
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
MunskoHello. Is possible to "request" to muon package manager to install another language package?(i mean instead of PACK_ENG install PACK_DE when im having the SO in eng)01:34
MunskoHello again. Somebody know how can i add a new "locale" to my SO?02:05
MunskoI want switch the lang of some apps, but its only possible if i change the SO language02:06
wxlMunsko: is this helpful? https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.2/3.2.9/locale.html02:43
wxlnote i am fairly confident some apps don't have complete translations02:44
MunskoReally thanks, i dont wanted to touch anything on terminal before be very sure of what were doing02:45
MunskoThis affects my keyboard distribution or just only the language?02:45
MunskoI switched to hexchat and the translation is very confusing(is from GKT i think, like the gui)02:46
wxlkeyboard is separate https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.2/3.2.8/keyboard_and_mouse.html02:46
wxlwhat do you like about hexchat you can't find in quassel?02:47
MunskoWell, i tried to get something called External SASL02:48
Munskoand didtn found it there02:48
MunskoThat was for get a bit of more security02:48
wxlfor freenode?02:48
MunskoI think its called encriptation02:48
Munskoi done the key and those things02:49
Munskobut didnt found the option of external sasl02:49
wxlyou mean this? https://freenode.net/kb/answer/quassel02:49
Munskoi was in that one02:49
Munskobut theres one slightly different02:49
Munskothats is "Plain" SASL02:49
Munskoand another one is External SASL02:49
Munskoi dont get the differences by the way02:49
wxlso how do you know they're different? XD02:50
MunskoAll started trying to get a bit more of privacy02:50
MunskoBecause in hex you have the 2 options02:50
wxluse tor and a vpn; done02:50
MunskoAll started from that02:50
MunskoBut didnt know how configure the quassel to do it02:50
wxlthey are different. plain is for passwords, external can be many things02:50
MunskoWith the key02:51
MunskoI used this tutorial : "https://geekyshacklebolt.wordpress.com/2018/07/01/how-to-configure-sasl-external-on-hexchat/"02:51
wxli bet the part here re: konversation is what you want https://freenode.net/kb/answer/certfp02:52
MunskoI think the external "mode" is for the cert. thing02:52
MunskoI done almost that thing02:52
MunskoJust in hexchat02:53
MunskoThen the problem was the translation, is a bit confusing(im in spanish)02:53
MunskoLooks a techincal thing02:54
MunskoYou're very fast to get those things XD02:55
wxli remember this from when i set it up before02:55
MunskoYou archieved it on quassel too?02:55
wxlbut i use irssi and don't waste my precious resources on adding graphics to text XD02:55
MunskoWell, this thing looks like W9802:56
Munskonot so beautiful02:56
wxlyeah, about that…02:56
MunskoBut its because is gtk02:57
Munskoand im on LXQt02:57
wxli KNOW! i can't believe you WANT to use it for that reason XD02:57
MunskoI like quassel02:57
Munskobut i think i need that function too02:57
Munsko(the ext. sasl)02:57
MunskoIm very noob, but just try to get a bit more of security02:58
wxlyou have a vpn?02:58
MunskoThey have given me the .onion thing in the #freenode chat02:58
MunskoSo i think yes, dont know really02:59
wxloh sigh02:59
wxlthe only thing worse than no security is bad security so be careful02:59
MunskoYes, thats like have a cloak to get secure02:59
wxlthat's security by obfuscation which is a bit of a farce02:59
MunskoWell, i just found that i didnt putted the onion thing03:00
MunskoWhere i should put it?03:01
wxlyou need to figure out tor and that's not necessarily easy03:01
MunskoWell, just tried it as server adress and not worked XD03:04
wxlright, you need to be connected to tor03:05
MunskoThat isnt the same thing that have tor open?03:05
wxlyou mean the tor browser?03:06
wxli mean yes03:06
wxlbut no03:06
wxlyou are connected to the tor network03:06
wxlbut only via the browser03:06
wxlyou're not configured to connect to it from your irc client03:06
Munskoi need that step i think03:07
wxlew that might be out of date XD03:08
MunskoWell, the only one problem are the images03:10
Munskothey contain the info of fields, but looks like were deleted(dont load)03:11
wxlcombine with this and you'll probably figure it out XD https://anonops.com/xchat.html03:12
MunskoFreenode port is 6690,right?03:16
MunskoIm on work, looks like almost done03:19
MunskoDid u have idea wheres the tor username or smth like that?03:22
MunskoIm in this step(i need to do that before the other link)03:23
wxlok yeah i sent that to give you some idea about tor03:23
wxlnot so you could connecto to anonops03:23
MunskoI think they refeer to my irc username03:24
wxli mean that's what it's about but you don't want to use irc.anonops.com or anonops532vcpz6z.onion03:24
wxljust reconsider it in terms of freenode03:25
wxli know english is not your first language and that may be easier said than done but hopefully that makes sense :)03:25
MunskoYes, i understand that03:26
MunskoI changed the port and the .onion03:26
Munskothe problem now is that looks like i need a step more03:26
Munskoso tor can recognize irc and it runs via proxy03:26
wxlyeah the proxy is the key03:27
MunskoLooks difficult to do03:35
wxlnot really03:36
wxlbut it's more hard than clicking a button XD03:36
MunskoWell, i dont it to work, so is hard at least for me XD03:36
Munskoit dont work for me*03:36
wxlwell, tl;dr you need a socks5 proxy to localhost:915003:38
wxlthat's how you set up hexchat03:39
Munskoalmost reached03:39
Munskonow it says "port closed in the remote device"03:40
Munskoand try to reconnect in loop03:40
wxldo you have the tor browser open?03:40
wxlin terminal try this:03:41
wxlnc -v localhost 915003:41
wxllet me know what happens03:41
Munskoi understand03:41
Munskoits the firewall -.-03:41
Munskoi activated the ifgui03:42
Munskoor whatever its name03:42
MunskoThe problem now is create the exception03:43
Munsko"nc: connect to localhost port 9150 (tcp) failed: Connection refused03:44
Munsko"Connection to localhost 9150 port [tcp/*] succeeded!"03:44
MunskoThose 2 lines are the command drops03:44
MunskoFound the problem03:47
MunskoNow the error is tor sasl03:47
MunskoWell, i give up04:15
MunskoThanks for helping my btw04:15
=== joerg is now known as Guest34200
AlirezaAbbaI just watched distro watch for a moment. all linux distros got the red mark and went down in popularity. why?14:31
MunskoThat depends of the tab that u are watching14:35
MunskoIf u put last 7 days i saw almost all distros with the mark down14:36
MunskoBut that section rates the "hits per day"14:36
MunskoAt the contrary, if u check "trending 7 days" almost all distros figures with mark up14:37
redbullfroghola, alguien habla español14:39
chrasohey guys, how do i install default ubuntu desktop environment(which is gnome i think) on lubuntu?14:42
MunskoWell, if u are in 20.04 check for the pagacke maganer(muon), theres a package called "gnome"14:43
MunskoIt says that is the gnome desktop14:43
Munskoand will install the dependencies too14:43
MunskoBut imnot sure if its the best way to install the DE(desktop enviroment)14:44
MunskoYou have gnome-core too14:44
Munskothe 1st one is FULL DE14:44
Munskothe 2nd one is the essential things14:44
Munskowxl i got my tor thing :)14:47
AfdalIs the 20.04 graphic installer really not capable of selecting both non-logical volumes (partitions) and logical volumes at the same time?15:08
Deano59hi there!16:56
Deano59can I download 20.04 LTS with a torrent?16:57
wxlMunsko: cool. what were you missing yesterday?17:10
MunskoThe problem was the name of the cert17:10
MunskoSIlly thing :D17:10
MunskoIt should be the same of the server name that u put on the client17:10
wxlsilly indeed17:11
wxlglad you got it figured out17:11
wxli should probably torify all my irc connections17:11
MunskoI can help u :D17:17
MunskoI detailed it on a document for future formats17:17
wxloh i know what to do, i just need to do it17:17
wxlit's kind of like how i've been meaning to switch from irssi to weechat for years but am too lazy to re-configure everything XD17:17
wxli do have torified mail now and that's nice17:18
MunskoI need to config the email too17:19
MunskoAnd then torify too17:19
MunskoAfter that maybe firefox17:19
MunskoToo much work to do17:19
wxlof course you need a provider that has an onion17:19
wxlyou can surf clearnet in tor browser, though you do go through an exit node17:20
MunskoI use outlook, is possible?17:22
wxlwhy on earth would you???????17:23
wxlok sorry about that :)17:24
wxlno, i'm pretty confident microsoft doesn't host any onions anywhere17:24
Munskoi need to migrate my mails17:27
MunskoThe problem is that i use it for univ.17:27
MunskoAnd i need change EVERYTHING17:27
wxlwell many providers these days will allow you to import mails17:28
wxllook into protonmail17:28
MunskoTrojitá supports onion?(sock)17:36
MunskoIts the mail service that comes with 20.0417:36
wxlthere's ways around it. see torify/torsocks17:37
wxltbh i'm not sure about trojitá's native support of proxies, but i bet it's there17:38
MunskoI will try it more later17:39
MunskoI will tell u a secret: i have a folder called win xp in desktop :D17:41
MunskoJust backgrounds XD17:42
MunskoI found these backg. in HD and i like them17:42
MunskoI noticed something that could be strange: I configured my laptop to enter in suspension when i close it, but when i open it a found that its not on suspension, and after open it it goes to lock screen18:40
MunskoCould this affect me when i move the laptop?( i tought that is mroe safe move the pc in suspension than in normal mode)18:41
MunskoOr should i power off it before move?18:41
wxlcan you manually suspend it?18:44
MunskoBut the strange part is that the pc have a led light18:47
MunskoAnd when is in susp. it goes on/off18:47
Munsko(dont know the word,sorry)18:47
Munskothis happens when i close the laptop, but when i open it i saw what was before suspend and then happens all that18:47
MunskoMaybe is just a graphic effect18:48
MunskoI mean, the image that i saw when i open is where i leave the pc18:48
Munskoand automatically appears login screen18:48
MunskoI have auto login, maybe that interferes it18:48
wxldo you have ssh enabled?18:49
MunskoHow i saw that? no idea :D18:50
wxlnc -v localhost 2218:52
wxlif that succeeds you probably do18:52
wxloh hey nevermind that, i have a better idea18:52
wxldo you have another computer on the local network?18:52
MunskoI have one18:55
wxlget the ip address from the computer18:57
wxlthen close it18:57
wxlthen with the other computer, ping the ip address18:57
MunskoI can acces18:57
MunskoI have apache in localhost18:57
wxlif it works, it's not suspended18:57
Munskonice idea18:57
Munskoi will try it in some mins18:57
Munskoty really18:57
jkajoksjemand aus deuschland?? :D19:10
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!19:10
Munskowxl got the solution with your idea, its just a graphical thing19:44
MunskoI cant access when i clote the laptop19:44
MunskoThank you very much19:45
wxlMunsko: sounds like yours just comes up fast from suspend. i wish mine did XD19:46
Munskothis thing is fast19:46
MunskoAnd i dotn have last gen19:46
MunskoThats why love linux :P19:46
MunskoMaybe its just that i force suspension closing the laptop19:48
MunskoBecause im with a lot of things open and still is fast19:48
wxli actually manually lock mine and then to unlock, i lift the lid and press the key19:49
wxlthat's probably it19:49
Munskoyou do that way for some special reason?19:52
wxlnot really20:02
wxlyour way's probably better20:02
MunskoWell, i was worried about the mail space on Protonmail20:10
Munsko500mb looks good enough(i have lot of garbage)20:10
MunskoAnd i cant pay the 4 euros(3rd world -.-)20:10
wxlthere's likely other options out there20:15
MunskoTheres one called Tutanota too20:16
wxlthey have an onion?20:18
MunskoNo idea20:18
MunskoThats why i would try proton20:18
MunskoThey give u 1Gb with some restrctions20:18
wxlyeah it's not really clear20:20
wxlthey mention tor but i don't see an onion listed anywhere20:20
MunskoI found one topic in a forum20:21
Munskothey have implemented it(is from 2018)20:21
wxlah, it's kind of in the works https://github.com/tutao/tutanota/issues/52820:21
MunskoBut when i searched tutoanota onion nothing appears20:21
MunskoThey havent20:21
MunskoSO i will go proton20:22
wxlhuh they're basically just suggesting tor as a clearnet browser. bizarre20:22
MunskoClearnet is something like use tor without proxy?20:23
MunskoWell, afterwards i dont need to torify my mail21:09
MunskoWhy nobody talks here?21:56
akemIt's a support channel.21:56
MunskoYou're right21:57
akemThere's maybe a #lubuntu-discuss or something like that, i know there is one for regular ubuntu.21:58
krytarikThat'd be more like -offtopic though, and yes there is.21:58
lubot<tbs61> @Munsko [<Munsko> Why nobody talks here?], i asked so many questions about lubuntu here, there s not much left to ask now:D … sometimes i ask some questions at lubuntu offtopic, someguys help there for free ^^22:43
MunskoWait, i tought u where a bot22:45
akemIt's a bot that bridge another network.22:47
MunskoSO he answer that because i used the ?22:49
MunskoBecause i asked lots of thing between yesterday and today an never comed to answer XD22:49
akemNo, i mean it's a relay bot, the user who spoke via the bot is tbs61 here.22:51
Munskoi dont get it -.-22:52
MunskoIts like a "commanded" bot?22:52
akemOther users that are not connected on freenode can tchat here throught the bot, just ignore the bot name(lubot), and read what he says, the begining of the sentence has the username of who is tchatting between <>.22:56
lubot<tbs61> i talk here, you talk there, bot carry our messages. that s all^^23:03
Munskogot it now23:04
akemtbs61, On what network are you connected?23:05
wxlMunsko: clearnet as opposed to darknet. in other words, normal internet versus tor network. you can use the tor browser to connect to the normal internet but it doesn't have the same properties as connecting to an onion (darknet). it's clearnet because it's "in the clear"23:05
MunskoI feel iluminated now, all the answers together :D23:06
MunskoThere's some tor channel? i dont get work the noscript plugin23:07
lubot<tbs61> @akem [<akem> tbs61, On what network are you connected?], i use normal internet, i guess you didnt ask that but i need to understand more your question i guess:)23:09
lubot<tbs61> i m not tech guy like guys here:D23:10
akemtbs61, Since you're not here on Freenode, are you on another IRCnet or Discord or ...?23:11
MunskoIm green too23:11
lubot<tbs61> im at telegram23:11
MunskoThe whois info show its telegram23:11
akemtbs61, Ok, thanks for the info.23:12
akemMunsko, Right, i did not see that.23:12
lubot<tbs61> @akem [<akem> tbs61, Since you're not here on Freenode, are you on another IRCnet or Di …], i didnt know lubuntu has discord group too23:13
akemtbs61, Maybe it does not... it was just a supposition ;)23:14
AfdalDiscord is spyware :(23:15
lubot<tbs61> @@23:15
Munskoafdal yes?23:15
lubot<tbs61> are you sure?23:15
lubot<kc2bez> We don't have discord. We only have Telegram, IRC, and matrix for live chat. We do have a discourse forum as well. You can find all the links at https://lubuntu.me/links23:30
AfdalGood, don't ever get a Discord :323:54
AfdalSeeing a disturbing amount of projects on Freenode making Discord relays lately23:55

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