
jamMarkMaglana, I thought the reboot was pretty good. I enjoyed the new Tomb Raider05:19
MarkMaglanajam: yeah i'm liking it a lot. the seamless transition from gameplay to cinematics is pretty cool. very immersive. i'm going to have to purchase the rest of this trilogy lol.05:26
davigar15FYI: In the OSM Community Slack there are people writing me saying that python-operator framework seems much easier that reactive08:15
davigar15qq: Is there any already existing ansible library to use with the op framework?08:16
davigar15similar to the ansible-layer in reactive08:17
Chipacadavigar15: there is not08:24
Chipacadavigar15: good to know about the osm community slack08:24
davigar15Chipaca: Is there a way to install dependencies? Charmhelpers for instance09:37
davigar15Or do I need to add it as a submodule09:37
Chipacadavigar15: there is not, yet, a framework-provided way, no09:38
Chipacafacubatista: #244 ready for review :-)10:11
mup_PR #244: ops library support <Created by niemeyer> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/244>10:11
Chipacagrah, of course pep8 hates it10:13
* Chipaca fixes10:13
facubatistaMuy buenos días a todos!11:32
Chipacafacubatista: o/!11:43
facubatistahola Chipaca11:43
facubatistaChipaca, if you do "FOO=1 ./stuff.py", you don't really need to "export" that envvar for stuff.py to see it, right?11:46
Chipacafacubatista: right11:46
* facubatista brb12:45
* facubatista -> lunch16:24
ChipacaI'm wrapping things up here16:29
Chipacafacubatista: have a great weekend!16:29
* Chipaca EOWs16:29
* facubatista is back16:57
* facubatista eods and eows, and I'm off on Monday, so see you all on Tuesday!19:51

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