
oerhekscome on guys, fix those videos https://askubuntu.com/questions/1239703/hi-i-cant-install-my-kali-with-30gb-and-see-a-lot-of-kali-installing-videos01:58
lordievaderGood morning05:48
ducassegood morning06:41
* TJ- waves ... can anyone recall which channels I'm supposed to be in!? This thing keeps 'forgetting' :D06:46
ducassehiyas TJ- - join all the channels!06:46
TJ-hehehe ... all 20,000 ?06:47
TJ-I know I usually have about 25 in the list and I'm at 15 so far :D06:47
ducassei have the same problem now and then, need to fix my autojoin list06:48
TJ-It's since I moved to the new weechat and a couple of the python plugins seem to be tempremental06:49
TJ-Ahhh! read the logs/ directory list06:49
JakeSaysok so what's the purpose of #ubuntu?16:55
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: to ask ubuntu issues and get them solved16:55
oerheks1technical support, JakeSays16:55
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: why did you regret upgrading to 20.04, and from wich version did you?16:55
JakeSayslol ok well i have an ubuntu issue16:56
JakeSayslotuspsychje: 19.1016:56
JakeSayswell, ok, i guess it's not an issue per se16:56
JakeSaysbut i found a problem with tcgetattr that came about with 20.0416:56
JakeSaysit's behavior has changed in such a way that fails when lazy developers use it.16:57
JakeSayslol ok this is totally not a support issue16:57
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: please lets treat developers with respect, everyone is doing what they can16:58
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: you have chosen to install a non-lts, and move to the next version early16:58
JakeSayslotuspsychje: i'm a developer. i can be just as lazy as the rest16:58
lotuspsychjethat means extra bugs can arise16:58
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: if you want a stable, less bugs experience choose the LTS way and wait for the point releases16:59
JakeSaysanyway, i'm just trying to get more info on this behavior change. the change is specifically three padding bytes in termios are being returned with garbage in 20.04, and they were zero'd in 19.1017:00
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: you can also help the community and the devs by filing a !bug about it17:00
lotuspsychjemight work better then regret and frustrations17:01
JakeSayshey lets not get hung up on the word regret. i was just expressing myself.17:01
JakeSayswhere do i file this bug.17:01
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: do you have a launchpad account?17:02
JakeSaysi dont believe so17:02
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: create one first, then ubuntu-bug yourpackagename from terminal17:02
JakeSaysok. what package would this issue be a part of?17:03
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: well that was gonna be my next idea, it might be handy to first ask about your issue in #ubuntu volunteers might know a solution or an existing bug17:03
JakeSayslol that's where i started17:04
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: yeah but you never asked a question17:04
JakeSaysyou never gave me a chance! but i'll go post my question there17:05
JakeSayslotuspsychje: ugh. i should just go back to bed. so trying to create a launchpad account - it keeps telling me to fix errors, but doesn't highlight anything. (it was highlighting errors when my passwords don't match)17:13
daftykinsweb forms are pretty basic17:14
JakeSayslol nevermind17:20
JakeSaysi should know better than to attempt anything before i've consumed my requisite amount of caffeine17:20
JakeSayslotuspsychje_: your earlier comment about "the lts way" - 20.04 is an lts release.20:17
daftykinsyou misunderstood, plus he's gone20:18
daftykinsah no he hasn't, hmm surprised - usually long gone by now :D20:18
JakeSaysdaftykins: misunderstood what?20:19
daftykinswhat you just quoted obviously20:23
JakeSaysdaftykins: i didnt, but thanks for the opinion.20:32
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daftykinsJakeSays: no you've got it all wrong, you stated that you were on 19.10 and upgraded to 20.04, you were told it'd be different had you stuck to LTS, which means that you'd have been running 18.04 - and upgrade to 20.04 wouldn't work until 20.04.1 releases20:34
daftykinsquite simple really20:34
JakeSaysyes i understood that.20:35
daftykinswhy did you just affirm 20.04 being LTS then? shows you didn't get that20:36
JakeSaysbecause i would assume that an lts release would be solid enough to support upgrading over a previous version without causing major issues.20:38
daftykinsi don't think the destination being an LTS has any bearing whatsoever on the upgrade process20:38
JakeSaysyeah ok.20:39
daftykinsfor some the discussion is too much20:41
EickmeyerThis is why I put in every release announcement: "Since it’s just out, you may experience some issues, so you might want to wait a bit before upgrading."20:49
daftykinssuch a shame the obvious has to be said20:50
EickmeyerAlso, most of the time I find people that have trouble upgrading have added PPAs with weird versioning schemes in their packages.20:51
daftykinsmmm definitely20:52
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=== oerheks1 is now known as oerheks

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