
callmepkgood morning03:00
dufluOops. Hi callmepk 04:04
callmepkOh, hi duflu 05:00
pieqhello everyone :)05:07
pieqduflu, hey, have you ever experienced this? Pressing the Super key seems to register, but doesn't show the dash in Ubuntu 20.0405:08
pieqduflu, I'm helping a friend and he's using a lot of different input methods (English, French, Japanese, Chinese). His Ubuntu is setup in French05:08
duflupieq, for secondary keyboard layouts it's a common complaint, almost fix released: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/187191305:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1871913 in mutter (Ubuntu Focal) "super key does not work with secondary keyboard layout" [Medium,Fix committed]05:08
pieqWhen I switch to the French keyboard, pressing Super (the Windows key) shows the dash as it should05:08
pieqduflu, thanks for confirmation05:09
dufluNo worries05:09
pieqso weird.... the key is seen, cause I can see the focus changes when I press it05:09
pieqbut it's just that overview doesn't show up05:10
duflupieq, yeah the fix is in mutter. I did not look very closely05:10
pieqduflu, thanks a lot for pointing these out.05:21
pieqAt least I know it's gonna work at some point :D05:21
seb128goood morning desktopers05:37
dufluMorning seb128 05:40
seb128hey duflu, how are you today?05:40
dufluseb128, feeling good. You?05:41
seb128I'm alright :)05:41
seb128the ubuntu dock seems to have a sad time this cycle :-/05:41
dufluseb128, I think it might be related to the fact that 3.36 support wasn't done at all by upstream in time. Marco had to rush it in, and we didn't get long to flesh it out05:42
seb128well, we should now05:43
seb128I guess that's something for Trevinho?05:43
dufluseb128, it's done already(?)05:44
dufluHe's working on the bugs frequently05:44
dufluI'm surprised how many icon grid issues are due to the ubuntu-dock05:44
seb128right, I just saw a few extra issues reported now05:45
seb128e.g bug #187226805:45
ubot5bug 1872268 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "Gnome Shell completely freezes in Ubuntu 20.04 when clicking outside of app icon folders (when ubuntu-dock is loaded)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187226805:45
dufluNot 100% sure that's ubuntu-dock but it seems likely05:45
seb128or bug #187688905:45
ubot5bug 1876889 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "Jiggling Frequent/All/page buttons at low resolutions" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187688905:45
didrocksgood morning06:35
dufluMorning didrocks 06:39
didrockshey duflu 06:40
seb128lut didrocks, how are you?07:19
didrocksça va, et toi seb128 ?07:21
seb128ça va :)07:23
seb128today is an easy launchpad bugs day07:26
didrocksheh :)07:28
didrockstoday is telling to people not to use their own custom kernel without ZFS module shipped and expecting zsys to work07:28
didrocks… nor any other zfs commands07:28
didrockshey Laney 08:01
Laneysup didrocks 08:03
Laneyhaving fun with bug reporters?08:03
duflu     \o08:06
Laney_o< quack08:07
dufluActually I'm in Australia so...08:07
dufluWhee, gnome-shell 3.36.2 for everyone08:16
didrocksLaney: yeah, fortunately, they did run the apport hook which helped diagnosing the issue :)08:17
seb128hey Laney08:57
KGB-0mutter ubuntu/master Daniel van Vugt * [close] merge request !63: Add lp1877075.patch to fix top crash LP: #1877075 * https://deb.li/WKaF09:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 1877075 in mutter (Ubuntu Groovy) "gnome-shell crashed at xcb_io.c:260: poll_for_event: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost'' failed" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187707509:10
Laneyhey seb128!09:15
KGB-0mutter debian/master Daniel van Vugt * [open] merge request !64: Add backend-x11-Reintroduce-XInitThreads.patch * https://deb.li/3EytF09:20
KGB-0mutter Daniel van Vugt 166602 * commented merge request !63 * https://deb.li/5q6709:21
dufluThe KGB knows everything09:24
tjaaltonseb128: marking bugs fix committed before a patch has actually landed proposed is very confusing09:37
tjaaltonthat's what sru-review will do09:38
seb128tjaalton, feel free to set to triaging, having it unconfirmed was even wronger since there is a fix uploaded in the review queue 09:39
seb128tjaalton, I do use fix commit for desktop bugs when a fix has been commited to the vcs usually, makes easier to see what is in the landing pipes09:39
tjaaltonset it 'in progress'09:39
seb128tjaalton, sorry for the confusing, i will keep that in mind for bugs on your components and use in progress next time even if it's uploaded09:45
tjaaltonseb128: thanks, no worries09:46
tsimonq2In case this has mildly annoyed anyone else: https://salsa.debian.org/lintian/lintian/-/merge_requests/31011:53
tsimonq2e.g. gtk+2.0 will have one less warning. I'm sure this applies to many other packages as well.11:53
didrocksand first blog post on ZFS support in ubuntu 20.04 LTS published: https://twitter.com/didrocks/status/1263443082625855490 :)12:15
oerhekshi didrocks, good writing, bookmarked!13:22
didrocksthanks oerheks :)13:26
seb128didrocks, nice one indeed :)13:26
didrocksthx seb128, I hope the other will hold up on the standard :p13:28
didrocksothers* (8 others remaining to publish)13:28
seb128I'm sure they will :)13:28
Laneywhy am I so stupid14:20
Laneyyou can't build-depend on a source package14:20
* seb128 hugs Laney, weekend is coming don't worry :)14:23
Laneythanks seb128 14:23
Laneythink I need it!14:23
Laneygood thing is that TDD made me find the issue14:28
LaneyRan 1 test in 0.531s14:31
hellsworthgood morning desktopers14:42
didrockshey hellsworth 14:43
marcustomlinsonhey hellsworth14:50
hellsworthhey marcustomlinson 14:50
seb128hey Heather, how are you?14:52
hellsworthoh i'm pretty alright :) you seb128 ?14:54
seb128I'm good thanks!14:54
hellsworthi found a new bug introduced in libreoffice 6.4.4 yesterday.. the save icon disappears once the document needs to be saved. i wonder if this is related to the main.xcd changes too14:57
hellsworthmarcustomlinson: maybe you have some advice on how to chase this down?14:57
kenvandinehellsworth: that sounds like an annoying bug14:58
hellsworthor maybe seb128 has some advice with his expert debugging :)14:58
hellsworththere are no helpful journalctl logs when this icon disappears14:59
seb128hellsworth, it would be easy enough to copy the main.xcd from the previous deb over if you want to see if that makes a difference14:59
hellsworththe icon set is the same so it's whatever is causing the icon to change14:59
hellsworthseb128: excellent idea14:59
hellsworththank you :)14:59
seb128hellsworth, I would probably start by doing a strace -f of the libreoffice process14:59
seb128and see if it stats for an icon and fail to get it at this time15:00
kenvandinemaybe the icon name they look for changed15:00
hellsworthok i can try that15:00
hellsworthoh kenvandine good thinking15:00
seb128is the build in a ppa or something?15:00
hellsworth(you folks are a fountain of information :) )15:00
hellsworthseb128: yes it's here https://launchpad.net/~hellsworth/+archive/ubuntu/libreoffice15:00
hellsworthoh man strace -f is intense15:03
seb128yeah, you want to > log or -e open or something to limit the syscalls15:04
seb128hum, that ppa tries to install openjdk-11 and libreoffice-java for me15:05
seb128is that expected?15:05
seb128242M more disk space to use15:06
hellsworthumm hmm interesting. i didn't notice that..15:06
seb128shrug, and now libreoffice segfaults on start :p15:06
seb128well I install with no recommends to avoid the java15:06
seb128maybe that was not smart15:07
hellsworthi installed this on a focal vm that had no previous libreoffice on it15:07
seb128same here, I'm testing on a focal iso in a VM15:07
hellsworthoh no i'm wrong.. looks like i upgraded my 6.4.3 to 6.4.415:08
Trevinhodoko: bug 1793496 is in bionic queue for a while, ping SRU team to get that in :)15:11
ubot5bug 1793496 in mutter (Ubuntu Bionic) "scaling changes when closing/re-opening the lid" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179349615:11
seb128hey Trevinho15:12
seb128hellsworth, that ppa segfaults on start in a VM for me :/15:12
hellsworthhmm interesting.. well let me purge my libreoffice and install it fresh from this ppa and see if i hit that too15:14
seb128what I did is boot a focal amd64 iso in virtualbox, enable the ppa and install libreoffice15:15
seb128could also be livecd specific15:15
hellsworthyeah i think it's livecd specific15:18
hellsworthi just purged libreoffice in my installed focal vm and reinstalled it. it launches just fine from either the desktop icon or command line15:18
Laneycould be an OOM thing or something, that's quite big for unpacking onto an overlay15:23
seb128ah right15:24
seb128still it wants to pull java :p15:24
hellsworthok i got a readable strace of only 3k lines...15:27
hellsworthlet me look at 6.4.3 and see if that installs libreoffice-java by default too15:27
hellsworthyeah it doesn't hmm ok not sure why 6.4.4 is doing that..15:32
hellsworthso libreoffice-java-common is installed in focal by default with 6.4.4-rc2 but it *is not* installed by default in debian testing with the 6.4.4-rc1 in their archive15:48
seb128hellsworth,  https://launchpad.net/~hellsworth/+archive/ubuntu/libreoffice/+files/libreoffice_1%3A6.4.3-0ubuntu1_1%3A6.4.4~rc2-0ubuntu1~ppa1.diff.gz15:49
seb128-Depends: libreoffice-base,15:49
seb128+Depends: libreoffice-base-nogui | libreoffice-base,15:49
seb128and -nogui depens on java15:49
seb128so that's probably it15:50
hellsworthah that's it!15:50
seb128hum, though that's for libreoffice-report-builder-bin-nogui15:50
seb128hellsworth, how do you trigger your icon issue?15:51
seb128I tried in writter and it has an icon here15:51
hellsworthjust start typing and the icon goes away15:52
hellsworthand you don't see it.. so strange15:52
seb128for me it turns from a blue arrow to a red arrow15:52
seb128do you use the default theme? 15:52
hellsworthso when you start typing the save icon arrow should turn from blue to red. what i see is instead of getting the red arrow icon, i have no icon15:52
seb128in writers15:52
hellsworthyep default theme15:52
hellsworthi have the same problem in calc too15:52
hellsworthi guess let me go try on a fresh focal vm...15:53
hellsworththis vm has been around for a while and used quite a bit.. mabye i put it in some funky state along the way15:53
seb128or another user on the same one?15:53
hellsworthoh there's an idea15:54
hellsworthi'll try that first15:54
hellsworthyeah a new user works just fine. i see the red arrow now..15:55
hellsworthok so glad to know this is a non issue!!15:56
hellsworthand i'll just look into the java bit15:56
hellsworthseb128: thanks a million for helping me test this!15:56
tsimonq2Laney: Thoughts on what XS-Debian-Vcs-* could be changed to that's more pretty? Upstream is asking: https://salsa.debian.org/lintian/lintian/-/merge_requests/31016:23
hellsworthlibreoffice-report-builder-bin is in the Depends section of the libreoffice Package in the debian control file so why the hell is libreoffice-report-builder-bin not installed on a debian system with libreoffice16:23
* hellsworth shurgs and goes to find a snack16:24
Laneytsimonq2: Dunno, does that have to be approved by policy or something? Don't know about you but I'd not really have the energy / interest for that16:26
LaneyFeel free to design something if you want, make sure to care about derivatives-of-derivatives though16:28
tsimonq2Laney: Probably. For now I'm hoping the MR can be merged regardless of name choices.16:28
tsimonq2That's a good point.16:29
Laney$DISTRO-Vcs-foo isn't that bad IMO16:29
Laneyit lets you recurse on dpkg-vendor --query Parent16:29
tsimonq2I agree.16:30
seb128hellsworth, k, testing again from an installed system it doesn't bring new/different packages from before, so I guess it was buggy from my part to test from an live session, sorry for the confusion and stressed created16:56
hellsworthno i think it's a valid problem. if i purge libreoffice* and install from this ppa, it deffinitely brings in way more than is installed in a debian system17:02
hellsworththere is definitely a package difference from debian that needs to be solved.. will continue down that path after my 1:1 (hint.. hint.. kenvandine)17:03
kenvandinehellsworth: just a minute17:05
hellsworthseb128: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/trh23PMwcK/ is the list of packages i see installed on a focal system with this 6.4.4 ppa . is that the same for you?17:09
seb128it does seems similar yes17:14
seb128sorry, need to step out for dinner and co but I will read backlog later if I can still be useful for something17:15
Laneysee you tuesday folks!17:22
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
hellsworthno worries seb128 thanks for verifying you see the same packages installed as me17:34
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
hellsworthseb128: if suggests are automatically installed, then libreoffice-java-common is expected because libreoffice-base installs libreoffice-report-builder which installs libreoffice-java-common20:21
seb128hellsworth, no, recommends are but not suggests20:22
seb128unsure if Debian does auto install Recommends nowadays though, could be a difference20:22
hellsworthit was confusing though because on all of bionic, focal, and bullseye.. the seeded libreoffice packages are slightly different that what apt installs (if no libreoffice* pkg exists)20:22
hellsworthoh ok so recommends would do it then20:22

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