
bluesabreUnit193: migrated a couple website things. When I tried migrating https://code.launchpad.net/xubuntu-development-server it turned into a mess, so I deleted the resulting git repo00:38
bluesabrefast-export/import didn't do the job this time :\00:38
Unit193OK, let me take a look real quick.00:40
bluesabreSeems like the static-assets branch of xubuntu-website failed similarly00:45
Unit193bluesabre: I seem to have got it?  What was the issue?00:45
bluesabreFolder structure got out of whack00:45
Unit193bluesabre: https://git.unit193.net/cgit/users/unit193/xubuntu-development-server.git/ ?00:46
bluesabreThat looks right00:46
Unit193Then I'll do the website too for you.00:46
Unit193...makes me actually useful.00:47
bluesabreI'll clone both from there to github so they're correct00:47
bluesabreNah, you're always useful :)00:47
Unit193OK, so you want assets/plugins in branches or?00:47
bluesabreIt probably makes more sense to make them separate projects00:49
bluesabrexubuntu-website-assets, xubuntu-website-plugins00:49
Unit193...Heh, so I should start over. ;D00:50
Unit193bluesabre: Done, I think!00:53
bluesabreUnit193: looks good!00:55
bluesabreI'll let you know once they're all pushed00:55
bluesabreThanks a bunch00:55
Unit193Sure thing, any more I can do while I'm at it?  Happy to help.00:56
Unit193bluesabre: So to explain.  I presume you're on current Ubuntu, thus you're using brz?  That has issues with fastimport and files re-appearing, the only way to fix this is to use the version of bzr-fastimport that I fixed, which is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr-fastimport/0.13.0+bzr361-4ubuntu1 and thus you must use the python 2 version of bzr.00:59
bluesabreYep, that sounds like exactly what it was.01:00
Unit193I already knew this because I had done some testing with brz and fastimport, but for the life of me I can't remember why.01:01
bluesabreMaybe just being proactive because py2 was finally officially EOL?01:02
Unit193I thought I tried to convert a repo.01:03
bluesabreUnit193: and they're now up at https://github.com/Xubuntu-Team01:04
bluesabreThanks again01:04
bluesabreTime to go back to doing some IRL work01:04
Unit193Sure thing, always try to be helpful.  I'll delete them off mine now.01:04
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
bluesabreOh, Unit193, want to convert one more?01:35
bluesabreI think that's the last "main" xubuntu repo01:36
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jphilips_bluesabre: congrats on getting the github url and for the move02:01
jphilips_here's pleia2's github https://github.com/pleia202:02
jphilips_here's mine https://github.com/philipzae02:02
=== jphilips_ is now known as jphilips
bluesabrethanks jphilips, added you to the website team02:05
bluesabreTime for bed for me, night all02:06
jphilipsis the move completed?02:06
bluesabreThere's one more repo to pull into github, then I gotta tweak a bunch of things on Launchpad02:07
bluesabreI should finish tomorrow, I think02:07
jphilipsinvite accepted02:10
jphilipsnot sure if this would be useful, but i saw some github repos that are simply issue trackers or point users to issue trackers hosted elsewhere02:15
Unit193bluesabre: Sure thing!03:18
jphilipsbluesabre: my cellphone blew up with notifications :D10:27
bluesabreMigrating issues to things that are not packages10:27
bluesabreSo probably lots of noise :D10:27
Unit193Got the new repo so I can rm it?10:29
bluesabreUnit193: sure did, thanks!10:29
Unit193!info hub10:31
ubottuhub (source: hub): make git easier with GitHub. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.0~ds1-1 (disco), package size 1580 kB, installed size 5338 kB (Only available for linux-any)10:31
bluesabreThat's pretty cool10:33
Unit193Oh, should I be in docs too or no?10:33
bluesabreLooks like you're not currently in it, somehow, https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-doc/+members#active10:34
bluesabreAnd now you are10:36
Unit193I really need to push that so translations work again.. :/10:36
bluesabrePlease do :)10:36
Unit193I guess there's something I'm not really happy with, but I guess it's better than the current state.10:38
bluesabreUnit193: what is it?10:41
Unit193Not sure, maybe with how the translations all take a percentage hit?10:42
bluesabreThat should be fine, so we're redoing the docs currently anyway10:43
bluesabreThey're all going to be < 50%10:43
Unit193Hopefully this doesn't mean things are changing and it won't break turning it back into XML. :>10:44
* bluesabre believes in Unit19310:44
Unit193OK, I'll look into it later today.10:44
bluesabreThanks a bunch10:44
Unit193!info itstool10:45
ubottuitstool (source: itstool): tool for translating XML documents with PO files. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.5-2 (disco), package size 20 kB, installed size 117 kB10:45
bluesabreochosi: nagging to accept the invite to the github team10:46
Unit193He thinks he ran away to Xfce upstream.10:47
bluesabreAll that's left for the migration now is setting up import branches on Launchpad and updating all the project descriptions to push people to GitHub for the code.10:49
bluesabrePretty cool.10:49
bluesabreTime to do other things, bbl10:49
bluesabrejphilips: I think I'll use your landing page project idea to point people to the slideshow project and translations. All flavor slideshows are translated together: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/+source/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu10:51
Unit193Oh, anything I need to know about transifex?10:54
bluesabreUnit193: I can add you as a collaborator there... what's your username10:55
Unit193Wanna guess?10:55
bluesabreGuess its too short to look you up10:56
bluesabreWanna send me your email address used there instead?10:56
Unit193Dang, well I should be unit193, I think.  But gmail.com?10:56
Unit193Yep, username is 'unit193'10:56
bluesabreSent you an invite10:57
Unit193!info transifex-client10:57
ubottutransifex-client (source: transifex-client): Command line interface for Transifex. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.5-2 (disco), package size 162 kB, installed size 445 kB10:57
Unit193bluesabre_xubuntu, eh?10:57
bluesabreI have another account there... but one account can only have one organization10:58
bluesabreSo I had to ... cheat10:58
Unit193Huh.  Gotcha.10:58
jphilipsbluesabre: noticed that importing doesn't seem to bring everything from launchpad11:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1842182 in Xubuntu Website "Site lacks 18.04 screenshots" [Undecided,Fix released]11:14
jphilipsit brought in 'This has been resolved.' but not the rest11:14
ochosibluesabre: somehow doesnt work on phone, gotta do it tonight12:56
=== jphilips_ is now known as jphilips
bluesabrejphilips: yeah, did those comments after the bug migration16:09
jphilipspleia2, bluesabre: i think this bug by knome can be closed https://github.com/Xubuntu/xubuntu-website/issues/116:17
jphilipsor am i missing something16:17
jphilipsbluesabre: any thoughts why when i'm searching with catfish in the /usr/share/icons/ folder, its being up results from the /mnt/ folder?18:41
bluesabrejphilips: my guess would be that something in there has a questionable symlink21:30
Unit193bluesabre: Do we want to switch to ubot93 for bugsnarfing?  It additionally has support for GitLab installations (xfce) and GitHub.22:27
Unit193Got ubottu's !info default updated to groovy.22:30
geniiUnit193: For +1 and the -devel channels?22:35
Unit193genii: Just for here.22:38
geniiJust curious :)22:42
Unit193See -irc.22:44

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