
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBotthevetdev was added by: thevetdev01:59
user|50806What is minimal system requirements02:03
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> @user|50806, The minimum stuff you need for it to work properly02:06
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> example: … You need: Eggs, Flour, Salt, etc to make a cake02:07
IrcsomeBotseeshijie was added by: seeshijie02:07
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> @seeshijie, Wellcome!02:07
user|31230Does Kubuntu 20.04 no longer have K3B?04:54
IrcsomeBotTerminator_99 was added by: Terminator_9904:57
IrcsomeBot<Enis B.> Does anyone know if it's possible to use a fingerprint reader for authentication in Ubuntu?07:42
IrcsomeBot<Terminator_99> @Enis B., Yes Ubuntu supports FP07:48
IrcsomeBot<Enis B.> Interesting, thanks for confirming. I'll check what I can find07:51
KjetilKI'm struggling with whereami, but then, I figured I'd ask instead: Is there anything in KDE/Plasma that can offer similar functionality, i.e. mount NFS volumes when the computer connects to a certain network, umount when it disappears, add certain cron jobs that runs only when on a specific network, etc?09:34
TomyWorkwhat do i have to restart/reset in order to restore the feature where the windows (meta?) key opens the start menu in kubuntu 18.04?09:46
masonbee-MYou should be able to do it under custom shortcuts in system settings. Weird though, i just tested mine and it works fine (fresh install, haven't played with it, using application dashboard). Or actually, it might be simpler to right click on your menu icon and choose "configure application menu" and there is a keyboard short cut in there as well.09:50
mparilloIt has been a while since I lost the meta key, but back then, right click on your Application launcher > Configure Application Launcher > Keyboard Shortcuts, and check that it is set to Alt F1.09:52
TomyWorkyes that feature crashed twice in the last week10:02
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BluesKaj'Morning all11:24
keithzg-MG'morning, BluesKaj! (Which means it's well past time for me to go to sleep, hah)11:25
BluesKajhey keithzg-M, been up all night ?11:26
keithzg-MAs all too often!11:27
BluesKajnight owl eh11:28
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IrcsomeBotProxyDark was added by: ProxyDark13:01
IrcsomeBot<nash_g5> (Photo, 622x591) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/0O8gZteZ/file_29946.jpg Hiya all. I am trying to add google online account on Kubuntu 20.04. But after entering password and 2FA code, I am stuck here13:11
IrcsomeBot<ProxyDark> hello , are there any ways to get write permissons on ntfs partitions ??? got read but not write :(13:14
iotakausually you can write on ntfs, is a windows partition or an external driver?13:18
IrcsomeBot<ProxyDark> they are external drives13:18
BluesKaj@ProxyDark set it up in /etc/fstab13:18
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @nash_g5, When you see the blank screen, right click on the white screen and select reload.  You may need to "reload" several times.13:18
iotakantfs-3g is installed?13:19
IrcsomeBot<ProxyDark> @BluesKaj, ok , will try , there was not installed any ntfs-3g ... it is clean kubuntu 20.x13:20
BluesKajahh, usually ntfs-3g is default on kubuntu13:21
IrcsomeBot<nash_g5> @DarinMiller, Thank you. It worked :)13:25
IrcsomeBot<ProxyDark> @BluesKaj, I've putted that on my fstab but now I just see that the only diference is that owner is now root soo still just got read only :(13:42
IrcsomeBot<ProxyDark> UUID=1CA8AABEA8AA9634 /media/proxydark/Drugi ntfs defaults,x-gvfs-name=Drugi 0 3 …  it looks like that right now on fstab13:43
BluesKaj@ProxyDark https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-mount-partition-with-ntfs-file-system-and-read-write-access13:52
IrcsomeBot<ProxyDark> thanks will try with this13:52
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IrcsomeBot<ProxyDark> ooo , found problem 9i guess ) ... The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). … Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. … Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an … unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation … or fast restarting.) … Could not mount read-write, trying read-only …   but how can I now fix that without having windows :13:58
ivan_on_tracHi When will the update from 19.10 to 20.04 be released?14:07
ubottuRegular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d14:08
oerhekswith 20.04.1 release14:08
ivan_on_tracAnd when will update to version 19.10 come out?14:17
somekoolivan_on_trac: why?14:21
somekoolnon-LTS releases only have 9 months of support. so 19.10 is dying as of July-August14:21
somekoolthere is no point sticking to 19.1014:21
ivan_on_tracsomekool: My current version is 19.10. I figured it would be possible to do a direct upgrade to version 20.04(do-release-upgrade -d)14:28
oerheks19.10 upgrade path is out, AFAIK14:34
oerheksrun proper updates; sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade14:34
oerheksthen hit the update button14:34
ivan_on_tracoerheks: Update button? Discover?14:41
oerhekskubuntu update icon?14:42
ivan_on_tracMy packages, I've updated them all today. I want to do a direct update from version 19.10 to 20.04.14:42
oerheksit would show you there is an upgrade path available, *if* you properly updated14:42
ivan_on_tracoerheks: It didn't show here! Yes, I did it right.  sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade14:45
ivan_on_traclsb_release -a14:45
ivan_on_tracNo LSB modules are available.14:45
ivan_on_tracDistributor ID: Ubuntu14:45
ivan_on_tracDescription:    Ubuntu 19.1014:45
ivan_on_tracRelease:        19.1014:45
ivan_on_tracCodename:       eoan14:45
BluesKajivan_on_trac, sudo do-release-upgrade -d, if you're trying to upgrade to 20.0414:59
ivan_on_tracsudo do-release-upgrade -d15:22
ivan_on_trac[sudo] password for ivan:15:22
ivan_on_tracChecking for a new Ubuntu release15:22
ivan_on_tracThere is no development version of an LTS available.15:22
ivan_on_tracTo upgrade to the latest non-LTS development release15:22
housecatsudoedit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades, change the prompt= line back to prompt=normal, try again15:22
housecatand next time, use a pastebin as the bot keeps telling you15:22
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housecatI'm aware.15:36
ivan_on_trachousecat: I made the change. There is no update. https://pastebin.com/5zkHwgjc15:44
housecatokay, that's a different message at least15:45
* housecat ponders15:45
mind_sageHi everyone! I'm looking for opinions on Kubuntu 20.04 LTS. Is it good? Have they fixed the file search issue?15:45
housecativan_on_trac: oh, looks like they updated the available release list since the last time i looked. try it without the -d now and see if that worksd15:46
housecatso prompt=normal and just sudo do-release-upgrade15:46
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @mind_sage, File search issue?15:46
oerhekshousecat, +1 upgrade path should pop up with the normal update button.15:47
mind_sageDarinMiller - I remember that the file search in Dolphin wasn't working for me in 18.04 LTS15:47
housecatoerheks: *nod* didn't know they'd switched it on for 19.10, that is nice15:47
housecatthank goodness for changelogs.ubuntu.com or i'd just be clueless all the time :315:48
oerheksit was just 1 pesky bug to resolve, some week ago15:48
ivan_on_trachousecat: okay, upgrade in progress. :D15:49
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @mind_sage, To "fix" the dolphin search issue, run "balooctl check".  I have not tested if that is required on a fresh install of 20.04, but search is working fine for me from an upgraded sesssion.15:50
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> @nash_g5, @DarinMiller so is the issue with gmail, drive and google accounts been fixed?16:03
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> gdrive:// in Dolphin still fails here on 20.04 (including backports).16:05
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Oh :(16:05
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IrcsomeBot<nash_g5> @DarinMiller, No deal breaker. Using Mega.NZ for that which installed like a breeze16:23
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rangergordis kubuntu.org having issues? it wont load for the past few minutes16:30
rangergordI don't suppose anyone knows a mirror name to get the ISO? All my searches are being dominated by Ubuntu releases, and those mirrors aren't hosting Kubuntu16:32
housecatif bittorrent works for you, https://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/ seems to still be up16:33
oerheksor the old way http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/16:33
housecatcdimage is being hecka slow for me rn16:34
oerhekskubuntu.org seems to have an issue, indeed16:36
IrcsomeBotNunuAGr was added by: NunuAGr16:37
IrcsomeBot<NunuAGr> Hello, my cannot shutdown, restart or logout stuck on there?16:37
IrcsomeBot<NunuAGr> (Photo, 1280x957) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/z98qNgb3/file_29965.jpg16:38
IrcsomeBot<NunuAGr> Hello, my kubuntu cannot shutdown, restart or logout stuck on there?16:38
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IrcsomeBot<NunuAGr> How to fix it16:38
IrcsomeBot<NunuAGr> ?16:38
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> does ctrl-alt-f2 bring up a tty prompt?16:39
IrcsomeBot<NunuAGr> No16:39
Guest14972hello how can i install network hacking softwares in kubuntu16:39
IrcsomeBot<NunuAGr> Nothing happens16:44
IrcsomeBot<Hrishikesh_d01> In kubuntu. Copying speed at initial stages is very fast but after some time it becomes very slow.17:05
IrcsomeBot<Hrishikesh_d01> What could be the issue17:06
oerheksknown issue; copying starts fast, it fills all cache and buffers, then it drops to the real speed17:10
oerheksso, there is no issue, just be patient.17:10
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IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Also, dolphin has know speed issues that were not fixed until fairly recently (20.04 app release, not to be confused 20.04 Kubuntu release).17:10
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Use rsync for large file transfer for best tput until the fixed version of dolphin is readily available.17:11
=== raffaele is now known as passero
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Hey17:58
passeroWhat are we talking about in here?17:58
passeroI don't understand ... all these connected users17:59
passerothere are a few hundred users, but no one speaks18:00
passeroHy soee18:00
oerhekshi passero this is kubuntu technical support.18:01
geniipassero: This is a support channel for people experiencing issues with their Kubuntu to ask for assistance with their problem. When there are no support problems being addressed, the channel is  normally quiet.18:01
oerheksno support issue? join #kubuntu-offtopic for chit chat.18:01
passeroAh ... okay genii18:02
Java-Dev-Srbim here to see the interesting issues and to learn more about... and maybe here and there are people for sharing interesting links :)18:02
passero... so ... I hope I never need to enter here :-) ... See you18:04
passeroGood evening18:05
oiajdjasoHello I have a problem with the samba package. After installing samba package on KUbuntu and configured a share through Dolphin. I tried to open the share from Windows. However Windows keeps sending Unspecified error. I tried to debug via wireshark and for some reasons wireshark only finds messages emitted from other computers received by the18:25
oiajdjasofaulty Samba server however the faulty samba server on KUbuntu never responds to any of the Negotiation messages18:25
oiajdjasois that normal?18:25
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> Hey guys, one thing I've been meaning to ask for a while is if anybody knows how to add the System Fonts to a Flatpak application.  Is there a way to share them? And if not share them, how do we add the fonts to the Flatpak version?18:26
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> (18.04)18:26
oiajdjasoI found something the KUbuntu seem to respond as SMB2 protocol. It seem to open a session and then for some reasons Samba does no longer want to work and throw out a STATUS_NO_SUCH_GROUP18:33
oiajdjasoand it's not windows 10 it's linux which is being dumb here and keep throwing these weird NO_SUCH_GROUP18:34
IrcsomeBot<Enis B.> Hi everyone. I have Windows 10, Kubuntu and Kali (installed in that order). … Unfortunately, Kali's GRUB overtook the one from Kubuntu. Is it possible to safely restore it, and how?18:36
oiajdjasoOk I isolated the two most important messages: Request tree \\kubuntucomputername\IPC$ and response from linux machine is STATUS_NO_SUCH_GROUP and after this win10 either logs off or sends a new negotiation18:39
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @Enis B., Boot into kubuntu and run "sudo grub-install /dev/sdx"  where sdx is the boot drive (typically sda).18:49
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @oiajdjaso, I don't have time to test or help at the moment as I need to run to work for a few hours. I will attempt to test samba/win10 in about 4 hrs.18:51
IrcsomeBot<Enis B.> (Photo, 468x453) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/8OLaziX0/file_29994.jpg thank you @DarinMiller  I think for me it's nvme0n1p2, right?18:51
IrcsomeBot<Enis B.> the one that says /boot/efi18:52
genii I think you would omit the "p2" part there of "nvme0n1p2"18:52
genii( that denotes a partition)18:53
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> oooh, I have never seen a drive tree like that before...18:53
IrcsomeBot<Enis B.> haha well I have 3 HDDs (one external), 1 SSD and 2 NVMe drives18:54
IrcsomeBot<Enis B.> thank you @genii18:55
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oiajdjasoI solved one issue by removing the FORCE GROUP in smb.conf18:58
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IrcsomeBotshishirsabbir was added by: shishirsabbir20:55
IrcsomeBot<Enis B.> I am confused, didn't Kubuntu use to include MemTest in Grub?21:10
unknownTXanyknow know if there are any way to make the white of your screen actually white instead of an off white? Cannot find any color control for the laptop display21:15
valorie@Enis B. afaik we don't change grub in any way21:21
valoriethat's part of the base ubuntu install21:21
valoriewe do KDE packages21:21
valorie Scotty_Trees - I find https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/color-calibrate-screen.html.en21:26
valoriebut I guess I would ask in ... maybe #krita ?21:26
Scotty_Treesvalorie, might be asking the wrong guy lol21:26
valoriepeople there might have more experience calibrating monitors21:27
valoriewe have people of all genders in channels, not just men21:27
IrcsomeBot<Enis B.> thanks <valorie>, I just remember seeing it on another machine on Kubuntu 19.04, so I am confused to not see it in Kubuntu 20.0421:31
valorieperhaps it used to work and stopped working, or stopped being worked on21:34
valorieI don't know21:34
valoriehowever artists using KDE software *will* know, which is why I suggested #krita21:35
IrcsomeBotzichg was added by: zichg21:46
IrcsomeBot<zichg> (Photo, 1280x753) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/vZc5ESDf/file_30007.jpg21:46
IrcsomeBot<zichg> Any idea how to fix this?21:47
IrcsomeBot<zichg> I try to install theme on kubuntu but it seems not completely21:47
IrcsomeBot<zichg> I also try to copy and paste in to the usr/share/wallpaper21:49
IrcsomeBot<zichg> But it doesn’t work21:50
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