
paradisI saw no res 1920 x 1080 in lubuntu13:19
lubot<N0um3n0> hi13:19
lubot<N0um3n0> @paradis [<paradis> I saw no res 1920 x 1080 in lubuntu], have you tried xrandr ?13:22
lubot<N0um3n0> https://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.5/doc/man/man1/xrandr.1.html13:22
=== macc24_ is now known as macc24
luis_hello world20:05
=== krabador is now known as Guest40154
lubot<tbs61> @luis_ [<luis_> hello world], hello22:46
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Namaste!22:48
MunskoBot have multiple personality o.O23:02
lubot<tbs61> we are not bot, bot carry our message between platforms23:03
MunskoI know, just joking :P23:03

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