
* vorlon waves19:03
vorlonmdeslaur: just the two of us again, I think19:06
mdeslaurmaybe we should get the hint that nobody likes our parties anymore19:07
EickmeyerWell, that's a bummer. I was hoping bug 1878700 would get addressed.19:08
ddstreetyeah I'm here to ask about that as well19:08
ddstreetalso https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+bug/187303919:09
mdeslauroh, we can do that19:09
* genii consults the Fridge to see what meeting this is19:10
Eickmeyergenii: It's supposed to be TB19:10
geniiEickmeyer: Yes, I see now, thanks :)19:11
Eickmeyer(the Fridge was broken for me)19:11
mdeslaurEickmeyer, ddstreet: one sec, I'm doing them19:11
mdeslaurEickmeyer, ddstreet: done19:13
Eickmeyermdeslaur: Thanks!19:13

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