
callmepkgood morning02:28
dufluMorning callmepk 02:30
callmepkMorning duflu 02:30
chrasohi guys05:48
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
chrasohey guys! How do I remove my previous profile(or just clear my desktop preferences)? I have installed Lubuntu to "/" partition with formatting and have retained "/home" partition and have created the same username as before.05:51
dufluchraso, you can remove most of your settings with: dconf reset -f /05:58
dufluAlthough some apps use files instead, mostly ~/.config/05:59
chrasoi'm getting problem with the lubuntu interface mostly06:00
dufluI don't know what Lubuntu uses but the above two locations will cover most things06:00
chraso i'm having a dropdown menu at login screen showing Lubuntu, LXQt Desktop & Openbox as choices. Should i continue with Lubuntu or choose LXQt? currently my login session is Lubuntu and i'm unable to add program shortcuts to Quick Launch panel and neither can add bookmarks to the pcmanfm06:00
dufluNot sure. I wonder if there's a separate channel for that?06:01
dufluchraso, try channels #lubuntu or #lxde06:02
dufluThis one is more for Gnome06:03
chrasoi try mostly on lubuntu channel, and it's mostly dead.06:03
dufluWell, most of the developers are sleeping at this time of day.06:03
chrasooh ok06:04
chrasojust ran the dconf reset -f /06:05
chrasowill reboot now and relogin and rejoin here06:05
seb128goood morning desktopers06:07
dufluMorning seb128 06:10
seb128hey duflu, happy friday! how are you?06:10
dufluseb128, going OK, other than most of my weekend seems to have been cancelled or about to be. But we are about to receive a cyclone around Sunday. You?06:11
seb128oh :(06:11
seb128I'm good thanks06:11
dufluIt shouldn't even be a category 1 by the time it gets down here06:12
didrocksgood morning06:55
dufluHi didrocks 07:01
didrockshey duflu 07:03
dufluHandy. gnome-shell-extension-prefs actually tells you the errors why (Ubuntu) extensions don't work with gnome-shell 3.3707:37
seb128the cycle started and they already changed things in a way that breaks extensions? :(07:42
dufluseb128, yes indeed. I was about to say that07:49
dufluFor both ubuntu-dock and desktop-icons07:50
seb128duflu, technically 'doesn't work under 3.37' is invalid as an Ubuntu report since we don't package 3.37 yet08:44
seb128(and usually the new stack is prepared as one locked updates so we don't really a bug for tracking the fact that extensions need to be updated)08:45
dufluseb128, it's not a proper project. I have no choice but to use an Ubuntu bug08:45
dufluThere's nowhere else08:45
dufluUnless I confirm the same is true for upstream dashtodock08:46
seb128k, fair enough, still I think we/Marco/upstream dashtodock know and assume the code needs updating every cycle to catch up with GNOME upstream changes08:47
dufluseb128, yeah I just wanted to notify people early this time instead of waiting till later in the cycle08:48
seb128but I guess it doesn't hurt to have a bug around restating it08:48
seb128though it probably makes sense to do it later rather than soon08:48
seb128if upstream shell changes again, best to do one porting08:49
seb128that do intermediate work that might be deprecated08:49
dufluYou're assuming the API breaks regularly. I don't know how regular it is08:51
seb128I'm not assuming everything08:53
seb128I'm just saying that by doing earlier we risk doing work that is temporary and needs to be redone08:53
dufluseb128, I wouldn't advocate leaving all redesigns to late in the cycle08:54
dufluAs a bonus, being forced to use 3.36 instead of 3.37 has just shown me one of my blocking issues seems to be a recent regression in 3.3708:55
seb128I guess there is value to test 3.37 earlier08:56
seb128but priority atm should still be on 3.36 and to stabilize the LTS08:56
seb128we should get the nvidia, scaling, rotation, dash creating problems for folder, flickers, etc worked out first08:57
dufluI am working on a 3.36 bug. But it needs to be developed against 3.37 like everything else08:59
dufluAlso the Nvidia scaling issues are blocked waiting for Marco to fix a couple of common (non-Nvidia) bugs08:59
dufluAs detailed in Trello08:59
seb128that's still ongoing?09:00
seb128Trevinho, ^ what's the status09:00
dufluYeah, we fixed some bugs, not all09:00
dufluThough at 5pm on a Friday I really don't want to go into it09:01
seb128right, sorry if my comment went the wrong way, I didn't mean that you are doing anything wrong09:02
seb128I just don't want Marco to get distracted/derailled from the things he works on atm09:02
seb128once he's done with the scaling problems and maybe the current dock issues then he's free to look at 3.37 compatibility09:03
seb128Trevinho, duflu, oh, also I don't know if you saw but the gnome-shell 3.36.2 SRU was stopped due to regression being detected in the error tracker, that needs to be sorted out09:06
dufluseb128, it's showing as in updates09:07
seb128one error is not new, it has reports from .1 on the table so just need to Brian's email to see to clear it09:07
seb128it is09:07
seb128but phasing is something implemented in update-manager09:07
seb128it will give the update to n% of the users09:08
seb128that's to get incremental testing and be able to limit damage if there is a regression detected09:08
seb128in that case if you look on the page, it started with giving it to 10% and was set back to 0% now due to the regressions detected09:09
seb128the algorythm is buggy/suboptimal09:09
dufluseb128, one of the errors is what I proposed a fix to Salsa yesterday for09:09
seb128that's the xcb one right?09:09
seb128that's not a regression and shouldn't block the SRU09:09
seb128it's just the code logic is 'if no report with the version just before and then a report from the SRU then it might be a regression"09:10
dufluseb128, but localization of the assertion string makes it look like a new bug09:10
seb128well, https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/d0b522b2800fadad804175817218d4a81fa27ea409:10
seb128it had reports from previous version09:10
dufluAnd I can't make a bug for it due to bugs in errors.ubuntu.com09:10
dufluWhich also has a bug09:10
seb128just not from the previous SRU that wasn't look in updates09:10
seb128anyway, https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/ed05979081de9b66eac4a9eaa25e51fac88e43a3 seems it had no report before09:10
seb128so that needs investigation09:11
dufluYeah looking09:11
seb128wasn't look -> wasn't long09:12
seb128anyway, the upload get emails about those issues so I guess Trevinho should be aware09:12
dufluseb128, the remaining issue is bug 187776009:13
ubot5bug 1877760 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in __strncmp_avx2() from g_str_has_prefix() from _st_theme_node_ensure_background() from st_theme_node_paint_equal" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187776009:13
dufluwhich sounds like it might already be fixed in 3.36.309:13
seb128was it a regression in .2?09:14
seb128if so we probably need another SRU09:14
dufluseb128, don't know but the other one seems to be specific to dash-to-panel09:15
dufluthough the fix is in gnome-shell09:15
seb128duflu, anyway, don't worry about it on a friday evening09:15
seb128that's probably for next week and for Trevinho09:15
dufluseb128, I have been triaging those regularly. I think the fix in 3.36.3 covers both09:17
seb128.3 is due next week, we can probably wait for that09:18
dufluHa. I may yet have to fix that bug in the errors.ubuntu.com website to reduce some of the confusion09:21
dufluMaybe not09:21
seb128tjaalton, thanks for the SRU review, could you review also network-manager/focal as it's trivial (fixing the path to iptables which breaks hotspot on systems without usrmerge) and maybe gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons if you have some extra cycles?09:23
seb128libproxy and gnome-logs also are some trivial patches updates if you really feel like doing SRU reviews :)09:24
seb128but they are not important so don't consider those as nagging material09:24
tjaaltonseb128: sure09:25
tjaaltonseb128: network-manager is already in proposed, should that get moved to updates first?09:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1733321 in network-manager (Ubuntu Focal) "network-manager ADT tests fail with on ppc64el with artful/linux" [Medium,Fix committed]09:28
tjaaltonthough it's friday so that would need to wait for next week09:29
* duflu runs away to the weekend, before anything else goes wrong09:41
seb128tjaalton, it was marked block-proposed since it's only autopkgtest fixes and isn't needed for users09:57
seb128so I think it's fine to accept the new one over the existing SRU09:58
Trevinhoseb128: hey, as per dufu comments, non-nvidia bugs aren't something I've been able to reproduce so far, I remember I saw them in the early ages of the patch (like 3 cycles ago), not sure if I dind't take in account some changes in the latest iterations, but nothing pointed me there.10:49
Trevinhoso, mostly not be able to reproduce or find the culprit so far :(10:50
Trevinhoas per the things blocking g-s in proposed, I've triaged the one we've an upstream fix for, not sure we can handle https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/d0b522b2800fadad804175817218d4a81fa27ea4 instead, nor it seems particularly new11:01
Trevinholooking better though11:02
Trevinhoah, indeed we've it11:02
Trevinhouff it's actually https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1877075 but I can't create an error for that -_-11:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1877075 in mutter (Ubuntu Groovy) "gnome-shell crashed at xcb_io.c:260: poll_for_event: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost'' failed" [High,In progress]11:03
Trevinhoi.e. a bug from e.u.c (it fails for some reason)11:03
seb128Trevinho, hey, right, that's what duflu said earlier, that one should be fixed with  and isn't a regression, the other one does sound like a new issue in  though, at least e.u.c shows only reports from that version (but maybe it existed and it fails to match them or the signature changed?)13:31
Trevinhoseb128: no, it's a regression13:31
seb128Trevinho, in any case duflu suggested that the issues were fixed with  so another week and we do another SRU round I guess?13:31
TrevinhoI've marked upstream fixes for that13:31
Trevinhoyeah, I can prepare it now but not sure if waiting a bit longer for more reports?13:32
seb128Trevinho, we will not get a SRU approved on a friday/long w.e so I think that can wait next week now13:34
ricotzhello desktopers :)13:59
ricotzseb128, hi :), I hope this still on your list - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vala/+bug/187412713:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1874127 in vala (Ubuntu Bionic) "[SRU] Update to vala 0.40.23 in bionic" [Low,New]13:59
seb128ricotz, hey, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=vala 14:04
seb128sorry, I should have updated the bug14:04
ricotzseb128, I see, yeah, I assume some comment in the bug and subscribing ubuntu-release14:05
seb128subscribing is not needed since they work from the upload queue14:05
seb128but I should have commented, sorry about that, done now :-)14:05
ricotzah ok, then dropping ubuntu-sponsors ;)14:05
seb128right, done now14:06
ricotzseb128, thank you14:06
hellsworthricotz: 6.4.4 looks fine to me but the arm builds fail. the first amd64 and armf builds failed because of builder failure (with no log, even though it took 9 & 18 hours to fail)17:16
hellsworthare your arm builds of libreoffice 6.4.4 failing?17:16
ricotzhellsworth, look are prereleases ppa17:17
hellsworthright hmm ok thanks17:19
ricotzhellsworth, good, I will be back later or tomorrow17:20
hellsworthok thanks!17:20
tsimonq2Laney, et. al: https://salsa.debian.org/lintian/lintian/-/commit/aeea7148d5f3ea18f449cbb05bde8d982e6698ff \o/19:09
tsimonq2Debian bug 961294 submitted too.19:37
ubot5Debian bug 961294 in debian-policy "Allow derivatives to define parent project fields" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/96129419:37

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