
guiverci asked here awhile back (4-may) about gorilla iso's not being built; it was reported fixed by laney (thanks), plus about focal dailies are still not being built (flavors anyway; I watch lubuntu primarily) - http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/408/builds doesn't have ISOs for download (lubuntu, ubuntu amd64m eg, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/408/builds/212787/testcases)  july-23 for 20.04.1 so it matters a little00:29
guivercmore now; another leok request00:29
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AsciiWolfkenvandine, hi, I don't know if it is intended or not, but I have noticed that after updating to latest snap-store (the one that fixes app icons), deb results are now displayed on the first place when searching for apps11:46
AsciiWolfpreviously, there were snaps displayed before deb results11:46
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kenvandineAsciiWolf: yes, that is intentional.  We no longer alter the order of the results12:06
AsciiWolfkenvandine, ah, ok :-)12:06
seb128I don't remember now, do a SRU builds with proposed enabled?12:08
xnox(they must)12:11
seb128xnox, thanks12:19
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ahasenackI'm rebuilding debian-installer because bind9-libs changed in groovy, and it's an rdep12:52
ahasenackbut it's not picking up the new one12:52
ahasenackI'm wondering if this needs to happen for groovy now: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zPqt6jN2YG/12:52
ahasenackit does look like it12:52
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ahasenackxnox: you helped me in the past with the d-i package, do you know about my question above?13:28
xnoxahasenack:  ... or remove d-i from the archive.13:34
xnoxahasenack:  or force migrate bind9-libs13:34
ahasenackxnox: or apply a similar patch to what I pasted, but for groovy?13:35
ahasenackThe other two things you mentioned I cannot do :)13:35
xnoxahasenack:  but rebuilding d-i will block up on linux kernel migrations, and entagle any/all/other abi transitions too.14:00
xnoxahasenack:  i'll look into rebuilding d-i to see how much will break / how painful it would be.14:00
paridesil2100, hi! I'm seeing a bunch of Focal images in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-live/current/14:07
parideI'd expect to see only Groovy images there14:07
doko# Because we believe in quality14:28
doko        -Wall -Werror14:28
dokoif you would, you would fix the ftbfs :-/14:28
sil2100paride: uh14:38
sil2100paride: this is weird! cdimage copying-forward stuff again14:38
sil2100paride: thanks for reporting, let me clean up and figure out why this happened14:38
dokojamesh: could you have a look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-app-launch/0.12+17.04.20170404.2-0ubuntu7/+build/19239923 ? either fix the ftbfs, or try to remove that in groovy?14:38
paridethanks sil210014:40
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jrwrendoes anyone know how ubuntu installer decides to install hardware related packages on install time? e.g. i have a wifi chip and the broadcom package didn't get installed at install time. I'd love to suggest a patch, but I've no idea where this data is17:32
mdeslaurjrwren: I think it uses software-properties, which in turn uses the pci ids that are specified in the driver package's rules file17:45
mdeslaurerr, control file17:45
jrwren bcmwl-kernel-source is in restricted, so maybe that is why it wasn't installed at install time?17:49
mdeslaurI don't think so, that's what that checkbox is for17:52
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mdeslaurjrwren: the "ubuntu-drivers" tool can help, try ubuntu-drivers devices17:53
jrwrenat install time?17:53
mdeslauryou can try it now to see how it detects your hardware17:54
=== sarnold changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | 20.04 Released! | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Trusty-Focal | If you can't send messages here, authenticate to NickServ first | Patch Pilots:

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