
gbnhi, is there a way to make QASmixer remember my settings? right now everytime i restart my computer, i need to activate the headphones output and raise their level03:34
gbnotherwise no sound coming out of my headphones when i plug them in03:35
gbnthe setting to automute the laptop spearkers is working though03:35
OvenWerksgbn: that would not be qasmixer but the alsa settings should be stored on shutdown and restored on session start04:00
OvenWerksare the headphones plugged in during reboot or plugged in after04:03
OvenWerksAuto detecting phones while using jack is something we are working on for studio controls. but if jack is not running, pulse should turn the headphones on at a plugin event04:04
OvenWerks(pulse can not see ryour headphones if jack is using the device)04:05
gbni plug them after04:22
gbni think jack is running all the time currently04:22
gbnwhich i don't really need most of the time indeed04:23
gbnso stopping jack, and only starting it when i do audio work, stopping it again when i'm done should do the trick then?04:23
OvenWerksgbn: best to check and see :)06:56
OvenWerksbut at this time that is the best way.06:57
gbnok thanks!06:59
gbnindeed if at next startup jack isn't started by default things should work out06:59
JudStainI was wondering about kdenlive. 20.04.0. Is it just me or is it unusable? Can't save project and timeline monitor fails to take over from clip monitor.07:51
JudStainNo, it's true. kdenlive 20.04.0 is unusable. Just downloaded 20.04.1 appimage and all is well. Cheers!07:56
shibetpcI've used the terminal command 'alsa_out -j "HDMI out" -d hw:0,3'.  How would I make that load each time jack server was started through Ubuntu Studio Controls? Thx in advance.09:39
dazeamhey there I am searching for ffado users / recipi for seeing my firewire soundcard on ubuntu studio13:09
vltshibetpc: Hello. There were more replies to your question yesterday after you left:13:36
vlt2020-05-18 18:05:39     Eickmeyer       vlt: Ubuntu Studio Controls allows for more than one audio device at a time in Jack.13:37
vlt2020-05-18 18:06:09     OvenWerks       vlt: actually, ubuntustudio-controls does add extra devices almost seemlessly. However, hdmi requires very large buffers to work (4096)13:37
vlt2020-05-18 18:06:46      *      OvenWerks adds hdmi to his list of special casing to do.13:37
shibetpcI've added HDMI via Extra-Devices, but no connection appears in Carla to connect to.  the alsa_out has been the only way I get it to show up.  Is there something I'm doing wrong in Ubuntu Studio Controls that would prevent it from showing as an output in Carla?13:51
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