[11:24] 'Morning all [14:34] mamarley: I guess you have been trying the 5.19 beta? Any issues? [14:35] RikMills: I have indeed! Most everything seems fine. I did find and report one small bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=421779 [14:35] KDE bug 421779 in general "Powerdevil icon disappears at each login starting with 5.18.90" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [14:37] odd. thanks :) [14:37] I'll copy it to the normal staging ppas in a bit [14:37] Thanks! You do a wonderful job. :) [14:40] reboot went fine here after commenting proposed [14:41] The offending package ended up getting deleted. [14:52] (Photo, 1280x722) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/YcViZVmK/file_29959.jpg [14:57] ok good stuff :-) [17:04] Hello I have a weird Bug with Kubuntu. Gnome-Boxes doesn't respect my language settings. As it seems no gtk app is respecting the language. Any Idea how to fix this? [17:18] @RikMills, this on vm or native? [17:18] im having a display resizing on the latest focal update on my vm virtualbox .. ubuntu + plasma wayland working but not x11 :( [17:21] VM [17:23] there is new kernel update .. lets see if this update help it go back to normal [17:34] @RikMills, kvm ? [17:34] Virtualbox [17:34] i see .. 6.1.8 ? [17:34] 5.2.39+git [17:34] owh .. [17:35] I didn't like 6.x [17:35] @RikMills, mind to share what u dont like with? [17:35] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=407058 [17:35] KDE bug 407058 in common "KDE Plasma5 can't change resolution in VM after last update" [Normal,Confirmed] [17:35] @ubottu, owh .. so its not only me .. [17:35] i thought im the only one [17:35] but its work fine with plasma wayland [17:35] is it kinda weird ? [17:36] @myfenris, When I first tried it parts of the UI were bad with a dark theme. That may be fixed now, but I have just stayed on 5.2 as it still does what I want [17:37] @RikMills, ok thanks [17:38] ubuntu x11 also even worst .. just black screen after login ... kde plasma can login but the resolution stick to 800x600 [17:39] is it x11 bugs or virtualbox 6.1.x ? [17:50] https://old.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/g8bfeg/fyi_how_to_make_kde_plasma_work_at_resolutions/ [17:50] can above link help to solved ? [17:51] temporary ? [17:51] " If Kscreen is unloaded, the guest screen resolution can only be changed with xrandr or with the VM host's guest autosize functionality. System settings will no longer have a page for setting the screen resolution." [17:56] no idea [17:58] ok thanks ! [18:08] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1789545 [18:08] bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1789545 in virtualbox-guest-additions "Can't auto-resize display on Fedora 31 guest VM" [Medium,On_qa] [18:26] @RikMills, when its going to be release for focal ? [18:27] @myfenris, It's not. it needs Qt 5.14 [18:27] ouch ... okie [18:28] @RikMills, does this bugs fixed in groovy? [18:28] i mean kde 5.18.9 [18:28] I don't know, but I suspect not [18:29] bcoz the bugs is still open right .. else should be close already [18:29] Virtualbox 5.2 never triggers the bug, so I can't tell [19:28] @RikMills, tried with 5.2.42 [19:28] plasma still cant change display :( [19:29] but the gnome work compared the 6.1.x which cant logon to x11 [19:38] sorry ... the auto-resize guest display works! === phil_ is now known as Guest21786 [22:29] Hi there [22:36] Who is the best person to talk to about QA? [22:58] qa of what? [22:59] we do lots of testing before releases, esp. in #ubuntu-quality [23:00] all the flavors pitch in and test each others' ISOs [23:00] and there is some pre-release testing in here [23:01] if you hang out in the chan for some days you'll hear about it -- much of our devel team is in europe, so it's pretty quiet in their night [23:01] Guest21786: ^^^ [23:01] I am exploring the idea of contributing for testing but I was hoping someone who knows all the areas of QA to basically give me an overview. So I can get an idea of how I can slot in. [23:02] I don't fancy reinstalling Kubuntu on my machine to test though so I don't know how I will be able to contribute [23:13] valorie: ^^ [23:14] well, much testing is done in a VM [23:14] if your machine has enough power it's easy enough to install vbox or so [23:15] that said, much of QA is getting people to actually file bug reports [23:15] and having people triage those reports and test to see if they are reproducible [23:16] and then of course to propose and test a fix if possible [23:16] fortunately, it's easy to file BRs in ubuntu [23:17] `ubuntu-bug packagename` in the cli [23:17] I see, ok [23:18] so what are you interested in doing? [23:18] I can file bug reports easily just by using the OS I guess [23:18] you might subscribe to kubuntu-devel ML too [23:18] and see what's going on [23:18] Will it go over my head if it's more about coding? [23:19] right now, there is a discussion about re-creating our CI system [23:19] Sometimes I feel like I want to contribute and help, on the other hand I am put off by my lack of knowledge on some technical asepcts [23:19] CI=continuous integration, in this case for packaging [23:19] aspects* [23:19] eh [23:20] I'm a grandma, and can only be called "technical" at the most basic level [23:20] Okay, I know enough about CI to know that it's part of the dev process [23:20] cool [23:20] Is IRC the main channel of comms for the team? [23:20] My questions are quite general at this point [23:21] IRC and the list [23:21] for instance https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2020-May/011840.html [23:21] Like, how big is the team? What tools do you guys use? Who is in charge of what? [23:21] small team, we're not all guys [23:21] as for specific tools, unsure [23:21] rik mills is our lead devel [23:22] Alrighty [23:22] I suggest registering with nickserv [23:22] !register [23:22] For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. [23:22] if you want to keep using IRC [23:24] I'll consider that later [23:24] I'll probably read some of the archives to get a sense of the conversations that you all have [23:25] cool [23:25] there is a html of the backlog of this chan going back years [23:29] How about voice calls? Does that happen at all every now and then?