
Bob_how are you?03:18
Munskofine, and you?03:19
Bob_not too bad03:19
chrasohello there, i'm having a dropdown menu at login screen showing Lubuntu, LXQt Desktop & Openbox as choices. Should i continue with Lubuntu or choose LXQt?05:43
chrasocurrently my login session is Lubuntu and i'm unable to add program shortcuts to Quick Launch panel and neither can add bookmarks to the pcmanfm05:45
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
chrasoinfo: i have installed lubuntu 20.04 to "/" partition with formatting and have retained "/home" partition and by having same username as before.05:50
chietai've upgraded from 19.10 to 20.04... creating and using new account but still there are duplicate program/icon running on the system tray08:22
chietaupdate notifier and network icon08:28
chietais it normal?08:29
lynorianI see one of each08:29
chietatwo update notifier08:31
chietawith refresh like button08:31
chietaand x on network disconnection08:31
chietahow to know history upgrading of this desktop... afaik this from 18.04 --> 19.10 --> 20.0408:37
chietaor even from 16.04 lynorian08:37
chietaforgot it08:37
lubot<ShiBonCip> @chieta [<chieta> i've upgraded from 19.10 to 20.04... creating and using new account but …], how about reinstalling from the fresh @202.00412:26
glat-agent2Your GNU/Linux copy is not genuine. Purchase a license for $99 now.16:22
wxl^^^ hah wow is that a new thing?16:43
lubot<kc2bez> wxl the spam?16:43
wxlwell that specific spam16:44
lubot<kc2bez> Yeah, I think it was here a day or two ago as well.16:44
lubot<kc2bez> I nuked it on the Telegram side.16:44
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest19417
Steve45hello I need some help with installing Lubuntu23:40
akemAsk your question then.23:43
Steve45I've using unetbootin to create a bootable installation disk and each gives me an error "Sorry Ubuntu 18.04 has experienced an internal error."   Is there a problem with unetbootin?23:45
akemYou got this message in the installation process?23:46
akemI don't use unetbootin i couldn't tell. :/ Maybe try something else if you can like rufus(Windows) or usb-creator-gtk. But it's strange, maybe you should check your ISO md5sum, to see if it was correctly downloaded.23:48
akemThere is another one usb-creator for kde, but i'm on regular Ubuntu right now, can't remember the name.23:50
Steve45I've tried different iso's i.e. 32bit 16.04, 32bit 18.04, 64bit 18.04, 64bit 20.04 with same result.  I checked the md5sum but couldn't find the expected sum for the ISO.  I don't have Windows23:50
akemIf the checksum is not the same as what's on the website then there is probably something wrong.23:52
akem64b 20.04 should be fine i guess.23:52
akemSteve45, Did you try to just use the Live USB? Does it work?23:53
Steve45That's just it, I couldn't find the official checksum for the iso on the web. but I would think that at least one of the iso would be o.k.  Thus my question about unetbootin23:53
akemI mean like surfing the web with it, writing a note, or doing terminal stuff.23:53
Steve45O.K. where do I get the Live USB?23:54
Steve45Thank you23:54
akemThis is the MD5 for the 20.04 Desktop, should be the first one on the download page.23:55

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