
lwmarafter I upgraded to xubuntu 20 and tried to install qtorrent all the problems started00:00
lwmarI tried to install synaptic but I can't even do that!00:01
well_laid_lawn'm not at my xubuntu boxx atm maybe someone else can paste the sources file00:04
well_laid_lawnthe ubuntu wiki is way out of date00:05
lwmarAhh ok, it is not me being such a bad user then! big relief, thanks00:05
lwmardoes xubuntu have something like repair mode to install it over the current installation to fix problems?00:06
well_laid_lawnnot as far as I know00:07
lwmarI can't understand what happened to my gui for software & updates00:09
lwmardoes it have a different name under the new 20 version of xubuntu?00:10
well_laid_lawnI haven't looked at 20.04 yet but it should be in the menu00:12
lwmarhere I don't see fossa: https://packages.ubuntu.com/00:16
lwmarwhere to find the packages for fossa?00:17
lwmarohh it is called focal fossa, I am sorry00:17
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
puffSo I upgraded to a new laptop, decided to try stock ubuntu GUI for a bit, just because... not overwhelmed.  Tried installing xubuntu-desktop and https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7tXXyn3Rtv/03:57
TonyThuitaiHow to change system language from English US to English UK in Xubuntu 20.0406:34
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale/06:48
xu-irc94wHi guys, i would like to understand how can i choose to boot from an usb on which i have installed Puppylinux. On my computer I have now Xubuntu and i couldn't understand how to do that. I think it should be easy one but still could not find the right info. Can anyone help?15:06
diogenes_xu-irc94w, when you start the PC hit f9 if HP or f12 if Acer or esc if Asus and other keys for ohher models and pick your usb drive from the list.15:15
xu-irc94wdiogenes_ let me try with f9..it's a compaq presario (HP i guess?)15:19
xu-irc94wit is the right key,  but the process gets blocked and it doesn't show the boot menu to choose from..15:24
diogenes_xu-irc94w, then press f10 go to boot tab and disable secure boot.15:26
diogenes_don't forget to save changes.15:28
xu-irc94wdiogenes_ again blocked: F10...Bios setup options and nothing more15:30
xu-irc94wit freezes15:30
diogenes_xu-irc94w, try it without the usb drive attached, hit f10 and you should see BIOS menu.15:31
xu-irc94wok! thank you by the way ;-)15:31
diogenes_no problem15:32
xu-irc94wdiogenes_ almost there..15:43
xu-irc94wthere is no secure boot option15:43
xu-irc94wand it seems as in the boot options there is no usb enabled option15:44
xu-irc94wwhat i see is15:44
xu-irc94win the boot options:15:44
xu-irc94wpost. hotkey delay (sec) ---- 015:45
xu-irc94wcd-rom boot  -------- (enabled)15:45
xu-irc94wfloppy boot ------------ (enabled)15:45
xu-irc94wInternal network adapter15:45
diogenes_xu-irc94w, maybe a screenshot with phone?15:46
xu-irc94wI just draged and droped the photo here to upload but it didn't work ..how do you upload here?15:54
diogenes_xu-irc94w, upload to imgur.com15:55
diogenes_and share the url.15:55
xu-irc94wdiogenes_ What do u think?16:03
diogenes_xu-irc94w, ok it's an old machine so tell me if you can access BIOS with f10 when the usb drive is attached?16:04
xu-irc94wno i can't16:06
xu-irc94wonly without usb16:06
xu-irc94wmaybe i should create a bootble cd with puppylinux and try to use it that way16:07
diogenes_xu-irc94w, the problem might be with the usb drive, try to zero it out and write the iso again.16:08
xu-irc94wHumm..but it works with my other laptop which is newer than this presario16:09
diogenes_xu-irc94w, it might be bootable in UEFI only then.16:10
diogenes_and this old machine has no UEFI.16:11
xu-irc94wgot it16:11
xu-irc94wi guess is better than to use the cd16:11
xu-irc94wany other ideas?16:12
diogenes_xu-irc94w, there might be a possibility to boot it right from your HDD.16:13
xu-irc94wok, how?16:13
diogenes_boot into xubuntu first.16:14
diogenes_insert the usb.16:15
diogenes_give me the download link to puppy iso that you downloaded.16:16
diogenes_xu-irc94w, bionicpup64-8.0-uefi.iso?16:20
diogenes_it says uefi there so it won't work on your machine.16:21
xu-irc94wThank you!! I will try it out with the cd16:23
diogenes_ok good luck.16:24
xu-irc94whave a nice evening! ;-)16:26
diogenes_thanks the same to you.16:26
abtm_quick question, I have just loaded xubuntu on my precision 7530 and everything seems to be working fine out of the box except..... my bluetooth headset seems to be locked to A2DP which means the built in mic is not functional18:43
abtm_help pls....18:44
coconutno clue abtm, and you might have more success on #ubuntu (more users)18:48
davidw_nick davidw20:42
=== davidw_ is now known as davidw

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