[02:56] good morning [06:19] good morning [10:00] hello === tds6 is now known as tds [19:10] daftykins, I wouldn't call it paranoia [19:11] sarnold, they are? [19:11] no i had a feeling you wouldn't :) [19:11] sarnold, I guess it would depend on the protocol [19:11] doesn't OpenVPN have a server and client [19:12] daftykins, most people don't [19:12] most VPN users are not paranoid [19:13] Those who are paranoid tend to jump though hoops like using Tor over VPN with Tails OS etc. [19:13] you're missing the point and in doing so are quite unwelcome [19:14] I am not missing the point [19:14] you wish people would use VPN for it's original pupose [19:17] 'original purpose'... lolz [19:18] although that's a bit like saying "I wish people would use the internet for ftp and email" [19:19] no you did indeed misunderstand and that's a ridiculous statement xD [19:19] why don't you elaborate? [19:19] because you strike me as a waste of time [19:19] ok then I didn't misunderstand you simply failed to convey your point [19:55] troll confirmed === tds7 is now known as tds [20:23] "Significant power-saving improvements. " [20:23] how? [20:24] just more efficient code all around? [20:24] CoolerY, probably smarter handling of sleep, interrupts, etc [20:24] or changes to power saving policy? [20:24] It's quite difficult to balance low-latency networking with CPU sleep [20:30] "Smoother performance, lower CPU usage for window and overview animations, JavaScript execution" [20:30] what now? [20:30] oh I guess they modified their version of firefox? [20:30] and V8? how are they changing Javascript execution performance? [21:58] 'they'.. who are they? [21:59] wait, i don't want to wake the troll