
OvenWerksEickmeyer: now is the time for sure02:00
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: I'm online, but sporatically these days.02:33
Eickmeyertsimonq2: Gotcha.02:33
tsimonq2teward: Good luck predicting my schedyle.02:33
OvenWerksEickmeyer: some comments about the 20.10 iso. No browser in favourites? Dual screens does not use twp different backdrops. Konsole seems to have added keyboard shortcuts since 20.04 (Alt+1 to Alt+9) very anoying as applications inside the terminal already use them :P21:35
OvenWerkswhat else, oh yeah, it is not obvous which window has focus. It may be that the theme you wish to use is not here yet21:36
OvenWerksI would drop the ebook reader and thunderbird from favourites before the browser :)21:37
OvenWerkscontrols does not run21:38
OvenWerksAh there we are21:38
OvenWerksit seems that favourites has ubuntustudio-controls which will not run but in Audio Production I find Studio-controls (way at the bottom) and that dose run... but tells me I need to fix real time permitions.21:40
OvenWerksI think what is happening with that last is that our metas are installed after first login. So another logout in is required21:42
OvenWerksEickmeyer: after reboot... most of the trouble seems to have gone away. favourites looks better, ubuntustudio-controls icon is gone21:47
OvenWerksreal time is ok.21:47
OvenWerksEickmeyer: So I am guessing that the installer change you want to do will fix the install?21:50
OvenWerksThat would be nice21:51
OvenWerksEickmeyer: generally it looks pretty good. There are way too many things hard coded in KDE22:09
OvenWerks I notice that even though you have the US screen while plasma is starting up, the settings manager shows as if it was the default Kubuntu screen... I guess if .config does not have a change in it, settings assumes their default.22:11
OvenWerksNot branding friendly22:11
OvenWerksI am guessing it will require a /etc/xdg/ubuntustudio/ sub menu to make things right? Or do we clone/revise some kubuntu packages?22:13
OvenWerkshmm s/menu/directory/22:20
tewardEickmeyer: FTBFS is not good :)23:03
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Uh.... it's not done yet.23:22
EickmeyerAs far as favorties go, it's some sort of bug that happens sporadically with calibre taking-over .html. There's a race condition.23:22
EickmeyerAnd anything that is Kubuntu is definitely the installer, like I've been saying.23:23
EickmeyerOnce we move to Calamares, that will go away.23:23
EickmeyerOvenWerks: What do you mean the settings manager shows as if it was the default Kubuntu screen?23:27
EickmeyerI don't understand.23:27
OvenWerkswhile plasma is starting up it has a "splash screen". This splash screen has a ubuntustudio logo. So far so good.23:28
EickmeyerYes. I made that myself.23:29
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Are you getting Kubuntu and KDE phrasing mixed-up?23:30
OvenWerksnow if I go into the setting app startup and shutdown->splash screen, it shows "Breeze" as being the current splash screen in use. My asumption is that this is because if I haven't asked for a new choice, settings thinks it must be default and shows it as default23:31
OvenWerks(what it thinks is default)23:31
EickmeyerYes, the settings are hardcoded to think "Breeze" if there's nothing in .config.23:32
OvenWerksI picked that one to make a point, but it seems to me there were other cases of similar things.23:32
EickmeyerBut, you'll notice, that if you log out, the screen is the Ubuntu Studio screen.23:32
OvenWerksyes, it is just the settings app that is wrong23:32
EickmeyerYes. Nothing we can do about that.23:33
EickmeyerAnd I don't know why the ebook reader is taking the spot of the browser. I might just change the default to firefox.desktop.23:33
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I think that was the installer23:34
EickmeyerNo, it's not the installer.23:34
OvenWerksIt looked like the first time I logged in all the US metas got installed and after I logged out and back in again firefox was there23:34
OvenWerks(and the ebook reader and ubuntustudio-controls were gone)23:35
EickmeyerLive session != installer23:35
EickmeyerIt's a race condition happening in the live session.23:35
OvenWerksI am talking about the installed version, after first boot23:36
OvenWerks and then it is different after second boot23:36
EickmeyerOk, yeah, that makes sense. I'm looking at the live session and it shows the E-book Editor as the browser.23:36
OvenWerksAfter first boot the installer comes up and says there are a pile of installs to do23:36
OvenWerksafter those are finished and I reboot things are fine.23:37
EickmeyerHere's the file that determines the default favorites: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-default-settings/tree/etc/xdg/kickoffrc23:37
OvenWerksLive is a different matter :)23:37
EickmeyerAlso, I did a test install and didn't encounter the Studio Controls problem.23:38
EickmeyerIt shows by default in the live session and should also show after installation.l23:38
OvenWerksI think once the installer is fixed things will be good23:40
OvenWerkslive may take a bit, but really you have just started and form that POV things are quite good. It is workable.23:41
EickmeyerThat's really the only thing that is left. The installer (ubiquity-kde) is hardcoded to replace Ubuntu with Kubuntu and only display Kubuntu and its logo for installation. Hence, moving to Calamares because the Ubuntu Foundations Team has complete control over that and they move slower than molassees.23:41
OvenWerks(On Mars)23:41
EickmeyerRather, foundations has control over Ubiquity, whereas Lubuntu wants Calamares to be all-inclusive.23:42
EickmeyerIndeed, on mars.23:42
EickmeyerI can honestly say that they would look at it, but probably wouldn't have it fixed until after Beta. I'm tired of having to go through them every time I make a change to the slideshow too.23:42
OvenWerksubuntu server and desktop are the first priority23:44
EickmeyerNot even Desktop. Server, cloud, and IoT.23:44
OvenWerksWhatever makes money23:44
OvenWerksThe installer should be like all other SW, highly configurable23:45
EickmeyerExactly. That's what Calamares is, which is why we're changing.23:45
Eickmeyercalamares.io in case you're wondering.23:46
OvenWerksHow far away is that do you think?23:46
EickmeyerWell, I'm pretty much done, it just needs testing. In order for that to happen, I need the Lubuntu team to upload the new calamares-settings-ubuntu package, which I'm an official contributor to now.23:47
EickmeyerI might see if it can be added to the packageset, which I don't think would be too much of an issue.23:47
EickmeyerSettings are mirrored at https://github.com/lubuntu-team/calamares-settings-ubuntu if you want to see them.23:49
OvenWerksSo the best way to experience it at this point would be to DL lubuntu?23:53
EickmeyerAt this point, yes.23:54
EickmeyerIt would just be the Lubuntu branding, but I've tested the Ubuntu Studio branding on it with the settings I've made and I'm happy with it.23:54
EickmeyerThat said, I will need to update the screenshots in the slideshow.23:54
OvenWerksAt least we can start now and not September23:55

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