
NeeknaimJordan_U: How do I use this cfg file?00:00
Jordan_UNeeknaim: Make a new file, /boot/grub/custom.cfg, in your Kubuntu 20.04 install with that contents. It will add a menuentry at boot that will allow you to boot from your 18.04 install. You can change the name of the menuentry however you'd like. You do *not* need to run update-grub after adding the file.00:01
Jordan_UFor those that are curious, here is the file without the UUID: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6WMs8nRsd6/00:03
NeeknaimJordan_U: How will I get access to /boot/grub on sde1/sde2?00:03
Jordan_UNeeknaim: Can you boot your Kubuntu 20.04 install that's on sde?00:03
NeeknaimJordan_U: What kernel will it use to load the 18.04 OS? because I'm afraid there are no kernels anymore in the boot of 18.0400:04
NeeknaimJordan_U: Yes, I can boot it. But I don't want to be dependant on it forever (maybe it's going to continue creating problems and I would wish to return to my good old 18.04)00:05
Jordan_UNeeknaim: It will use the kernels that are still in your /boot/ partition, which is sda2, not sda1. If you "sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/ && ls /mnt/" I think you'll find that it will list your kernels for 18.04.00:05
NeeknaimJordan_U: You're right! I do have them!00:07
NeeknaimSo why can't I load 18.04 when the 20.04 drive isn't attached? Even if I choose in the boot menu to load the HD that contains 18.0400:08
shinobiIs VNC still the application of choice for remote sessions?00:10
Jordan_UNeeknaim: My first guess is that you only have one EFI System Partition, and its /dev/sda1. If you don't have another EFI System Partition on sde then sde can't stand alone, and the Ubuntu installer might have overwritten 18.04's grub. (Ubuntu's installer can co-exist with other OSs / distributions, but other installs of Ubuntu will have the same bootloader name, and thus will get overwritten if they00:11
Jordan_Ushare the same ESP).00:11
NeeknaimWhat is "ESP"?00:12
NeeknaimEFI System Partition?00:12
Jordan_UNeeknaim: Yes.00:13
NeeknaimCan I make sde stand alone and sda stand alone, and they will load according to selection in boot menu?00:13
NeeknaimI mean in the bios's boot menu00:13
Jordan_UNeeknaim: Yes, though now that I think of it, they'll also (by default) overwrite each other's entries in your boot menu, for the same reason (They're both named "Ubuntu").00:15
NeeknaimWhy aren't the named kubuntu 18.04 and kubuntu 20.04?!00:16
MunskoBecause maybe they dont wanto to add  a K before each word called Ubuntu i think00:16
NeeknaimJordan_U: Is it reasonable that an OS on sde will write to the boot menu on sda and the OS on sda will write to the boot menu on sde?!00:17
MunskoI use Lubuntu and in my grub i see Ubuntu too00:17
Jordan_UNeeknaim: My most recent message wasn't referring to anything stored on any hard drive. Your boot firmware (on your motherboard) has a small bit of storage itself, and OSs register with the boot firmware and their entries are stored on your motherboard's storage.00:18
NeeknaimNow I get it00:19
NeeknaimI think00:19
=== xGrind-AFK is now known as xGrind
Jordan_UNeeknaim: I think if you edit GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR in /etc/default/grub that will be the name that will be used for the boot entry (in your boot firmware / motherboard). Just change it to something different for 20.04 and you should be fine. For example, GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR="New Kubuntu".00:20
NeeknaimJordan_U: And I should do it from 20.04 or from 18.04?00:21
Jordan_UNeeknaim: From 20.04.00:21
NeeknaimJordan_U: After loading 18.04, can I make it primary so that 20.04 boot will be dependant on 18.04 and not vice-versa?00:21
Jordan_UNeeknaim: Then run "sudo grub-install" (no other arguments) and it will install an entry named "New Kubuntu". *Then* use the custom.cfg entry I made for you to boot from 18.04. Once in 18.04 run "sudo grub-install" and 18.04 will install an entry named "Ubuntu", which will become the primary entry.00:22
Jordan_UNeeknaim: As you get updates to 20.04 "grub-install" might be run again, and that might make 20.04 the default again, but you'll always be able to choose between the two with your boot firmware, and if you remove one drive then whatever drive is remaining will just boot without issue.00:24
NeeknaimJordan_U: And also when I get updates to 18.04 and it might become primary again?00:26
Jordan_UNeeknaim: Exactly.00:27
NeeknaimShould I be worried about the message that was shown when I did 'parted -l'? "Warning: The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes.  Ignore/Cancel?"00:27
Jordan_UNeeknaim: If it was referring to the LiveUSB, then no, you don't need to worry.00:27
NeeknaimI'm not sure if it was referring to the liveUSB or to the HD that was shown before the liveUSB00:29
cluelesspersonhey there.00:31
cluelesspersondoes anyone know if there's an ubuntu caffeine alternative00:31
cluelesspersonthat allows you to disable lock, but not the screen off?00:31
cluelesspersonI have an OLED I'm concerned about being on for long periods of time00:31
NeeknaimJordan_U: When loading 20.04, I see on the boot screen a quick message saying: "Initramfs unpacking failed: decoding failed" and it continues saying: ln/ /tmp/moutroot-fail-hooks.d/scripts/init-premount/lvm2: No such file or directory.    Volume group "vgkubuntu" not found.   Cannot process volume group vgkubuntu.     And then it asks for the partition password. Could this have caused the initial problem?00:34
Jordan_UNeeknaim: It was referring to the USB drive. I just checked the output you pastebinned.00:34
Jordan_UNeeknaim: Not likely. Are you able to get paste that point and boot still?00:36
Jordan_Ucluelessperson: You may need to make your own script that simply enables and disables locking the screen.00:38
NeeknaimIf I type the password then yes. But if I reboot again, I get to a different minimal bash like line or to a message saying "reboot an select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key". I then have to completely shutdown the pc (restart doesn't help), and then I can load kubuntu 20.04 again00:38
NeeknaimJordan_U: in the /etc/default/grub file the GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`. Should I completely change it to GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`New Kubuntu` or to GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR="New Kubuntu"?00:45
NeeknaimJordan_U: ?00:53
=== pinpox- is now known as pinpox
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goddardwhy do i have a yelp folder?01:15
leftyfb!info yelp | goddard01:19
ubottugoddard: yelp (source: yelp): Help browser for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.36.0-1 (focal), package size 512 kB, installed size 2100 kB01:19
Munsko!info firefox01:25
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 76.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 (focal), package size 50942 kB, installed size 198236 kB01:25
MunskoNice thing01:25
Bashing-om!ubottu | Munsko01:26
ubottuMunsko: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone01:26
Munskothanks or the info01:28
goddardahh ok so not the yelp website01:28
Jordan_UNeeknaim: GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR="New Kubuntu"01:35
Jordan_UNeeknaim: You may need to press escape during boot, or unhide the grub menu, to see the option to boot 18.04.01:36
NeeknaimJordan_U: Thanks! I thought you've gone. I used the custom.cfg, entered 18.04 (!!!) and did an install-grub01:38
NeeknaimNow I don't know how to comeback to 20.04, but at least I can enter 18.0401:39
NeeknaimYou think I should create a new cfg and put it in /boot/grub of 18.04? can grub-customizer help sort this mess?01:39
NeeknaimWell, I have to go now. Thanks Jordan_U for helping me fix this! I thought the OS is ruined and I almost resorted to doing stupid things. You saved me. Thank you again and goodbye.01:53
=== zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin
olabazhi i need help02:57
olabazi made a bash script that runs a command02:58
olabazand i put it on the background02:58
olabazby doing bash job.sh &02:58
leftyfb!enter | olabaz02:58
ubottuolabaz: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.02:58
olabazthen i exited the server (i was on ssh) and the job keeps running. how can i kill it?02:58
olabazrunning shopt gives: huponexit       off02:59
leftyfbolabaz: run: ps -ef |grep YOURSCRIPTNAMEGOESHERE02:59
leftyfbthen kill it's PID by running : sudo kill -9 PID_GOES_HERE03:00
olabaznothing comes up03:00
olabazit's only my grep command03:00
leftyfbthen it's not running03:00
olabazI think i read that it's become orphaned and now running on init03:00
olabazit is running because it keeps writing files03:00
leftyfbolabaz: what is the command/service that is running files exactly?03:01
leftyfbsorry, writing, not running03:01
olabazthis is the job.sh that I ran03:02
olabazunfortunately i forgot to change the loop condition03:02
olabazand it's running forever03:02
leftyfbps -ef |grep runProgLyapJobArray.sh03:03
olabazonly shows grep command03:03
olabazaz282    39339 24004  0 23:03 pts/34   00:00:00 grep --color=auto runProgLyapJobArray.sh03:03
leftyfbwhat's the contents of runProgLyapJobArray.sh?03:03
leftyfbkeep going down the line, you'll find something03:04
leftyfbotherwise, reboot03:04
=== sauvin is now known as Daddy
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olabazhmm I can't reboot it's not my server03:04
olabazhow f-ed am I?03:05
leftyfbolabaz: ps -ef |grep az28203:06
leftyfbthat'll show you all processes running under your user03:06
leftyfbkill them all except the shell you're currently in03:07
olabazI see this03:07
olabazroot     23912 47865  0 22:36 ?        00:00:00 sshd: az282 [priv]03:07
olabazaz282    24001 23912  0 22:36 ?        00:00:00 sshd: az282@pts/3403:07
olabazaz282    24004 24001  0 22:36 pts/34   00:00:00 -bash03:07
olabazaz282    41888 24004  0 23:07 pts/34   00:00:00 ps -ef03:07
olabazaz282    41889 24004  0 23:07 pts/34   00:00:00 grep --color=auto az28203:07
leftyfbyou've muted yourself. Please use pastebin for more than 1 line going forward. You'll be unmuted momentarily03:08
leftyfblooks like there are no processes running under your username. If it's running as root, that might be a bigger problem03:09
leftyfbif it was definitely running under your user, then there really shouldn't be anything writing files, not from your script anyway03:09
olabazyes I even had a process id when i put to bg but it doesn't exist anymore03:10
olabazleftyfb: az282$ bash job_check.sh &[1] 4154003:11
olabazbut then it says: -bash: kill: (41540) - No such process03:12
leftyfbolabaz: you can try using lsof to track down what is writing to a file ... maybe03:12
olabazhow do I use that?03:13
leftyfbsudo lsof /path/to/file03:14
olabazhere's what I get https://pastebin.com/1qAaHura03:14
olabazwhen I do lsof | grep az28203:14
olabazleftyfb: wait I think it just popped up03:17
olabazi killed my bash session and then the 41540 job showed up03:18
olabazok, everything seems fine now....phew03:27
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chl_I have a wierd issue.. Ever since upgrading to 20.04 chrome locks my super button. Cant use it while in chrome :/ Anyone had this problem before and solved it?05:50
Saurabh009Hi, I am having some issues related to Network Manager. I can set static IP from the nmtui tool but I can't set the IP from the nm-applet.06:10
Saurabh009Any idea where to look for it?06:10
=== conjo is now known as beebop
dorfenhi, ubuntu 20.04 last updates changed all my keybindings. Super+arrowkeys no longer moved a window around but instead switches between open windows. I've got most keybinds working again from settings, but the window movement/split keybindings is not working. I can get super+left working until i reboot, then it is back to window switching. How do i fix this?06:53
ducassechl_: chrome is not really supported here, as it's not in the ubuntu repos. you might get lucky and get a response, though.06:53
=== The_Milkman1 is now known as The_Milkman
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toffeHi guys! I have a problem I've had a while now. When starting a software like IntelliJ my two external monitors craps out. Using CTRl+ALT+F3 to enter a TTY they come back. If i kill -9 all intellij processes then go back to ctrl+alt+f2 it works again. Any idea on where to start? Last time I fixed it by upgrading to 20.04, but after a while i started happening the exact same way as 19.10 was.07:16
toffeThe screens are still active as sharing them in a video conferance while they are dead i can still see them. It is just "no signal" on the monitors. kinda weird07:16
toffeLaptop monitor works perfectly all the time, and moving the mouse indicates it moves on the screen while sharing them on video conferance07:17
ubonehow to boot with an older linux version on a vps if a newer linux version doesn't work07:54
Woetare you referring to the kernel?07:54
Woetyou select the other one in the GRUB menu (if it's still installed)07:55
Woetsame answer07:55
ubonei don't see grub07:55
Woetuse the console07:55
ubonewhat console07:55
Woetit should be there during the boot sequence07:55
Woetask your hosting provider07:55
ubonehow many older kernels does ubuntu keep07:56
ducasse2 by default07:59
ducasseubone: you can also use grub-set-default07:59
ikoniamohnish_: bios machine, as in no EFI, your /boot partition or a bios boot partition are you talking about08:46
mohnish_yeah, I'm talking about a bios machine, and what the boot process it follows with mbr partitioning08:47
ikoniamohnish_: sorry, I'm not sure what your question actually is ?08:48
mohnish_it's just that, I wanted to know what the boot process is, from powering on to starting the kernel in a bios machine with mbr partitioning08:49
ikoniamohnish_: talk to the guys in ##hardware08:50
ikoniathat's not really an ubuntu issue08:50
mohnish_oh, I was just curious, wasn't an issue, but thanks :)08:51
konrad__what about my question? :)09:12
dTalforgotmynick: create a file in /tmp ?09:23
oceankonrad__: not sure, just a hint: you could check Settings > Accessibility > keyboard tab if "Use slow keys" might be ticked09:30
konrad__ocean, thanks, but no :( it's not ticked09:33
konrad__my keyboard is absourdly slow o.O09:33
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ayaka_I have a problem with nvidia proprietary driver in X10:23
ayaka_I can't disable that Intel graphics card(card0) in UEFI/BIOS10:24
ayaka_but the Xorg log doesn't tell me why it exists, without any obvious error10:24
leeyaahi guys10:53
leeyaadoes this restart ssh? if yes, is it possible to make it not restart ssh? apt-get --force-yes -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" --force-yes -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -fuy dist-upgrade10:53
EriC^^leeyaa: why?11:04
leeyaaEriC^^ for some reason when i run upgrades via ansible sometimes ssh stops working https://bpa.st/5U7A11:05
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echoSMILEHi, what this means at dmesg: Bluetooth: hci0: unexpected event for opcode 0xfc2f11:06
EriC^^leeyaa: i wonder if there's a timer you could add, i think it's trying to connect while ssh is still restarting, sorry cant be of more help11:08
leeyaaEriC^^ i think its just timeouting while ssh is getting upgraded or something. gonna try with longer timeout11:23
BluesKaj'Morning all11:24
EriC^^leeyaa: usually the ssh connection doesnt get affected by ssh daemon being restarted11:26
EriC^^(the connected session)11:26
akikleeyaa: ansible also has wait_for_connection to wait that it's available for commands again11:30
wenzel62hi, I think there is an issue with Ubuntu's Slack Snap package11:39
leeyaaakik yeah im playing with that too11:39
wenzel62Using the app, I can't upload a file to Slack, the path received seems to be empty as the Slack error message says11:39
wenzel62so I think there is a Snap restrictions that needs to be relaxed here11:40
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pragomerhi. I got a question about a snap program that seems to have permission problems. is there a specific "snap" irc channel?11:53
xet7pragomer: Ask at https://forum.snapcraft.io in snap category about that particular snap11:59
ikoniapragomer: keep in mind as well if it's an ubuntu snap, or a snap delivered by someone else11:59
xet7pragomer: if it's about snap in general, ask at snapd catecogory of forum12:00
hollusionhaving issues with audio12:00
hollusioni muted audio via the top left audio controls12:01
hollusionbut i can still hear audio playing12:01
hollusioni might have multiple soundsystems running at the same time? how can i check?12:01
hollusionor how do i check which audio driver is currently running? alsa/pulse etc12:03
mgedmin99% it's pulse12:04
BluesKajyou may have multiple instances of media players running12:05
mgedminbut pulse lets you set different volumes for different outputs ("sinks")12:05
pragomerxet7: oh, of course snapd... I forgot the "d" at the end LOL..... the issue is about the program "remarkable".. the markdown editor.. it does not run on 20.04, only prior versions at the moment. And the snap version has issues..12:05
mgedminand it lets you move application sounds to different outputs12:05
mgedminand I hear 20.04 had some bugs with apps not switching to the right default output when you e.g. plug/unplug headphones12:05
mgedminif gnome-control-center's sound panel is insufficient you may want to install and try out pavucontrol12:06
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hollusioni will try that, thank you12:18
AlligatorJoefuck you fuckin money makin motherfuckers....you god damn bastards owe the 5 of us trillions of dollars in royalties for our model 1 ideas and none of you goddamn money making motherfuckers have paid the royalties you owe us12:42
AlligatorJoewe are still waiting for our money and we want every fuckin dime of the trillions of dollars you money making motherfuckers owe the 5 of us12:44
* vlt keeps his 2 cents12:44
AlligatorJoedon't 2 cent me if you are one of those goddamn multinational corporations making millions of dollars off of our model 1 ideas12:45
AlligatorJoefuck that shit...we want our money12:45
ogra!ops ?12:46
ubottuogra: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:46
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax12:46
ograeven though i'd love to know who "we" is :P12:46
BluesKajogra, don't feed the troll please12:46
AlligatorJoeogra...me ...Dr. Hademenos...Bob Bayes...David Tausworth...Sharon and Les and Pete Hademenos12:47
ograthanks hggdh !12:47
hggdhogra: always my pleasure to help you :-)12:48
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kenperkinsI can't get my media keys (play, next, prev) to work, no matter what I do13:38
kenperkinsI was able to hack "next" to work via a custom shortcut and using dbus-send, but it won't let me bind anything to stop, prev, or play/pause13:40
kenperkinsi've removed the gnome defaults in /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys13:40
kenperkinsbut I can't figure out what else to do13:41
mgedminthe only media key I have is a button on my bluetooth headset, and it just works out of the box -- provided I use a media player that supports MPRIS213:43
lotuspsychje!info playerctl | kenperkins try this13:43
mgedmin(e.g. youtube in chromium)13:43
ubottukenperkins try this: playerctl (source: playerctl): utility to control media players via MPRIS. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-1 (focal), package size 14 kB, installed size 64 kB13:43
kenperkinshm, I've installed it but it didn't appear to do anything13:54
lotuspsychjekenperkins: maybe this can help to setup: https://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/fix-media-keys-not-working-on-linux/13:59
makarahelp me. My company is mandating that I use hyper-v host and run ubuntu in a vm. Im angry as hell. Any suggesting on reducing the hyper-v footprint to absolute minimal while maximising my Ubuntu desktop experience?14:01
ecbrownyou could run your life out of emacs in a terminal window14:03
* ecbrown invokes the spirit of rodney dangerfield: "what? what?"14:04
kenperkinslotuspsychje: in that regard, playerctl works fine, but it doesn't let me bind the keys on my keyboard to commands14:04
memoryleakmakara, are we talking server machine?14:04
kenperkinsI see the keydown in `showkey -k` but I can't bind them (other than the next button)14:05
lotuspsychjekenperkins: did you follow that tutorial under gnome shell on that link?14:05
makaramemoryleak: its my workstation laptop. I am happy to run ubuntu server on it14:05
memoryleakSo they asking you do install hyper-v first, to run ubuntu then?14:06
makaramemoryleak: they say the host must be "windows"14:06
kenperkinslotuspsychje: yes, but with dbus-send commands. The problem isn't the command; when (in gnome settings->add custom shortcut->press key combination) the stop, prev, and play/pause keys aren't recognized (i.e. nothing happens when trying to bind a keystroke)14:06
makarafor insurance purposes14:06
memoryleakmakara, well company policy is usually company policy, doesn't matter how stupid it is :)14:07
lotuspsychjekenperkins: i see, do you see some acpi issues on your dmesg? what brand of pc is this?14:07
makaramemoryleak: i don't get that mindset. Its not the word of god we're talking about14:08
memoryleakI would quite frankly just leave a company like that, did that in the past14:08
caixavirtmakara, can you use virtualbox instead of hyper-v?14:08
makaracaixavirt: the host os must be windows14:08
makaramemoryleak: me too. Not this one though14:09
memoryleakmakara, why not use the windows substystem?14:09
caixavirtinstall windows, install virtualbox, install whatever as a vm14:09
kenperkinslotuspsychje: custom build; let me look at dmesg14:09
makarayeah, with half the resources. I did that the first 2 years14:09
makarawhy virtualbox when I can hyper-v14:10
caixavirtI thought hyperv was like vmware esxi that takes over the whole system where you then install vms on it.  That seems like overkill for running vms on a laptop14:10
kenperkinslotuspsychje: nothing jumps out as obvious in dmesg14:10
lotuspsychjekenperkins: check your biosdate also in dmesg plz?14:10
kenperkinsI see the correct keycodes when using showkeys and pressing all 4 of them14:10
makarai need gnome3 guys. I'm not working in Windows GUI14:11
oerheksgrinn, WSL is never meant to run a gnome3 desktop14:11
kenperkinslotuspsychje: help me out a tad there; what's biosdate in dmesg? I grepped but nada14:12
lotuspsychjekenperkins: pastebin the whole output please?14:12
oerhekssudo dmidecode | grep Release14:14
lotuspsychjekenperkins: what kind of kernel are you running there?14:14
akikmakara: you can run a desktop with wsl. it basically is just needing to install the x window server on windows side and setting the DISPLAY variable and some other things14:14
lotuspsychjeoh popos!14:15
oerheksjups, Pop_OS14:15
lotuspsychjekenperkins: you might need to goto popos irc support for help14:15
akikmakara: not sure if you're able to run gnome 3 but xfce worked fine14:15
kenperkinssorry; this is the same problem on my 20.04 ubuntu, just booted into pop atm14:15
kenperkinsi thought they were mostly the same :S14:15
lotuspsychjeye ye14:15
caixavirtis see that you can make vms with hyperv in window 10.  Never knew that.14:16
kenperkinsthere is no pop channel so far as I know, but sorry for asking in the wrong place14:16
caixavirtThere's probably a way you can have your vm start up in full screen right after you log in to windows14:17
lotuspsychjekenperkins: https://chat.pop-os.org/14:17
oerheksagain, WSL is never meant to run a gnome3 desktop, and has nothing to do with ubuntu support, try the wsl channel?14:18
lotuspsychjekenperkins: see also, https://support.system76.com/14:18
kenperkinsi don't want a webapp for chat14:18
kenperkinswell sorry for bugging you14:18
makaracaixavirt: i don't want to log into windows. The guest os should start automagic14:21
akikit's so funny to read these messages from year to year14:22
oerhekswipe windows, install ubuntu?14:22
makaraakik: i am so done screwing around with dual systems like that. Even if I get the gui working (which I don't need, i can sshfs in from my own machine) I wouldn't have disk/network freedom i need14:23
akikwsl has 100% the same ubuntu packages than ubuntu installed outside wsl14:23
makarawsl hasn't been around that long14:23
makaraakik: why would I use wsl and not multipass?14:24
akikmakara: if you don't want to use dual boot, then install ubuntu as the main os on that machine. i have no idea what multipass is14:25
makaraoh sure, install ubuntu as the main os. Why didn't I think of that?!?14:25
akikmakara: oh right. do as your employer tells you to do14:26
makarawhat's the workaround for an unclickable, undismissable authentication dialog?14:31
oerheksgrinn, desktop issue on wsl, we love those14:32
oerhekswhat have you found sofar?14:32
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide14:33
EriC^^makara: you could try "xkill"14:33
EriC^^makara: not sure if it would close the parent aaplication though, test first14:34
akikyou can be sure that if you go asking about wsl problems on ##windows, they'll say go away14:37
makaraoerheks: my present issue is gnome3 20.04. New subject14:39
makaraEriC^^: it killed the windows behind it14:39
makaraEriC^^: `sudo xkill` didn't help14:41
ioriamakara, restart gnome-shell ; alt+fe, press 'r' ; enter14:42
makaraioria: impressive ;)14:46
caixavirtI have been testing zfs during the 20.04 install then reboot and then sgdisk -R disk1 disk2 and then dd disk1p1 to disk3p1 then use zpool attach bpool disk1p3 disk2p3 and zpool attach rpool disk1p4 disk2p4 and have removed each disk and the system boot fine.14:52
caixavirtI have also test luks encryption on disk2p4 and adding that using the zpool attach rpool disk1p4 disk2p4 and then works for booting, but then I can't remove a disk.  It keeps failing with disk1 missing or if disk2 is missing it fails not being able to find the luks disk14:53
caixavirtIs there a way to make both disks luks and have the system continue if either disk is missing?14:54
bindi20.04 zfs has native encryption14:55
caixavirtbindi, hmm.  I didn't think it had yet14:56
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unknownTXSo, if i have an external usb drive that has a NTFS filesystem - and when i plug it in, i can read/write just fine -- when i create an automount addition to fstab, do i need to use ntfs-3g still?? This is 20.04 without having installed ntfs-3g14:57
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Saviqmakara: WSL is much more tightly integrated with the host OS - Multipass instances are completely isolated, you can have multiple of those, too14:58
Saviqdepends on your use case, really14:58
caixavirtbindi, I found this and I'll try it: https://linsomniac.gitlab.io/post/2020-04-09-ubuntu-2004-encrypted-zfs/15:00
oerheksunknownTX, ntfs tools are standard installed, something like this;  UUID=0123456789 /mnt/point ntfs rw,auto,user,fmask=133,dmask=022,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 015:00
unknownTXthank you. i created the entry in fstab and didnt have ntfs and of course it wasnt working so just thought id ask . thanks15:03
unknownTXso also... using auto as type will not work on a ntfs drive then, correct?15:04
no_gravityDoes crontab use the same time that "date" outputs?15:23
no_gravityOk, thanks!15:25
no_gravityYo rapha15:35
raphaIs it possible that the info at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto is outdated for 20.04? (It doesn't seem to be using upstart anymore?)15:36
younderupstart hasent bben used since 16.0415:39
younderToday you would have to use systemd commands.15:40
raphayounder: okay, so what's the 20.04-way of enabling a serial console? (preferably one that is shared with VT0)15:41
younderraphs I use screen: https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-use-linux-screen/15:43
leftyfbrapha: enable and start the serial-getty@ttyS0.service service15:44
raphaTHAT was easy! Thank you, leftyfb! :-D15:52
raphaHmm, unfortunately can't edit the Wiki without creating an account.15:53
caixavirtbindi, thanks for the tip.  I now have encrypted zfs on rpool and bpool and rpool are mirror-0!  I also tested removing each ssd and the system still boots!  Thanks!15:58
bindicaixavirt: cool :)15:59
arooniGoogle Chrome 81.0.4044.138 -- on ubuntu 18.04 doesn't seem to launch when installed.  it worked one time but after restarting my computer when i try to launch it from the terminal i get no output.16:03
oerheksi wonder why launch chrome from terminal, it is silly16:05
oerheksit should work, though; google-chrome16:05
sumagnais python3-pip installed along with python3?16:16
oerheks!info python3-pip16:16
ubottupython3-pip (source: python-pip): Python package installer. In component universe, is optional. Version 20.0.2-5ubuntu1 (focal), package size 224 kB, installed size 1022 kB16:16
oerheksbut you were already answered, it is not standard16:16
sumagnaby default?16:16
oerheks.. is optional16:17
coconutsumagna, apt-cache show python3 #will tell you that16:23
joelmoi want to read the source for the Ubuntu app in windows store, is it open?16:23
ioriaarooni,  try to backup or remove the ~/.config/google-chrome directory16:23
thyriaenHiho, i am looking for the easiest way to periodically run a simple command and display its result in the top panel ( using gnome ) - can someone toss me some ideas what tools to use ?16:23
arooniioria: i ddi try that exact thing a few times; it seemed to load fine after that but after a restart didn't work.  i'm hoping the google-chrome-beta package will work well enough till 'stable' seems fixed16:23
ioriaarooni,  can you check the directory permissions ?16:24
arooniioria: i checked to make sure i owned everything there; and even ran a chown -R arooni:arooni on it16:28
ioriaarooni,  and is it persistent after restart ?16:28
arooniioria: yeah unfortunately;  at least the beta version seems to be running ok for now16:28
aroonii want to like firefox but i've gotten so use to chrome16:28
ioriaarooni,  ok16:28
coconutjoelmo, reading sources of apps available for ubuntu from a windows store does not add up.16:28
joelmococonut: i was looking for sources for WSL Distro Launcher. i found debians now17:10
coconutjoelmo, you will have to do something with microsoft/windows then. I am not sure what then.17:10
shinobiWhat do people use for remoting desktop these days?17:10
leftyfb!ot | shinobi17:10
ubottushinobi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:10
oerhekspolling..  use the standard vino, ssh, or some 3rd party tool?17:11
coconutjoelmo, they might know more on ##windows-wsl for that17:12
pyzozordhey i was asking yesterday about ibus-ui-gtk3 weird vertical bar that was on my screen. Turns out good old rm -rf .profile .xinputrc and new copy from /etc/skel did the job17:12
pyzozordI guess I had some custom ibus config that was triggering it to opent that strange ibus-ui-gtk3 thingy17:13
jfcaronMy "/dev/mapper/ul" file system filled up when trying to do a backup to /dev/sdb1.  I have 0 bytes free now on my system drive.  When I do sudo du -sh /*, none of the directories are big enough to have filled my system drive.  Why is it full?17:18
jfcaron(18.04 LTS)17:18
sarnoldjfcaron: df -h and df -i are better tools for determining how full a filesystem is17:18
jfcaronsarnold: df -h says /dev/mapper/ubuntu--mate--vg-root is 100% full (467GB), this is my primary partition on a 500GB drive.  df -i says only 3% of the inodes are used.17:18
jfcaronI still don't know what is taking up all that space.17:18
sarnoldjfcaron: aha, okay, so if inodes aren't it.. ncdu is handy for drilling into specific directories, and du -x  is very handy for restricting your view to the one filesystem you care about at the moment17:19
sarnoldjfcaron: but ncdu, du, etc rely upon *current* directory entries -- if a process has *huge* open files that are deleted, they will continue to take up a lot of free space in the filesystem, but not show up in ls output, ncdu or du output, etc17:20
sarnoldjfcaron: you can try lsof to figure out which files might be deleted but still open17:20
jfcaronThat's a lot of open files...17:21
iKarus987Hi guys is there away i can install mouse software ? i baught logitch mouse and i need to install software inorder to control its settings17:23
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giacolotuspsychje: ubuntu 18.04, 4.15.0-99-generic, Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller17:30
iKarus987sarnold i am mostly interested in setting the polling rate17:31
iKarus987that's it17:31
CoolerYwhat is up17:31
CoolerYwith 20.0417:31
CoolerYis there any reason to upgrade?17:31
giacolotuspsychje: but as I said the ethernet card works perfecly in other contexts, it seems a networkmanager problem to me17:34
oerheksCoolerY, why do you ask?17:34
CoolerYI have 18.0417:34
oerhekswait for 20.04.117:34
ubottuRegular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d17:34
lotuspsychjegiaco: perhaps try to catch journalctl -f errors on the dropping, pastebin to the volunteers17:34
CoolerYI am asking what's new17:34
CoolerYis there a reason to upgrade?17:34
oerhekssee releasenotes?17:34
sarnoldCoolerY: release notes are here, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes17:34
giacolotuspsychje: journalctl -f doesn't output anything relevant when ip drop happens. But not 100% about this, so I'm re-creating the problem context now to search more info17:35
giacolotuspsychje: thanks for helping17:35
coconutCoolerY, there is if you really want to have the newest packages... but you use an LTS, do that would be the case then right?17:35
oerheksstupid newest packages, use the stable ones17:36
lotuspsychjegiaco: when did it start to drop? after an update?17:36
jfcaronIs it normal for "lsof" to list thousands of files?17:36
sarnoldjfcaron: yes17:36
sarnoldholy moly17:36
jfcaronI get 28467717:36
lotuspsychjebleachbit to the rescue :p17:36
mgedminjfcaron: use something like `lsof | grep -i del` to list only _deleted_ files17:37
sarnoldI don't run a desktop environment, so I expected rather less than that :D17:37
jfcaronIt also says WARNING: can't stat() tracefs file system /sys/kernel/debug/tracing Output information may be incomplete.17:37
sarnoldjfcaron: yeah, that's probably fine to ignore in this case17:37
mgedminthat's fine, ignore anythng in /sys, those are virtual files and they don't take any disk space17:37
jfcaronlsof|grep -i 'del'|wc finds 43624 files.17:38
giacolotuspsychje: no, quite long ago. Probably the problem was already there when I used this setup (Internet via wifi, direct connectio via eth) the first time. It took me a while to blame networkmanager instead of the device/cable I was working on, but all I have to do to "temporary" fix is nmcli c down <connection name> and up17:38
lotuspsychjegiaco: how are you sure its nm fault?17:39
mgedminjfcaron: if you don't have time for this, rebooting will free all the space taken up by deleted files17:40
mgedminjfcaron: if you do have time, look up which column of lsof is the pid, then see what that process is17:40
mgedminkilling the process will also free disk space17:40
giacolotuspsychje: I've just recreated the problem and I got journalctl output. It drops static ip and starts DHCPDISCOVER. Let me paste the output17:40
jfcaronmgedmin: Thanks.  I wasn't sure about rebooting in case the disk is actually full and somehow has trouble booting because of it.17:41
mgedminbut also it's an opportunity to report a bug maybe?  filling up all disk space with tens of thousands of deleted files? seems bad?17:41
mgedminoh yeah, good instinct17:41
giacolotuspsychje: May 19 17:39:10 linuxbox dhclient[6211]: DHCPDISCOVER on eno2 to port 67 interval 20 (xid=0xbf0fc914)17:41
CoolerYis there some visible improvement between 18.04 to 20.04?17:41
jfcaronmgedmin: Yes, this happened when I ran rdiff-backup (though it worked OK before...)17:41
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lotuspsychje!discuss | CoolerY17:42
ubottuCoolerY: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:42
CoolerY"Built in support for the WireGuard VPN. "17:42
oerheksCoolerY, we do not know your hardware, only you can tell17:42
jfcaronAnyone got a super keen one-liner for asking lsof|grep 'DEL' to count occurence of each command or PID? ^_^17:42
oerhekswhy what?17:43
CoolerYwhy build in support for a VPN17:43
CoolerYwhat does that even mean?17:43
CoolerYwas it not possible to use WireGuard before?17:43
oerheksyou know very well, it is in the kernel now.17:44
mgedminso sometimes lsof shows deleted files with a DEL in some column, and sometimes it shows them by appending (deleted) at the end of the filename, and does anyone know when it does what?17:44
CoolerYsupport for all VPNs?17:44
lotuspsychjegiaco: can you pastebin your dmesg please?17:44
CoolerYor just WireGuard?17:44
giacolotuspsychje: because it is my networkmanager17:44
giacolotuspsychje: k17:44
CoolerYThey even link to a page that doesn't exist https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WireGuard17:45
CoolerY"This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates. "17:45
sarnoldfeel free to create it then :)17:45
CoolerYis it part of some sort of partnership that Canonical has with WireGuard?17:46
CoolerYlike with Amazon17:46
lotuspsychjeCoolerY: please dont use this channel for discussions17:47
buruCan I ask you a question, returning to Ubuntu want to do a minimal iso isntall. But notice they're are not uefi compatible (and latest 20.04 is not available)17:47
oerheksCoolerY, this is not cool.17:47
buruWould installing the server iso work the same?17:47
buruI just want ubuntu package ecosystem without a DE.. Well I should have clarified that since start (To avoid XY problem).17:48
mgedminyeah, server install should work fine17:49
giacolotuspsychje: it would be a 10 days system log with tons of audit line17:49
lotuspsychjegiaco: if you dont mind, i dont mind :p17:50
oerheksburu, yes, use server and install any desktop/service you like17:51
giacolotuspsychje: should I mind? What kind of personal information are in there?17:51
giacoI'd prefer not. I can re-create the problem and just extract the relevant portion17:51
stdedosHas anyone solved that unending weirdness with Win10 "home pc" Samba Share and Nautilus? I've been trying to use `mount.cifs` as a workaround, but then I am getting network timeouts between laptop sleeps which render system unusable17:51
lotuspsychjegiaco: dmesg doesnt hold personal info, just system info17:51
burumgedmin, thank you!17:56
leoloveHello. Anyone using microk8s? I would like to ask if its possible to have multiple master nodes for HA? I am planning to deploy 3 master and 7 worker nodes K8s cluster17:57
giacolotuspsychje: paste service refures the upload. Can I grep -v "audit"?17:57
giacolotuspsychje: are 28595 vs 66502 lines17:58
oerheksleolove, you might want to reask in #ubuntu-server17:58
lotuspsychjegiaco: your dmesg has 66502 lines?17:58
leoloveOkay thank oerheks17:59
giacolotuspsychje: yes18:00
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wedrany way to be able to use the mouse to double-click and select a word, instead of a full sentence?  Like, for this sentence "apple.barn", if you double click on the "barn", you will highlight "apple", the period, and the "barn".18:03
wedrI just wanted the "barn", not the whole sentence.18:03
oerhekspress your left mouse key, and wipe over 'barn' ??18:03
oerhekslike in windows/mac/ubuntu ...18:03
giacolotuspsychje: I think I'll go to gnome/freedesktop people to address this. Thanks for the help18:04
jfcaronmgedmin, sarnold: killing the processes/closing the programs that had lots (hundreds..) of open deleted files freeed up ~3GB of space on the disk.18:05
jfcaronI will try rebooting now.18:05
sarnoldjfcaron: that's a bit, anyway...18:05
lotuspsychjegiaco: you suspect gnome for a networking problem?18:05
giacolotuspsychje: freedesktop/networkmanager18:08
lotuspsychjegiaco: its your system, you are the boss but i would go for deeper investigation, digging dmesg, trying different kernels on your realtek,..18:09
giacolotuspsychje: here's the story from journalctl -n 100 point of view, from physical eth cable replug, to manual ip set to, to automatic drop of that static ip in favor of nothing ("ip a" shows link up on eth but no ip address assigned) http://ix.io/2mJk18:10
giacolotuspsychje: I'd say again that is a network manager issue, as you can see dhcpclient is spinning here where absolutely no dhcp is requested. Ethernet connection is set to "static ip"
lotuspsychjegiaco: if you are 100% certain its a nm fault, please file a !bug against18:12
giacoeth keep until dhcpclient goes timeout and commits creatieve things18:12
lotuspsychjegiaco: do you recall any point in the past on kernel 4.15.* it was working well?18:12
jfcaronmgedmin, sarnold: It was scary for a bit, I rebooted but couldn't get past the DE login screen, it just resetted itself.  did Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get a text console and df -h still said my drive was full.18:13
jfcaronmgedmin, sarnold: So I unplugged all peripherals (this is a laptop), including the external hard drive I was originally trying to back up to, rebooted again, and noticed that /media/ still held ~350GB of stuff~18:14
sarnoldjfcaron: dang :(18:14
sarnoldjfcaron: YES!18:14
jfcaronmgedmin, sarnold: So it turns out the problem WAS rdiff-backup, it was making a backup to /media/'Work Backup', but this was just a normal directory in /, NOT on the external drive18:14
sarnoldjfcaron: it's been ages since I've seen this happen :( sorry to not think of it earlier ;(18:15
jfcaronSo after rm -f ing that directory I was able to log in to the DE.  Fewf.18:15
jfcaronNo worries, thanks for the help.18:15
jfcaronI learned a bit about lsof. =p18:15
sarnoldeven with the 'external drive' hint sitting right there in the channel....18:15
sarnoldjfcaron: thanks so much for reporting back :D18:15
jfcaronAnd I guess du -sh /* was telling the truth, but when I saw the /media/ entry I just ignored it cuz I thought it was external.18:16
fevixPretty sure this isn't the right place for this, but I'm having trouble running a MInecraft server on Ubuntu. This server runs fine on Windows, but transferring it to Ubuntu leads to it just not launching. Can someone either help or direct me to the proper channel?18:22
giacolotuspsychje: I use this setup (wifi internet, eth for developing on local device) only at times. I've been skipping the problem by re-clicking on the static connection name on the taskbar for months18:23
lotuspsychjegiaco: another test you can try, is moving to the !HWE kernel see if it can help your troubles18:24
giacolotuspsychje: why this obsession with the kernel? Problem is clearly dhcpclient operating on static connection. Who is controlling dhcp and connection configurations? NetworkManager. I don't see how changing kernel would make dhcpclient stopping from spinning up without reason18:28
lotuspsychjegiaco: as said before, you are convinced enough its nm fault, file a bug please18:29
giacolotuspsychje: I'm here looking for help in debugging this. I don't have enough information to file a bug. All I see is this exuberant dhclient18:32
lotuspsychjegiaco: thats why ubuntu-bug will help you collect more info about network manager for you18:32
stdedosHas anyone solved that unending weirdness with Win10 "home pc" sharing a Samba Share and Nautilus mounting it? I am getting instant timeout and no mount. I tried to use `mount.cifs` as a workaround, but then I am getting network timeouts between laptop sleeps which render system unusable when it wakes up.18:32
pavlosstdedos: did you try, sudo mount -t cifs -o username=winuser,password=winpw //winserver/share /mnt/win18:46
stdedos> I tried to use `mount.cifs` as a workaround, but then I am getting network timeouts between laptop sleeps which render system unusable when it wakes up.18:47
stdedosIt also gives weirdness with sudo+access-rights (at least there is the uid= workaround)18:48
adgtlI am using Docker and docker is writing files to my host directory named ~/recordings18:48
adgtlProblem is that these files are written with root as user18:48
adgtlI have a systemd timer service which has a script to convert these files from wem to mp418:49
adgtlProblem is that my systemd service is failing because of permissions18:49
adgtlAnyone know how to solve this issue?18:49
adgtlI don't want to set systemd user as root18:49
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ioriaadgtl, how do you think to write in a root owned directory without some kind of permission feature ?19:02
adgtlioria it's not root owned directory in the host.. it may be inside docker19:03
adgtlI have mounted host directory in the docker where file are written19:03
adgtlproblem is that these files have root permission19:03
ioriaadgtl, that what i meant19:04
adgtland systemd in host is failing as script it is calling don't have permissions to modify it19:04
adgtlwhat could be solution?19:04
adgtldocker doesn19:04
adgtlnt have much info about how to solve this issue19:04
ioriaadgtl, well,  i don't use docker ; maybe you can ask there... but (might be risky) the only idea atm is to set /etc/sudoers.d/19:05
adgtlfor which user?19:05
sarnoldI haven't been following the conversation but fs.protected_regular settings can limit which directories root can write into, without logging anything about it anywhere19:06
adgtlubuntu@ip-172-31-7-220:/etc$ sudo ls -ltr sudoers.d/19:07
adgtltotal 819:07
adgtl-r--r----- 1 root root 958 Jan 18  2018 README19:07
adgtl-r--r----- 1 root root 152 Apr 20 11:47 90-cloud-init-users19:07
adgtlthis is interesting name19:07
adgtl90-cloud-init-users .... haha19:08
adgtlwhy no 99?19:08
adgtlI found that in sudoers.d19:08
ioriaadgtl, the user you use ? :รพ19:08
adgtlhmm don't know19:08
ioriaadgtl, some ideas here (probably) :  https://serverfault.com/questions/841099/systemd-grant-an-unprivileged-user-permission-to-alter-one-specific-service19:11
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rangergordis there a REALLY simple (read: < 5 mins) way to set up a local cache for apt packages? So if I apt install qt5 on pc1 for the 1st time, it's fetched  from Ubuntu's servers, then when I install qt5 on pc2, it fetches it from the local server instead.19:14
rangergordI can make it a local directory using sshfs, if that's easier19:15
ograrangergord, snap install packageproxy ... then point all your sources.list entries to http://$IP_OF_THE_MACHINE:9999/ubuntu19:18
ogra(the ip of the machine you installed the snap on)19:18
younderI use apt-cache-ng19:19
sarnoldI use squid-deb-proxy19:19
ograthe packageproxy snap uses approx :)19:19
rangergordI'll look into all three. Thanks!19:20
nshiremy ubuntu install has a complete blackscreen currently19:20
nshireafter I log in, it just gives me a black screen. I can go to terminal with ctrl-alt-f3 though19:21
youndernshire, sound like a problem with your garhcics driver19:23
nshireit was immediately after installing the vbox guest additions btw19:23
nshirenow it's telling me my login is incorrect19:24
nshirek forget what I said about login19:25
nshirealrighty well the uninstall script worked19:28
iorianshire, ubuntu is the guest ?19:30
nshiredunno who the guest additions always makes it black screen... last time I tried a year ago it did it as well19:31
sarnolddon't install the guest additions on your HOST19:31
sarnoldinstall them only on GUESTS19:31
iorianshire, 3D acceleration, probably19:31
nshiresarnold, it was installed on the GUEST19:31
iorianshire, enable (or occcasionally) / disable it19:31
sarnoldnshire: aha, cool cool19:32
Saeidfor playing games like world of warcraft, is it better to install a linux and have a qumo-kvm to run it? or using wine to run it? or making two separated OS and do works with linux and run games on windows?19:33
nshireioria, toggling 3d to on still resulted in a black screen. I'll try different graphics controllers. currently on VMSVGA19:35
iorianshire, check also the Display Memory19:37
nshirewell vboxvga works but now there's some terrible screen tearing and bad performance. annoying.19:38
nshirealrightly then, toggling it on and back on fixed it. I have no idea why.19:40
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stdedosHas anyone solved that unending weirdness with Win10 "home pc" sharing a Samba Share and Nautilus mounting it? I am getting instant timeout and no mount. I tried to use `mount.cifs` as a workaround, but then I am getting network timeouts between laptop sleeps which render system unusable when it wakes up.19:54
sarnoldstdedos: does *any* networking work after suspend/resume? I keep hearing references to network cards that don't handle that well20:12
stdedosWhen the gvfs-mount did the mounting, at least my login/shutdown/etc was not ghost-stuck for x minutes :/20:13
stdedosSo - I am all for remounting, as long as network timeouts can crash by themselves, "and not on the main thread"20:14
Rozhahallo how to del user whithout killing hith porcessec20:18
sarnoldRozha: that's a very strange thing to do; what are you trying to accomplish20:30
Rozhasarnold i see my mistake all, good20:30
Rozhasarnold can you help whith smtp ?20:31
sarnoldRozha: maybe; I haven't set up an email server in ~20 years, so I don't know much about the modern antispam stuff20:31
RoseBusanyone know how to configure default audio devices?20:35
RoseBus(i asked in #pulseaudio but no replies)20:36
sarnoldRoseBus: for a single user, try pavucontrol; for all users, no idea :)20:37
RoseBusi have a usb microphone I use.  It has an audio jack on it for headphones (which I dont use).  Ubuntu seems to prefer usb audio out over line out20:37
=== ChattyMan2 is now known as ChattyMan
subfjanyone know how to implement the last post on this forum to a trackpad? It fixed my mouse but the trackpad has the same issue. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/539122/bluetooth-mouse-lag20:44
echoSMILEHi. Some time ago I installed xfce above ubuntu. How to ensure the other or parts of the old WM is not running in background ?20:45
sarnoldechoSMILE: ps auxw  will show you what processes are running20:46
SheilongDoes document viewer has advanced editing options?20:46
akem_In normal situation you can only run 1 WM and 1 desktop session though.20:47
sarnoldechoSMILE: though perhaps pstree would be more useful for figuring out process relationships20:47
echoSMILEsarnold: ps auxw | grep gnome gave me this binaries running: /usr/bin/gnome-screensaver /usr/lib/gnome-online-accounts/goa-daemon /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon20:48
echoSMILEshould I disable any of those ?20:49
sarnoldechoSMILE: it's possible xfce is using those for its own services, I don't know20:49
echoSMILEhum ok20:50
Alpha-OmegaKind of a general question, but, let's say I boot Ubuntu installed on a USB, and I want to find out which USB (bus and device) that I booted from, how would I go about doing that?21:45
=== Lantizia is now known as stevenm
MunskoAlpha-Omega, you could try check which partitions are mounted21:46
MunskoBy default i think that livecd dont mount the hard disk partitions21:46
MunskoI think there you could find more about that21:46
Alpha-OmegaWhat I mean is how would I know which of the devices in the output of "lsusb" is the device I booted from.21:46
oerheksdf -h ; and under udev/tmpfs, you find the boot device ?21:52
Alpha-Omega@oerheks Yes. I'm trying to find which lsusb port it corresponds to though.22:04
oerheksand if you find the number, how do you find the physical port?22:05
oerheksreally, you know which usb port you boot from..22:05
iKarus987Guys :< i keep getting warning about i have 1.1gb space on home drive ?22:11
iKarus987even tho i removed everything from trash file22:11
iKarus987i mean after you remove from trash?22:11
iKarus987its gone for good yes22:11
makr8100iKarus987: it's technically not gone for good if one uses some recovery tools, but it won't be taking up space.  There's a possiblility your tmp folders are holding large files and other similar causes22:17
makr8100I suggest using baobab (gtk) kdirstat (kde) qdirstat (qt) - whatever your preference is, etc.22:19
makr8100It will take a long time to analyze a whole drive but worth it if you're that low on space22:19
sarnoldncdu is neat too22:19
makr8100never heard of it, but google makes it look good if you're into cli stuff (I am)22:20
makr8100idk how I haven't heard of it before lol, I've always "wished" it existed but somehow didn't know how to google it...  anyways I'm heading off, glhf22:21
VigdisHi, how can I easily install zfs on ubuntu 20.04? It seems the installer won't offer me the option?22:25
sarnoldit depends on the installer you use, but the 20.04 desktop installer should offer it as an option22:27
sarnolddo you want root on zfs? or 'just' use zfs for a /srv or similar?22:27
Vigdissarnold, oops yeah I forgot to mention it, I'm using the server installer, I wanted to try zfs on root yeah22:28
sarnoldVigdis: the server installer doesn't currently support that :(22:28
VigdisI looked at alpine https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Alpine_Linux_with_root_on_ZFS_with_native_encryption and they advise to use ubuntu to bootstrap, well I guess I could still use 19.10 but meh22:29
sarnoldyou could try the desktop installer and then uninstall whatever you don't need after the fact22:30
Vigdisyeah, I'm not confident in my ability to remove all the cruft haha22:31
sarnoldI set up my laptop with 19.04 I think, zfs on root, using https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu-18.04-Root-on-ZFS -- but it was hours of work to spot the two typos that kept it from working, and I don't think it'll just work with the new zsys daemon to manage snapshots..22:31
sarnoldI suggest going through the desktop installer, it'll probably be more likely to work in a way that will still work in six months :)22:32
Vigdisthanks, I'll try that :)22:33
analogicalI'm looking for RAM disk software to use with Ubuntu any suggestions?22:46
sarnoldanalogical: what are you going to do with it?22:47
analogicalsarnold, why?22:48
oerhekshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Bcache or an ordianiry tmpfs  https://www.linuxbabe.com/command-line/create-ramdisk-linux22:48
sarnoldanalogical: because what you want may not be worth bothering; or maybe it's just a 'use tmpfs' thing ..22:48
Rozhaln -s /usr/share/webmail/ /var/www/virtualhost but it works like http/::virutalhost/webmail22:49
analogicalare there no 3rd party software?22:50
RozhaGwhat u meen ubuntu 2022:51
oerheksanalogical, maybe, did you find any?22:51
sarnoldanalogical: why should there be? tmpfs works great if you want a filesystem in ram..22:51
Rozhasome one can help ln -s /usr/share/webmail/ /var/www/virtualhost but it works like http/::virutalhost/webmail22:52
analogicalsarnold, not userfriendly22:52
sarnoldanalogical: oh? how so?22:53
lotuspsychjeRozha: when asking questions, its best to describe your full story + details ubuntu version? what are you setting up?22:53
oerheksthe user won't notice tmpfs, you set it up once..22:53
sarnoldanalogical: I mean, you might even be able to just use /dev/shm/ already, but since you're not sharing what you're trying to do...22:54
analogicalI refuse to use the terminal22:54
oerheksthere is no click and play ramdisk package in software center, AFAIK22:55
Rozhalotuspsychje i make install roundcobe like http://domain.ee/webmail, i make virtualhosxt like mail.domain.ee but works like mail.domain.ee/webmail22:57
lotuspsychjeRozha: roundcube? on ubuntu server or desktop?22:58
Rozhalotuspsychje , look i install roudcube for http://domain.ee/webmail22:59
Rozhalotuspsychje now i made virtual host for mail.domain.ee22:59
Rozhahow tomke that it woeks23:00
Rozhanot domain.ee/webmail23:01
lotuspsychjeRozha: the #roundcube channel might know perhaps?23:01
Rozhalotuspsychje i need help whith virtuak host23:02
Rozhanod whit roundcube23:02
lotuspsychjeRozha: https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/ubuntu-roundcube-latest/23:04
oerheksi findno examples with virtualhost, check out the roundcubve channel?23:05
oerheksor #ubuntu-server perhaps?23:06
tripelbUbu won't sign in yesterday gept getting clogged. I have booted from another 20.04 system on a flash drive. What can I do not to "scandiak" old windows word. - I fear my "little program that signs you on. One is lightdm. I may have switched it trying to make mate an option. Which one comes with vanilla 20.04 and can I reinstall it from where I sit23:20
tripelbPlease use my nick TRIPELB23:21
MunskoHello, how can i make a .jar file executable? it runs perfectly in with the terminal command23:21
MunskoBut it doesnt start when i double click him23:22
RoseBuscan i restart gnome without closing all my applications?23:22
RoseBusgnome is going crazy glitchy right now mouse is unresponsive / semi-responsive23:22
MunskoAlso i want to know how i can change the icon of a shourcut23:22
RoseBusbut i'm in a zoom meeting23:22
sarnoldMunsko: most desktop environments work with .desktop files23:23
Munskosarnold,  thank for the answer, my problem is that i want change the icon of a .jar file23:24
MunskoOr in the defect, a bash file23:24
sarnold"Values of type iconstring are the names of icons; these may be absolute paths, or symbolic names for icons located using the algorithm described in the Icon Theme Specification. Such values are not user-displayable, and are encoded in UTF-8. "  https://specifications.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s04.html23:24
sarnoldRoseBus: gnome's design does not let you simply restart it while keeping applications open23:25
sarnoldRoseBus: you have to log out and log in again23:25
Munskosarnold, so i cant change the icon?23:26
MunskoI dont understand that well23:26
sarnoldMunsko: you can, you set the icon you want in the .desktop file23:27
MunskoI will try create a .desktop so, thanks23:29
MarkB2Ran an update/upgrade session this afternoon... and lost pulseaudio function.23:44
MarkB2It's complaint seems to be "can't cancel echo between a sink and its monitor".23:45
jrgilmanis there a channel on freenode where i can ask a more general linux question not related to ubuntu?23:45
tomreyn!alis | jrgilman23:46
ubottujrgilman: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"23:46
sarnoldjrgilman: there is a ##linux but I have no idea what's on-topic there23:46
jrgilmanoh cool thanks23:47
MarkB2Hm.  It seems that last update removed a chunk of pulseaudio... it can't load module-echo-cancel because ... it doesn't exist?23:49
Steven_MHi all. I've tried to write the ubuntu-20.04 ISO to USB sticks several times using DD and a couple of ISO to USB programs, trying 3 different USB sticks. Every time I boot one of the sticks the boot-time disk check finds errors. Note that the checksum of the ISO matches the checksum file. Any idea what's going on?23:49
lotuspsychjeSteven_M: where did you get your iso's?23:51
sarnoldSteven_M: did you verify sha256sums of the downloads before writing them? do you have any errors in dmesg while writing them? errors in dmesg while booting? errors in dmesg while reading form the sticks/23:52
MarkB2Does installing an ISO to stick require formatting the stick via one of the USB stick formatters?23:52
sarnoldno, dd just overwrites whatever is there23:52
sarnoldthe usb stick formatters like rufus.ie do magic to eg windows images to make them bootable,23:52
MunskoIs more easy create the link to the folder than create an exec23:54
Munskocant be more easy?23:54
MunskoIs disgusting23:54
jrgilmanwell we'll see if someone responds23:55
Steven_Mlotuspsychje: https://mirrors.tripadvisor.com/releases/20.04/ubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso23:56
Steven_Msarnold: yes I did verify the sha256sums of the downloads before writing them23:58

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