[01:24] Bug #1879827 opened: Include unsupported_arches in BootResources websocket [01:27] Bug #1879827 changed: Include unsupported_arches in BootResources websocket [01:30] Bug #1879827 opened: Include unsupported_arches in BootResources websocket [01:39] Bug #1879827 changed: Include unsupported_arches in BootResources websocket [01:42] Bug #1879827 opened: Include unsupported_arches in BootResources websocket [01:45] Bug #1879827 changed: Include unsupported_arches in BootResources websocket [01:48] Bug #1879827 opened: Include unsupported_arches in BootResources websocket [10:52] Bug #1879933 opened: ppc64el / arm64 - issues with cloud-init setting default route [15:37] Bug #1879978 opened: maas status always says supervisord is restarting without sudo [15:37] Bug #1879979 opened: [UI,feature] Subnets page should distinguish between DHCP and DHCP Relay [16:16] Bug #1879986 opened: [UI] Updated node-script not showing in UI [16:16] Bug #1879988 opened: MAAS packages for bionic are beta in ppa:maas/2.7 [18:01] Maas created an ipmi user on all nodes named maas, where is the password for this user account stored? [18:07] nm, found it [19:38] Bug #1880016 opened: show image last synced time [19:41] Bug #1880016 changed: show image last synced time [19:47] Bug #1880016 opened: show image last synced time