
wallyworldhpidcock: yeah, should be a const, i can abort the merge if tlm wants to fix00:00
hpidcocknah all good00:00
wallyworldcan be drive by nxext time00:01
wallyworldhpidcock: FYI pr landed, release doc started, https://docs.google.com/document/d/13OZtXkx_0lfa3a6W6xRYqlY9p3MQT0KLtFRU49acXhM/00:31
hpidcockwallyworld: awesome!00:38
wallyworldhpidcock: or thumper: here's 2.8-rc into 2.8 https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11600 clean merge00:40
hpidcockwallyworld: any merges?00:41
hpidcockmerge conflicts*00:41
wallyworldnp :-)00:41
hpidcockyou already said clean merge00:41
hpidcockwallyworld: I'm going to start the release00:42
wallyworldok, sgtm00:42
wallyworldhpidcock: maybe wait for buildjuju to finish to reduce load on slaves?00:44
hpidcockwallyworld: yeah, just killed the old ci-runs00:45
hpidcockwaiting for this one to at least pass build00:45
tlmtiny pr if anyone has a few minutes https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1160100:49
wallyworldtlm: thre's also uniter.go00:52
wallyworldsame pattern00:52
wallyworldif we fix in caasoperator should also fix in uniter.go as well00:53
wallyworldoriginal code was from 201500:53
tlmah ok makes sense00:53
wallyworldi wonder if we needed the mutex back then00:53
tlmthought I had missed a use case00:53
tlmI was thinking the func was called multiple times but not the case00:53
wallyworldtlm: here's the commit message00:55
wallyworldI believe that [this recent ppc64 failure](http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/3059/job/run-unit-tests-trusty-ppc64el/attempt/3804#highlight), is caused by a race between the restartWatcher and watcher cleanup closures.00:55
wallyworldwe should look to be sure we're not reintroducing a test issue00:55
tlmthat for me? Also link doesn't work00:56
wallyworldno link won't work, it's an old CI server00:56
tlmah cool00:56
wallyworldi just wanted to point out the commit message and why the mutex was added00:56
tlmah ok, mutex isn't doing anything now besides adding some noops00:57
wallyworldwe should think about if removing it would reintroduce any test failures00:57
wallyworldyeah, it does appear to be redundant00:57
tlmif we get test failures out of that then It would be a miracle that it has been working for so long.00:58
wallyworldtlm: ah, the addCleanup() had the mutexes00:58
wallyworldand they have been removed00:59
wallyworldfor some reason00:59
tlmah k00:59
wallyworldthis line u.addCleanup(func() error00:59
wallyworldbut it's not there anymore01:00
tlmupdated pr01:00
tlmhey my first uniter change wallyworld. I have battle scars now :)01:00
wallyworldtlm: i think we changes how stuff is shutdown since 2015 so mutex is now not not needed01:01
tlmmade juju 0.000005% faster01:02
timClicks"what's new in juju 2.8" should now be feature complete https://discourse.juju.is/t/whats-new-in-juju-2-8/285901:06
wallyworldawesome ty01:08
wallyworldtimClicks: the vsphere section should mention the new credential folder attribute?01:09
timClicksactually just noticed that the new/changed hooks section is also quite sparse01:10
wallyworldtimClicks: min-juu-version isn't new, it's been there since 1.24 i think. What is new is that a charm says "2.8.0" to signal it doesn't need a k8s PV created for it since it (the charm) has been updated to use the new controller storage facility01:13
thumperwhy do we have a package level variable for the watcher in the first place?01:47
thumperhpidcock: from this https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1160102:19
thumperthe lock was removed, but next to it was a package level watcher02:19
thumperwhich seems wrong to me02:19
hpidcockthey are function variables02:20
* thumper looks again02:23
* thumper sighs02:23
thumperI should have expanded the diff02:23
thumpersorry for the noise02:23
thumperhttps://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11602 for a boring review02:24
tlmi an do it02:28
babbageclunktlm: I'm looking02:30
tlmah cheers babbageclunk, my only feed back thus far and it may be there is that logger should be an interface type like the pattern in new workers02:31
babbageclunk(I should have said I was)02:31
babbageclunkit is one isn't it?02:31
tlmmaybe, I hadn't got that far yet02:32
tlmas in type Logger interface { DebugF() }02:32
babbageclunkyup yup02:32
babbageclunkI can't remember why we started doing that though - was it just for ease of testing?02:33
tlmYeah make duck typing in testing easier02:33
babbageclunkI have a vague memory of there being something else as well but I can't think what it is.02:34
tlmmaybe for regex testing log messages in tests ?02:35
babbageclunkthumper: approved02:36
wallyworldthumper: last one for today, also clean merge https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1160402:38
wallyworldhpidcock: since thumper is ignoring me, perhaps you can +1 2.8->develop, similar to 2.8-rc->2.8 https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11604; clean merge, no accidental version updates03:57
hpidcockwallyworld: ok looking04:01
hpidcockwallyworld: approved04:03
* thumper sighs04:07
thumperI need to get these alerts sorted04:07
thumperwallyworld: sorry04:07
wallyworldthumper: no worries, i'm not really mad, just trolling you :-)04:08
hpidcockwallyworld: is there a fast way to mark all bugs in a release as released?04:25
hpidcockin a milestone*04:25
wallyworldonly using the python clp client04:27
wallyworld*lp, not clp04:27
* thumper knocks off a few more todos for the merging of agents05:57
* thumper EODs05:57
thumpersee ya tomorrow folks05:57
thumperwallyworld: could I get you to do a pass over the latest stop the line tests?05:57
thumperjust to see why they are failing, and email crew?05:58
thumperespecially given RC205:58
stickupkidmanadart, ping when you get a chance...08:03
manadartstickupkid: Pong.08:07
manadartstickupkid: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1160609:47
stickupkidmanadart, if MapWithSpaceNames passes in a lookup, but lookup is nil, should we return nil or the underlying bindings?10:24
stickupkidmanadart, I suspect we should return nil, but that gives you nothing10:24
manadartstickupkid: If the lookup is length zero, we do what it does now and retrieve the spaces from state.10:31
stickupkidmanadart, why?10:31
stickupkidmanadart, why not push the logic out as a dependency?10:32
stickupkidmanadart, just make it implicit that we now require the network.SpaceInfos to get you MapWithSpaceNames...10:33
stickupkidit's less magicial10:33
manadartstickupkid: I guess it's doable. Not many call sites.10:33
stickupkidmanadart, that's my thought atm10:33
stickupkidmanadart, anything magical I'm tending to run away from atm10:34
manadartstickupkid: In that case, a length zero lookup returns a `errors.NotValidf("empty space lookup")`.10:34
stickupkidwicked, like it10:34
manadartstickupkid: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1160712:19
rick_hstickupkid:  if I deploy a bundle with pylibjuju with a CMR am I asking for trouble?12:44
rick_hstickupkid:  on the consuming side12:45
stickupkidrick_h, probably12:50
stickupkidrick_h, let me check if we implemented all the lookups12:51
stickupkidrick_h, it depends, we handle consuming of offers, but we might not handle everything.12:53
rick_hstickupkid:  ok, guess I'll see how far I get ty12:53
stickupkidrick_h, indeed12:53
=== verterok` is now known as verterok
achilleasawhat can possibly go wrong here? https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/develop/network/network.go#L233-L25214:11
achilleasa(hint: look at the map access patterns)14:11
stickupkidachilleasa, I don't like the fact it modifies the original map, creeps me out14:18
achilleasastickupkid: if you run out of space in the map, a new backing store will be allocated and the _reference_ passed to the func gets modified. However, the caller still has the old map ;-)14:18
stickupkidachilleasa, also why doesn't gatherBridgeAddresses return []net.Addr14:19
stickupkidachilleasa, hence the creeps me out14:19
stickupkidachilleasa, addressesToRemove[DefaultLXDBridge] = gatherBridgeAddresses(DefaultLXDBridge)14:19
* stickupkid goes to check that he didn't write it14:20
achilleasanah, I will just throw all into a list and pass it to the filter func14:20
achilleasathere might be some dups but who cares14:20
stickupkidsolve that later :)14:21
achilleasastickupkid: you need the map after all because the map gets flattened into a []ipNetAndName slice14:36
rick_hguild I updated guimaas with guidance to the snap and 2.7 FYI15:07
rick_hif anyone hits issues let me know and I might ask to take over guimaas for a demo in the near future just a heads up15:07
stickupkidrick_h, nice :)15:08
stickupkidgr8, when we moved to go 14 we didn't update all the mocks - haha15:14

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