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pjpHi, doesn't Launchpad -staging (https://login-lp.staging.ubuntu.com) use the same login credentials as bugs.launchpad.net ?10:21
SpecialK|Canonpjp: no, staging uses different credentials to production10:24
SpecialK|CanonActually sorry, multiple stagings, let me check that10:24
cjwatsonSpecialK|Canon: your first answer was right10:25
SpecialK|CanonI was thrown by https://help.launchpad.net/StagingServer10:26
cjwatsonqastaging uses production SSO10:26
SpecialK|CanonBut that's because LP syncs, not Ubuntu SSO10:26
pjpSpecialK|Canon: cjwatson here it says it'll sync over 24 hrs maybe ? -> https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/4945310:27
pjpBut that's quite old too10:28
cjwatsonpjp: It may have been true in 2008 but is certainly not true now10:28
pjpcjwatson: You can't create a new account on staging — instead, create one in Launchpad's production environment and then wait up to 24 hours for your account to be available on staging.10:29
pjpcjwatson: from https://help.launchpad.net/StagingServer10:29
SpecialK|Canonpjp: Yeah the StagingServer docs are sort of accurate modulo the auth changes in recent years, I'm trying to come up with some good text10:29
SpecialK|Canonpjp: your _launchpad account_ will be synced across10:29
cjwatsonstaging SSO is sort of synced a little bit and I can never remember the precise details10:30
SpecialK|Canonpjp: the authentication gubbins used (at some point I will reacquaint myself with openid/oauth specs and use Actual Technical Terms here) aren't10:30
cjwatson(sorry, I have people talking loudly about baking in the background here, it's v distracting)10:31
pjpSpecialK|Canon: So -staging needs another account?10:31
cjwatsonWhat are you actually trying to do?10:31
pjpcjwatson: I'm trying to write a script to update BZ's on bugs.launchpad.net, but instead of testing it there, I thought testing it on -staging should work. But I can't login to -staging instance.10:32
cjwatsonstaging gets very confusing because of the weekly database reset10:32
cjwatsonyou may be better off testing on qastaging, which uses production credentials10:33
pjpcjwatson: ie. -> qastaging.launchpad.net ?10:33
pjpcjwatson: Okay, cool!10:33
pjpcjwatson: SpecialK|Canon Thank you.10:33
cjwatsonthe confusing thing is that you *can* create an account on staging, but it will vanish the next Saturday when we restore from the latest production dump, which is likely to cause havoc with a corresponding staging SSO account.  We sometimes have to sync up OpenID identifiers manually to make things work properly.  It's very unsatisfactory and we need to revisit the arrangements at some point10:37
SpecialK|Canoncjwatson: Ah, yes, now I remember the openid syncing10:37
cjwatson(and there may be errors in the above, I don't totally remember all of it myself and always have to refresh my memory when concrete cases arise)10:38
SpecialK|Canoncjwatson: I'm inclined to modify HLN to the equivalent of "you [can request an account to] use the staging environment"10:39
cjwatsonI suppose.  Perhaps suggest using qastaging if you don't need a particularly up-to-date production dump10:40
cjwatsonI think we ideally ought to sync production to staging SSO periodically but with different 2FA sequences.  But it interacts in complicated ways with the LP->SSO slony sync of things like team membership information10:40
pjpcjwatson: SpecialK|Canon When I run script with Launchpad.login_with('LPTest', 'https://qastaging.launchpad.net/'), first it shows a URL to authorise the app to use LP account, I did that. Now when I run the script it throws - HTTP Error 404: Not Found10:48
cjwatsonCan we have more details?10:51
cjwatsonWhat bit of code or HTTP request or whatever is returning 404?10:51
cjwatsonLaunchpad is a large application and there are plenty of legitimate situations where it returns 404, so it isn't possible for us to give advice without more details.10:52
pjpcjwatson: lp = Launchpad.login_with('LPTest', 'https://qastaging.launchpad.net/')10:53
cjwatsonOh, I see10:54
cjwatsonWrong invocation10:54
cjwatsonlp = Launchpad.login_with('LPTest', 'qastaging')10:54
cjwatson('https://api.qastaging.launchpad.net/' would also work, but easier to use the alias)10:55
pjpcjwatson: I see, trying..10:55
pjpcjwatson: Worked, thank you.11:03
cjwatsongood good11:03
pjpIt was not saving token locally, now it did I guess11:04
xnoxilasc:  hey, about https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/69046511:47
xnoxi don't know if path translation times-out because it is ~xnox who is trying to create the repo and has too many repos, or becuase /ubuntu/ or /+source/linux-signed/11:48
xnoxnote that my account times out often on various pages related to ~xnox11:48
xnoxilasc:  and i don't know how else i can create a repository / fork ubuntu packaging git repo11:49
* xnox is not in ~ubuntu-kernel, so i can't push personal branches there11:49
ilaschey xnox , cool, thanks for the info, I'm looking at it now11:50
pjpHi, what is bug_target -> https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#bug_target, when creating a new bug via lp.bugs.createBug() call ?11:56
cjwatsonxnox's thing probably just needs that repository to be repacked11:59
cjwatsonIt's unlikely to have anything to do with their account12:00
cjwatsonpjp: Some kind of container in Launchpad that can have a bug task created targeting it, e.g. a project or a distribution source package12:00
pjpcjwatson: I tired with target='qemu', target='launchpad' even with URLs like -> https://bugs.qastaging.launchpad.net/qemu, but it throws bad request error12:02
cjwatsonpjp: /qemu rather than qemu12:02
pjpcjwatson: Oh12:02
pjpcjwatson: Aha -> https://api.qastaging.launchpad.net/devel/bugs/174277212:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1742772 in linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "powerpc: flush L1D on return to use" [Medium,Fix released]12:04
pjpcjwatson: It's not loading CSS for me, but at least I see a test bug12:04
cjwatsonWe only just moved qastaging to a different host12:05
cjwatsonSo random bits may be broken12:05
cjwatsonThat said you shouldn't expect CSS on the API host12:05
cjwatsonUse .web_link if you want something that has CSS12:05
pjpcjwatson: It's not showing target 'qemu' too12:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1742772 in linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "powerpc: flush L1D on return to use" [Medium,Fix released]12:06
* pjp clicks12:06
cjwatsonbug objects themselves don't have a target; bug task objects do12:07
cjwatsontarget= to createBug governs the target of the initial bug task12:07
cjwatsonyou can iterate over .bug_Tasks12:07
cjwatsonEr, .bug_tasks12:07
cjwatsonIn [1]: lp.bugs[1742772].bug_tasks[0].target12:08
cjwatsonOut[1]: <project at https://api.qastaging.launchpad.net/devel/qemu>12:08
pjpcjwatson: I see, cool!12:08
ricotzhello, is there an ETA for the disabled amd64/i386 builders to be back online?12:18
cjwatsonOh, I hadn't noticed those were down, let me look12:19
ricotzthanks, the queue is getting a long ;)12:19
cjwatsonSeems to have gone south yesterday for various network reasons, not exactly clear why12:24
* cjwatson enables one to see if it's happy12:24
pjpcjwatson: Okay, to run it against bugs.launchpad.net, I change 'qastaging' -> 'production' and version='1.0' ?12:24
cjwatsonpjp: Leave version alone12:30
cjwatsonpjp: But 'production', yes12:30
cjwatsonIn most cases you want version='devel' unless you know why you don't12:30
pjpcjwatson: Okay12:30
pjpcjwatson: Thank you.12:31
cjwatsonricotz: OK, it's coming back now, thanks12:43
cjwatsonThe unit that deals with their resets had OOMed12:44
ricotzcjwatson, thank you13:52

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