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chintanhey guys, what theme type do i need for LXQt?10:00
chintani need dark mode for my lubuntu box10:00
=== tijara_ is now known as tijara
chrasohello every110:14
chrasoneed help to get dark mode on lubuntu 20.0410:14
chrasowhat themes should I use?10:14
lubot<tbs61> hello10:16
lubot<tbs61> did you check themes at settings?10:17
lubot<tbs61> @chraso [<chraso> what themes should I use?], ?10:17
chrasoas it uses LXQt now which is new for me10:17
lubot<tbs61> so you cant find settings?10:18
chrasoi found settings Preference> LXQt settings> Apperence10:21
lubot<tbs61> 👍10:21
chrasobut can't find to add a new theme button :(10:21
lubot<tbs61> now there s themes10:21
lubot<tbs61> ahh10:21
lubot<tbs61> so that s what you are asking10:21
chrasoi want dark themes for my display10:21
lubot<tbs61> there s no a button for that, but there is a way that not so hard to do10:22
chrasoi tried adding lxqt themes via ocs-url, it fails. it says invalid url10:23
lubot<tbs61> i like lubuntu really, so i recorded a video about it, but it is turkish, still you may understand what to do with watching only i guess10:23
lubot<tbs61> would you like to watch?10:23
chrasobut is it on lbry?10:24
lubot<tbs61> lbry?10:25
lubot<tbs61> idk what it is10:25
chrasonvm just post link10:27
lubot<tbs61> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQhpxHpX72k10:28
chrasoi give up10:41
lubot<tbs61> :/10:42
chrasocan't even find or use/apply dark theme10:42
lubot<tbs61> give me some mins10:43
lubot<tbs61> https://www.pling.com/p/1253278/https://www.pling.com/p/1251256/https://www.pling.com/p/1251004/https://www.pling.com/p/1266918/10:51
lubot<tbs61> how are these?10:51
chraso@lubot, can't install via ocs-url10:56
lubot<tbs61> did you watch the video, i showed there you need to carry the file from the page to a folder at lubuntu system11:01
lubot<tbs61> idk what is ocs-url11:01
lubot<tbs61> Installation: … - extract archive … - copy folders to /usr/share/lxqt/themes/ or ~/.local/share/lxqt/themes directory.11:04
lubot<tbs61> https://www.pling.com/p/1249895/https://www.pling.com/p/1249430/https://www.pling.com/p/1248695/https://www.pling.com/p/1248166/https://www.pling.com/p/1242734/ … there are also those with dark colors11:08
chrasoyes i have tried a few themes11:10
chrasobut still the pcmanfm and other windows still have light theme.11:11
chrasoi'm going to try restart my lubuntu box11:11
lubot<tbs61> at linux, to apply themes fully you may need at least log out-in most of times.11:12
lubot<tbs61> but idk if pcmanfm will be black11:13
lubot<tbs61> (Photo, 1024x768) https://i.imgur.com/ojMPE6x.jpg here it shows file  manager s blacked11:15
lubot<tbs61> with this theme https://www.pling.com/p/1266918/11:15
lubot<tbs61> @tbs61 [<reply to image>], now i wonder which radio app that guy used at this picture:)11:18
chrasojust to admit somthing work for me11:34
chrasoand that's kvantum11:35
chrasochanged widget Qt style from Breeze to kvantum11:36
=== TheMetamorphosis is now known as Metamorphosis
=== Fenris is now known as raskolnikov
=== raskolnikov is now known as Fenris

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