
lubot<mitya57> Small status update: … - Fixed qttools, this allowed me to retry a dozen of failed riscv64 builds. I will be able to retry more when kxmlgui is built on riscv64. … - Copied qbs 1.14 from Debian. This is not the latest release, but 1.16 will take more time because it will need to pass Debian's NEW queue. But it should be already compat10:09
lubotible with Qt 5.14.10:09
lubot<RikMills> module qtqml is not installed :/10:22
lubot<mitya57> Where is that?10:22
lubot<RikMills> (Photo, 1280x865) https://i.imgur.com/opOlznR.jpg10:23
lubot<RikMills> sddm startup10:23
lubot<mitya57> Something needs to depend on qml-module-qtqml10:23
lubot<RikMills> is that new?10:24
lubot<mitya57> Yes, it is new. Looks like qml-module-qtquick-controls needs that dependency (it needs a new upload because of tests anyway).10:25
lubot<RikMills> @mitya57 [Yes, it is new. Looks like qml-module-qtquick-controls needs that dependency (it …], Makes sense. Thanks :)10:26
lubot<RikMills> Installing that fixes sddm and plasma10:27
lubot<mitya57> Great!10:27
lubot<RikMills> Had to use proposed as webengine picked up a dep on the new re2 lib in there, but things seem ok in a very quick VM test now10:28
lubot<mitya57> Fixed dde-qt5integration10:29
lubot<mitya57> We need a helper that will automatically add QML dependencies based on plugins.qmltypes10:31
lubot<RikMills> I might start test building new plasma against the PPA later10:31
lubot<bhushanshah> Do anyone know nature of this patch? https://packaging.neon.kde.org/kde/kwallet.git/tree/debian/patches/blowfish_endianess.diff?h=Neon/unstable10:33
lubot<mitya57> `#define Q_BYTE_ORDER Q_BIG_ENDIAN` (which was in original file and not patched out) looks very wrong10:34
lubot<RikMills> @bhushanshah [Do anyone know nature of this patch? https://packaging.neon.kde.org/kde/kwallet. …], debian/changelog says it was added for this bug https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=82816010:37
ubottuDebian bug 828160 in src:kwallet-kf5 "kwallet-kf5: FTBFS on hppa - blowfishtest (Failed)" [Normal,Fixed]10:37
lubot<mitya57> @mitya57 [Yes, it is new. Looks like qml-module-qtquick-controls needs that dependency (it …], Added in https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/qt/qtquickcontrols/-/commit/cb684fa064063135, will be in the next upload to PPA.10:47
lubot<bhushanshah> So just as a note : https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=362805#c19 new upstream patch in kwallet breaks existing wallets with debian patchset11:09
ubottuKDE bug 362805 in general "KF5Wallet can't open previuosly created wallet with error code -9" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:09
lubot<bhushanshah> So you will have to revert part of upstream patch for next release11:09
lubot<RikMills> @bhushanshah [So you will have to revert part of upstream patch for next release], I'm slightly lost, but I guess follow what you do in Neon?11:19
lubot<bhushanshah> More or less yes11:19
lubot<bhushanshah> https://cgit.kde.org/kwallet.git/commit/?id=850219f83e7d74621efba9cf8a6eebb11f6bc3fc essentially revert of this will be needed11:20
lubot<RikMills> right11:22
lubot<mitya57> Hopefully fixed gammaray, qgis and qtav. The major remaining package is qtcreator, which is better with new qbs, but now has error installing the documentation.14:43
lubot<mitya57> Looks like that error was always there, but now is fatal because of https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/commit/?id=20e9422e069a27b715:00
lubot<mitya57> I think I fixed everything now, we should just wait until it builds :)15:27
lubot<RikMills> :)15:59
lubot<RikMills> new perl just landing in proposed which makes pkg-kde-tools impossible to install in builds :(19:26
mamarleyRikMills: It looks like libclass-xsaccessor-perl and possible libcommon-sense-perl need rebuilds.19:49
lubot<mitya57> For Qt transition, we need to wait for a few builds to finish and then it will be good to land.20:03
lubot<mitya57> @RikMills Feel free to do that if I will be sleeping :)20:04
lubot<mitya57> (Or you want to wait until perl is fixed?)20:04
lubot<RikMills> I'll think about that. I will check in a couple of hrs before I sleep20:06
valoriey'all are heroes!20:08
lubot<RikMills> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=96085620:08
ubottuDebian bug 960856 in release.debian.org "binnmus for perl mini-transition" [Normal,Open]20:08
lubot<RikMills> I think we may as well land.22:40
* RikMills clicks buttons22:41
RikMills5.14.2 landing22:54
mamarley\o/ Great job!23:20
mamarleyAlso, it looks like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtwayland-opensource-src/+bug/1862987 is going to get some attention very soon.  That package is also needed for kwayland-server.23:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1862987 in qtwayland-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "qtbase5-private-dev does not install private headers for QtWayland" [Undecided,New]23:22

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