
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
masonpopey: It'd be slicker, more professional if you'd say why you're declining ubuntu-wiki-editors applications. Also doing so in a reasonable time would be useful - I'd forgotten I'd applied.13:09
popeymason thanks for the feedback13:10
masonpopey: No further comment?13:10
popeyI'm currently in a meeting.13:11
hggdhyoasif: is this on 20.10?18:17
yoasifhggdh: yes18:21
yoasifthis worked a few days ago and i updated recently 18:21
yoasifwant to report this one first18:21
yoasifbut also running into another issue where i can't login to a wayland session any more 18:22
oerhekswayland, did you install nvidia drivers by any chance?18:23
yoasifim on intel onlt18:23
oerheksoh oke.18:23
yoasifis there a more active ubuntu chat?20:06
oerheksyoasif, this is the channel for next 20:09
oerheksthere is #ubuntu also20:10
yoasifright... 20:11
yoasifso does anyone have any ideas on what package to report the issue against? 20:11

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