
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
roadmrevery time the "propose an mp here" remote message saves me time, I'll use it to come here and sing the Launchpad team's praises 😄  (or until you tell me to shut up and go away :)13:06
roadmroh also a question: has it ever been possible to log in using username instead of email on Launchpad or SSO? if so, any idea why that was changed to using email only?13:07
cjwatsonI saw a few upset SSO questions about that13:15
cjwatsonIf it ever was in LP I think it was before my time13:16
cjwatsonBut honestly I'm not sure it ever occurred to me to look13:16
roadmrcjwatson: yes, people caring about that minute detail tend to be the upsetty kind :/13:19
roadmr"please don't assume I know my email address" say WHAT13:19
cjwatsonI can sort of understand that from the "generate unique email address for each different thing" crowd13:20
roadmrwell yes but if you're in that crowd I'd expect you to have proper tracking of all the addresses you're spitting out I guess13:20
roadmrcjwatson: I was thinking it might have happened in the SSO split - when Launchpad was in charge of logins, a username was mandatory and could be used to log in. SSO didn't require a username for a long time, so the email was the only consistent login option.13:21
roadmrThese days all new accounts do have a username13:21
cjwatsonIt is possible, but all this was before my time and I've never done the archaeology, I'm afraid13:21
cjwatsonI can't immediately think of a reason why you shouldn't be able to log in by username.  It seems an odd omission.13:22
cjwatson(Assuming you have one)13:22
roadmrcjwatson: maybe we can ask the chief archaeologist in a couple of hours13:22
cjwatsonThe theory that it was something to do with SSO not having usernames for a long time seems a likely one.13:23
tomwardillcjwatson: if I wanted to add the nodejs from u1hackers to LP, is there anything special I'd have to do to test it? (I've run a LP make cycle locally and it seems happy)15:41
cjwatsontomwardill: Check that CSS and JS works in a browser after make; run tests for --layer=YUITestLayer --layer=YUIAppServerLayer15:44
cjwatsontomwardill: And we'd need to not land anything that depends on it until relevant machines (I guess carob, banana, nutmeg, atemoya, labbu) have been upgraded (which you can check in Landscape)15:45
cjwatsonIndeed upgrading would require a ticket to copy it into the relevant IS-owned staging and production PPAs15:46
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/~canonical-is-sa/+archive/ubuntu/launchpad-staging and https://launchpad.net/~canonical-is-sa/+archive/ubuntu/launchpad15:46
tomwardillverbose 3.205 Performing "GET" request to "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/node-sass/-/node-sass-4.14.1.tgz".16:28
tomwardillerror request@2.88.2: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">= 6".16:28
tomwardillboo, okay, so we definitely need the SCA node backport16:29
* cjwatson nods16:32
tomwardillokay, I'll start the upgrade dance on Monday I guess16:50
tomwardillno wait16:50
cjwatsonpappacena: thanks for that MP, dinnertime here now but I'll try to have a quick look at it this evening17:19
* pappacena was about to send the link here :)17:19
pappacenaThanks, cjwatson. Whenever you have time. If you find something while reviewing, I'll probably still be around to make adjustments.17:20
* pappacena going back to OCI project / project stuff for now17:21
SpecialK|CanonI just realised the views are live!17:28
SpecialK|CanonNice work17:28
SpecialK|CanonLet's get that in next week's weekly17:28
pappacena:-) and soon we will have those views for project based oci project project project too! hehe17:31
tomwardillSure you missed a ‘project’ in there.17:38
tomwardillwe can find room for more.17:38
* pappacena 😂17:41
cjwatsonpappacena: looks fine, just one trivial nit19:09
cjwatsonpappacena: (though I was curious why the store.invalidate() stuff in the second test, rather than just testing the object you get back from .inject()?)19:10
pappacenalet me check19:11
pappacenaAh, the idea was to flush, but I guess it doesn't make any difference since it's fetching from the database after saving. I'll remove it.19:22
pappacenaFixed the typo. I'll land that MP19:23
cjwatsonCool, thanks19:51
cjwatsonShould be able to deploy and rerun on Tuesday or so I guess19:51
pappacenaCool. Hope everything will work then. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for the review!19:53
cjwatsonYou too!19:54

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