
kenwoodfoxThis tape drive is going way faster than i expected00:03
annihilatorwould wsl or vmware be better for hosting games like minecraft and terraria?00:48
Mordoceelstrebor: Sorry, I'll try to hunt around myself. Didn't mean to lead you on a wild HPLIP chase.00:49
Mordoceelstrebor: Found it, it was on 9to5linux. Here's the link: https://9to5linux.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing-driver-adds-support-for-ubuntu-20-04-lts00:58
Mordoceelstrebor: Apparently version 3.20.5 adds support for 20.0400:59
eelstreborMordoc, i already tried installing that and got dependency error for a non-existant package: python-pyqt501:11
Mordoceelstrebor: Ah. I saw something about that too. Hold on...01:18
Mordoceelstrebor: Here's a AskUbuntu question and answer on that: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1233752/hplip-requires-pyqt401:18
Mordoceelstrebor: It seems to be current and might have a fix there for you.01:19
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SpoonI notice in Ubuntu 20.04, I don't know about other versions, many busybox commands don't seem to be provided by busybox. Why?02:01
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k_szeIs anybody experiencing random hangs in a GNOME desktop session where everything just stops (graphics and sound), until you switch the tty using Ctrl-Alt-F3 and switch back?04:34
kvndyRunning Ubuntu on a 2017 Macbook Pro 14,1. It's buggy but fun05:27
SaeidHi, why xrandr doesn't list my HDMI monitor? it just list my laptop monitor, I tried many things, I'm using nvidia driver, this kubuntu is installed just now, it's so fresh, tried to install and change lightdm and sddm(not worked) also tried to reinstall (completely) nvidia driver, doesnt work also05:42
Saeidin xrandr I just have eDP-105:45
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ducasseSpoon: if xrandr doesn't list your monitor, that most likely means it's not exposed by your driver, try another version06:35
ducassefrom the graphics-drivers ppa, for example06:35
PinchiukasWill I have the same result if I do a clean 20.04 install vs dist-upgrade from 19.10?07:06
pragomerhi. a snap program does not run because of some apparmor security. how can I disable apparmor for this snap? (its the markdown editor "remarkable")07:14
ikoniaif apparmor is blocking it - that's probably a good reason07:16
ikoniado you really just want to blindly disable it ?07:16
pragomerI want to check out if the program runs fine without it07:18
pragomerthats my error message with the app:07:18
pragomerHere... : https://i.imgur.com/wfsouof.png    I want to disable apparmor just for this snap07:29
ikoniaI don't think you want to disable apparmor for a snap07:53
ikoniaI think you want to write appropriate policies07:53
eliyahuTBRhello all. i'm trying to figure out if I have room my more RAM in my computer. I'm not a hardware person. I get the following info from dmidecode https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fqjtpFXcmZ/ Can anyone explaio it to me?07:56
ikoniaeliyahuTBR: lookup that motherboard model07:57
eliyahuTBRIkonia how do know what motherboard I have?07:58
ikoniaeliyahuTBR: dmidecode can show you07:58
eliyahuTBRyou happen to know the syntax? I grabbed that from an explanation from the web. I know nothing about dmidecode07:59
ikonianot off the top of my head07:59
eliyahuTBRappreciate it. time for more googling08:00
eliyahuTBRshould have done that 1st08:00
ikoniait's fine, you started in a good place08:01
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eliyahuTBRman, the amount of information at one's fingertips is still staggering to me even after being on the net for 25+ years.08:02
fradif I set nm-applet not to autostart on logging in, does the whole app not start or only the gui? does it run as a daemon?08:03
specternetwork manager runs regardless, if that's what you're asking08:04
fradyup, ok08:04
aeplusis there a way to determine which br43 firmware is loaded onto the wireless network card?08:06
fradcan I stop network manager runnig as a daemon?08:08
ubottusystemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units08:10
akikaeplus: maybe with the systool program08:10
spectercheck that out, what you're going to have to do is disable network manager service08:10
specterfrad: ^08:10
eliyahuTBRthanks @ikonia. i asked my boss for a new RAM card.08:11
ikoniagood for you08:11
akikwhy is it that if i umount a ext3 partition and then start fdisk on that disk where the partition is located, the partition is automatially mounted back?08:12
ikoniashouldn't be08:13
ikoniayou can't actually fsck a mounted partition08:13
ikoniasorry, thought you said fsck08:14
ikoniaakik: what command are you running ?08:14
ikoniasomething like sudo fdisk /dev/sda08:14
akikikonia: sudo umount /dev/sdb3; sudo fdisk /dev/sdb08:15
akikikonia: i have that partition added in /etc/fstab08:15
fradspecter, thank you. Working on it!08:16
ikoniaakik: that shouldn't auto mount it though08:16
ikoniafdisk shouldn't trigger a partition getting mounted08:16
akikikonia: that's what i thought but it happens on 18.04.408:16
ikoniathe only think that would auto mount a partition is if you have it condifure to automount and someone activated that directory (not disk)08:17
ikoniaakik: where is sdb3 mounted out of interest08:17
akikikonia: /install08:17
akiki have trouble figuring out the search terms to find similar reports :)08:19
pragomerI want to disable apparmor for this app: https://i.imgur.com/vYBibOx.png08:23
pragomerbut I cannot find it in this list: https://i.imgur.com/Shl3WbE.png08:23
ikoniaagain, I don't think you do08:29
ikoniaI think you want to write an appropriate policy for it08:30
fradI don't understand the difference between systemd and systemctl. is Systemd the app and systemctl the command line application?08:34
ikoniathat's it08:38
ikoniasystemd is the process systemctl is the way to interact with it08:38
ikoniasounds like you've got it just fine08:38
fradsudo systemctl enable libreoffice --writer && sudo systemctl enable geany && sudo systemctl thunar < will this work?08:50
akikfrad: no you control systemd services with systemctl. you can see them in /usr/lib/systemd/system and /etc/systemd/system08:53
spectereh, not all processes can be run directly as services, some require a systemd service unit to be created first in /etc/systemd/system, then started with systemctl08:59
spectercheck the man pages for the applications to see if they support daemonization09:01
fradlibreoffice has to support daemonization09:02
fradwhat about Settings > Session and startup? Does that also use systemd?09:04
specterxfwm handles starting things automatically, and some of those use systemd to do it, but not all of them...09:05
fradi see, I thought systemd can be used to start and stop absolutely every aplication present on ubuntu...09:06
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specteralso read: man systemd thoroughly to get a deeper understanding09:08
fradgot it09:09
specteralso you'll want to investigate the xfwm4 documents to understand how it interoperates with systemd09:09
olspookishmagushello I have a system already running Windows10 (with UEFI + Secure Boot) and I will reformat it in order to have prepare it for dual boot.10:05
olspookishmagusso what are the steps? do I need to disable secure boot?10:05
olspookishmagusUbuntu will be installed in another disk than Windows10, do I install Win10 first?10:06
GR1M0R4CL3ubuntu can handle secure boot but it works also fine without10:17
GR1M0R4CL3for dual boot you install windows 10 first. leaving enough space for linux. then you install linux10:17
GR1M0R4CL3will put a boot loader with a few ubuntu kernels + entry for windows 1010:17
olspookishmagusGR1M0R4CL3: do you happen to know from which version of Ubuntu and beyond handles secure boot fine? 18.04-4?10:37
ThaurwylthOlspookishmagus, is it known that earlier versions did not handle it fine? Because Wikipedia claims that 12.04 already had it. There's also a claim that it's in Debian 10, so in that sense it probably should be in Ubuntu starting from 19.10 or 20.04. But most likely you know more about this than I do.10:47
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ThaurwylthJust trying to offer some obvious low-level help if that would randomly be useful.10:48
BluesKaj'Morning all10:51
zmagiiStupid question: I have somehow disabled CTRL+L to clear the terminal. Any idea how I may have done that?11:17
zmagiiIn the shortcuts menu for the terminal it has mappings for reset and for reset+clear, but not for just clear.11:18
zmagiiI've been typing "clear" manually to do it today11:18
zmagiiI'm on 18 LTS, so gnome-terminal11:19
olspookishmagusThaurwylth: thanks but what's your source in Wikipedia about this specific topic?12:13
coconutzmagii, i do not use gnome at the moment, but is it not listed under "Gnome-terminal > Edit > Preferences > Shortcuts ?12:37
sarnahey, I just installed ubuntu 20.04 and I can't install AMD GPU drivers - they're only available for 18.04. any ideas when they will be available for 20.04? are there any wrokarounds?13:15
mesaboogiesarna: amdgpu may be loading by the kernel and usually is just fine.13:18
mesaboogiesarna: lsmod | grep amdgpu13:18
sarnamesaboogie: it is, but I'm getting way worse FPS in games than on manjaro or windows13:19
oerhekson what card exactly?13:21
sarnaRX 58013:21
oerheksrx580, i read about that card before, is it supported by amdgpu-pro? amdgpu should be loaded..13:22
sarnait is supported by amdgpu-pro, but amdgpu-pro isn't supported on ubuntu 20.0413:22
sarnaonly 18.04, throws an error on 20.0413:23
MalgorathGot a question if anyone has a link I'd apperciate, but I'm wanting to setup a VM to run ubuntu on my local server to setup a dev env for a software that I'm working on and it has localhost only servers so I need a good rdp client and I'm wondering if doing an xrdp is better or should I go with X over ssh type thing?13:32
ThaurwylthOlspookishmagus, this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface#Secure_boot13:42
olspookishmagusThaurwylth: thanks13:54
xheimlichwhat´s the proper place to put user scripts so they are in the default path?14:02
xheimlich(I use a tiling wm with one of those menu bars that you press cmd-p and can type a program name. and want airtable there since there's no desktop airtable for linux)14:02
Sven_vBxheimlich, how about ~/bin?14:04
xheimlichI mean it works if i put a script on /usr/bin, but is that sane?14:04
Sven_vBxheimlich, depends on what the other users on the system think of it. if they don't care, it's ok.14:04
xheimlichI didn't want to add folders to my path in .bashrc because I want dmenu (I think it's dmenu) to know about it. I was wondering if there's a conventionl place.14:04
xheimlichI think I asked a bad question. Please keep calm and carry on.14:05
Sven_vBdo the dmenu docs say where it looks? from the name, maybe it might even scan /usr/share/applications/.14:06
xheimlichI'm not even sure it's dmenu. I thought there was a quick standard place so it was quicker this way.14:06
xheimlichWasn't a good questiion, apologies.14:06
Sven_vBno problem. just to clarify for onlookers, dmenu seems to only read menu items from stdin.14:07
xheimlichI'm in the middle of a workday ad can't go on a wild goose chase. I'm sorry again for wasting your time.14:08
xheimlichworking from home sucks. Normally I would go to my boss's office whenever and if he wasn't busy we'd talk. Now we have to schedule zoom sessions.14:09
th0rxheimlich, I put my scripts in ~/bin so I can edit without su and then link them in /usr/local/bin so they are in the path14:10
xheimlichLike the method was that he had glass walls and was on the way to the coffee machine. Now I have to ready some stuff for the schedule mini meeting instead of just passing him by when it's done.14:10
xheimlichth0r: this is great!14:11
HeebieHello.  /window 114:11
xheimlichis there a channel where I can keep bitching about working from home? haha14:11
Sven_vBth0r, xheimlich, be aware that whether you can edit them is purely about file permissions, and can apply to almost any path outside your home directory just as well.14:12
HeebieI'm having an issue with sudo.  If a user (not root) specifies another user it works as expected, but adding a specified group to that user causes a password propmt, and it fails after that, because the password isn't accepted.14:12
HeebieAnyone seen this kind of thing before?14:12
Sven_vBxheimlich, maybe #ubuntu-offtopic14:12
xheimlichSven_vB: yeah. But I usually have a sublime text window to my home folder14:12
xheimlichI have to quit IRC, I get chatty.14:13
xheimlichThanks everyone. May life give you the futures of your choice.14:13
Sven_vBHeebie, anything in /var/log/{sys,auth.}log about it?14:13
HeebieSven_vB: Sadly, no. in this case it's only logged into elastic... and elastic drops anything that doesn't come from the application running on the box. :/14:15
FunkyELFHi, just installed 20.04 ... It asked to hook up accounts, so I hooked it up to Google.  It wanted access to GMail, Google Drive, etc.  So... I hooked it up, now, what can I do in GMail?14:15
Sven_vBHeebie, in that case I'd optimize my logging first. poking in the dark is not a good way to debug.14:16
platzI chose to use LVM a few years ago. Is the general consensus on LVM good, bad, or ymmv?14:16
Heebieplatz: ymmv, really.  It can be very useful.14:16
Sven_vBHeebie, also auth log might contain security related important messgaes, so they should be handled in a sensible way.14:16
platzi see, thanks14:16
Sven_vBplatz, I like LVM so far.14:17
platzi've been doing ok with it.  they seem to have removed the lvm gui tools14:17
platzbut that's not too bad14:18
HeebieThere were lvm gui tools?  =D14:18
Sven_vBmaybe they're just in another repo now14:18
platzbut i think gparted can do some of it now14:19
Sven_vBreally? that would be nice14:19
platzit depends what you're trying to do14:20
platzi found when you are moving/changing things around in gparted, it's smart enough to issue lvm commands so as to not break things, but it all happens in the background.  you can't manage lvm directly from there14:21
FunkyELFI set up gnome to use Google for e-mail.  Yet, when I click on a mailto: link in web browser it tries to open up Thunderbird.  What is this Gnome / GMail integration?14:26
Sven_vBFunkyELF, what happens when you run, in a shell, xdg-open mailto:hi@example.net?14:27
FunkyELFSven_vB, Thunderbird wants me to setup a Unix Mailspool account14:28
Sven_vBFunkyELF, when you quit TB and run xdg-email, will it start TB again14:29
leftyfbFunkyELF: sudo apt install gnome-gmail14:29
FunkyELFSven_vB, correct14:29
leftyfbFunkyELF: installing the gnome-gmail package will allow you to set gmail as your default mail "application"14:30
Sven_vBGnome should probably suggest to install gnome-gmail when you configure it for gmail. I'd see if there's a bug already, and file it if not.14:30
threejust purge thunderbird its behind the times. i feel like no one uses mail clients anymore anyway14:31
FunkyELFleftyfb, I'm confused... under Online Accounts, I see Google.  When I click it, it has "Use for Mail" selected.14:31
leftyfbthree: lets try to keep to good suggestions14:31
threepurging thunderbird if you arent going to use it is a good suggestion14:32
leftyfbFunkyELF: trust me, install gnome-gmail , then go to the "default applications" settings and set gmail as your default email client14:32
itsme5nhi anybody there??14:32
lotuspsychjeitsme5n: 1315 users are14:32
leftyfbthree: except nothing you said helps FunkyELF, nor is suggesting "no one uses mail clients anymore anyway" helpful in any way, or accurate14:33
ThaurwylthBecause this is a logged channel you can also check the most recent log and see if there is any talk recorded there.14:33
FunkyELFthanks leftyfb Sven_vB ... I think it's working now.  I was just confused why Gnome needed access to my GMail account to "read, compose, send, delete" my email if all it's going to do is just open a web browser.14:34
itsme5nI am not able to see my wlp2s0 in ifconfig in virtual box14:34
itsme5nhow to get wireless adapter in virtualbox?14:35
leftyfbitsme5n: you need to pass through your wireless adapter to your guest VM. That should be in the Virtualbox documentation. Mind you, when you do that, the host will no longer be able to use that wifi adapter14:35
Sven_vBthree, for your reality check, I know about 20 people who do use mail clients.14:35
threesorry i wasnt suggesting it as a "solution to his problem" it was just a suggestion based on my personal preference (which i believe is a fair position)14:36
leftyfbSven_vB: 2114:36
threebut do they use thunderbird is the real question14:36
leftyfbthree: I do14:36
leftyfbI have 7 accounts on it14:36
threedo you have it like themed or anything i just cant stand its default, well everything14:36
leftyfbthree: no, it works just fine the way it is14:37
itsme5nhow to enable it14:37
itsme5nI did in network enabled bridged and selected my wireless device14:37
threemaybe i should give it another chance now that i actually use my email more often but a couple years ago i used it for a bit and just didnt like it very much and it just doesnt make sense to me as a solution for the majority of people when there are easy to use concise web based email clients everywhere14:38
leftyfbitsme5n: you'll need to seek support/documentation from Oracle/Virtualbox/google. Virtualbox is not a package supported here as it's not part of Ubuntu14:38
leftyfbitsme5n: it's not something you setup in Ubuntu. It's setup in Virtualbox14:39
Sven_vBwhile I do agree that TB is a pain, and have been demonstrated by some of the devs that it's my own fault for having put myself in the role of being one of their victims, I still haven't managed to migrate away. :( however at least 6 of the people I know use mail clients, do use TB and are somewhat ok with it.14:39
itsme5ngive me web link14:39
threewasnt try to be abrasive sorry if i came off that way14:39
threeare you on ubuntu itsme5n?14:39
leftyfbitsme5n: my quick googling tells me you cannot pass through a wireless chipset to your VB guest. Only if it's a usb adapter, then you pass through the usb adapter.14:40
threealso why do you need a wireless updater inside your vm if you are using a network bridge?14:41
threeif you are bridging your host machines wireless card to a vm the vm with see it as a wired connection i believe14:42
Sven_vBmaybe to scan the APs around for geoposition14:42
Sven_vBor even hostap14:42
oerheksthree, +114:42
itsme5nyes that's problem to me14:45
itsme5nI am unable to put my wireless card into monitor mode14:45
threedo you have a eth0 type adapter when you run ip link14:45
leftyfbitsme5n: you cannot pass though a wifi adapter connected via pci to your VirtualBox guest14:45
threewhat goal are you trying to achieve with this? just connecting to the internet or something else?14:46
itsme5nsomething else but y virtual box show wlan0 instead of only eth014:47
threeim having trouble understanding to be honest with you. Does ip link show both wlan0 and eth0 or just one or what. you havent given us any actual facts to go off of to help you14:48
FunkyELFMan this whole thing seems nuts.  I installed gnome-gmail.  I already gave Gnome access to do everything in my Google account, but now when I try to click on a mailto: link Google is now asking that dsteele@gmail.com has access to my Gmail14:49
threeyou havent told us what you're trying to do all you said is your wireless card doesnt work and youre using VB. you havent even told us if youre using ubuntu14:49
leftyfbthree: I don't think English is their first language. I do not think they meant to say wlan0 was showing up in their Vbox guest, because that isn't possible unless it's a usb adapter and they passed it through, which doesn't sound likely14:50
FunkyELF... like, not an official Gnome account, or something, this looks like his personal email.14:50
oerhekswifi in monitor mode, the dapter and driver must be suitable, host problem14:50
itsme5nno I am using arch14:51
itsme5nbut in any distro problem is same14:52
oerheksohhh, no, ubuntu works fine.14:52
oerheksgood luck with your arch!14:52
leftyfbitsme5n: This is an Ubuntu support channel. Please seek support from Arch/Virtualbox14:52
oerheksor windows, if that is the host ...14:52
itsme5nwhat u mean in ubuntu u are able to get wlan in virtualbox??14:52
itsme5nhave u tried it ?14:53
leftyfbitsme5n: This is an Ubuntu support channel. Please seek support from Arch/Virtualbox14:53
oerhekscheck the ubuntu wiki, it should work. on unbunt.14:53
threeto be fair they told him to leave the arch channel cause hes not using stock arch14:53
itsme5ncan u give me web link14:53
itsme5narch group dint have Solutions to my question14:54
oerheksitsme5n, no, sure you can find it.14:54
leftyfbitsme5n: good luck14:54
threeitsme5n im still not even sure i understand what your issue is so its very hard to make a suggestion14:55
leftyfbthree: they're not running Ubuntu. Feel free to take the discussion elsewhere.14:56
threefair enough itsme5n dm me if you want any suggestions i feel bad everyone has shot you down14:57
threeso what's everyone's favorite 20.04 flavor?14:59
lotuspsychje!discuss | three15:00
ubottuthree: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!15:00
threegeez was just trying to fill the void a bit in here15:02
lotuspsychjethree: no need to fill voids here, we try to divide discussions from actual ubuntu support15:02
oerheksthree, no need, to sit back and relax15:03
lotuspsychjethree: its pretty easy: type /join #ubuntu-discuss and you can talk about flavours 24/715:03
threelotuspsychje i was just being a smarta** i understand lol. im just bored at work and havent seen many questions yet. ill quit the smarta**ing though15:04
kietoHi all! I was wondering if anybody knows if Ubuntu 20.04 LTS supports fingerprint login (I'm on a Lenovo L13 laptop, fresh Ubuntu install)15:05
threewhats the desktop environment and display manager you using?15:06
threejust the default gnome?15:06
kietothree: yes15:06
threeim not a gnome user but isnt there a part of the settings for fingerprints built in15:07
oerhekskieto, yes, check out https://launchpad.net/~fingerprint/+archive/ubuntu/fingerprint-gui  for your device, list continues on https://fprint.freedesktop.org/support15:08
oerheksmost devices work, without internal encryption from device to system..15:09
oerheks( work in progress )15:09
threetop of that page says "Fingerprint GUI is no longer maintained and is not compatible with Ubuntu 20.04 and newer"15:09
kietooerheks: it says "Fingerprint GUI is no longer maintained and is not compatible with Ubuntu 20.04 and newer"15:09
kietothree:  yes XD15:09
oerheksit gives a focal package now, and three is right, it is build in.15:10
threeit looks like its in settings under users15:10
oerheksjust showing the list of devices, to shorten your search.15:10
kietooerheks: yes, it seems that my device is not listed15:11
kietoso I guess I'll have to wait, thanks for the help! :)15:11
lotuspsychjekieto: help yourself and the community and file a !bug ?15:13
kietolotuspsychje: well, it's not really a bug, is it? Just not supported atm15:13
lotuspsychjekieto: well if something is not working by default, i would consider it as a bug on ubuntu15:14
kietoI mean, I'm happy to help developers to support this device, but I don't know if a bug is the best way15:15
oerhekskieto, without demand, there will be no team picking it up( who own your device to work with)15:16
oerheksthat is why some printers are not supported too, no demand ( read not enough printers sold )15:17
kietoso where should I file the bug?15:17
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:17
kietooerheks: thx15:17
oerheksfingerprint + that 8 digit device ID15:17
kietooerheks:  that's it? I did it and nothing showed up15:22
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goddardany way to not have snaps show up15:35
goddardand other programs15:35
goddardits annoying15:35
goddardloop0    7:0    0  27.1M  1 loop /snap/snapd/726415:35
leftyfbgoddard: lsblk -e715:37
leftyfbgoddard: man pages are great for this sort of thing15:37
leftyfbgoddard: you could also do something like: lsblk -I 253,25915:41
hggdhgoddard: or even lsblk | grep -v loop15:46
hggdhgoddard: or better, lsblk | grep -v /snap/15:47
ioriaor lsblk -e715:47
leftyfbioria: I already said that :)15:55
iorialeftyfb, yeah (i saw that )15:55
terrexQuestion. Ehy is not an entry for 20.04LTS in the file https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts ? I think its lack prevents my 18.04 LTS do-release-upgrade to 20.04 LTS with prompt=lts in release-upgrades file.15:59
xvifrHi, I'm trying to execute some firewall scripts I had on 18.04 into the new Ubuntu Server 20.04, but ebtables is behaving strange. dpkg -l says that the installed version is 2.0.11, but ebtables -V return 1.8.4. In U18.04 both commands returned 2.0.1016:00
xvifrFixed... iptables packages also installs ebtables binary (with version 1.8.4). The old ebtables is called ebtables-legacy16:05
beztAnyone have an idea _which_ model of Lenovo X1 Carbon Gen 7 is certified pre-install? https://certification.ubuntu.com/hardware/201904-2699316:11
threelenovo support would probably be better suited to answer that16:14
kenwoodfoxIts maybe a little offtopic but is it bad to leave the tape in the tape drive after use? (LTO-3)16:17
ducassekenwoodfox: maybe better to ask in ##hardware16:30
kenwoodfoxSure thing, thank you ducasse16:30
ducassekenwoodfox: but i wouldn't think so, other than accidentally overwriting it16:30
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kenwoodfoxthe host software checks the tape before writing, its the dust that worries me16:31
kenwoodfoxI dont like the idea of the tape just being left there in the drive not moving16:31
kenwoodfoxespecially if i have 5 days between backup jobs16:32
oerhekskenwoodfox, thanks, but please no youtube urls16:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:37
kenwoodfoxSorry :c16:37
rangergordI don't want to seem negative, but I just tried Ubuntu 20.04, as well as CentOS 8. What differences remain between Ubuntu and CentOS, other than package manager and package names, and the fact that ubuntu doesn't auto-hide the left activities by default?16:55
ThinkT510rangergord: the support timeframes, the installer16:58
threeI mean they are developed by different people and are different projects. In general terms the difference is the software that comes preinstalled the most obvious example of that is that the package managers are different16:58
rangergordidk, seems like the actual every day experience is the same now, now that the UI is identical16:59
threewell theres a lot more to each distro than the ui17:00
threebut yes the ui is similar though you could install whatever ui you wanted on either17:00
threeif your asking if they are different in terms of general operating than no they both run the linux kernal (probably the same one but idk) and they probably share a good amount of software between the two so yes they are similar but you could make that argument about any of the linux distros17:02
ThinkT510rangergord: also keep in mind which version of the kernel they use and which patches they apply, but as you say they are more under the hood differences that the average user won't notice but significant from a support perspective17:04
rangergordjust not sure what Canonical's endgame is. If the product is indistinguishable from the main competition to the end-user, what makes Ubuntu Ubuntu? CentOS has long-term support just like Ubuntu does.17:06
threethinkT510 is right i mean take for instance xfce its pretty much the same on any distro but that doesnt stop xfce users from distrohopping. and yeah support plays a major role in selecting the distro thats right for you17:07
rangergordI know this observation applies to all distros17:07
rangergordbut SOMETHING made Ubuntu the leading desktop distro17:07
threemainly ubuntus claim to fame is 1: the different flavors that are easy to install 2: the amount of support the ubuntu community has17:07
rangergordare there any numbers as to what % of Ubuntu users are on classic, and what % on the flavors?17:08
threepretty much any problem you could have on ubuntu can be found online which is part of why its so popular. thats not to say redhat and centos dont have huge communities too ubuntus is just very large and generally helpful17:08
threethats a good question honestly17:09
threei feel like a lot of people use gnome and kde and mate and maybe throw xfce in there17:09
oerheksthere is no way to get those stats.. nor downloads, updates ...17:09
threebut if i had to guess those 3 would probably be the most popular17:09
oerhekseven wikipedia os/browser stats are just an indication17:10
rangergordKubuntu doesnt share download/install stats with Canonical? That seems rude17:10
threereally? isnt it designed by canonical17:10
oerheksno, there aer so many mirrors, open and private..17:10
b1ackandwh1texfce isnt the most beautiful, but is pretty slim, memory economic, i like it.17:11
oerheksand distrowatch is just a bot-infected stats site.. but nice for package details17:11
threedistrowatch is hot garbage17:11
threexfce is fantastic in my opinion17:11
threeyou can make it beautiful17:11
rangergordI'm a KDE fan. Stays familiar enough.17:15
gehnanyone seeing issues with .53 kernel on 19.10 with nvidia proprietary drivers?17:19
gehnI'm getting a `pk-client-error-quark` error17:19
gehnI tried purge and autoremove as suggested here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1175563/nvidia-435-broken-packages17:19
gehn.52 seems to be fine17:20
gehner... is it .51? the other next lower version seems fine, I think17:20
gehnso, how do I either A) fix the current kernel or B) rollback to the previous kernel and prevent upgrades from upgrading the kernel?17:21
ioriagehn, i guess it's a bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/176805017:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1768050 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "package libnvidia-gl-390 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: new libnvidia-gl-390:amd64 package pre-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 2 (NOT FIXED)" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:23
Epx998 After installing bionic, I noticed my resolf.cong points to with the options edns, is that new in bionic?17:26
gehnoutput of `dpkg-divert --list | grep nvidia` is empty, i.e. no matches17:28
gehnioria, also that page doesn't seem to mention the pk-client error I'm seeing17:28
ioriagehn, true, i was looking at the errors in the  page you linked17:30
gehnioria, but the bug tracker is a good idea, I found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-440/+bug/187894617:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1878946 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-440 (Ubuntu) "Cannot install proprietary NVIDIA driver" [Undecided,New]17:30
gehnwhich looks more like what I'm hitting17:30
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gehnI'm on 19.10, that's for Kubuntu 20.04, which I was literally about to try installing just to see if things are fixed, so... good thing I didn't do that yet :)17:31
ioriagehn, maybe you can paste for the channel the full error log you got17:35
gehnonly problem with that is the "Additional Drivers" tab of "Software & Updates" doesn't show a terminal or logs17:37
ioriai see gehn  maybe it's the same here ? : >  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+bug/187858717:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1878587 in synaptic (Ubuntu) "pk-client-error-quarl could not get lock when selecting driver from synaptic" [Low,New]17:39
ioriagehn, and i suggest to debug with the command line, in this cases17:40
gehnso what's the proper command line way to do what "Additional Drivers" does?17:41
ioriagehn,  sudo apt install nvidia-driver-xxx   (almost)17:42
ioriagehn,  you can simulate the install :   'apt -s install nvidia-driver-xxx'17:43
gehnI've read somewhere that apt-get is more reliable than apt17:43
gehnwhich one should I use here?17:43
ioriai don't think that's the point17:44
ioriagehn,  check with 'ubuntu-drivers list'   what versions you have available17:45
ioriagehn,  then run    'apt -s install nvidia-driver-xxx'17:45
BigMeatyMikehello kids17:47
BigMeatyMikewhat is your opinion on the yo mama youtube channel17:47
coconutBigMeatyMike, this is not a channel for chatting about these things17:48
BigMeatyMikeok cool,i will stop now17:48
shinobi_I am following the instructions in the following article, but desktop sharing is inactive and not editable. Why?   https://linuxconfig.org/remote-desktop-sharing-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa17:49
gehnioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9KMSvwqh3s/ and https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RzmfX9KDbw/17:51
gehnI had tried command line install and noticed it was complaining about nvidia-dkms not being installed17:52
gehnso I tried installing just dkms, that's the output of the apt-get install command, and subsequently the log file it references17:52
gehnlooks like some headers aren't being generated by autotools?17:53
gehnor I wonder if maybe they're supposed to be pre-generated but were not included in the generic package?17:53
ioriagehn,  i suggest to purge all *nvidia pkgs, and paste     'apt -s install nvidia-driver-xxx'17:54
gehnwhat command should I use to ensure all nvidia packages are purged?17:54
gehncommand or commands I guess17:54
ioriagehn, you check them with 'dpkg -l | grep nvidia'   ; then   apt purge  nvidia-driver-xxx  ; then apt autoremove --purge17:56
gehnioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Jf6h6ypHMb/17:59
ioriagehn, looks fine18:00
GR1M0R4CL318.04 handles secure boot fine18:04
GR1M0R4CL3i'm running 18.04 on a dell xps 2020 preloaded with ubuntu and it's using secure boot18:04
GR1M0R4CL3but im not using a nvidia card and if you do, intalling secure boot will require some work with the nvidia driver i think18:04
gehnioria, so then what do I do now18:04
gehnthat was a simulation, right? not the actual build18:04
GR1M0R4CL3i am not a simulation ! i am a free man !18:05
ioriagehn, yes,   sudo apt install  nvidia-driver-43518:05
gehnioria, same dkms related error https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FN45d7Smrf/18:08
gehncrash log file is same as I already posted a few minutes ago18:09
ioriagehn,  ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/ | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999918:11
swenssonHey guys, just installed the latest desktop version 20. something, The displays show without problem on a 24" monitor, but when connecting to the tv it shows nothing.... Terminal works and when I logon and the GUI / desktop starts the tv looses signal. Anyone know what could be cuasing this?18:12
kietoPreferred IRC client for ubuntu? I'm using konversation but it doesn't have a dark mode18:13
gehnioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bMQcMxQhBM/18:13
gehnkieto, hexchat or weechat are a couple of other decent linux clients18:14
kietogehn: thx18:14
gehnpart of whether konversation "has a dark mode" should just be up to your theme though18:14
gehnlike are you running a dark theme in KDE?18:14
gehnthat and then you should be able to change e.g. text background color to swap it to dark after installing a KDE dark theme18:15
ioriagehn,  sudo updatedb && locate uvm8_va_block.c18:15
kietogehn: oh, that's true! I come from Arch, I'm not used to these easy configs XD18:15
gehnioria, /usr/src/nvidia-435.21/nvidia-uvm/uvm8_va_block.c and /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/435.21/build/nvidia-uvm/uvm8_va_block.c18:16
ioriagehn,  cat /usr/src/nvidia-435.21/nvidia-uvm/uvm8_va_block.c   | nc termbin.com 999918:16
gehnioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2Bg8DT2Dvz/18:18
gehnthis is a 1080ti fwiw18:19
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ioriagehn,  in that file, at geginning, before  #include "uvm_linux.h"         add this line  : #include <linux/sched/task_stack.h>18:20
=== archuserau4 is now known as archuserau
ioriagehn,   paste again  cat /usr/src/nvidia-435.21/nvidia-uvm/uvm8_va_block.c   | nc termbin.com 999918:21
liddle_peterHowdy! :)18:21
liddle_peterI am struggling with my first USB EFI installation, anybody with GRUB - EFI - wisdom present? :)18:22
gehnioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SjN2R2SSwr/18:25
ioriagehn, yes,   sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-driver-43518:27
gehnioria, /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: nvidia-driver-435 is broken or not fully installed18:27
ioriagehn, sudo apt --fix-broken install18:30
SpoonIs there a way to redirect standard in and out to a unix socket?18:31
gehnioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/grBNHTTZSP/18:32
ioriagehn,   dpkg -l | grep linux-    | nc termbin.com 999918:33
gehnioria, make.log output looks about the same btw https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pm6kmSGjYb/18:34
gehnioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4gm54CzgmT/18:34
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ioriagehn,  your gcc version is default 4:9.2.1-3.1ubuntu1 ?18:39
gehnoh sh*t... I may or may not have used update-alternatives to set my default compiler to clang :P18:41
gehnlet me undo that and try again18:41
gehnok, now I have18:42
gehncc (Ubuntu 9.2.1-9ubuntu2) 9.2.1 2019100818:42
gehnc++ (Ubuntu 9.2.1-9ubuntu2) 9.2.1 2019100818:42
gehnalso brb, rebooting to see if this fixed the issue18:45
gehnioria, ok that appears to be the problem: I had changed default cc and c++ to point to clang instead of gcc using update-alternatives18:47
gehnwhich sucks because if I can't use that, that was like the most convenient way to glue together my conan and cmake builds to use clang without having to mess around with extra config params18:48
gehnioria, anyway, that's for your patience and persistence18:48
gehnI feel like something should change to not rely on cc/c++ given that they can be changed18:49
gehnI mean, something should change in the build or how the package is created, but dunno who's responsibility that is18:49
DelemasDid Ubuntu 20.04 drop i386 support? A freerdp build is depending on cowdancer and that seems to have stopped building as i386. I'm trying to figure out why...18:49
gehnotherwise what's the point of update-alternatives if I can't use it18:50
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
threeyeah 20.04 doesnt stopped 32 bit support anymore18:52
threesorry i had a stroke while typing that18:52
threebut yeah no more i38618:52
gehninteresting, does that break steam?18:53
gehnI thought steam still depended on some i386 libs18:53
threegood question i havent tried. i believe it does rely on some libs which is why the newest version of macos has problems with steam18:53
DelemasThat breaks a huge amount of systems. It's hard to believe they wouldn't realize that...18:54
threehow so delemas?18:55
Delemasthree, they apparently must have back peddled on this again: https://ubuntu.com/blog/statement-on-32-bit-i386-packages-for-ubuntu-19-10-and-20-04-lts18:56
akikDelemas: ubuntu 18.04 has some flavors that have the 32-bit installer isos18:56
threea quick google search shows that libnvidia-gl-440:i386 package apparently contains the 32bit libraries for steam but dont quote me it was just like the third result on google18:56
threeakik yes but 20.04 and forward will not have 32 bit support18:57
ioriagehn,  so that was the problem ? glad you solved it18:58
threedelemas i mean from that post you sent it seems pretty clear that they plan on including support for 32 bit software in the 64 bit version18:58
gehnioria, yeah it appears so, and it makes sense18:59
gehnABI compatibility being what it is and all18:59
gehnstill, I should be able to use update-alternatives without breaking the system IMO18:59
abtm_quick question, I have just loaded xubuntu on my precision 7530 and everything seems to be working fine out of the box except..... my bluetooth headset seems to be locked to A2DP which means the built in mic is not functional19:00
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DelemasThat thread says one thing but I'm finding they are being very selective causing other build failures...19:02
gehnRIP ubuntu19:03
gehnat least probably for the next major release cycle or so19:03
StatelessCatWhere I can found an objective and reliable article comparing Ubuntu and Manjaro according different usage scenarios?19:04
threejust try them both out19:05
threeprobably easier than finding an article19:05
oerheksStatelessCat, go find one on the internet, this is ubuntu technical support, thanks.19:06
StatelessCatoerheks: ok thanks19:06
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
`misthey guys, i'm running ubuntu server 18 lts and i'm having dns resolution issues. so i figured i'd change the dns to another one that is working19:15
`misthowever to do that google tells me i should install resolvconf. Something i can't do when i can't resolve repo ip's19:16
`mistso, bit of a catch 22, any other way of doing this?19:16
oerheksmist what controls the network? netplan?19:21
threeyou can download .deb files from ubuntus website and install them with dpkg19:21
oerheksthat is no solution19:21
threeim just saying its not a catch 22 you can install .debs19:22
`mistok i solved it in a VERY VERY strange way19:22
`mistso the root of the problem is that i run docker with pihole in it and use that as a dns for the host (yeah stupid idea i realise now)19:22
`mistthe problem was that the pihole docker couldn't start because there was some issues with a nvidia runtime19:22
`misti couldn't fix the nvidia runtime because, hey, dns issues19:23
`mistso what i did was add a manual entry of nvidia.github.io to my /etc/hosts file, ran the apt install command to fix my nvidia runtime issue, started pihole and VOILA19:23
`mistit's now working19:23
sarnoldjust drop or into your /etc/resolv.conf until you get it sorted out?19:23
`mistthat file can't be edited in my ubuntu 18, it says i can't write to it for some odd reason (yes i was trying as root)19:24
`mistsomething something linked file. so i tried writing to the origin of the hardlink but no go there either19:24
oerheksdocker issue19:25
nucc1is there a way to choose what kernel will run at next boot for a headless machine that doesn't involve editing grub files?19:44
iorianucc1, grub-reboot ?19:44
nucc1ioria: hey, sounds like it, lemme workout how to use it :)19:46
iorianucc1, e.g. sudo grub-reboot "1>3"19:47
nucc1ioria: , my grub menu list is a bit long. do the numbers start from 0 or 1?19:48
ioriafrom 0, i guess19:48
ioria1 is usually Advanced Options19:49
eelstrebornope. still can't get my printer to work on ubuntu 20.04.19:56
EtherManAnyone that could help me with sysbench in 20.04. It seems some changes to commands have changed because the way all the guides I'm finding doesn't match up with how it works in 20.04. Like --test=oltp is no longer valid and you have to specify --test=oltp_insert instead. But, I can't find how to specify what before was --oltp-tables-count and --oltp-table-size :/19:56
nucc1ioria: the headless machine is my router :)..19:56
nucc1i must have done somethign bad with the grub-reboot cos now i can't get back into ssh :)19:56
nucc1i need to go and search for a VGA cable and hook up a keyboard and monitor.19:56
deadromadded third screen to 18.04. Wacom does not work anymore. not distorted mapping or so, simply does not move at all20:00
deadromany pointers? (haha, pointers)20:01
deadromwait...moves after replug.20:02
eelstrebortried the tarball and after sucessful configure,make,make install i get this: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/qzK5gPdt9C/20:03
deadromeelstrebor: sudo ldconfig comes to mind20:05
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gordonjcpif I've installed a snap package, how do I actually use the thing it's installed?20:09
gordonjcpin this case, net-snmp is a snap package, but it doesn't seem to install anywhere sane20:09
Jordan_Unucc1: grub-reboot will only work if you have set GRUB_DEFAULT=saved in /etc/default/grub (and re-run update-grub after doing so).20:09
Jordan_Unucc1: Without that, grub-reboot will simply have no effect at all.20:10
eelstrebori guess i should roll back to 18.04. i don't want to spending so much time fixing what should be plug-n-play20:12
oerheksgordonjcp, i think you need to find a guide like https://kifarunix.com/install-and-configure-snmp-ubuntu-18-04-and-centos-7/20:16
sarnoldgordonjcp: the quick way to get the new programs on your PATH is to log out and log in again20:18
gordonjcpsarnold: really?20:19
gordonjcpoerheks: I know how to use snmp, I don't know how to use snap20:19
gordonjcpsarnold: seriously, if you install a snap package you have to completely log out, losing all state, and log back in again20:19
sarnoldgordonjcp: yeah; you can of course just run 'login gordonjcp' in a specific shell and then use snap things in that shell, but that gets a bit tiresome20:19
gordonjcpthat's the stupidest thing I've ever herad20:20
oerheksin this case, it is not a gui program20:20
sarnoldgordonjcp: just the first time you install snap20:20
gordonjcpoerheks: I know it's not a GUI program, I'm not sure why that's relevant20:20
sarnoldgordonjcp: once PATH includes /snap/bin/ then you don't need to do the logout/login thing again20:20
gordonjcpsarnold: oh, so only when you install the snap infrastructure, not individual snap packages?20:20
gordonjcpthat's not so bad I guess20:21
sarnoldgordonjcp: yeah .. it's still inconvenient, but not as catastrophically bad :)20:22
OddbxllUbuntu MATE is my favorite20:23
gordonjcpsarnold: I don't think I'd ever have found that, if you hadn't told me20:23
sarnoldgordonjcp: yeah :( it's not particularly friendly..20:23
gordonjcpsarnold: I guess my use case is weird because I almost never log out or reboot20:24
gordonjcpso basically it's like a semiworking version of Haiku's package manager? :-D20:24
sarnoldgordonjcp: awwwww man. I really wanted to try out beos back in the day..20:26
nucc1Jordan_U , i think the grub-reboot worked, but it's hard to pick the correct kernel to boot. It's close and yet so far. anyway, I just removed most of the other kernels and left only the one i wanted to boot so that's good now :)20:27
oerheksnucc1, have fun!20:33
Skaface82hi, since I upgraded to ubuntu server 20.04, nginx is crashing every day with the following message20:34
Skaface82[121895.620074] nginx[119541]: segfault at 10 ip 00007f098a643593 sp 00007ffea5c52570 error 4 in libperl.so.5.30.0[7f098a5db000+166000]20:34
Skaface82where do I start in diagnosing this problem?20:34
gordonjcpsarnold: I have Beos r5 install media, real bought-and-paid-for20:35
gordonjcpsarnold: also real-bought-and-paid-for Windows 3.1 install disks, about two dozen 1.44MB floppies20:35
gordonjcpSkaface82: libperl is generally pretty stable20:35
sarnoldgordonjcp: any os/2? :)20:35
gordonjcpsarnold: mmmmaybe20:36
sarnoldSkaface82: any mariadb or libmysqlclient?20:36
gordonjcpmight still have OS/2 Warp that I snagged when I worked for IBM20:36
sarnoldgordonjcp: I'm also very sad I never tried that out. :( it looked awesome. :(20:36
gordonjcpSkaface82: can you tie the crashes into anything particular that you're doing?20:36
Skaface82gordonjcp: no, it happened at 3am today20:37
gordonjcpSkaface82: segfaults are very much a "shouldn't happen" thing which would either point to very unsanitised input hitting the server, or failing hardware20:37
sublim20hey all.  im running a machine with lubuntu on a really small drive, and am running out of space.  a while ago i installed wine, and enabled 32bit packages with the command, sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386.  how would one go about removing wine, and all the 32 bit packages?  an apt purge of wine, will remove wine, but how does one remove '32 bit' packages installed?20:54
sublim20there seems to be conflicting information on which command to run to remove the 32 bit packages, so any help is appreciated.20:56
sublim20(would ask in #wine, but thats apparently invite only)20:56
oerheksremoving i386 .. sudo apt-get remove `dpkg --get-selections | grep i386 | awk '{print $1}'` ###  i think you better do a fresh install https://askubuntu.com/questions/113301/how-to-remove-all-i386-packages-from-ubuntu-64bit20:57
oerheksor dpkg --remove-architecture i38620:57
Skaface82gordonjcp: thanks for your help, it seems to have happened when certbot updated, ill look into it further from here myself20:58
sublim20oerheks, thanks for the response.21:00
sublim20that url you posted was the exact page opened in firefox.  a fresh install is planned, but just need the space asap.21:01
Jordan_Usublim20: You might even be lucky enough that after removing wine "sudo apt autoremove" will remove all of the 32 bit dependencies that wine brought in.21:02
bluejaypophow are you fixing the problem on some hangs: i915 0000:00:02.0: Resetting rcs0 for hang on rcs0  ? I see i need to add the patch for i915 and then recompile the kernel, right ? are you having already built any kernel? even if is unofficial.21:03
sublim20Jordan_U, hopefully that's the case.  to purge all of wine, it should just be, sudo apt purge wine    ?21:03
akembluejaypop, I built kernel 5.5.9 no patch, and the problem is gone.21:04
bluejaypopakem, i see that, let me try21:05
akemBut there is maybe a better ubuntu way to deal around this problem.21:05
bluejaypopi'm not sure, I haven't heard or see any update for that kernel version.21:06
sublim20this is weird.  which wine, returns a found response, but sudo apt purge wine says, no wine package found.  what the heck?21:17
sarnoldSkaface82: ls -l `which wine`21:18
oerheksmayb it is wine as snap..21:18
sublim20sarnold, ls -l 'which wine' -> ls: cannot access 'which wine': No such file or directory21:22
oerhekssnap list wine21:24
sublim20found it, it was winehq-stable21:27
sarnoldsublim20: note backticks, `` not apostrophes ;;21:27
sarnoldsublim20: note backticks, `` not apostrophes ''21:27
sublim20sarnold, *hangs head in shame*21:28
brutserhi all! if i want to start something at boot in 20.04, do i use rc.local or crontab? sorry for maybe newbie question..21:40
sarnoldbrutser: best is to write your own systemd unit file21:40
sarnoldbrutser: then you can enable it or disable it with systemctl enable or systemctl disable; you could set dependencies; you can check journalctl for output, etc21:41
brutsersarnold: ah ok, would that be hard? i got a ruby script that needs to run even if server reboots21:41
brutserso it's just a ruby call to the script and yes the script has output21:42
sarnoldbrutser: it's a bit annoying to write one, but the benefits are imho worth the trouble21:42
brutserok, can you point me to some tutorial on that? i have zero experience with it21:42
brutseralso do you know it can be done with just a ruby script call?21:43
brutserright now i just have a bash file that starts the ruby script with the config parameter set and then dumps the output to some log file21:45
* eelstrebor is rolling back to 18.04 after a rest21:45
brutseri guess that will work too if called from rc.local or crontab21:45
sarnoldbrutser: yes, it would work from rc.local or crontab, too, but crontab starts programs with a different PATH etc than usual, so if you go that route, be sure to use explicit paths to everything in your script..21:46
brutserit's a one liner, so not so hard to check on that21:46
sarnoldbrutser: there's no fantastic little guide on writing systemd unit files -- this is a good introduction but doesn't have enough examples https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/understanding-systemd-units-and-unit-files21:46
brutseri will save that read, but i guess first i want to see if i can get it started with crontab21:47
sarnoldbrutser: this is a bit old but a nicer, gentler, guide to setting up a service file http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/systemd-for-admins-3.html21:47
brutseri just do a crontab -e ?21:47
brutsersarnold: do i need to put the one-liner in a bash script, or can i put the line into crontab?21:49
sarnoldbrutser: you can probably fit the one liner into the crontab21:49
brutserruby /path/script.rb --config /path/config --db /path/db > /path/log &21:49
brutserthat's basically it21:50
brutserwould i just add that like this?21:50
sarnoldprobably you need it to be /usr/bin/ruby instead of just ruby21:51
brutserand i need to set it in crontab so it runs at boot right?21:52
sarnoldyes, that's a simple @reboot21:52
sarnoldit is a bit annoying that cron makes it an easy one-liner to run something at boot, but systemd is around ten lines for *anything* ..21:52
brutseryes and it's just for this little ruby script, you can understand why i hesitate to try this with systemd now21:53
brutsermaybe i will later on and once you know how that works, i guess it's easy to duplicate21:53
brutserlet me first see if crontab worked21:54
brutsersarnold: yep, running the script21:55
brutserwell at least i got what i wanted21:55
brutsersystemd will be for later <21:55
brutserthanks for helping me !21:55
sarnoldbrutser: excellent, have fun :D21:56
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