
OvenWerksLet me know when it hits the ISO. I don't see anything else that is bad at the moment00:01
EickmeyerWill do.00:02
EickmeyerSo, I found out what's happening. Firefox is registering itself as the default for html, but then calibre is registering as default for xhtml+xml, which includes *.html files, which is tricking Plasma into thinking calibre as the default browser for the menu since it's first alphabetically. 00:14
EickmeyerI'll have to explicitly call for firefox to be in the menu.00:16
Eickmeyerteward: New lsp-plugins at lp:lsp-plugins.00:17
Eickmeyer1.1.21 (apparently he skips even numbers?)00:17
EickmeyerAs for why I'm not doing it: E:NoRights E:AAsSlacking00:18
OvenWerksI like this line: "Distributions are strongly urged to package configuration files separately from Calamares itself, and to install them in /etc/calamares."00:28
EickmeyerYep, hence calamares-settings-ubuntu is a separate package.00:28
=== Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer[m]
=== E_Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
=== Eickmeyer-[m] is now known as Eickmeyer[kde]
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Latest daily  (I forced a respin) doesn't have that bug where calibre is the default browser in the live session or after first boot, and I didn't have to specify the desktop file. I just had to tell Plasma which one should be the default.03:55
OvenWerksCool, I found I needed to change about three settings to get everything to work right03:55
EickmeyerThis was the file I changed: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-default-settings/tree/usr/share/ubuntustudio/kf5-settings/kdeglobals03:56
OvenWerksGetting FF to be the browser was not so hard but then getting a right click on a URL in a terminal was something else.03:56
EickmeyerJust had to specify BrowserApplication[$e]=!firefox03:56
EickmeyerTomorrow might have the second wallpaper fixed.03:57
EickmeyerMy fix should take care of that.03:57
OvenWerksyou are making me feel lazy03:57
Eickmeyer(the URL in the terminal)03:57
OvenWerksI was hoping to find a dbus signal for headphone pine detect...03:59
OvenWerksbut I am guessing I will have to make my own03:59
petergkI have seen that UbuntuStudio will go for KDE Plasma in the next release16:15
petergkis it true?16:15
petergkso I need to drop the distro from my studio :<16:16
Eickmeyerpetergk: Why?16:16
petergkkde is really tragic16:16
EickmeyerMaybe during Plasma 4, but Plasma 5 is much better.16:17
EickmeyerWe took TWO YEARS to evaluate before making the decision.16:17
petergkI thought that's why you guys selected xfce,16:17
petergkfor reduce unncessary power consumption, resource consumption16:17
EickmeyerXfce was selected to keep a consistent experience from GNOME 2 because MATE wasn't a thing yet.16:17
petergkI think the real value of the distro is the production capability16:17
petergkok I got it16:18
EickmeyerDon't believe the myth that Plasma takes more resources. It does, by about 50MB.16:18
petergkok, but is it as stable?16:18
EickmeyerHas a larger community of developers too.16:18
petergkbut I would like to thank you guys your work, it's the most useful distro on the market16:18
petergkI made my own small slax based distros to achieve that many years ago16:19
petergkbut please be prepared, the kde plasma will pull out the plug at many artists16:19
Eickmeyerpetergk: We've had more positive responses with the decision than negative.16:20
petergkstill better than gnome....16:20
EickmeyerAre you here to contribute or complain?16:20
petergkI try to do both, with an honest opinion, as a person who is in the vfx/cgi industry for 16 years16:22
petergkI would gently say the move is concerning.16:22
petergkyour stuff, your decision, I am just thankful for your distro beside  this16:23
EickmeyerI'm a video producer for 18 years and a live audio engineer for 26 years.16:23
EickmeyerI look at every decision through that lens.16:23
EickmeyerSo, if you think that your concerns haven't been met, I assure you they have.16:23
EickmeyerWe are not using the biggest resource hog in Plasma: the akonadi PIM server. That's not part of the default setup, and will not be.16:23
petergkok I trust you16:23
EickmeyerWe're also working with the Plasma developers to optimize it. I'm in constant communication with the upstream KDE community.16:24
petergknice good to hear16:24
EickmeyerSo, believe me when I say we didn't make the decision lightly.16:25
petergkthey made several good apps around kde community, they came out pretty well16:25
petergkI will also give it a try, as soon as I have a little time16:25
EickmeyerKdenlive and Digikam are great examples.16:25
Eickmeyer^ That too.16:25
EickmeyerAnd you know they're developing those apps using Plasma.16:26
petergkI have no idea :D16:26
EickmeyerWell, they're KDE apps, so why wouldn't they?16:26
petergkI had so many bad experience with kde 12 years ago....16:26
EickmeyerThat was 12 years ago, during KDE 4. Plasma 5 is WAY different. It was rewritten from the ground up.16:27
petergkI have no idea what is the development pipeline there16:27
petergkqt was also not funny16:28
EickmeyerQt != The Qt Company16:28
petergkwe used openmotif and fltk....16:28
EickmeyerThere's an entire team of the KDE community dedicated to making sure Qt stays free.16:28
* Eickmeyer has errands and other things to do today.16:29
petergkwe will see.... :D16:30
petergkbut thanks16:30
petergkand thank you for your work16:30
EickmeyerYou can feel free to try the daily images at https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/dvd if you want to see. Bear in mind, it's far from done.16:30
EickmeyerUgh, he left.16:30
OvenWerksEickmeyer: it may have been useful to say: you can still have the same experience by installing xubuntu and adding Studio with ubuntustudio-installer.16:41
OvenWerksor lubuntu for even less resources16:42
StevenJayCohen<OvenWerks "Eickmeyer: it may have been usef"> Is the future of Studio ever to no longer be a flavor of its own and just focus on a seamless experience regardless of the flavor it is added to? Would that be less or more work?16:44
OvenWerksStevenJayCohen: I think it would end up being more work.16:45
OvenWerksStudio would no longer be a flavour and so not enjoy what little attention we get from the core development team now16:46
OvenWerksBeing a flavour means we have a reason for keeping things in the repo that ub untu would like to drop 16:47
StevenJayCohenIt just seems that the goal is different than the other flavors, so the desktop choice seems to be a distraction.16:47
OvenWerksAs you can see from the discusion above, many people expect to just install and go.16:48
StevenJayCohenI think that's because it's a flavor instead of an option to add to an existing flavor by default. You shouldn't need to keep telling people they can install it on top of whatever *buntu they choose.16:50
OvenWerkssome people are delighted by being able to put Studio on top of whatever, others not so much16:51
OvenWerksAlso the live iso allows people to try tings out or even run on any old hardware that happens to be where they are right now. Studio in a pocket16:52
StevenJayCohenNot arguing that point. Since people do not know by default that they have the option to install studio into other flavors, there is a messaging issue. Why don't people know that it's possible? Especially with the KDE migration, getting them to understand that you are not removing their choice is more important.16:54
* OvenWerks thinks that is not his department ;)16:55
OvenWerksbut yes that is a good point16:55
OvenWerksEickmeyer: did we ever do a Studio on whatever flavour you want release statement?16:56
StevenJayCohenWhy KDE? The Studio Team mostly default to KDE, and KDE has these benefits (1, 2, 3, etc) but Studio is unique among the flavors that it can be added to other flavors...16:57
StevenJayCohenCue the Reeses Peanutbutter Cup commercial16:57
StevenJayCohenYou got Studio in my XFCE! You got XFCE in my Studio!16:58
StevenJayCohenyadda... yadda... yadda... 16:58
StevenJayCohenWill Studio break *buntu? No! Studio adds media creation powers to any *buntu!17:00
StevenJayCohenNot just *buntu -- *buntu+STUDIO17:00
OvenWerksStevenJayCohen: ok you've been pushed into doing PR17:16
StevenJayCohenPushed? It seemed more like I jumped.17:16
OvenWerks(no such thing as hired here)17:16
EickmeyerOvenWerks: We did, quite some time ago. Maybe I need to just do one. 18:01
EickmeyerAs far as the response goes, the positive responses have been VERY positive, but the negative responses have been few and loud.18:02
EickmeyerWhere I have a problem is when people come into the development chat and tell us we're wrong. Unless they're willing to stick around and contribute and make it better, their words have no merit.18:03
EickmeyerThat guy clearly wasn't willing to stick around.18:04
OvenWerksI could see that18:04
OvenWerksYeah one of those here is my (correct) opinion, fix it.18:05
EickmeyerExactly. That doesn't fly in a mertiocracy.18:05
krytarikHah, funnily enough one could also say 12 years ago the experience with GNOME was really good, so it must be good still too! XD18:14
OvenWerksgnome is great.... if all you do is browse18:15
OvenWerksit is also great for a group of people for who search based workflows work well.18:16
krytarikWell tbh, it quite nicely fits my mom's bill anyway.18:16
* OvenWerks doesn't happen to be one of those people18:16
eylul[m]gnome is optimized for casual/office user18:16
eylul[m]from what I can tell18:16
OvenWerksmy search terms almost always turn up trash18:16
eylul[m]easy to use, intuitive hard for it to go wrong18:17
eylul[m]but the tradeoff for it is lack of customization often, and not being useful for power users18:17
eylul[m]plasma is very power users oriented, and creative person oriented18:17
eylul[m]and gives a lot of tools to adjust to your workflow rather than force its own18:18
eylul[m]different goals18:18
eylul[m]both are very successful solutions18:18
eylul[m]but there is a reason why we need both18:18

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