Unit193 | bluesabre: Sent via PM because it was an email directly to me (read: privacy reasons) | 00:46 |
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash | ||
ali1234 | what does it mean when i see "sync with debian unstable. remaining changes:" in a changelog? | 04:11 |
ali1234 | what are remaining changes? | 04:11 |
Unit193 | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-session/4.12.1-3ubuntu1 like this, they're supposed to be listed below. | 04:13 |
ali1234 | yes but what are remaining changes? | 04:13 |
ali1234 | in what sense are they remaining? where can i find them? | 04:14 |
ali1234 | what is the meaning of + and -? | 04:14 |
Unit193 | The listed changes were done before, they're being merged into the Debian package. | 04:14 |
Unit193 | Basically, indenting levels. '*' is always firstlevel, "-" tends to be second, '+' tends to be third. | 04:15 |
ali1234 | so the remaining changes should all be things found in patches? | 04:15 |
Unit193 | Or other files under debian/, eg I could change d/rules to drop something or other. We used that in parole to strip a flag, until I put that in Debian's d/rules. | 04:16 |
ali1234 | i'm confused about the openssl package and this changelog https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl/1.1.1f-1ubuntu1 | 04:18 |
ali1234 | it says among other things: Revert "Enable system default config to enforce TLS1.2 as a minimum" & "Increase default security level from 1 to 2". | 04:18 |
ali1234 | and also "Set OPENSSL_TLS_SECURITY_LEVEL=2 as compiled-in minimum security level. Change meaning of SECURITY_LEVEL=2 to prohibit TLS versions below 1.2 and update documentation. Previous default of 1, can be set by calling SSL_CTX_set_security_level(), SSL_set_security_level() or using ':@SECLEVEL=1' CipherString value in openssl.cfg." | 04:19 |
Unit193 | Debian upped the minimum, Ubuntu doesn't want to up that, so they revert that change. | 04:19 |
ali1234 | now firstly it seems like these two changes cancel each other out | 04:19 |
ali1234 | revert the change to default seclevel=2 and then change the default seclevel to 2 | 04:20 |
ali1234 | secondly i can't see any evidence that either of these things are actually done in the package | 04:20 |
ali1234 | and thirdly openssl on 20.04 always behaves as if seclevel=2 | 04:20 |
ali1234 | and i find this really confusing | 04:20 |
ali1234 | i will go and bug xnox about this tomorrow :) | 04:22 |
Unit193 | \o/ | 04:24 |
ali1234 | ah i see the problem | 04:55 |
hgdrn | Good morning from Germany. For those of you who don't know XDMCP and want to play around with it, here a few sentences how to set up a VirtualBox and enable XDMCP. | 08:59 |
Unit193 | FWIW, I do not now specifically where you should file said bug nor where to send for the best support. #ubuntu is a support channel, but I can't imagine they'd know the ins and outs of XDMCP. I'd question if a forum post of askubuntu might help. | 09:00 |
hgdrn | Download xubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso, create a new VM with Virtualbox, mount the ISO, boot VM and install Xubuntu. Boot Xubuntu, configure the network (I use a static ipv4 and bridged networking for the VM). Log in as the created user. Do an initial "sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade". Install OpenSSH and Xnest (sudo apt install | 09:02 |
hgdrn | openssh-server xnest). Add a second user ("sudo adduser foobar"). Enable XDMCP for lightdm: | 09:02 |
hgdrn | echo "[XDMCPServer]" > /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/xdmcp.conf | 09:03 |
hgdrn | echo "enabled=true" >> /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/xdmcp.conf | 09:03 |
hgdrn | Restart lightdm, login as initial user again. Open a terminal. Call "Xnest -geometry 1024x786 -query localhost :42". Login as second user: xiccd crahes. Instead of Xnest you might start an XDMCP session from a Windows machine with MobaXTerm or VcXsrv. | 09:06 |
Unit193 | Meh, well Debian 878069 wasn't a whole lot of help. | 09:06 |
ubottu | Debian bug 878069 in lightdm "lightdm: xdmcp broken" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/878069 | 09:06 |
hgdrn | That's all. I don't want to bother you more with this XDMCP stuff. But for those of you who are to young to know it this might help. ;-) Over and out. | 09:07 |
Unit193 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm/+bugs?field.searchtext=xdmcp hmm.. | 09:10 |
hgdrn | Don't know if lightdm is broken in Debian 9, in fact Lightdm is working with XDMCP even with (X)Ubuntu 20.04. It's more the programs that do not, e.g. xiccd crahes with SIGSEV after logging in via XDMCP. | 09:14 |
Unit193 | As ali1234 had mentioned before, something having to do with dbus sounds a bit complicated. | 09:17 |
hgdrn | Yes, but I don't know what that means. As I said yesterday I'm just a user and therefor I'm going to be silent now, because I don't to disturb you with this stuff longer. I'll try to find out which programs makes something I don't expect and will try to find the bugtracker. ;) | 09:29 |
hgdrn | FYI: I tried x2go again. It brings its own, internal VcXsrv for the Windows client, funny. In the current version it seems to be a slower (why, I don't know) but working replacement for my setup. Please concentrate on other things. This is really the last statement from my side. Bye. ;) | 10:01 |
jphilips | was watching a installation video in spanish, and there seemed like a number of issues with the slides | 14:00 |
jphilips | https://imgur.com/NGxw7d5.png | 14:00 |
jphilips | https://imgur.com/5OEvAFe.png | 14:01 |
jphilips | presume there is no means to make sure that text fit in a particular width on the slides | 14:01 |
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