
=== Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer[m]
=== E_Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
tsimonq2When does publisher maintenance typically start? I've heard 6 AM UK time on Sundays but nothing definitive.04:20
cjwatsontsimonq2: 59 05  * * 0 /srv/launchpad.net/production/launchpad/cronscripts/publishing/cron.daily-ppa >> /srv/launchpad.net/production-logs/lp_publish/cron.ppa.log 2>&109:20
cjwatsonOne of our more impressively misnamed scripts09:21
tsimonq2cjwatson: Aha, thanks.09:35
tsimonq2cjwatson: Wait, so despite the comment in the script and the script naming, this thing is done weekly?09:37
tsimonq2Hm, looks like it.09:37
tsimonq2I'd be curious to hear the rationale for that.09:37
cjwatsontsimonq2: Presumably because running a thing daily that takes several hours is a bit rude.09:47
cjwatsonAnd nobody ever got round to renaming the thing.09:47
cjwatsonIt was probably initially daily.09:47
cjwatson(And also it should eventually be removed once our publishing machinery is better - it's a workaround.)09:48
tsimonq2I wonder if that could be sped up if at all possible... I'd imagine the bottleneck is find so the output could be piped to a temp file and then rmdir could run at once?10:12
tsimonq2(So, get the lock after find runs.)10:12
cjwatsonI doubt that would help measurably.10:23
cjwatsonAnd the reason this blocks publishing is that it would otherwise be racy.10:23
cjwatsonThe correct fix is to chase down all the places where the publisher doesn't do this sort of empty-directory cleanup for itself, I think.  (Or it would become irrelevant if we ever do diskless PPAs.)10:24

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