
jimis there a bot, maybe one that works like judd, that lets you query about packages?00:13
sarnold!info bash00:14
ubottubash (source: bash): GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 5.0-4ubuntu1 (eoan), package size 620 kB, installed size 1636 kB00:14
sarnoldhmm. I thought there was...00:14
sarnoldaha, there is ;) just slow00:14
jimoh very nice00:14
jimcan I message it?00:14
jim(and have it reply by message)00:14
Bashing-om!ubottu | jim00:15
ubottujim: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone00:15
oerheksjups, in /prvmg too00:15
jimgreat, thanks so much... why did I forget about ubottu00:16
oerheksso, !info !find00:16
Bashing-omjim: For instance ' /msg ubottu !info bash ' . will generate to a private window.00:17
oerheksnot ,v bash00:17
jimso you still need the ! character?00:17
oerheksjups, not in priv msg00:17
jimwhat's a jups?00:18
jimoh ok :)00:18
sarnoldheh, the things you take for granted ..00:18
jimnext time a ubuntu user comes into ##linux, maybe I can help00:19
jimanyway thanks all00:19
SirTalksAlot34Does anyone know where I can learn lua?00:24
sarnoldSirTalksAlot34: I think I did this a fwe years ago, it seemed like a good starting point anyway https://www.lua.org/pil/1.html00:29
=== ben_r_ is now known as ben_r
pi0trying to setup samba ubuntu to ubuntu00:50
pi0failed to retrieve share list from server connection timed out00:50
pi0trying to access via natalius00:51
pi0getting that error message00:51
SirTalksAlotI can't help you there bud sorry :(00:52
sarnoldpi0: you could also try using smbclient at the command line, or mount.cifs, perhaps one or the other of them will give you a more useful error message00:53
sarnoldpi0: double-check firewall rules on both hosts, and any routers that are between the two machines00:53
=== pinpox- is now known as pinpox
pi0i am able to ssh directly using natalius00:54
pi0which is good, but eventually i will need samba00:54
pi0how do i run mount.cifs?00:54
Sven_vBon xenial, fuser offers the -w option to kill all processes that hold file descriptors with write access to a certain file. can I also just list them?00:55
sarnoldit'll be something like mount -t cifs //remotehost/exportname /mnt/local/mount/point and probably require a bunch of -o things00:55
Sven_vBoh, looks like the man page is wrong and -w does that by default.00:56
Sven_vBnah I read wrong. it's just ignored.00:56
Sven_vB(in non-kill mode)00:56
Sven_vBok then how do I list processes that have the file opened for write access?00:57
sarnoldSven_vB: try: lsof -f -- pathname  and look for the 'w' in the FD column00:59
sarnoldthat *might* be as easy as | grep "w REG"00:59
sarnoldor maybe two spaces? tab?00:59
sarnoldsomething like that, anyway..01:00
pi0sarnold: thanks! that is a good starting point to check, also does anyone here use gnone boxes?01:00
sarnoldI've used virt-manager before, this is the first I'm hearing of gnome-boxes01:01
Sven_vBsarnold, the problem with a sed or grep approach is that I don't know if command (1st column) and/or resolved filename (last column) might have spaces in them, or even the exact search string "w REG". so I tried -F pf (fields PID and FD), but then lsof no longer prints the file mode.01:01
=== EuphOria is now known as Euph0ria
sarnoldSven_vB: try field 'a' as well, that looks like it includes mode01:08
Sven_vBsarnold, it does. thanks!01:11
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sarnoldSven_vB: yay :)01:41
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=== zbenjamin is now known as Guest15745
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=== MrAnon is now known as CommunistDude
goddardi tried fedora02:46
exit70[m]hi, i know it is an old release and a port. where can i find https://wilkiecat.wordpress.com/2012/02/01/ubuntu-10-10-on-power-pc-macintosh/ ? http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ports/releases/ doesn't have it.02:50
exit70[m]for my ppc box i think the video card is not well supported by 9.04 so i wanna try my karma on 10.10 :)02:51
sarnoldhuh, that's a surprise it's not catalogued there02:53
sarnoldexit70[m]: you may want to try something completly different, instead, eg https://distfiles.adelielinux.org/adelie/stable/iso/02:54
sarnoldexit70[m]: (I mean, there's no guarantees, but there's a chance something might have been fixed in the intervening nine years)02:55
exit70[m]thanks i still wanna gnome 2 but knowing another distro have ppc support feels good02:55
malwar3hun73ranyone familiar with softflow and its ability to generate v9 flows?03:33
=== PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120
goddardi tried fedora03:54
mhpl3141592As semi-noob in Linux world, I start wtih Archlinux. Now, I'm trying Ubuntu. With Arch I had a great centeralized documentation which was arch wiki and kind of had the general bird view of what is going on.04:00
leftyfbgoddard: Do you have an ubuntu support question?04:00
mhpl3141592However, on ubuntu, I'm a bit confused. I search random blog posts...is there a reliable documentation for ubuntu?04:00
leftyfbmhpl3141592: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/04:01
goddardleaftype: no sorry went to social04:01
mhpl3141592leftyfb: could you show me an entry for i3 (i3wm) and how install in in wiki.ubuntu.com? I simply couldnt find anything and had to just search through google04:03
leftyfbmhpl3141592: https://www.maketecheasier.com/install-use-i3-window-manager-ubuntu/04:04
mhpl3141592leftyfb: I just want to know the best practice in the community. One should read random blog posts (many outdated) using google? right? what do experts do?04:05
mhpl3141592not expert, but intermediate to advanced users04:05
mhpl3141592Thanks for the link, but I want to know how to get more advanced in Ubuntu and general best practices04:06
leftyfbmhpl3141592: installing and choosing i3wm over most other DE's is prettymuch the same. Install the package(s), log out, choose your WM and log back in04:06
mhpl3141592leftyfb: I've already did it, but do even advanced users just search google, try adapting blog posts?04:07
leftyfbmhpl3141592: depends on the person and article04:08
lotuspsychjemhpl3141592: you can also join #ubuntu-discuss we have some active volunteers on i3 here04:08
mhpl3141592leftyfb: So after get some experience, people get to know more reliable sources and also the tricks to adopts things. Right?04:08
mhpl3141592lotuspsychje: My problem isn't i3...I'm asking about general and best practices on how to configure the OS. In Arch it was mostly the wiki. In Ubuntu it seems some use of blog posts, stack overflow, etc...04:10
lotuspsychjemhpl3141592: we try to divide discussions with actual ubuntu support, into the proper channels, hence why the discuss channel04:11
mhpl3141592lotuspsychje: aha, thank, I will join there.04:12
=== CommunistDude is now known as FCKTHEPOLICE
goddardhow can i setup flathub properly?04:16
mhpl3141592I just install regolith and then switch to it. After re-login into my default ubuntu the default icons has changed which I don't like. How can I revert the changes to default ubuntu icons? I've a fresh install and couldn't find an icon setting04:19
goddardso i have an operation going in nautilus to copy some files and it keeps asking for my password.  It also says it has 8 hours to go.  I do not want to sit here and keep entering my password.  What can I do?04:41
pent1ckelmalwar3hun73r: I'm using a kernel module to create netflow information05:15
pent1ckelI tried to out softflow but it didn't work for me05:16
doomlist3i open anki and the fonts are too small because of laptop's high resolution, can i make in general them big06:37
doomlist3using some generic method06:37
doomlist3as anki does have no option to increase fonts06:38
gloomyHello :) Is it normal that whenever I try to delete a tunnel with `ip tunnel delete tunnel_name`, I get : "delete tunnel "tunnel_name" failed: Operation not permitted"06:56
davido_I've been having trouble installing and upgrading snaps. authentication error.06:58
davido_any idea how to resolve it?06:59
gloomyI've tried several times in several VMs over the last few days and it always gives me that message.06:59
davido_just about done with snaps.07:00
zap0does 20.4 have gcc10?07:08
davido_9.3.0 i mean.07:09
davido_at least that's what gcc --version gives me.07:10
ThinkT510!info gcc | zap007:10
ubottuzap0: gcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.185.1ubuntu1)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:9.2.1-3.1ubuntu1 (eoan), package size 5 kB, installed size 50 kB07:11
zap0davido_ did you install a newer that the bot just said?     or bot is out of date07:11
ThinkT510zap0: looks like the bot is out of date, it quoted eoan rather than focal07:12
zap0ok.  thanks.07:12
davido_the bot must be out of date.07:12
ThinkT510!info gcc focal07:13
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.185.1ubuntu2)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:9.3.0-1ubuntu2 (focal), package size 5 kB, installed size 50 kB (Only available for mips; mipsel; mipsn32; mipsn32el; mips64; mips64el; mipsr6; mipsr6el; mipsn32r6; mipsn32r6el; mips64r6; mips64r6el; amd64; i386; x32)07:13
davido_the python 2.x removal kind of caught me by surprise. I don't use it for my own work, but it made Folding@Home a little harder to manage.07:15
fradhow do I increase font size systemwide?07:17
housecatubottu: config supybot.plugins.PackageInfo.defaultRelease07:17
ubottuGlobal: focal; #ubuntu: eoan07:17
fradfor all menus (small laptop)07:17
davido_In the Tweaks app, under "Fonts" tab.07:18
housecatubottu: config channel #ubuntu supybot.plugins.PackageInfo.defaultRelease focal07:21
ubottuThe operation succeeded.07:21
ubottuhousecat: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:21
housecatdon't worry, i don't07:21
housecat!info gcc07:22
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.185.1ubuntu2)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:9.3.0-1ubuntu2 (focal), package size 5 kB, installed size 50 kB (Only available for mips; mipsel; mipsn32; mipsn32el; mips64; mips64el; mipsr6; mipsr6el; mipsn32r6; mipsn32r6el; mips64r6; mips64r6el; amd64; i386; x32)07:22
ThinkT510housecat: thanks07:22
fradthx davido_07:22
davido_So back to my earlier question; has anyone had any luck fixing 'authentication error' when refreshing or installing snaps? I seem pretty stuck.07:24
fraddo you guys use synaptic? I find it practical to find packages, but I don't know if there is a better way of looking for those. Also it's hlpful to install dependencies...07:53
davido_sudo apt list |grep *whatever*07:54
davido_I just use apt to install. It pulls down the dependencies. synaptic is just a colorful wrapper around that anyway.07:54
fradok, so that command calls the server to tell me what packages are named like the name I wrote (say firefox) and will only list packages compatible with my current distro, correct?07:56
comicsansgreenki or apt search <package>08:00
davido_yeah, apt search too.08:01
davido_I'm just lazy; the muscle memory takes over; I use grep for so much else.08:01
* comicsansgreenki is dropping nickname for m-curloxide08:04
fradso, I upgraded to 20.04 and now Im trying to add flacon to my laptop. I executed 'sudo add-apt-repository ppa:flacon/ppa', as instructed by https://launchpad.net/~flacon/+archive/ubuntu/ppa to get:  The repository 'cdrom://Xubuntu 20.04 LTS _Focal Fossa_ - Release amd64 (20200423) focal Release' does not have a Release file. What should I do?08:04
comicsansgreenkiShort answer: Disable it08:04
* comicsansgreenki is typing long answer...08:04
zaizaizai86Hi, so I flashes ubuntu iso on an usb flash. But when I boot it, I get grub>08:06
zaizaizai86why would this happen?08:06
comicsansgreenkifrad: Software & Updates (in the list of apps) > Other Software > uncheck the cdrom:// repo08:07
comicsansgreenkilong answer*08:07
fradcomicsansgreenki, haha, thanks, proceeding...08:08
fradthank you comicsansgreenki , it worked08:10
fradif any of you can help with a font size question about hexchat, feel free to join that channel and suggest a solution. Thank you!08:13
zap0frad rigth click in the text window, Settings > Preferences > Appearance08:28
fradabout sudo apt list |grep: I am now looking for an e-book viewer I used before the upgrade. The name of the app is ebookviewer, or e-book-viewer or something similar. The old me would go to synaptic and search for it. Eventually I'd find a package with a similar name. How do you guys proceed if confronted with a similar situation?08:37
fradI see, so you first trial and error the name :D08:39
clarkkin ubuntu 18.04, the notifications are truncated in the notifications panel. How can I see the full message?08:45
lotuspsychjeclarkk: screenshot please?08:54
DenethrHi everyone, my system is not booting on ubuntu anymore after I installed a new SSD and changed some sata connections. I get to the grub menu (I have dual boot windows), but when choosing ubuntu it just shows a blank screen with a white cursor blinking. I booted on a usb stick and can see the main ubuntu partition is still there, how can I repair09:02
Denethrgrub so that it works again?09:02
lotuspsychjeone for you EriC^^09:03
EriC^^actually seems like post-grub issue but Denethr did you change ubuntu or its still on the same hdd?09:04
EriC^^or did you transfer it to another etc09:04
Denethrit's still on the same SSD09:05
Denethrthe partition UUID is still the one that i see in grub.cfg09:05
Denethrbut i moved the sata connections of the drives and added another one, so I don't know if that can confuse grub09:05
Denethr(I don't know much about this)09:06
EriC^^did you change any settings in the bios ahci/raid etc09:06
DenethrI had to change one nvme drive to be with SATA instead of PCIe because of limitations of my motherboard (if that makes sense)09:06
EriC^^Denethr: maybe try to chroot from the live usb and reinstall grub and see what happens09:07
Denethrhow do I do that? just sudo chroot on the partition?09:07
EriC^^Denethr: yeah mount the root fs at /mnt09:08
EriC^^then run 'for i in /dev /proc /sys; do sudo mount -R $i /mnt$i; done'09:08
EriC^^then sudo chroot /mnt , mount -a, then grub-install and finally update-grub09:08
EriC^^Denethr: if it still doesnt work maybe check that the menu entry in grub is right by pressing 'e' over it and check the uuid there etc. if that all checks out then try to remove quiet splash and maybe put 'debug ignore_loglevel' and look for whats happening09:10
vladoskihi guys, can anyone tell me why copying numerous files on ubuntu it's so slow compared to windows?09:11
Denethrso I'm chroot in the right directory, grub-install says "grub-install: error: install device isn't specified"09:12
Denethrdo I need more arguments?09:12
EriC^^Denethr: ah, it's a legacy grub not uefi09:13
Denethrthat's confusing, I boot using uefi09:13
EriC^^Denethr: try 'grub-install --recheck /dev/sdX' replacing sdx with your main hdd09:13
EriC^^Denethr: yeah i somehow thought you had uefi too09:13
doomlist3mpv has audio that can be buffered via emacs? can emacs generalize any output of say mpv, without using packages09:14
EriC^^Denethr: can you run outside of the chroot 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999' and paste the link here?09:14
doomlist3I'd like to output epub as well, but without using packages, and also pdf09:14
fradhow do I type non ascii characters like German umlauts or the French ae?09:14
AscavasaionHello all... I have downloaded picore.img and am trying to burn it to an SD card on an Ubuntu machine.  sudo dd if=/home/joel/Downloads/picore/piCore-9.0.3.img of=/dev/sdb1 claims to have written the ISO, 100352+0 records in | 100352+0 records out | 51380224 bytes (51 MB, 49 MiB) copied, 10.5901 s, 4.9 MB/s  But the thing does not boot in the pi, nor does it even register as a mountable partition on the Ubuntu machine it09:14
Ascavasaionwas made on.  any ideas please.09:14
DenethrEriC^^: https://termbin.com/ow7p09:14
fradI added language support for french and German09:14
Denethrsdb5 should be ubuntu09:15
EriC^^Denethr: type 'grep efi /mnt/etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999'09:15
Denethrsomehow doesn't work - but fstab in the chroot shows this: UUID=261F-B659  /boot/efi       vfat    umask=0077      0       109:17
younderAscavasaion, Not sure, what capasity is the SD (in Gb)?09:17
Denethrand # /boot/efi was on /dev/nvme0n1p2 during installation sorry09:18
AscavasaionHello all... I have downloaded picore.img and am trying to burn it to an SD card on an Ubuntu machine.  sudo dd if=/home/joel/Downloads/picore/piCore-9.0.3.img of=/dev/sdb1 claims to have written the ISO, 100352+0 records in | 100352+0 records out | 51380224 bytes (51 MB, 49 MiB) copied, 10.5901 s, 4.9 MB/s  But the thing does not boot in the pi, nor does it even register as a mountable partition on09:19
EriC^^Denethr: ok, outside of the chroot, type 'sudo mount -B /run /mnt/run'09:19
Ascavasaionthe Ubuntu machine it was made on.  any ideas please.09:19
EriC^^Denethr: then in the chroot type "dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link09:19
EriC^^Ascavasaion: i think you might have to dd it to of=/dev/sdb rather than sdb109:20
AscavasaionEriC^^: Oooh, let me try09:20
EriC^^Ascavasaion: also run 'sync' after you dd it so that everything gets copied (from the cache)09:20
EriC^^Denethr: ok, seems both grub legacy and uefi are installed, type 'apt-get remove grub-pc grub-pc-bin'09:21
Denethrin chroot right?09:21
EriC^^Denethr: yeah09:21
AscavasaionEriC^^: Perfecto!09:22
AscavasaionEriC^^: Thank you, worked first time09:22
EriC^^Ascavasaion: great, no problemo09:22
DenethrEriC^^ somehow my sources are messed up, getting 404... let me try to fix this (I didn't boot on ubuntu in a while)09:22
EriC^^Denethr: ok09:23
DenethrEriC^^ok I managed to remove the packages09:28
Denethrshould i try gub-install again?09:29
DenethrEriC^^ if I undertsand well it tried to run grub-install automatically but there were some errors: https://termbin.com/fzpr - is that normal?09:33
Denethrstupid question - does it matter if I booted into the USB key using UEFI or not?09:36
EriC^^Denethr: yeah it matters cause if the usb isnt booted in uefi mode it cant access the uefi entries in the motherboard (no efivars found)09:39
Denethrok that probably explains it....09:39
Denethri'll reboot09:39
EriC^^Denethr: ok09:39
DenethrSomehow uninstalling the wrong grub seems to have fixed it, I was able to boot from disk this time :-)09:43
Denethrthanks for the help!09:43
EriC^^Denethr: great :) no problem09:43
ubuntutrdoes anyone know about #plesk09:45
ubuntutrnobody interested09:45
zhanxor you failed to wait09:54
ubuntutrnameserver ns1 ...09:58
ubuntutrhow can I do that09:58
fradI need to make a live usb stick. Is unetbooting still the way to go?10:01
ThinkT510frad: if you are making it from linux then it might be easier to simply use dd (please make absolutely sure you select the right drive if you use this method)10:07
clarkkin ubuntu 18.04, the notifications are truncated in the notifications panel. How can I see the full message?10:13
fradops here: Do you get paid or are you helping us for free?10:14
clarkklotuspsychje, sorry for the delay. Here's a screenshot https://www.dropbox.com/s/eulcao73yuqitox/Menu_471.png?dl=010:15
fradis there a German ubuntu channel?10:23
peanutbutterandcHey there!10:23
ThinkT510!de | frad10:24
ubottufrad: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!10:24
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:25
peanutbutterandcThe other day, after I `apt install flatpak`-ed on an Ubuntu 20.04 machine (please don't kill me for using flatpaks instead of snapd), I think it had flathub remote configured automatically to be both system/user. Now I need to do that on another distro. Does anyone have any pointers, please?10:25
vimartfrad:try #ubuntu.de10:25
vimartHey ubuntutr10:27
ubuntutrÝ have plesk server10:27
ubuntutri did everything nameserver not working10:27
ubuntutrDoes anyone have information ?10:28
ubuntutri use godaddy10:28
ubuntutri create ns1.ddddd.com ns2.ddddd.com10:28
fradcan a faulty internet connection don't fully download packages during an upgrade but show the packages as correctly and fully installed?10:38
EriC^^frad: that's unlikely10:38
EriC^^frad: is the package cache updated? apt-get update10:38
fradEriC^^, hi, I'm just trying to guess the reason why I had to nuke my old installation10:39
peanutbutterandcDoes anyone here have flatpak installed on their 20.04 system?10:40
fradwhat do you guys recommend? fresh installs or upgrades?10:49
vladoskiHi guys, I'm trying to copy some files from an NTFS hd to another NTFS hard disk on ubuntu10:50
vladoskithe problem is that's so slow10:50
vladoskii've tried to use big_writes as a mount flag10:50
vladoskibut it's the same without it10:51
vladoski1h for 200 jpegs it's a lot even for slow hds10:51
vimartI've problems whent typing on my laptop with 20.04 because of touchpad.10:57
vimartany way to switchoff touchpad while typing?10:58
vimartBTW Xubuntu10:58
peanutbutterandcIs anybody here running ubuntu 20.04?11:03
peanutbutterandc...and would like to check a few things out please?11:03
peanutbutterandcAnyone? Please?11:04
ThinkT510peanutbutterandc: what do you want to check out?11:06
Idan123Hey, trying to set up an X11 dummy server and in need for a  good guide on it subject, any ideas?11:09
peanutbutterandcThinkT510, Hey there! Sorry my internet went down11:12
peanutbutterandcThinkT510, Could you please `apt install flatpak` on your ubuntu 20.04 machine if that isn't too much hassle for you  please?11:13
ThinkT510peanutbutterandc: it installed just fine11:14
peanutbutterandcThinkT510, What is the output of `flatpak remote-list` please?11:14
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:15
vimartMorning BluesKaj11:15
ubuntutrcan you login to the address www.ircop.net ?11:16
ThinkT510peanutbutterandc: there is no output, just a blank line11:16
BluesKajhi vimart11:16
peanutbutterandcThinkT510, That is awfully strange. This is ubuntu 20.04, is it not?11:16
ThinkT510peanutbutterandc: yes, i'm running 20.0411:17
peanutbutterandcThinkT510, curioser and curioser. Thank you very much good sir. Could you please add flathub (no sudo): "flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo" Please remember - no sudo11:18
ThinkT510peanutbutterandc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QGtY9pbyhm/11:21
ThinkT510i'm running i3 so desktop icons don't concern me11:22
peanutbutterandcThinkT510, Thank you very much...11:24
=== revosftw3 is now known as revosftw
ThinkT510peanutbutterandc: flatpak remote-list now shows flathub system11:25
peanutbutterandcThinkT510, I see. Thank you very much kind sir.11:26
=== Perfec7 is now known as brasil
ThinkT510peanutbutterandc: i'm guessing this means flatpak on 20.04 doesn't come with any repos configured by default11:29
Tr1nkdoes anyone dealt with hpe_ltt under ubuntu ?11:30
Tr1nkthe package seems to be only for redhat11:30
Tr1nkthx by advance if you can help11:30
younderThinkT510, Ubuntu mostly uses snap's.11:33
ThinkT510younder: yes, i'm aware of that. just wondering what peanutbutterandc is trying to figure out11:34
peanutbutterandcThinkT510, So, I recently configured an acquaintance's Ubuntu 20.04 like this: installed `flatpak` and `gnome-software` and `gnome-software-plugin-flatpak`, and configured `gnome-software` to only show flatpaks and install only flatpaks (per-user installation)11:35
peanutbutterandcThinkT510, and today I can't seem to be able to do it on another machine11:36
ThinkT510peanutbutterandc: at what point does it fail?11:46
peanutbutterandcThinkT510, It doesn't. Gnome software isn't talking to users local flatpak remote....11:48
peanutbutterandcso... I guess it never talks to each other11:48
peanutbutterandcat all11:48
ThinkT510peanutbutterandc: unfortunately i'm not a fan of these software centres. give me synaptic any day over those things. sorry i can be of much more help11:50
peanutbutterandcThinkT510, It's all right. I am just trying to set it up for a friend11:51
captainfantasticI remember Ubuntu and other Linux pop ups suggesting BIOS upgrades. But I can't find it back to update my bios. How do I open a tool to update my BIOS while running ubuntu12:06
ejrhi! i am trying to completely remove and reinstall a package (chromium browser) that was installed with snap. however it does not work. when i try to purge chromium dpkg returns an error because "chromium-browser is in a very bad inconsistent state" and i should reinstall it12:07
tomreyncaptainfantastic: ubuntu / gnome software should provide a GUI, fwupd a CLI12:07
aepluscaptainfantastic: perhaps perform a normal update using "Ubuntu Software"?12:07
ejrbut when i run dpkg-reconfigure chromium-browser, it complains that it is in a bad state and broken12:08
ejrso what can i do?12:08
tomreynejr: i guess i'd remove the snap first, all revisions including backups, and then try to re-install the deb.12:09
tomreynif you can show the full outputs this may also help finding a better solution12:09
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:09
ejrah yes, i have already run snap remove chromium* before12:09
captainfantastic@tomreyn @aeplus Thanks guys! it's in the ubuntu software center. Hasn't crossed my mind that ubuntu software would offer bios upgrades :)12:10
ejrnot sure about the snap backups though12:10
ejrwhere can i find them?12:10
tomreynif you run    snap help    in a temrinal this should provide some hints12:11
tomreyni don't rmember the exact comands and am not a fan of supporting snap either.12:11
ejri let the 2 chromium snapshots be forgotten in snap, still it does not work12:13
tomreynTr1nk: you can *possibly* use "alien" (a package you'd need to install via apt) to make use of this rpm archive: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167074412:15
tomreynejr: so lets see your outputs for the commands you discussed so far.12:16
john_ramboI have a mp3 file and a bunch of jpg images ...I want to create a video in which the jpg images will appear in a slideshow and the mp3 audio will play in background ...Is there any GUI app which can do this ?12:20
ejrtomreyn: result of purge command: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6T7WC7JRJC/12:20
ejrresult of dpkg-reconfigure is: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: chromium-browser is broken or not fully installed12:20
tomreynejr: did you try to re-install, as the 'purge' output and i suggested? and if so, what's the output there?12:22
ejrand sudo snap chromium installs it, but when i open chromium with the icon it just doesnt start, when launching from the shell it says "No protocol specified/ [37051:37051:0516/142202.766462:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(1485)] Unable to open X display."12:22
ejrahh, no i did not try --reinstall, trying now12:23
tomreyni'm unable to help debug snap, but we can examine apt and dpkg further.12:23
ejrthis actually brought me further, it reinstalled... it does not boot yet but i will try some things, brb12:24
ioriacan someone on bionic 18.04 simulate the installation of libappindicator3-dev  and share the output  ?  thanks   ' apt -s install libappindicator3-dev'12:27
youndererj: can't open x display, sounds familiar. I have gotten it when trying to run stuff over ssh. It must be the virtual connection from the snap to your desktop that is failing.12:28
tomreynioria: https://termbin.com/at4012:31
ioriatomreyn, thanks12:31
tomreynyou're welcome12:32
tomreynjohn_rambo: you're looking for a video editor software. a web search will find you some.12:33
tomreynjohn_rambo: this lists all i know of, and more: https://itsfoss.com/best-video-editing-software-linux/12:35
ejrtomreyn: i meant "start", not boot12:35
ejrbut the X display error persists12:35
ejryounder: how did you solve it?12:35
younderOnly have 20.04 on virtualbox for now. Tend to wait to the .1 release arrives somewhere in July before I do a reinstall.12:35
ejri am not actually running ssh12:35
ejrmaybe a reboot will help, brb12:35
tomreynejr: what exactly is "it" now?12:35
youndererj: I know but snat set's up a chrooted environment and requires to run on a subnet it set's up like say docker.12:36
WaVIf I'm currently dual booting 18.04 on one drive with Windows and want to get a second drive in the future, what would be the best way to dual boot 20.04 (upgrade or start from scratch?) and should I install it on the second drive separate from the existing Windows?12:38
Rozhahallo how to dell user when hw ran some prog12:38
Rozhahallo how to dell user when hw ran some prog12:41
ioriatomreyn, thanks again (got a corrupted cache)12:46
tomreynRozha: "dell" is not a verb. please rephrase your question. there are also localized ubuntu channels if this would be any better?12:46
tomreynioria: ah, annoying, good luck with it.12:47
ioriatomreyn, solved with your output. tx12:47
tomreynnice :)12:47
youndertomreyn, funny that, usually it your input that solves things ;)12:48
tomreynWaV: i guess if i wanted to prevent reinstalling windows then i'd keep it on the same storage where it is at, and not change the order in which this disk is seen by the firmware, and install ubuntu on the second drive.12:49
tomreynyounder: :)12:49
WaVtomreyn: I don't believe the computer came with installation media for Windows, but if it does I certainly wouldn't exclude it as an option.12:50
WaV(assuming it's easier/less messy)12:51
tomreynWaV: #ubuntu is not usually known as a windows support channel (try ##windows), but i guess we can say that you download an iso and write it to a usb stick using e.g. "woeusb" on ubuntu.12:54
tomreynhi Odo12:54
WaVtomreyn: fair enough. You had said to install 20.04 on to the second drive in your previous statement. What would you do with the 18.04 installation at that point?12:55
WaV(the one that is on the already existing drive)12:55
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ShapeShifter499I recently got Ubuntu 20.04 onto a HP Pro 408 G1 tablet I have. One major issue I have right now is rotation, it seems off by one angle   Holding it upright in portrait mode it rotates to the right landscape, holding it in landscape it rotates to the right again. Does anyone know how I could fix this?12:58
tomreynWaV: move its data (/home) to the 20.04 installation, delete its partitions, use the free space to grow that of windows or use it as another partition or LVM PV on ubuntu.13:00
tomreynWaV: food time here, bbl.13:01
WaVtomreyn: Sounds easy enough. cfdisk and nuke. Have fun.13:01
tomreynWaV: thanks. one more note: don't have more than one efi system partition, an keep it where it is now (i'm not sure how well windows or your mainboard firmware would handle it otherwise).13:03
tomreynalso the ubuntu installers don't cope well with situations where there is more than one.13:03
WaVtomreyn: Ok, thank you. I'll keep that in mind. Just waiting on hdd prices to come down a bit.13:04
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rapidwaveApparently Docker conflicts with UFW in that it wants to write rules. Anyone know of a work-around?13:21
rapidwaveIs turning UFW off the only work-around?13:22
jmcvaughnrapidwave: not remotely familiar with the issue so can't be of much use myself unfortunately, but this github issue seems like a good starting point and points to several other issues and resources: https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/69013:27
diverdudei have a dualboot system w. windows10 and ubuntu18.04. I want to add ubuntu 20.04 as a 3rd OS. I have prepared a partition (/dev/sdb3) and made a bootable usb. I am now running the installation and i am choosing my prepared partition. Q: What do i choose in "Device for boot loader installation:" ? Of course i don't want to destroy my existing bootload setup - i just want to add this new ubuntu 20.04 in the same boot menu. How do I do that?13:27
jmcvaughnrapidwave: particularly this comment: https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/690#issuecomment-52931905113:28
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clarkkin ubuntu 18.04, the notifications are truncated in the notifications panel. How can I see the full message?13:39
clarkkHere's a screenshot https://www.dropbox.com/s/eulcao73yuqitox/Menu_471.png?dl=013:39
x0nRaspi, ubuntu focal. While running the zfs Scripts in initrd, I get a several minutes long wait during boot. I've ruled out other possible problems. How can I get useful debug output?13:44
jmcvaughndiverdude: it seems that choosing not to install the bootloader during the 20.04, then booting into 18.04 and running `sudo update-grub` to pick up the new installation should work: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/155396/how-to-have-triple-boot-linux-mint-17-cinnamon-ubuntu-14-04-windows-813:44
jmcvaughnx0n: https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/wiki/Debian-GNU-Linux-initrd-documentation seems you can pass `zfs_debug=on` kernel param13:52
lotuspsychjeclarkk: what is your screen resolution?14:32
dex1983I wanted to test a VPN Killswitch Tutorial (https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1266552/Create-a-VPN-killswitch-with-UFW), but I have a problem the tun/tap does not appear when testing in my virtual ubuntu machine. I use NAT network settings, what I have to do that a VPN connection will work in a virtual ubuntu machine?14:38
diverdudeI am following this tutorial to install cuda: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-cuda-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux    But I have to install cuda 10.1 and not latest. How do I ensure that?14:46
ikoniawhat do you mean how do you ensure it ?14:46
diverdudeikonia: i mean how do i make sure that its not 10.2 that is installed instead of 10.1?14:47
ikoniathere are 4 guides on that page14:48
ikoniahow you verify the version will depend on which approach you take14:48
diverdude4? i see only 2. one for ubuntu repo and one for cuda repo14:49
ikoniasorry - there are 4 steps14:49
ikoniaone of them is "how to check the version"14:49
diverdude4? there are 3 in the first and 5 in the second14:50
ikoniaHow to install CUDA toolkit from Ubuntu Repository14:50
ikoniaHow to install CUDA toolkit from CUDA repository14:50
ikoniaHow to compile example CUDA C code and execute program14:50
ikoniaHow to Check CUDA version14:50
diverdudeyes ok - i know that...but i want to check it before i install it....these cuda drivers are nuts...once its installed in the system its impossible to properly clean it up again if i want to upgrade/downgrade or change it14:51
ikoniaif you're using package managed versions as the two approaches in this guide state - it's easy to clean up and upgrade14:52
ikoniaas the packages contain the files and will control the version and the install/removal of files14:52
ikoniawhen you issue the commands it tells you the version it's going to install14:53
ikoniaeither allow it or stop it14:53
diverdudeikonia: yeah ok....i should probably use the ubuntu repo version then14:53
diverdudeikonia: do you know if the nvidia drivers will be installed automatically when i just do apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit? Because i think the drivers and the toolkit are 2 different things14:55
ikoniadepends on the packages and if they depend on each other14:56
oerheksstandard you would have nvidia drivers from install14:56
ikoniaagain it will tell you what it's going to install14:56
grymi've just updated from 16.04 to 18.04.  steam used to work; now when i attempt to start steam i get the following output, about unmet dependencies in libgl1-mesa-dri:i386.  What's up with this?14:56
ikoniathat means the pacakges it needs are not present14:57
diverdudeoerheks: so you mean when i installed ubuntu 20.04 it already ships with the correct nvidia drivers?14:57
grymapt doesn't seem to know how to resolve the dependencies i seem to need.14:58
oerheksdiverdude, that is the idea yes, check " nvidia-smi "14:58
lotuspsychjegrym: can you pastebin the full output of apt please, volunteers can take a look for you14:58
ikoniagrym: probably because they are coming from a repo that's not an ubuntu repo14:59
grymlotuspsychje: ... i missed the paste somehow.14:59
ikoniaand as you've upgraded I suspect your repo is now pointing at the wrong version14:59
grymlotuspsychje: ikonia https://bpa.st/IZQA14:59
ikoniaubuntu will resolve depenendencies if they are available to it14:59
grymikonia: no, libgl1-mesa-dev is something that apt-search can see15:00
ikoniagrym: it can see the package  - it's the version and the architecture that matters15:01
oerheksdoes upgrade disable i386 archtecture?15:01
grymit's also installed15:01
diverdudeoerheks: there is no nvidia-smi command15:01
diverdudeoerheks: only nvidia-detector15:01
grymdiverdude: then you don't have drivers installd properly15:01
ikoniagrym: it's not installed or it wouldn't be a broken dependency15:01
RambosFaceWhere are the sources of the drivers that Ubuntu is shipping with ?15:01
grymikonia: `libgl1-mesa-dri is already the newest version (19.2.8-0ubuntu0~18.04.3).`15:01
ikoniagrym: what architecture is that package15:01
diverdudegrym: but oerheks said it shipped with 20.04....and this is a total fresh install of 20.0415:02
grymikonia: amd64, so that's to your theory.  how do i also give steam the 32-bit version15:02
ikoniagrym: Error: You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run:15:02
ikoniagrym: the error message is stelling you what you are missing15:02
ubottuFor information about the future of support for i386 packages in Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine and onward, please read the following official statement: https://ubuntu.com/blog/statement-on-32-bit-i386-packages-for-ubuntu-19-10-and-20-04-lts . Note this applies only to i386 (Intel/AMD) builds, not other 32-bit architectures like arm.15:02
grymdiverdude: i've always had to install the nvidia/cuda/cudnn stack manuallyh15:03
RambosFaceWhere could I find the sources of RTL8723DE driver that Ubuntu 20.04 is using?(it is clearly different from rtlwifinew repository)15:03
grymdiverdude: haven't tried 20.x, but i wouldn't expect it to be different15:03
grymikonia: slow bot15:04
ikoniagrym: no, the factoid is missing15:04
x0njmcvaughn: thanks! I had expected this to get me just what I need, but apparently there's a log gap in the init script. Before the zfs_debug option is honoured, the initscript calls /scripts/local-premount. I found out by specifying 'debug=vc' on kernel command line. Not yet sure what's the real culprit, but it's in local-premount15:05
grymikonia: ok, so going down the `apt install <foo>:i386` is getting a little daunting... this doesn't feel right at all https://bpa.st/T23Q15:08
ikoniagrym: looks right15:09
ikoniaresolve the dependencies and you'll be fine15:09
oerheksgrym, 'dpkg-architecture --list' shows if i386 archtecture is enabled, i guess it is removed during upgrade?15:09
grymikonia: how far down this tree am i going to have to go15:09
ikoniagrym: no idea, I don't know what you had installed on your system, how your upgrade went, etc etc15:10
grymikonia: because there's a mishmosh of i386 and 64 in that list15:10
ikoniagrym: there will be, there is also a danger in later ubuntu versions the package no longer exists, or has been renamed15:10
grymikonia: and yet apparently steam works for many people on 18.x :|15:11
ikoniagrym: they may have a different version / their dependencies are met15:11
ikoniaagain, I don't know the state of your system, which is why I said resolve the dependencies15:11
ph88i'm trying a dist upgrade but something is going wrong https://bpa.st/JDJQ what can i do about it ?15:15
oerheksph88, remove postgres an neo4j repo?15:17
Sven_vBhi :) On xenial 32 bit, I try to use ImageMagick to convert SVG to PNG: convert -- /usr/share/icons/Humanity/categories/48/applications-chat.svg chat.png ; echo rv=$? # result: "Aborted¶ rv=134" what am I doing wrong?15:18
Sven_vBconvert --version: Version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16 i686 2019-11-12 http://www.imagemagick.org15:19
ph88oerheks, i don't know either? but i like postgresql and neo4j !15:20
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oerheks3rd party repo without i386 packages.. you like it?15:21
Sven_vBare there better ways to convert SVG to PNG from command line?15:21
ph88oerheks, i liked it on 19.10 ye15:22
RambosFacecan anyone help me ?15:23
lotuspsychjeSven_vB: try inkscape15:23
RambosFaceI almost feel invisible here15:23
oerheksremove them and add them after upgrade again? now it is bugging your upgrade attempt15:24
lotuspsychje!patience | RambosFace15:24
ubottuRambosFace: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/15:24
Sven_vBlotuspsychje, that's too big a dependency. I probably should have clarified, the conversion is just one action in a bash script I'd like to distribute.15:25
oerheksnobody can help you, RambosFace, unless you type your real question15:25
mrtrousersHello, I am running Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa. Trouble is i am trying to print in a canonc pixma MP 250 to no avail. Any help appreciated, thanks.15:25
mrtrousersIt does scan though, what is even weirder. But no printing.15:26
mrtrousersIt did in 19.10 Eon Ermine before the upgrade to Focal Fossa.15:26
RambosFaceI use another distro than Ubuntu, I have a RTL8723DE wifi chip. The distro I am using doesn't support it out of the box. If I install it from the rtlwifi_new repo it is not like the Ubuntu one as the Ubuntu one can work with bluetooth without flaws. I want to know where are the sources of RTL8723DE driver that Ubuntu is using so I can install them myself15:26
RambosFaceWhere are the sources stored ?15:27
RambosFaceoerheks: done15:27
diverdudeHi, according to this guide: https://www.askmetutorials.com/2020/05/how-to-disable-nouveau-nvidia-driver-on.html I should be able to run a command in ubuntu 20.04 called `blacklist`, but when i try to run that I get `command blacklist not found`. Am I missing to install something?15:27
lotuspsychjeRambosFace: we can only support ubuntu official !flavours here15:27
clarkklotuspsychje, my screen resolution is 1920x108015:27
RambosFaceI was hopping you will help me as Mint is based on Ubuntu15:28
Sven_vBRambosFace, an easy way to find out is to boot an Ubuntu Live DVD, then ask aptitude where it would download them from.15:28
lotuspsychje!mint | RambosFace15:28
ubottuRambosFace: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)15:28
RambosFacebut I don't know what to download Sven_vB15:28
Sven_vBRambosFace, then boot the Live DVD and ask here how to find that. :)15:29
mrtrousersHello, I am running Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa. Trouble is i am trying to print in a canon pixma MP 250 to no avail. It did work before the upgrade in 19.10 Eon Ermine.15:29
oerheksRambosFace, i wonder why your linux does not support rtlwifi15:29
RambosFaceBecause it is an out of tree driver that doesn't happen to be yet in the kernel !!!15:29
oerhekschange your distro to ubuntu, done..15:29
RambosFaceThat's why15:29
RambosFaceUbuntu is slow15:30
Sven_vBRambosFace, as you said yourself, Mate is based on Ubuntu, so if you like Mate, the problem can't be with Ubuntu itself.15:30
mrtrousersRambosFace https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new , using google works.15:30
RambosFacemrtrousers: if you don't read messages don't comment15:31
RambosFaceI said that the repo one is not working as the Ubuntu one15:31
RambosFaceUbuntu devs made some fixes that are not in the repos15:31
Sven_vBRambosFace, really, boot a live DVD where it works, verify it works, and then it will probably be easier to query the system about what its current drivers are and where they came from.15:32
oerheksRambosFace, good luck then, ubuntu uses the regular git https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new.git15:32
RambosFaceoerheks: how do you know that ?15:33
RambosFaceI said that they made some fixes to get it working with bluetooth simultaneously15:33
lotuspsychjeRambosFace: move to the proper support channel for mint please15:33
Sven_vBRambosFace, the fixes may be in dependecies of that repo15:33
mrtrousersAnyone know how to get a canon pixma 250 to work in Ubuntu Focal Fossa 20.04?15:34
mesaboogiemrtrousers: you want to import the pics from the camera?15:34
jmcvaughndiverdude: that page is just badly formatted; it is saying that the contents of the file should be `blacklist nouveau\noptions nouveau modeset=0`, blacklist isn't a command15:34
mrtrousersmesaboogie , no I want to print a pdf in an old inkjet printer, it's a canon pixma mp 250.15:35
mesaboogiemrtrousers: ah, a printer15:35
mesaboogiemrtrousers: settings/printers ?15:36
mrtrousersI've tried, but then when i print nothing happens..15:36
mesaboogieso it sees the printer then15:36
mesaboogieat least the printer appears when you add it?15:37
mrtrousersmesaboogie doing that process my printer doesnt show up, and i dont know what's the right option to set it up as a generic. Yes it does see it.15:37
vimartmrtrousers:how about drivers from: https://www.canon-europe.com/support/consumer_products/products/fax__multifunctionals/inkjet/pixma_mp_series/pixma_mp250.html?type=drivers&language=en&os=linux%20(64-bit)15:38
oerheksmaybe it is not a driver issue, is your user member of the lpadmin group?15:39
mrtrousersmesaboogie Awsome, how did you find them? In canon.es canon.co.uk and canon us it was showing 0 drivers, like they had droped support or something.15:39
mesaboogiemrtrousers: yes, there are the drivers15:39
Aisonhow can I active changes in /etc/environment.d?15:39
Sven_vBAison, a program needs to import them, or be started from inside a shell that has imported the new environment files.15:40
x0njmcvaughn: found my culprit, it was fixrtc. Gonna compare with raspbian's initramfs, however I think a BR is in order. On the upside, I learned the one or other thing...15:40
diverdudejmcvaughn: yeah i found out hehe15:40
Sven_vBAison, easiest way to apply them globally is to reboot.15:40
AisonSven_vB, ok, then I reboot ...15:41
Aisonwell, environment.d is not working anyway. I added a file 90rbenv.conf containing15:46
Aisonbut this is not applied. Rebooted twice now15:47
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mrtrousersmesaboogie i install the driver but it doesnt work. There are 2 debs a generic one and an mp250 specific one installs, theo other has unmet dependencies.15:50
mrtrousersmesaboogie also when adding the  printer, the system sees 2 usbe conections..15:51
mrtrousersmesaboogie The specific mp250 driver asks for libtiff4 and libpng1215:52
C0nundrumHey guys. So i tried installing this this driver. It seams to work for connecting to wifi but when i try to create a access point it trys for a couple seconds, and then errors. Does anyone know a possible solution ?15:53
Sven_vBmrtrousers, so, install those libs?15:54
Sven_vBC0nundrum, does the hardware support AP mode?15:54
mrtrousersSven_vB Focal fossa has libtiff5 and sudo apt install libtiff4 doesn't find any package..15:54
oerheksSven_vB +1 .. not all hardware/driver supports AP15:55
Sven_vBoerheks, good to know, thanks!15:55
Sven_vBerr sorry, I didn't see the "not"15:55
mrtrousersmesaboogie Sven_vB trying to install the libs or their equivalent and see what happens15:56
mesaboogieok mrtrousers15:56
C0nundrumYes iw shows support under capabilities15:57
mesaboogielooks like libtiff5 and libpng16 mrtrousers15:57
Sven_vBmrtrousers, if you're lucky you can just change the version in the source files.15:57
mesaboogiesounds good Sven_vB15:57
oerheksthis one says it supports AP mode https://github.com/worralph/netgear-a6210-driver-dkms15:57
C0nundrumhm , i guess i could try that but it looks older ? How do i remove the previous driver ?15:58
oerheksor an other version, no mention of AP mode ..https://github.com/kaduke/Netgear-A6210.git16:00
C0nundrumHow do i remove the old driver ?16:03
Sven_vBhow experimental or stable is ZFS support in Focal?16:03
mrtrousersDepends: libpng12-0 (>= 1.2.8rel) but it is not installable                          Depends: libtiff4 but it is not installable16:05
oerheksC0nundrum, last line on your first url; sudo dkms remove netgear-a6210/2.5.0 --all16:05
C0nundrumThis is what iw lsit showd btw16:06
GR1M0R4CL3zfs comes in version 0.8.3 in focal fossa16:06
mrtrousersmesaboogie the solution was to install gutenprint manually throu terminal cuz the adding printer gui didnt add the driver properly or something.16:13
mrtrousersThanks measaboogie and Sven_vB16:14
mrtrousersThanks mesaboogie and Sven_vB16:14
C0nundrumAfter i delete the driver from kernal modules, is there. way to force the kernal to remove it from memory , or do i have to reboot16:18
henninbhi, i am setting up a router in ubuntu with 1 wan and two lans. can I setup the lans with 2 dhcp? I am able to get an address on lan1, but not on lan2. any advice?16:20
oerheksC0nundrum, reboot, to unload the dkms16:23
C0nundrumdkms commands is for debian. it seems it gave error on ubuntu16:24
tomreynC0nundrum: kernel (not "kernAl") modules *are* drivers. once unloaded they are no longer active, and no longer in memory (other than maybe cached, but not in use). dkms is used on both debian and ubuntu.16:43
C0nundrumi was able to remove it with modprobe -r16:44
C0nundrumAlso curious why do you think i should use a older fork of jurobystricky/Netgear-A6210 ?16:45
oerheksit mentions AP in the description16:45
C0nundrumworralph fork doesn't compile16:48
C0nundrumalso when compiling the original repo i got this error16:49
C0nundrumwas wondering if it was an issue16:49
tomreynin case you just tried to post and image or paste something: this failed. see also:16:51
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:51
tomreynC0nundrum: ^16:52
C0nundrumi miss pastie. less of a hasle than pastebin16:52
C0nundrumow never used the ubuntu one16:53
fgouldI am trying to install 20.04 raspberry pi image and it ends up at the login prompt instead of what I'm used to with mate. Do I have to install a desktop and enable it after installing the server? Also, is it possible to install the studio desktop because I couldn't find how to do that on top of 20.04?16:53
oerheksi see no errors16:53
C0nundrumo i guess it's a warning16:53
C0nundrumit doesn't matter ?16:53
oerheksi see no warning either ..16:54
tomreynfgould: for ubuntu studio, ask in #ubuntustudio. there is probably the ubuntustudio-desktop metapackage which would be a good start.16:54
fgouldgotcha @tomreyn, thanks for the redirect!16:55
tomreynoerheks: line 59 is a warning16:55
oerheksoh, missed that16:55
tomreynfgould: you're welcome - i don'T know about your first question, but installing any of the flavour's meta packages (and ideall just one), should get you a graphical desktop16:56
fgouldyes, the documentation shows three example desktops as top used and a link to others including studio but there aren't the same install commands for studio, so I got lost.16:57
C0nundrumSo i just finished trying the last one you recommended. Same issue :(16:59
C0nundrumThis is the kernal messages i  get16:59
robertparkerxlocal hardware store didn't have any screws that would fit17:02
tomreyn!who | robertparkerx17:03
ubotturobertparkerx: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:03
C0nundrumoerheks See anything usefull in the kernal log ?17:06
x0nanyone tried zsys yet?17:09
b3lt3rfgould: just a warning - I am currently installing xcfe on my 19.10 raspi3 server and it is taking *FOREVER* been going a couple of hours at least now. Only putting it on to explore running it with vnc17:10
b3lt3rsorry - not 19.10 - 20.0417:10
fgouldThanks @b3lt3r. I might try that again to see if the basics work. If you get a chance, let me know how it goes for you. VNC is the next thing I too need to install and test.17:12
tomreynx0n: yes!17:12
tomreynfgould: just a note: there's no need (or use) for the @ prefix for highlighting users on IRC. just the nickname is good enough.17:14
b3lt3rfgould: I'll update if it ever finishes :-) I don't want the GUI starting normally - just wanted it available on demand. If it does install I'll back the SD card up to img so repeat installs can be painless17:14
fgouldtomreyn, thanks for the update. I've been using Discord and it's required there.17:15
clarkkon ubuntu 18.04, notifications are truncated in the notifications panel. How can I see the full message, or even see a log of it via the terminal? My screen resolution is 1920x1080. See screenshot https://www.dropbox.com/s/eulcao73yuqitox/Menu_471.png?dl=017:16
robertparkerxtomreyn whoops wrong channel17:18
oerheksC0nundrum, time to install ubuntu again.17:19
x0ntomreyn: how do you like it? is it ready for primetime yet? any major bugs?17:19
C0nundrum*horrified face*17:19
C0nundrumi guess no one tested it on bionic :/17:20
tomreynx0n: i don't know, i don't use it. i just know someone reported using it here. and you asked whether someone uses it.17:21
x0ntomreyn: all right! well thanks for the info then, but... do you know by any chance who it was?17:22
tomreynx0n: hmm no, not really, it's been a while. but maybe just ask your non support (poll) question in #ubuntu-discuss, or ask a support question here. i bet there are more zfs users around here.17:25
oerheksah, zsys adds ZFS snapshots .. under devlopment https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2020/03/ubuntu-20-04s-zsys-adds-zfs-snapshots-to-package-management/17:27
x0ntomreyn: it wasn't intended as a poll. I was hoping someone could tell me how usable the tool is currently as it apparently is no yet feature complete and also abysmally documented17:29
x0nI'd like to try it. but it seems I'll need a special pool layout that zsys can work with17:30
x0nbut how? no docs17:30
oerhekshttps://github.com/ubuntu/zsys some other clues besides arstechnica17:32
rjwiiiHas anyone gotten hplip to work in Ununtu 20.04?17:32
tomreynrjwiii: what's not working about it?17:33
rjwiiitomreyn: I install hplip-gui and it complains about missing libs ... pyqt417:33
tomreynrjwiii: the ubuntu focal package?17:34
x0noerheks: thanks. I've alreadey looked at that. didn't find any info on how to layout a pool there either :<17:34
rjwiiitomreyn: yes17:34
tomreynrjwiii: did you file a bug report, yet?17:34
rjwiiitomreyn: not yet ... thought there might be a soulition/workaround out there ... Google is little help.17:35
tomreynx0n: sorry, i don't have a ny more info either. note it's still experimental.17:36
oerheksinstall python-qt4-dbus and python-qt4 perhaps? https://bugs.launchpad.net/hplip/+bug/174859817:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1748598 in HPLIP "hplip installer complaining about missing pyqt4-dbus and pyqt4 packages in Debian 9.3" [Undecided,In progress]17:36
tomreynrjwiii: if installing a package from your ubuntu release fails quoting dependency issues and that's not because of your own system is broken then filing a bug would be a good first step to take.17:37
x0ntomreyn: yeah I'm feeling adventurous :) testing ubuntu focal on a raspberry pi, already hit a bug with ZFS that I spent several hours investigating... now I feel like going all the way17:37
tomreynoerheks: those don't exist in focal17:37
oerheksoh, it changed to python3-pyqt517:38
rjwiiitomreyn: I will do that ...17:39
rjwiiitomreyn: do you use hplip?17:39
tomreynrjwiii: not at this time, no (i used to). can you also share the output you get when installing hplip-gui?17:40
oerheksthis bugreport confirms hplip-gui is not ready.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/hplip/+bug/187620517:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1876205 in HPLIP "I cannot install HPLIP on any flavor of Ubuntu 20.04" [Undecided,Fix released]17:40
rjwiiitomreyn: which paste-bin to use?17:41
tomreynoerheks: that's a bug filed against upstream hplip, my hope is the ubuntu package (which has a dependency on the qt5 libs) might work.17:41
x0nwelp. looks like I'll have to grab an ISO and set up a VM with the one purpose of investigating how the installer sets up the zpool for zsys17:41
tomreynrjwiii: the one listed in the /topic17:42
rjwiiitomreyn: I did a apt purge and re-installed hplip and it's party working ... I was able to setup a printer and the HP icon apears in the top bar, but I can't get the gui to appear. I can use the printer, though ...17:58
rjwiiitomreyn: when I try hp-toolbox from CLI, I get dbus errors ...17:59
ioriarjwiii,  and   ' hp-toolbox --disable-dbus  '  ?18:02
rjwiiiioria: :thumbsup:18:04
ioriai see18:04
rjwiiiioria: that worked. Thanks. Do you know how do I get the top panel icon to work?18:05
ioriarjwiii,  maybe with a gnome shell  extension ... give me a sec18:06
ioriarjwiii,  you can try this : https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1031/topicons/18:07
ioriarjwiii,  or this : https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/2311/topicons-plus/18:07
rjwiiiioria: Nice, but the icon is already in the top panel ... it just doesn't launch the gui ...18:09
ioriarjwiii, oh, i see18:09
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rjwiiiioria: Maybe in start up programs?18:09
ioriarjwiii, well, you can try, but i'am not optimistic about that18:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1810745 in hplip (Ubuntu) "HPLIP hp-systray tray icon does not show dropdown menu in MATE Panel on 18.04 LTS, 18.10, 19.04 and 19.10" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:12
tomreynrjwiii: so installing the hplip-gui package actually worked without an error? because you seemed to say the opposite earlier?18:12
ioriarjwiii,   comment #8 is interesting18:13
rjwiiitomreyn: partly this time ... I was able to get the printer to install, but the icon in the top panel doesn't work ... I've attempted this a few times from both Ubuntu packages & direct download ... then I found some instructions on how to completely purge everything and start over ... that's what worked ... partly18:16
tomreynrjwiii: an installation process either returns error messages or not, it doesn't do it partly.18:16
ioriarjwiii, try to kill the icon and run  'dbus-launch hp-systray -x'18:20
rjwiiiioria: no go ... ps aux says it's rinning, but no icon in top panel ...18:25
rjwiiiioria: hold the phone ...18:26
rjwiiiioria: just got an error dialog ... "No system tray detected on this system"18:26
ioriarjwiii,  so you're using the default gnome-shell desktop not mate, right ?18:27
rjwiiiioria: Yupper ... installed about a week ago ... Ubuntu 20.04 on a brand spanking new System76 Thelio ...18:31
stripeyareI'm having an issue with running 60hz on my 4k TV on Ubuntu 20.04 on my Vizio V505-G9. I've made a post on the Level1tech forums that contains everything that I have tried so far. Here is the link: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/issues-with-getting-4k-60hz-working-on-ubuntu-20-04/15708018:31
ioriarjwiii,  so you should have an icon in top left when you run hp-toolbox ?18:32
rjwiiiioria: I can run the toolbox from CLI fine with --disable-dbus (as you told me), ...18:34
ioriarjwiii,  and when you do it , is hp-systray running in bg ?18:35
puffAnyone know how to customize the alt-tab/alt-tilde (~) behavior on stock ubuntu 18.04.04?18:35
puffSpecifically with respect to virtual workspaces?18:36
rjwiiiioria: hp-systray didn't die ... killingn now ...18:36
puffOn previous versions, alt-tab cycled through only the windows on the current workspace.  In 18.04.04 alt-tilde cycles through all of the windows, even if they're in differetn workspaces, which makes workspaces kinda useless.18:36
rjwiiiioria: Now I can run hp-toolbox from CLI and the icon appears in the top panel ...18:37
ioriarjwiii,  ok ....18:38
rjwiiiioria: BUT ... once I close the toolbox, I cannot reopen it with the icon in the top panel (HP Device Manager)18:39
rjwiiiioria: ... or the Settings.18:40
ioriarjwiii,  pkill hp-systray18:41
rjwiiiioria: Icon dissappeared ...18:42
ioriarjwiii,  do you also have another icon on the right ?18:43
rjwiiiioria: No HP icon in the top panel at the moment ... ps aux | grep hp- shows no instances ...18:45
ioriarjwiii,  yep, not working (once you have closed it)18:47
rjwiiiioria: at least the printer is working for now ...18:52
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Saurabh009Hi, I have an issue, I am trying to set the static ip for my Ubuntu via network manager. But it is not saving. Once I close the window after putting all info, it switches back to the DHCP setting.19:07
rjwiiiioria: GOT IT ... had to install the hplip plugin from CLI!19:08
Saurabh009Any idea where I can look for it ?19:08
ioriarjwiii,  ho, goo19:08
tomreynSaurabh009: and your ubuntu version is?19:10
tomreynSaurabh009: in a terminal, run: lsb_release -ds19:11
Saurabh009Ok let me run this.19:12
stripeyareI'm having an issue with running 60hz on my 4k TV on Ubuntu 20.04 on my Vizio V505-G9. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TrBc2psKwT/19:13
Saurabh009sorry not xenial19:13
Saurabh009focal, 20.0419:13
tomreynSaurabh009: is the internet connection working fine otherwise?19:15
Saurabh009Yeah it is.19:15
Saurabh009But I can't set static IP using nm-connection-editor.19:15
tomreynSaurabh009: i haven't experienced what you're saying, so i would say maybe try using nmcli or nm-tui to configure it19:15
tomreynSaurabh009: this may provide better error messages, or just make it work.19:16
Saurabh009Ok I will try this.19:17
Saurabh009there is another issue I am facing with the ssh service.19:17
rjwiiiSaurabh009: I had trouble setting a static IP. Keep in mind that you have to set your DHS server IPs, too ...19:17
tomreynSaurabh009: another approach you could try is to close any NM GUIs, disable the connection (thus going offline), then start nm-connection-edit, delete the connection profile and re-create it (but not go online, yet), configure the profile with the static IP address and then save the profile and enable it.19:18
Saurabh009Ok I will do it now.19:19
Saurabh009With the ssh I have this issue. ssh.service is always dead if I boot system. then I have to manually with systemctl restart ssh.service.  and it starts working.19:19
Saurabh009It works fine until the next boot.19:20
BeavisOnFireIs there an easy way to make a keyboard shortcut for «opening a terminal here» in Nautilus ?19:20
tomreynSaurabh009: you should probably review some logs there19:20
tomreynSaurabh009: journalctl -b    gives you all the logs since the latest reboot.19:21
Saurabh009let me try this19:21
pepperjackdoes anyone know if there is a brower / package available in official repos that actually enables hardware acceleration for a browser?  I can't find anything that adds vaapi to chromium for example19:23
pepperjackyoutube uses like 50% cpu19:23
pepperjackit's pretty easy to see that hw acceleration isn't working if you compare any of the browser's cpu usage to the cpu usage opening the same youtube link in vlc for example19:25
newuser444467899i install amdgpu-pro on xubuntu 18.04.4HWE and my pc start freezing and laggs. If i install amdgpu-pro on ubuntu 18.04.4 any freeze still present or its xubuntu bag?19:25
lakitucan i expect a smooth distro upgrade from 18.10 to 20.04 LTS?19:26
lakitu& do i remember it right: `sudo do-release upgrade`?19:27
tomreynyou'd need to upgrade to a suported release first of all19:27
oerhekslakitu, whatever you do, prepare a fresh iso on usb first. have fun!19:28
lakitunot a bad fall back19:28
Saurabh009journctl -b | grep ssh just showed this one "Listening on GnuPG cryptographic agent (ssh-agent emulation)."19:28
tomreynalso take precautions, use ppa-purge and look for remaining third party / untracked packages and package versions using apt-forktracer19:28
lakitutomreyn: what are supported releases, then?19:29
lakituwhich of the two i mentioned is not?19:29
tomreyn!18.10 | lakitu19:29
ubottulakitu: Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) was the 29th release of Ubuntu. Support ended July 18th, 2019. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2019-July/004996.html19:29
lakituso i can't even `do-release upgrade` now?19:29
lakitu20 releases.19:30
oerheksif it does not work, see !eolupgrade19:30
tomreynyou can try, i'm not sure. if it doesn't work you'll need to upgrade manually19:30
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:30
oerhekslong time you had updates, so we are not responsible if it fails.19:30
lakitube nice to get a little time-out notification or something - taskbar reminder, about this19:31
tomreynSaurabh009: i was rather meaning to suggest to look for problems with network interfaces and connections.19:31
* lakitu checks oerheks link19:31
pepperjacklakitu: there isn't really a great solution.  even the rolling release distros, if you wait too long it turns into a nightmare to try to upgrade.19:31
lakituoerheks' link19:31
oerhekslakitu, you ignored it while updating.. long time ago19:31
newuser444467899IS anyone have trouble with amdgpu-pro drivers on ubuntu 18.04.4?19:32
lakitubut by that time... well i won't quarrel19:32
mnabidBeavisOnFire: Try this https://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?319070-Keyboard-shortcut-for-Open-in-Terminal-option-in-Nautilus19:32
BeavisOnFireThank you mnabid19:32
tomreynlakitu: indeed, such a notification would be nice to have. actually there are regular reminders that a new version is available, though. but none, i think, which tells you how much time you have left, or that times' up. i suggested this a while ago, i think in the form of a bug report (a feature request).19:33
mnabidBeavisOnFire: glad to help.19:34
tomreynnewuser444467899: it's not uncommon to cause trouble. we don't support it here, though, please get support from amd directly (it's not part of ubuntu).19:34
pepperjacknewuser444467899: what sort of problem?  do you have a specific need for them?  Most cases best to stick to amdgpu19:35
lakituah. i think if we get any reminders we should get such a one, tom.19:35
lakituworst case i fresh install my OS19:35
newuser444467899pepperjack freeze pc with amdgpu-pro19:35
lakitumy home partition was separate, my personal data is on a separate partition19:35
lakituit shouldn't be a problem19:35
lakitui just backed up to disc too, as a extra precaution19:36
enriooooooowhy the whole world get stuck when browser scripts are a problem?19:37
Saurabh009It just says the service is dead whenever I start the system but restarting the service works. -_-19:38
lakitualso it seems like firefox has been memory-leak freezing my computer. i guess i could talk to firefox, but just fyi19:39
pepperjacknewuser444467899: sorry dude.  you could boot recovery if needed if freezing is that bad and uninstall but I'm not sure what the best channel for you to get support for the pro driver would be19:39
lakitui'm in Kubuntu 18.1019:39
lakitu(i'll try the newer)19:39
lakitu(release of Kubuntu)19:39
newuser444467899pepperjack amd have irc channel?19:40
pepperjackthere is #radeon but I'm not sure how active it is19:40
pepperjacksorry, ignore that19:40
BeavisOnFiremnabid: thanks a lot for helping. It works perfectly !19:40
newuser444467899pepperjack ok19:41
jemHello, I need full names ("user@mydomain.org") to be recognized the same as "user" by POP, which was possible until today's upgrade, any help?19:43
tomreynjem: what's "POP"?19:47
jemtomreyn: POP3, sorry19:47
jemMaybe also for SMTP, if anything different is necessary19:48
enriooooooowhy the whole world get stuck when browser scripts are a problem?19:48
tomreynjem: and you run which release of ubuntu,a nd which pop3 client?19:48
jemLet me check19:48
tomreynenriooooooo: my part of the world didn't get stuck recently19:48
enrioooooooit just freezes tomreyn19:49
tomreynenriooooooo: but this sounds more like a philosophical discussion, maybe ##philosophy would be a better plance to discuss existential issues?19:49
enriooooooonever had these type of issues in other os.19:49
jemtomreyn: 4.15.0-99-generic #100-Ubuntu19:49
tomreynjem: this looks like a linunx kernel package version19:50
jemI'm not sure about the client, I understand this is a server side problem19:50
tomreynjem: lsb_release -ds    returns your ubuntu version19:50
jemUbuntu 18.04.4 LTS19:50
enrioooooootomreyn, are you sure? in what way its philosophical discussion19:50
enriooooooothe os freezes19:51
enrioooooooim using LTS version of ubuntu19:51
tomreynenriooooooo: maybe i misunderstood what you mean by "world getting stuck", maybe you mean that your computer seems to freeze temporarily?19:51
jemSorry, now I see what you said about the version, it's being a hard day :)19:51
enrioooooootemporarily? need to reboot19:52
enrioooooooevery time19:52
tomreynjem: so you're running ubuntu 18.04.4 with linux 4.15, and while you were able to authenticate to some (which?) remote (?) pop3 service using some (which?) software and a username in the form of "user@example.org" you can only use a username in the form of "user" now?19:53
tomreynenriooooooo: i see. which ubuntu version are you running, how much ram does the system have?19:54
lakituheh - enriooooooo to your question, consider: WWJD?19:55
lakituheh heh heh19:55
jemtomreyn: Let me explain, I'm not trying to identify myself from ubuntu as client, I'm running an ubuntu server with all the accounts and the users can't now identify to my server19:55
lakitu('little joke)19:55
enrioooooooi'm using ubuntu 16.04 and 4GB ram19:55
enriooooooobrowser is midori19:56
oerheks..when browser scripts are a problem?19:56
enrioooooooyes oerheks19:56
tomreynjem: right, it's good to provide details from the start, not make people guess. it's great you're starting to do so now.19:56
jemI tried to summarize and obviously it was too much19:57
enriooooooothey take a whole lot of time to load or there is some sort of memory required to modify dom.19:57
tomreynno problem, i'm just trying to explain how you can get help here easier19:57
enrioooooooi believe its the later19:57
jemOk and thanks for that, tomreyn19:57
jemI'm used to bring help in Wikipedia channels, but not to ask for it :)19:58
tomreynyou're welcome, jem. so, which pop3 server are you running then?19:58
jemI'm not sure, I have postfix but I understand it doesn't manage pop319:58
velocitydevI'm looking for a good GnuPG GUI. What would you recomend19:59
jemAlso dovecot19:59
jemdovecot appears in the pop3 lines in the logs, so maybe that's the right answer?19:59
tomreynjem: dovecot is probably the pop3 server then. and it's unusual that you don't know which servers you run.19:59
jemWell, I'm more a programmer than a sysamin20:00
oerheks!info seahorse20:00
ubottuseahorse (source: seahorse): GNOME front end for GnuPG. In component main, is optional. Version 3.36-1 (focal), package size 387 kB, installed size 2264 kB20:00
oerheksvelocitydev, else see https://gnupg.org/software/frontends.html20:00
velocitydevI'm using Seahorse right now.20:01
tomreynjem: okay, maybe you can share some error messages, and discuss which updates were recently installed that you're saying may have introduced the problem20:01
jemI knew about dovecot in fact, but I never had realized that it is "the" pop3 software20:01
jemI'll try to do my best20:02
velocitydevI was using Kleopatra20:02
enrioooooootomreyn, help20:02
jemHere is an example line, tomreyn20:03
jemMay 16 13:31:01 localhost dovecot: pop3-login: Aborted login (auth failed, 5 attempts in 23 secs): user=<user@domain.org>, method=PLAIN, rip=xx.xx.xx.xx, lip=, TLS, session=<8zN178OlUtpYBWo/>20:03
tomreynenriooooooo: i'm not familiar with midori, so i'm not sure i can help with it. maybe start by inspecting your system logs at the time it last froze.20:03
tomtiger11velocitydev: favourite software questions like that are a bit like asking how long is a piece of string, it depends on your preferences and what you want to do with it20:04
tomreynjem: ok, this seem to confirm that login as this specific user with the password supplied there was not possible.20:05
jemYes, and of course I have tested myself that "user" is recognized but "user@domain" is not, with the same password20:07
tomreynjem: it doesn't necessarily conform that logging in with a username of just the "user part" of this email address (so "user"), with the very same password, would work, or would have worked.20:07
tomreyni see20:07
jemI can confirm it20:07
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jemI tested it with our webmail client and from Outlook (sorry to mention Microsoft software)20:08
tomreynjem: so you're saying logging in with "user@domain" with a given password works not, but used to work. and that "user" with the same password always worked, and still works?20:08
jemYes to all20:08
tomreynjem: ok so investigate what changed recently. see the files in /var/log/apt/ for updates that were recently applied. also discuss any third party software you'Re using that could intervene.20:10
stripeyareI'm having trouble with getting 4k 60hz to run under Ubuntu 20.04. I can only run 4k at 30hz. Here is a post that I made on the Ubuntu Forums with more information: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2443516&p=13957765#post1395776520:10
jemtomreyn: Thanks, but could you be more specific? I mean, I understand that something changed in the new upgrade, but what I sould check first?20:12
tomreynjem: well, the info that this broke as a result of applying system updates is something i gathered from what you said. system updates are carried out by 'apt' on ubuntu. while doing so, apt writes logs to the /var/log/apt directory. so, by reveiwing these logs you should be able to identify the componetn of your mail system that recently got updates, and which could have introduced the malfunction.20:14
tomreynjem: you can also run this and share its output, this just gathers some info on the state of your apt database, it doesn't actually change anything:   sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -y update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog && rm /tmp/aptlog20:15
jemtomreyn: The upgrade that we did was in fact a replacement of one virtual machine by another, we kept the data but the software is basically new20:17
jemThe old machine has been moved to another IP so I can "compare things" if it's of any help20:17
tomreynjem: another 'details' you could have shared early on. ;)20:18
tomreynjem: are there more such details i should be aware of?20:18
jemSorry again :) I summarized a lot because I didn't know if there would be people reading20:18
jemI think not20:19
tomreynjem: so which software was the old system runnign, and which software is the new system running, and why did you make this change in the first place?20:19
jemThe change was needed because the previous was very old and we needed mainly a new usable webmail client20:20
jemI give you the versions20:20
tomreynwere those the same ubuntu versions at all?20:21
zetherooI am trying to view PDFs in 20.04 but the app and/or the entire system keeps crashing. I have tried with Evince and Atril.20:22
zetherooThe PDFs are about 5MB in size.20:22
jemOld: Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.4 (squeeze), dovecot 1.2.1520:22
jemNew: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS, dovecot (d6601f4ec)20:22
tomreynjem: are you familiar with the term "migration"?20:23
jemI guess so20:23
tomreynjem: most of the time you don't just replace one linux distribution by another and expect things to still be working20:23
jemI understand that20:24
jemAnd there are other things to fix20:24
jemBut I think I can handle them20:24
zetheroothe PDFs will open, and sometimes they are viewable for a few seconds, but then the app will freeze up, or Ubuntu itself freezes up entirely and remains unresponsive until I cold reset.20:24
jemThis problem is more urgente and I have no idea about it, that's why I came here20:24
newuser444467899pepperjack How i can increase performance of ubuntu 18.04.4? desable compositor and other animation effects?20:25
tomreynjem: so the authentication issue may be - this is a guess - due to upgrading dovecot from 1.2.x to 2.2.x. a lot changed between those versions, you could consider it a complete rewrite.20:25
tomreynjem: you will probably need to read the (upstream) dovecot wiki to learn how to make authentication work as it used to work.20:26
tomreynjem: but this is too big a project that i'll want to dive into this with you now. you really need to plan such migrations properly, test, not do them live.20:27
jemtomreyn: We had some people with more knowledge than me preparing it for several weeks20:28
jemAnd things have gone fairly well except for this point20:29
tomreynjem: is "who" wikimedia there or some company?20:29
tomreynjem: sorry, i mean: is "we" wikimedia there or some company?20:29
jemtomreyn: No, this is about my "real life" work, not Wikimedia related20:29
jemPeople working with Wikimedia servers know much more than me, of course :)20:30
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tomreyni see. well if this is a commercial entitiy then i suggest (re-?)hiring someone hwho is more into system administration. no offense, i know you're a developer.20:30
clarkkI asked lots of times here, and no-one has offered any suggestions.  Please could someone tell me whether their experience of the Ubuntu 18.04 notification panel is that they are truncated and pretty much useless?  They are not fit for purpose. Doesn't it bother anyone?  My screen resolution is 1920x1080. See screenshot https://www.dropbox.com/s/eulcao73yuqitox/Menu_471.png?dl=020:31
newuser444467899How i can increase performance of ubuntu 18.04.4? desable compositor and other animation effects?20:31
jemtomreyn: I understand, this people will still be helping us, but about this they have said that we should just change the users config20:32
jemBut I thought I could avoid a lot of complains and explanations time20:32
tomreynjem: i see. well, i think i have done what i could within the limits of the volunteer support we provide here.20:33
jemYes, tomreyn, and thank you very much20:33
tomreynjem: you're welcome, good luck!20:34
jemThe same for you :)20:34
jemAnd if you need some Wikipedia/Wikimedia help in Spanish, I'll be glad to help20:34
jemI'm checking https://wiki.dovecot.org now20:34
velocitydevCan someone send me a PGP encrypted message to me@jtechnologies.xyz20:35
jem(Well, it hasn't to be questions in Spanish, but about the projects written in Spanish)20:36
tomreynclarkk: i'm not sure what you're asking. are you asking "what is the purpose of the Ubuntu 18.04 notification panel?"20:36
tomreynvelocitydev: can't you?20:37
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clarkktomreyn, I'm asking whether it is really like that, or whether it's specific to my system (and can be fixed)?  I want to see the full messages - truncated messages are not useful at all20:38
velocitydev@tomreyn I want to know if it works with someone else20:38
tomreynvelocitydev: i'm assuming you're using some software handling GPG (not PGP?) encrypted e-mail messages? on ubuntu? you'd need to make your public key available to others for them to be able to send encrypted e-mail to you.20:40
velocitydevI did20:41
velocitydevI'm using thunderbird20:41
tomreynclarkk: ah sorry it's about the truncation. i think this is normal, yes. the software triggering the notification could keep the message shorter.20:41
velocitydevmy key is published on the Keyservers20:41
tomtiger11velocitydev: can't find it on any of the servers I use, what's your key's fingerprint?20:42
clarkktomreyn, is there anything I can do to retrieve the complete message. Perhaps at the terminal?20:42
velocitydevtomreyn -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----20:43
ThinkT510!paste | velocitydev20:44
ubottuvelocitydev: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:44
velocitydevtomreyn !paste https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QvTv8MRQpM/20:45
tomreynclarkk: i don't really know, i never dug into this.20:45
clarkkok, can anyone else help me, please?20:45
tomreynif you can't get help with this here, you could try one of the gnome channels.20:46
tomreynor see whether they have any documentation on it20:46
tomreynvelocitydev: i sent you two messages. one is encrypted, the other encrypted and signed.20:49
tomreynvelocitydev: this is more of a topic for #gnupg , though20:49
velocitydevOk, i didn't know that had it's own chanel20:50
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pi0I am having difficulty using my CSR 4.0 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)21:21
pi0sudo hciconfig hci0 up / Can't init device hci0: Connection timed out (110)21:26
MunskoHello. Whats the difference between use .appimg, flatpack and Snaps and the "default methods"(.debs and software centers) and why i should use one or another in each case?21:33
tomreynMunsko: i don't want to go into each of those, it'll be best you read up on them. my recommendation is to keep using apt and .deb's where possible most of the time. on ubuntu, snaps can b eok in specific cases.21:39
tomreynsuch as software where developers do not provide stable release updates.21:41
tomreynthe "default" on current ubuntu desktop releases at least appears to be snap, not apt/deb, though.21:42
oerhekssnaps get updates, flatpak can get updates, appimage is manually21:46
b3lt3rfgould: it finally finished and appears to work ok. Hits memory somewhat but it's usable so I'll call it a win for today....21:49
MunskoThanks for the answers, i will continue with .deb and software center so21:49
b3lt3rfgould: seems to use c. 150m additional memory when the vnc session starts the x desktop21:52
tomreynb3lt3r: fgould left some ~ 4 hours ago.21:52
mesaboogieMunsko: the software center has snaps integrated into it along with .deb. You can ook and see which it is in software center.21:53
b3lt3rI saw he was off - figured he may see these when he came back21:53
Munskomesaboogie how i recognize them? i searched snap and only few apps appears to me21:55
mesaboogieMunsko: look in software , it will say "snapcraft.io"21:56
mesaboogiescroll down at details in software21:56
tomreynmesaboogie, Munsko: i suggest clarifying which ubuntu releases you two are referring to, things can change21:56
Bashing-omMunsko: Terninal method: ' snap list ' .21:57
mesaboogieMunsko: true, 18.04 and 20.04 are the same that way as far as snaps in software. older than that , I have no idea.21:57
MunskoI just runned the command and saw no one snap is installed21:57
MunskoAnd find too the snaps on the sofware21:58
Munskoubuntu software center*21:58
mesaboogieMunsko: ubuntu 19* as well. which version ubuntu are you running?21:59
MunskoIm using lubuntu 20.04 by the way21:59
aaardvarkI have a number of 18.4 and 20.4 servers, all over the world - they communicate/share data using rsync - all works well - I just brought up a 20.4 on google cloud and I can rsync between it and the others as long as the connection starts on one of the others.  If I try and invoke rsync on it I get the message: protocol incompatibility (code 2) at compat.c(178) [Receiver=3.1.3] - all servers have protocol 3.1.3 when I di an rsync --version - any ideas?21:59
tomreynjust rsync or rsync via ssh?22:00
palate42I'm new to ubuntu 20 (I'm usually on ArchLinux)22:12
palate42I'd like to run stuff like `xset r rate 200 20` at bootup, and usually I do that in `.xinitrc`22:13
tomreyn!XX.YY | hi palate4222:13
palate42I can't seem to make that work on Ubuntu. Is there a way?22:13
tomreyn!YY.MM | hi palate4222:13
ubottuhi palate42: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle22:13
akemIs that to set keyboard repeat rate?22:14
palate42akem yes22:14
tomreynis this ~/.xinitrc ?22:15
palate42tomreyn well that's where I put it on Arch Linux, yes22:15
palate42tomreyn I tried .xsession, too,22:15
akemI think it's maybe overriden by the desktop, you can try to set it using the gnome startup session maybe.22:16
palate42akem what's the drone startup session?22:16
pi0how do i trouble shoot bluetooth on ubuntu 20.0422:16
palate42gnome* startup session22:16
akemIs it gnome-session-properties? or just gnome-session i don't remember.22:16
Ben64you should be able to set it from the keyboard settings gui22:17
akemYeah better do that if possible ^22:17
palate42I'm not very good with gui :(22:17
Ben64system settings -> keyboard22:18
palate42Ben64 how would I set `setxkbmap -option caps:hyper` with the gui?22:18
palate42Ben64 I'm on i3, by the way22:18
Ben64dunno what that is22:18
palate42haha, a tiling window manager22:18
Ben64no the hyper thing22:19
pi0[   89.492585] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x0c14 tx timeout22:19
pi0[   93.012847] Bluetooth: hci0: setting interface failed (110)22:19
akemHa, you didn't mention that.22:19
pi0[  159.763847] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x0c14 tx timeout22:19
palate42akem yes, sorry. So I'm on i3 :D22:19
pi0trying to troubleshoot htis darn issue :/22:19
palate42Ben64 I replace "caps lock" with "mod"22:19
akempalate42, Does it work on your session if you run it from a terminal?22:19
palate42akem yes22:19
palate42akem it's just that right now I need to do it everytime I boot22:20
tomreyn!paste | pi022:20
ubottupi0: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:20
akempalate42, Weird. Doesn't i3 has a startup script or something where you can put stuff to be initialized? I really think it's overriden when you start your session.22:21
ElTimoHi, I have a weird problem where some settings from my nvidia control panel keep getting lost whenever the screens go into powersave mode22:21
ElTimoThat's usually in .xinitrc22:22
pi0sounds good tomreyn22:22
palate42akem I also tried to remove the display manager (seems like it's gdm3), but uninstalling it was not enough xD22:22
tomreynpi0: which pci device id is this?22:23
pi0allow me to check, i could find that using lsbusb, correct?22:23
tomreynpi0: if it's a usb device, then lsusb, yes.22:24
pi0ah perfect, ok here it is, 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)22:24
tomreynpi0: this seems to be a device specific issue: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6082422:25
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 60824 in Bluetooth "[PATCH][regression] Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle unusable" [Normal,Reopened]22:25
tomreyni found this kernel bug by just searching for "hci0: command 0x0c14 tx timeout"22:25
pi0tomreyn: that is a great resource i did not know about bugzilla.kernel.org22:26
pi0is that were you placed your initial search?22:27
palate42akem let me check that22:27
tomreynpi0: no, that's where i ended up. i used a web search engine. bugzilla.kernel.org is the bug tracker for the linux kernel (upstream).22:28
pi0i am running this version 5.4.0-29-generic, so i would need to apply a patch?22:30
pi0hmm now i need to research how to manually apply a .patch file22:32
tomreynpi0: first of all, i recommend to read all of the bug report, or at least the part of it that's after 2014, i.e. when the bug report was reopened.22:33
pi0tomreyn: yep i went all the way down to 2020, i was redirected to a github with a possible solution, it appears that the .patch file is an actual .c file?22:34
pi0in order to apply a patch, i would need to recompile my kernel?22:35
tomreynpi0: probably, but i have not seen it.22:35
tomreynor rather it'll be a patch / diff containing partial c code22:35
tomreynif it's a kernel patch, to apply it yourself, you'd need to rebuild the kernel, yes.22:36
tomreyni don't think you read the full bug report in 3 minutes.22:37
pi0not entirely but skimmed through some parts lol22:37
pi0tomreyn: how would i apply a patch like that from that github22:43
tomreynpi0: first you'd need to find out which kernel version it is against. or want to, before you try to apply it to the sources of the ubuntu kernel you are running. it may or may not apply then, since they can be different versions, and because the ubuntu kernel has a larger patchset applied to it compared to the upstream kernel.22:47
tomreynpi0: this is somewhat complex, though, so i'd suggest you just look for an existing bug report on launchpad for this issue and, if none, file one yourself, and have it taken from there.22:48
pi0where is that resource22:49
tomreynlaunchpad.net. that's where ubuntu bugs are filed. but you should use ubuntu-bug to file the bug.22:49
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.22:49
tomreynpi0: what's the output of this, run on your computer (this just gathers some version info, does not change anything)?   nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "Session: $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";echo Shell: $SHELL)22:52
palateakem, tomreyn: so when I disable gdm and run with `startx`, then it runs .xinitrc and I'm happy. Now the thing is that if I `systemctl disable gdm`, then ubuntu does not boot22:52
tomreynpalate: i'm sure ubuntu still boots then, maybe it no longer provides you with a textual login prompt.22:53
palatetomreyn: I don't even get a terminal, and it's stuck on the "Lenovo" splashscreen22:54
tomreynpalate: maybe you want to change the default systemd target there.22:54
palatetomreyn: googling "default systemd target" ;-)22:54
palatetomreyn: oh, to multi-user instead of graphical?22:55
tomreynyes, if you don't want it graphical22:55
oerhekssystemctl set-default multi-user.target22:55
oerheksor better, isolate, to avoid switching tty manually22:56
palatetomreyn: yes! that was it!!22:57
palateThanks a lot tomreyn, akem :)22:57
akempalate, You can try light-dm or another login manager.22:57
pi0darnits it is not pasting it22:57
plujonIs there any way with apt get install to install ruby-2.4 (and/or gcc-6+) on ubuntu 16.04?22:57
tomreynyou're welcome, palate.22:58
palateoerheks: I `systemctl set-default multi-user.target`... :D22:58
tomreynpi0: the url it outputs should not be long, you can probably even type it.22:58
tomreynpi0: or just do the bug report, it will also contain this info22:59
oerheksplujon, no i see 2.5 as lowest in launchpad, bionic22:59
pi0could you kindy add that line to pastebin23:00
pi0i am trying different variations of that line23:00
stripeyareHello. I'm unable to run 4k 60hz on Ubuntu 20.04 on my Vizio V505-G9. I'm using an AMD RX 570 and the default DE. I've posted on some forms about this issue, but with little to no responses unfortunately. I would definitely love some assistance with this issue and I do apologize for asking for a help a few times in here. Here is a link to the post23:00
stripeyareI've made: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=244351623:00
pi0and i get a >23:00
oerheksand for gcc.. toolchain ppa gives gcc5 https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=xenial23:00
oerheksso, upgrade somnething?23:00
oerheksbionic skips gcc6 too.. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=bionic23:01
tomreynpi0: in case you're talking to me: https://termbin.com/p49f23:01
pi0tomreyn: https://termbin.com/qnxc123:03
jemtomreyn: I just wanted you to know that I have fixed my problem by adding a line in the dovecot auth config file23:04
jemSo thanks again for your help, that pointed me in the right direction and saved time :)23:04
tomreynjem: nice. based on something you fuond on the dovecot wiki then?23:04
jemAlmost based23:05
jemThe wiki pointed me to the config file where auth settings are saved23:05
tomreynjem: well, i'm glad you solved it.23:05
pi0does it appear this is hope based on that information?23:05
jemAnd then the file was very well self-documented23:05
davidsongwhat's a decent paint program that I can use to draw lines and arrows and copy and paste and crop, like mspaint?23:06
jemYes, me too :) This avoids a lot of complaints and saves time23:06
jemThanks again and good luck with your work here23:06
tomreynpi0: so you're on ubuntu 20.04 with the default amd64 kernel image there. that's a 5.4 kernel, so you'll indeed seem to need a patch from what i read.23:07
davidsonggimp is a nightmare, it's counter-intuative and has too many options.23:07
tomreynjem: thanks.23:07
jemNp :)23:07
micrex22davidsong you could try out pinta23:08
micrex22or run something like photoshop 6.0 in wine23:09
davidsongthanks, I'll try it23:09
MunskoYou could also try jspant-master23:13
MunskoIts mspaint but you can use it on firefox23:13
pi0tomreyn: sounds good but the next tricky part is understanding how to apply a patch23:14
ElTimoIf there's anyone around that's familiar with nvidia drivers, I could use a hand.23:17
pi0tomreyn: do you have a recommeded resource for video describing how to apply this23:17
tomreynpi0: no, can't help there.23:17
pi0no worries gonna read up on it23:18
pi0thank you for the help!23:18
plujonoerheks: Is there a way to install ruby-2.5 on ubuntu 16?23:29
plujon16.04 has ruby 2.3 by default23:30
oerheksplujon, only if you compile it yourself?23:31
oerhekshttps://snapcraft.io/ruby gives 2.523:32
Bashing-omplujon: Not done, can not vouch - but there is:https://www.brightbox.com/docs/ruby/ubuntu/ >> "We maintain Ruby 2.5 packages for Ubuntu Bionic, Xenial and Trusty.23:33
plujonBashing-om: Thanks; I'll look at brightbox...23:37
Hibrithello i really need some support but i'm not so sure that i should type in here could anyone help23:46
Bashing-om!ask | Hibrit23:46
ubottuHibrit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:46
tomreynHibrit: so what do you need help wth?23:48
Hibritokey so sorry about that one here is my problem im struggling about installing ubuntu 20.04 on my laptop which is a Dell Inspiron 7567 with an nvidia gpu(gtx 1050 ti) but i couldn't manage it to work i'm stuck at booting my live usb it throws me to a black screen and my pc locks up i have tried nomodeset and everything i can find by searching but i23:51
Hibritcouldnt be able to overcome so if you can give me any hint at all it will be appreciated23:51
wedr_Hibrit, First, are you able to boot into Ubuntu 20.04 and display a login screen?23:53
wedr_If you do not see a login screen, reinstall Ubuntu 20.0423:53
Hibritwedr_, nope not at all as i mentioned i even couldn't boot from my live usb to install (whic is what i'm trying currently)23:54
wedr_Hibrit, Oh, so it might be an issue with the live usb.23:55
Bashing-om!md5sum | Hibrit: did you ?23:55
ubottuHibrit: did you ?: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:55
Hibritwedr_, i have tried diffrent usb's and all the diffrent methods that i can find in internet which are like dd mode and every type of filesystem23:57
wedr_Wait, how can there be different methods that you can find on the Internet?23:57
wedr_There is only 1 method.23:57
Hibritubottu, yes i did it and it matches perfectly23:57
ubottuHibrit: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:57
skiboyHas anybody else had h264 support break in Firefox on 20.04?23:57
wedr_skiboy, "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"23:58
oerheksskiboy, firefox deb or snap?23:59
skiboyalready did that23:59
skiboyfirefox deb23:59
Hibritwedr_, i ment with diffrent methods like nomode set and other grub properties as well as writing my live usb in dd mode23:59
oerheksi believe the snap is better suited..23:59
oerheksthey can co-exist.23:59
skiboywill switching to the snap keep my settings?23:59
wedr_Hibrit, I don't think you're supposed to mess with those properties23:59

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