
tomwardillpappacena: \o/ Did that need code changes?07:57
SpecialK|Canoncjwatson: <308:17
tomwardillcjwatson: if I was to change my local DB set up to use a username/password, where would I put the password for LP to use it?09:03
cjwatsontomwardill: launchpad-lazr.conf in [database]09:04
tomwardillaha, of course09:04
cjwatsontomwardill: I mean, for a hacky local setup09:04
cjwatsontomwardill: For something more realistic, ~/.pgpass would probably be better09:05
tomwardillhacky will do for now :)09:05
cjwatson.pgpass is what we use on prod09:05
cjwatsonwgrant: question for you in https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/38388009:41
wgrantcjwatson: Oh, doesn't phase A query per suite?09:42
wgrantI forget.09:42
cjwatsonIt does not - it gets everything and then groups.09:42
wgrantAh, so it does09:43
wgrantJust found the code09:43
wgrantFair enough then.09:43
wgrantA bit weird that it groups just for logging purposes!09:43
maozhouMissing builds can't be created after running add-missing-builds.py, how to fix it? Can anyone help?09:48
wgrantmaozhou: Can you provide some more detail? What happens when you try?09:49
maozhouThe distribution is kylin, series is v101 . At first  arch i386 amd64 arm64 has been builded and published, now I want to add missing builds of mips64el , so I run " ./add-missing-builds.py  -d kylin -s v101 -a mips64el" , but the missing builds of mips64el can't be created09:58
wgrantmaozhou: Have you uploaded a mips64el chroot?09:59
maozhouYes I do09:59
maozhou./add-missing-build.py output like this "2020-05-19 08:10:30 INFO    Considering zzuf 0.15-1 in v10110:00
maozhou2020-05-19 08:10:30 INFO    Considering zzz-to-char 0.1.3-2 in v10110:00
maozhou2020-05-19 08:10:30 INFO    Considering zzzeeksphinx 1.0.20-3kylin2 in v10110:00
maozhou2020-05-19 08:10:36 INFO    Finished adding builds.10:00
wgrantmaozhou: Have you enabled mips64el on /kylin/+archive/primary/+edit?10:01
maozhouOh,I understand, the mips64el in distribution is not enabled, thank you very much.10:06
wgrantYeah, needs to be enabled on the archive (a new row in the ArchiveProcessor table).10:06
wgrantI forget.10:06
maozhouYeah, I can enabled it in url "https://launchpad.dev/kylin/+edit"10:08
wgrantAh yes, it's there too, of course.10:09
pappacenatomwardill: I poked around because of that strange error, but in the end I think no significant code change was needed. Only the authentication part.12:03
tomwardillwhat was needed to make the authentication work?12:03
pappacenaBasically, it uses bearer token and you only have the info on where to get the token if you do a request and it fails with 401. So, you need to fail, get the informatino where to do a request to fetch token, and use the token from that moment on...12:04
tomwardillcjwatson: can you update dogfood so I can QA a build?13:04
cjwatsontomwardill: it's already sufficiently up to date for that13:05
tomwardillah, excellent13:05
tomwardillcjwatson: can you poke https://dogfood.paddev.net/~twom/ubuntu/+oci/test-twom-2020-04-22-2/+recipe/test-twom-apt-cacher-ng/+build/18 please :)13:12
tomwardill(will need to do it twice to check the reuses doesn't explode things)13:13
pappacenaI need to edit an OCI Project to QA the "official recipe picker", but only the driver of the distribution has edit permission on that (is that actually correct?). Can you help me on that too, cjwatson?13:17
tomwardillwell, it built, but I think it needs the registry upload job running13:26
cjwatsontomwardill: done, https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/fv3HkwbBxp/13:26
cjwatsonpappacena: hm, on dogfood you should already be in the OCI project admins for /ubuntu13:27
* tomwardill starts another build13:27
cjwatsonpappacena: ah, looks like the OCI project admin role isn't complete13:29
cjwatsonpappacena: I think this would be a good time to fix the XXX in EditOCIProject (and probably similar in EditOCIProjectSeries)13:29
cjwatsontomwardill: ^- do you agree?  it's your comment13:30
tomwardillyeah, seems reasonable :)13:30
tomwardillI can take that13:30
pappacenaThanks, tomwardill !13:31
cjwatsonpappacena: for the short term, I've added you to ~ubuntu-drivers on dogfood so that you can QA that13:31
pappacenaThanks! QAing now13:34
cjwatsontomwardill: and https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/63HpfZmMsV/13:41
tomwardillcool, that looks working to me :)13:42
* tomwardill pushes the green button13:42
tomwardillcjwatson: for this security.py change, do we want to keep isDriver, or should the only access be `admin` or `oci_project_admin`?15:19
cjwatsontomwardill: I'm slightly inclined to keep isDriver15:53
cjwatsonOn some kind of cascading permissions principle15:53
tomwardillyeah, that was my thoughts for that15:53
tomwardillalso makes the tests a lot simpler15:55
tomwardilladd oci_project_admins to EditOCIProject et al. https://code.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/38419116:44
tomwardill(aha! this IRC channel still works)16:44
* pappacena reviewing16:44
pappacenatomwardill: I guess super(DelegatedAuthorization, self).__init__(self.obj, self.obj.oci_project) in this case is like "check permissions for `self.obj` the same way you would check for `self.obj.oci_project`".17:04
pappacenaAnyway, it's not that important change. IMHO, the MP is good to go either way.17:04
pappacenaI think the 2 MPs for dockerhub integration are ready for review. The first MP is just a refactoring, reorganizing some things to encapsulate registry-specific logic in another class (https://code.launchpad.net/~pappacena/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/384052), and the other MP is actually implementing dockerhub-specific logic (https://code.launchpad.net/~pappacena/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/384192).18:22
pappacenaThe second one depends on the first one, so they need to be reviewed in order...18:24

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