
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL57626971e16d: Spellcheck tips_and_tricks] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL57626971e16d00:45
guiverchow can I get libmfm-qt & libqtxdg versions (upstream bug report)03:07
wxlyou're trying to get old versions of them?03:08
wxlcombine with this and you'll probably figure it out XD https://anonops.com/xchat.html03:09
wxli know03:11
guivercpcmanfm-qt report requires me to specify versions.. (lub 20.10 & debian.testing)  packages not installed03:11
wxloh jeez wrong channel again03:11
wxlthis is what happens when people talk to me in real life argh03:11
wxlif i remember correctly guiverc it's package=version-string03:11
guivercThanks wxl, left those fields blank (as packages not installed on either box), they can yell it me if they do need it :)03:12
wxlthey probably will XD03:13
wxlping me if tsujan gives you any trouble03:13
Eickmeyer*cough* pull request incoming on calamares-settings-ubuntu *cough*05:46
lubot<kc2bez> @Eickmeyer [<Eickmeyer> *cough* pull request incoming on calamares-settings-ubuntu *cough*], \o/08:32
EickmeyerI may have forgotten to mention the pull request is on Github and should explain everything.18:36
wxl@Eickmeyer: saw it and very excited but don't have a moment to look at it right now18:39
Eickmeyerwxl (@freenode_wxl:matrix.org): No worries.18:49
apt-ghettoEickmeyer: The version is wrong (1:20.10.0ubuntu1 => 1:20.10.0 or .1)19:06
Eickmeyerapt-ghetto: I honestly expected that to be overwriten anyhow. Also, it was late and I was tired.21:00
Eickmeyer(it's not the meat-and-potatoes of the MR)21:02
Eickmeyerer, PR21:03
EickmeyerEither way, fixed in the PR21:04
Eickmeyerwxl: Do you think it might be possible to get direct commit perms on that eventually? I'm going to have some refining to do before October.21:08
lubot<HMollerCl> wxl: remember some complains about refreshing background in Openbox? I found the solution21:20
wxlEickmeyer: i'm sure we can make that happen23:05
wxl@HMollerCl no i don't remember23:05
wxlit's to stop javascript which has the potential for leaking information and deanonymizing23:07
wxltor is #tor on oftc23:09

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