
valorieRikMills: thanks for the notice01:29
valorieI think that the kde CI is dying as well01:30
valorieperhaps to be brought back on gitlab01:30
valoriewe could think about following them there if it works out01:30
valoriephab will be phased out as well. so it might be a good time to try it out01:31
keithzg[m]Eww Gitlab (Phab in fact had better CI stuff than Gitlab, too)01:36
keithzg[m]I mean the Gitlab CI stuff may well be better than it was back when I settled on Jenkins for work, but it certainly didn't impress me at the time!01:37
valoriesince I"m not packaging I don't think my opinion is worth two cents, but I do think we need to discuss it on the the devel list01:39
valoriern listening to a webinar tho01:39
keithzg[m]Ja, my only real direct informed opinion on options alas is that Jenkins is alright, heh, which I imagine everyone already knows. And it's pretty heavy compared to many things, being Java-based.01:41
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Does anyone know if KDE's GitLab instance is self hosted, or is it provided by GitLab themselves ?05:21
valorieprovided by GL05:25
valorieit's the free version, but they are making free some features that have been paid-only05:26
valorieof course we keep asking for MOAR05:27
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> OK, Would Kubuntu count as part of KDE ? Do we know whom we should talk to ? What is MOAR ?05:27
keithzg[m]valorie: Huh, I thought it was self hosted, particularly because if I'm logged in I see at https://invent.kde.org/help the version cited is 12.10.4 and there's apparently an update available, which I would not have expected from GitLab themselves hosting it.05:27
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Oooo let me go look05:28
valorieas I recall, the update *just* became available, and they just did the move this weekend05:28
valorietrying to get All The Things working still05:28
keithzg[m]I mean I'm seeing that literally now, is what I mean heh05:28
valoriethey probably will not apply the updates until things are more settled, is what I mean05:29
valoriethere was too much happening this weekend to truly keep up on everything05:30
keithzg[m]Yeah, fair, the current version 12.10.6 was only released on the 15th, which is pretty new. Tho I would expect from a minor point that it'd be completely non-breaking (unlike apparently 13.x)05:30
keithzg[m]But of course, things rarely go as smoothly as they should in theory . . .05:31
valorieso far, goodish05:31
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Alright!! I'm logged in with my KDE Identity, Sweet 😃05:31
valorieof course it's not all done05:31
valoriebut one major part is05:31
valorieit's not the most fun to keep up with because i'm rather ignorant of many parts of it05:33
keithzg[m]Huh, posted the link to the mailing list to the Fediverse (lots of technical-minded people out there) and saw some follow requests pending . . . but it's not a private account so they shouldn't have had to send requests! Maybe mastodon.technology is gating librem.one requests that way though, some remnant of the minor scandal of librem.one's launch, heh.05:40
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> There are a few Kubuntu tools listed, but no Kubuntu Project. https://invent.kde.org/explore/projects?utf8=%E2%9C%93&name=kubuntu&sort=latest_activity_desc05:43
valoriewe didn't ask to be moved, and most of what has been moved was code05:44
valorieand we have no code there but those bits that neon uses05:44
keithzg[m]I see Neon is a "team" there (https://invent.kde.org/teams), maybe it would make sense if Kubuntu was a "team" too? Although no other distros are, so maybe that's kindof crossing wires.05:45
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Well I think this is all rather cool. I've got a few ideas, but I need to do a little background work first. I'll draft my plans and post them to kubuntu-devel05:46
valorieneon still says that they are a project, not a distro05:46
valoriebut that does not mean we can't use gitlab05:46
valorieor self-host phab, as lubuntu does05:46
valorieor pitch in with lubuntu and their ci05:47
valorieI assume erich of ubuntu-studio might like pitching in there as well05:47
keithzg[m]I'm such a big fan of self-hosting Phab I do it personally! But I know my pro-Phabricator stance is far from universal ;)05:47
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I'm more of a fan on integration, rather than separation. I think this an opportunity to get closer to the KDE project.05:48
valorietsimonq2 likes it too05:48
keithzg[m]Pooling together resources of the flavours makes a lot of sense.05:48
valorieI agree05:48
valorieand I think tsimonq2's boss has offered hosting05:48
valoriewhich may be what lub. is using05:48
keithzg[m]Ah, that's good. Yeah I quipped above about Jenkins being fairly heavy, but of course the main thing is any build system is gonna be far from lightweight, what with the having to build software part of it all! So hosting being provided is a pretty key consideration . . .05:49
keithzg[m]I see Lubuntu seems to use Jenkins.05:50
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I've used both tools professionally, they're different but I like them both for different reasons, so I'm not too worried about the tooling.05:51
keithzg[m](Jenkins for building, soft-integrated with Phabricator for issues and code hosting is how I do things at work, which seems to be how Lubuntu is doing it, nice)05:52
valorieRikMills is doing the heavy lifting, so I would rely on his opinion most05:52
valoriebut there are all kinds of changes happening05:52
valorieso we need to move with the times05:52
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I know many folks have dreamed about rebuilding/updating Kubuntu CI toolchain, and I think as Rik says on the mailing list the CI maintenance is overdue.05:53
valorieand we should decide whether to move our Phab stuff or let it die05:53
keithzg[m]Yeah old Ruby scripts kept limping along, sounds like.05:54
valorieaha, sitters work05:54
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> We'll I'm ready, willing, to get my sleeves rolled up and try to help RikMills in the lift, as much as I can.05:54
keithzg[m]Which is another thing that eerily parallels my dayjob, hah (although the last of those is recently gone).05:54
keithzg[m]I can definitely try to help too---particularly if it's Jenkins that is gone over to for the CI side of things, since I've had to wade into that a lot! (I'm sure this is broadly true of other CI systems, but it's nice that in Jenkins you can define jobs in scripts stored in Git, and then just point Jenkins towards a repo.)05:56
* keithzg[m] is also quite willing to fire up a Digital Ocean VM or three if folks want to test out systems for potential self-hosting so to speak . . . already run a lot of personal services quite foolishly ;)05:59
valorieawesome to see y'all step up06:15
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I reckon that DO VM's would really help us, see what Rik says when he catches this thread. Kubuntu have ByteMark and Linode but that hosting is inproduction right now, so we can't mess with it. Being able to have a few breakable toys on DO might be very useful.06:19
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Going to give some config to Simon soonish so that he can set up a test instance using the Lubuntu CI tooling14:54
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> (Photo, 1280x722) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/U0eOfhA0/file_29959.jpg14:54
valoriewow, I'm a bit jealous19:11
valorieI wonder if I should upgrade my travel lappy19:11
valoriesince it's basically unused otherwise rn19:11
RikMillsvalorie: not really installable yet. that VM had to used proposed and a ppa19:29
valorieI only ran proposed once, and that was *interesting*19:30
valorieprobably in 18.10 days19:30
valorieI've noticed that things are pretty damn stable right after an LTS19:31
mparilloMy VMs with GG and 20.04+Proposed seem pretty stable to me.23:51

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