworldkelvinliu: +1 but with a request to fix the RemoteInitFunc signature to remove runningStatus. the cahce cleanup can happen later, but will be nioce to have the func clean02:04
kelvinliuwallyworld: we still need get the pod name from the status, or we can change the status from podName string. or do u think we can change it later when we decide the remove the status entirely?02:08
kelvinliutypo, change the status to podName string02:09
tlmthumper: I don't02:09
wallyworldkelvinliu: ah right, i missed that, sure02:09
tlmwallyworld: cooking with gas when you're ready02:09
wallyworldtlm: looking02:10
kelvinliuwallyworld: I think we just need to test for upgrading different workload type - stateless, stateful, daemon, but probably no need to test different k8s cloud, agree?02:12
wallyworldwe should at some point but can be microk8s for now i think02:13
wallyworldtlm: SetPasswords() also needs changing to be an api that takes just the password. it can internally create the params.EntityPassword since we use a pluggin at the back end, but the api called should just pass in a single password02:15
wallyworldand result.OneError()02:15
wallyworldfunc sig just returns a single error, not ErrorResults02:15
wallyworldtlm: also, i added tag 2.0.1 to juju/description02:17
wallyworldi left comments in the pr02:22
tlmwallyworld: cheers doing now02:23
babbageclunkgah, can't remove leasesC - we can't run transactions against an unknown collection.02:50
babbageclunkwallyworld: ^02:50
wallyworldwhich txns?02:50
babbageclunkthe ones in MigrateLeasesToGlobalTime02:50
wallyworldcan we chck if the collection exists before running hte upgrade step logic02:51
wallyworldif the collection is not there, no need to migrate anything02:51
babbageclunkyes, but it needs to be in allcollections, otherwise running a transaction fails02:52
wallyworldpoint me at the code that fails?02:52
wallyworldthe collection will be there in older dbs right02:53
wallyworldand we run the upgrade step on that existing collection02:53
babbageclunkwallyworld: state/upgrades.go:129302:54
wallyworldbabbageclunk: right, so that the top of the method we check if the collection exists02:54
wallyworldif it doesn't nothong to do02:55
babbageclunkit's not the existence of the collection - it's the entry in allCollections02:55
babbageclunkOtherwise the tests (and the upgrade step) fail with  forbidden transaction: references unknown collection "leases"02:56
babbageclunksure, in stdup02:56
tlmwallyworld: got 5 minutes for HO ?03:18
thumperhttps://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11584 - cleanup for some future work03:19
wallyworldtlm: sure03:20
hpidcockthumper: lgtm03:23
thumperhpidcock: thanks03:46
thumperhttps://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11585 - for a bug that had been assigned to me for over a year03:46
thumperor two03:46
thumperhpidcock: thanks again03:48
tlmhey wallyworld you didn't push a tag for juju/description03:57
tlmstill have it? Not sure I have push access to that repo03:57
wallyworldah, it was addd to the branch for which i created a PR03:57
wallyworldi'll add03:57
wallyworldtlm: try now03:58
tlmworks cheers wallyworld04:01
tlmwallyworld: I think go mod wants tags in the form of v2.0.1 hpidcock can you confirm ?04:03
hpidcocktlm depends on the package04:03
wallyworldtlm: the previous tag was 2.0.004:03
tlmhmmm go mod is not liking life04:06
wallyworldtlm: i added v2.0.104:07
wallyworlddoes that help?04:07
tlmchanged the error but hasn't helped04:08
tlmwill dig into it04:08
tlmcan you remove the v tag wallyworld ?04:09
wallyworldbabbageclunk: you also removing store.Refresh() ?04:32
wallyworldtlm: looks good after the go.mod issue is sorted05:17
tlmwallyworld: go.mod issue should be sorted now05:18
wallyworldtlm: ah ok, sorry i was probably looking at an outdated diff05:18
babbageclunkwallyworld: yeah, I will - just working out how I can make the dummy store do autoexpiry05:26
wallyworldah joy05:27
wallyworldbabbageclunk: i have the unit->dead revocation fully working :-D05:27
babbageclunkooh nice05:27
wallyworldkelvinliu: tlm: so i think your stuff is good to go; i have release notes organised; as soon as things land wash through jenkins, i'll kick off rc2. any issues i'm missing?05:30
kelvinliuwallyworld: ho?05:31
wallyworldhpidcock: you free to jump into standup?05:41
hpidcockwallyworld: sure05:47
wallyworldhpidcock: kelvinliu: sorry, hit button too soon06:07
hpidcockwallyworld: sure06:07
babbageclunkwallyworld: hey, I'm just going to hit merge on my pr so yours doesn't need to hold up - I can always put the extra store tidy-ups in after.06:19
babbageclunkthat was poorly worded but I think you can probably see what I'm getting at06:19
wallyworldbabbageclunk: whoohoo, tyvm06:20
achilleasamanadart: I have landed the []InterfaceInfo -> InterfaceInfos PR on 2.8 and dev; make sure to rebase if working with those types to avoid conflicts08:21
manadartachilleasa: Yep, rebased already.08:21
achilleasamanadart: have a question on 1157908:26
manadartachilleasa: HO?08:27
manadartachilleasa: Pushed change and replied to your comment.09:21
manadartachilleasa: Simple one: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1158711:00
manadartachilleasa: Thanks. Also need a tick on this backport of the earlier one: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1158811:10
achilleasamanadart: done11:10
manadartachilleasa: Ta.11:11
manadartachilleasa: Trivial forward-merge https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11589.13:29
achilleasamanadart: trade you for https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1159013:39
manadartachilleasa: Deal.13:40
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