
Roeyhello.  How do I diagnose why I suddenly lost sound in Firefox, after playing Skyrim on Steam Proton?  I can hear sounds when I use mp and mpv, just not in my existing Firefox instance (youtube, specifically)00:04
sarnoldRoey: try running pavucontrol, that's usually enough to spot the problem00:06
Roeysarnold: so I did; it's set to the Bose soundlink00:06
Roeylet me see if moving it to my headphones/builtinwould work00:07
Roeysarnold: nope, Fx is still not putting out sound00:09
Roeymaybe if I restarted it.00:09
Roeysarnold: hrm, same issue00:12
RoeyI sitll can't hear sound from Youtube on Firefox.00:12
sarnoldRoey: firefox has some way to mute tabs -- does a new window or new tab show the same issue?00:13
Roeythey're not muted, I checked the tabs too00:13
hyskaruRoey, check the pulseaudio volume control center00:17
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Roeyhyskaru: I did, there's nothin gmuted00:18
Roeyand it's all set to the bose soundlink speaker00:18
RoeyI think it's a Firefox thing? but I don' tknow for sure/00:18
hyskaruWhen you play an audio in firefox you can see firefox in the first tab of pulseaudio00:18
Roeysince no sound comes out when I switch Firefox's output from the bose speaker to the built-in speaker/headphones00:19
Roeyhyskaru: yes I do00:19
Skaface82i think if you change inputs, firefox might still try to keep playing on the previous output, ive had similar issues.. restarting firefox fixed it00:19
Skaface82outputs i meant00:19
Roeyhmm for some reason I can't set the volume level of it though00:19
RoeySkaface82: ah, I see.. in my case it didn't00:19
Skaface82can you see the audio output indicator pulsing in the audio mixer?00:21
Skaface82the level indicator00:21
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Roeygood point, one moment.00:24
Roeyok with mpv: yes00:25
Roey(and I can hear audio with mpv)00:25
RoeySkaface82: apparently it was mute.00:26
RoeySkaface82: darnit, I coudln't tell whether this was muted or not!00:26
Roeythe button is not clear.00:26
Roeythough I did see "silence" when I played the Youtube clip, instead of a dancing bar00:27
Skaface82at least you solved the problem :P00:27
Roeysarnold, hyskaru, Skaface82: thank you so much :)00:27
RoeySkaface82: :)00:27
Roeytill the next dumb problem! :)00:27
hyskaruRoey, nice :)00:28
sarnoldRoey: woo! nice :)00:30
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DigitalisAkujin_Anyone on WSL with PHP 7.4+ having issues after dist-upgrade?00:50
[rg]trying to use gcc-go, is the doc package not provided with it?00:56
sarnold[rg]: this? gccgo-doc - Documentation for the GNU Go compiler00:57
sud0xHi everyone, I have an intel nuc device with ubuntu installed. Power went out recently and I came back to it on emergency/maintenance mode. I'm really lost as I'm not sure what to do at this point and for some odd reason GRUB is showing up and showing an OS that is not installed so I can't boot into anything.01:13
sud0xJust stuck on the maintenance mode terminal, would REALLY appreciate any help to fix this guys. I'm out of ideas01:14
leftyfbsud0x: boot to a live usb drive, run fsck on the filesystem(s) on the NUC and them chroot to the filesystem and run grun-install on it01:15
sud0xThe biggest flag I'm seeing is a timeout for device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-xxx\xxxxx.device. Also seeing dependency fails for /boot/efi, local file systems, clean up mess left by 0dns-0up01:15
sud0xok leftyfb on it!01:16
sud0xleftyfb i can't read anything on my screen when i boot into the usb drive. looks like the. graphics driver is messed up or something. Any idea how to easily fix this?01:19
sarnoldsud0x: how did storage on the nuc work? was that nvme? sata? does lspci or lsblk show the storage?01:19
sud0xif not ill. try my best to read thru it01:19
sud0xsarnold sata sir01:19
leftyfbsud0x: CTRL+ALT+F201:19
goddarddo we have a group we can add to our user account to avoid having to run some programs as root if it has a userspace usb driver?01:19
sarnoldgoddard: it depends on the device; some of my usb devices have device nodes with root:dialout owner:group01:21
sarnoldgoddard: you can probably also use udev to add acls for a llogged in user, or group, etc, when a device is discovered (sorry to say I don't know off-hand how to actually do this)01:22
goddardya udev seems the easiest method i know01:22
sud0xleftyfb I don't see the file system when I use the mount cmd01:23
sud0xtrying to find it to use fsck against it01:23
sarnoldsud0x: lsblk?01:24
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sud0xok that showed me sda1 and sda2. sda2 is taking up the most space so I'm going to guess it's that one01:25
sud0xso now just fsck /dev/sda2 right?01:25
leftyfbsud0x: yes01:28
sud0xok done, it shows clean01:28
sud0xwhat do you mean by chroot the file system?01:28
leftyfbsud0x: sudo chroot -y -f /dev/sdaX01:29
leftyfbrun that on all of the partitions01:29
sud0xyes sir01:29
leftyfbsud0x: https://bartsimons.me/ubuntu-linux-chroot-guide/01:30
sud0xthanks! Will read01:31
sud0x-y doesn't seem to be a valid option, investigating01:31
sud0xwait did you want me to do -y -f with fsck or chroot?01:33
sud0xroger that01:33
leftyfbon all of the partitions01:33
sud0xdone. found a dirty bit due to not properly being unmounted and it fixed it01:35
sud0xso after reading thru a bit of the link leftyfb seems like chroot is to change the root directory of a mounted fs. I only have one OS/file system. are we going to be changing something back or making sure its booting up to the proper one?01:38
leftyfbsud0x: no, it's to chroot into the filesystem like you had booted into it. That way you can make changes to it without booting into it01:39
leftyfbsud0x: in this case, we are making sure grub is installed properly01:39
sud0xthat's the thing, there isn't a need for grub. I'm not even sure why it's showing. up since I only have 1 OS01:40
leftyfbsud0x: every OS needs a boot loader of some sort. Linux is typically grub01:40
sud0xoh.  ok,  thought grub was only used for dual booting purposes01:40
sud0xleftyfb should I mount the partition then chroot it?01:44
leftyfbsud0x: please read through the instructions01:50
sud0xok I'm chroot'd into the filesystem. what should I be looking for to know if grub is properly installed leftyfb01:50
leftyfbsud0x: sudo grub-install /dev/sda01:50
goddardsarnold: this is how you reload rules in 20.04 ? sudo udevadm control --reload-rules01:52
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sud0xwait, i used chroot <filesystem> bash. So I have bash on the file system in question. Am I to run that within that environment? just want to be sure leftyfb01:52
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leftyfbsud0x: would you like help?01:54
sud0xyes please01:54
leftyfbsud0x: ok, you were given instructions. Please follow them. Nowhere in those instructions does it mention bash01:54
sud0xI'm sorry, I see you mentioned chroot to the filesystem. I'm guessing that's chroot <mount point of filesystem>. Just want to be sure I'm doing right, don't want to break anything01:56
leftyfbsud0x: you need to carefully read through the link I sent you. It explains in detail not only what to run by why.01:57
leftyfbsud0x: there's also this https://askubuntu.com/questions/831216/how-can-i-reinstall-grub-to-the-efi-partition01:59
leftyfbmake sure to get the efi partition in there according to that one01:59
[rg]thanks sarnold02:02
sud0xleftyfb just finished following the chroot instructions, going on to grub now02:08
leftyfbsud0x: is efi mounted?02:08
sud0xi followed the instructions to a tee02:09
sud0xmounted efi to the boot subfolder02:09
leftyfb /mnt/boot/efi02:09
leftyfbnot just boot02:09
sud0xmount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/server/boot02:10
sud0xdidn't know i had to mount it before hand under /mnt/boot/efi02:10
leftyfb /mnt/server/boot/efi/02:10
sud0xoh disregard, i see you're talking about grub now02:11
leftyfbyou need to mount your efi partition before chrooting02:11
leftyfbthis is all to re-install grub02:12
sud0xgot it02:12
sud0xI did followed those instructions as well, just rebooted the device and I'm still prsented with a Grub screen showing an OS i don't have, booted back into maintenance mode02:14
leftyfbshowing an OS you don't have?02:15
sud0xtaking pictures02:16
sud0xHere are the pics of the device booting up02:18
sud0x1. https://ibb.co/C6hh8rh02:18
sud0x2. https://ibb.co/jyML58z02:18
sud0x3. https://ibb.co/rb6ZJYm02:18
sud0xit shows Kali Linux, I only have Ubuntu installed on this device02:19
leftyfbdid you ever have kali installed?02:20
sud0xHmm, now that I think of it yes but we wiped it and installed ubuntu after02:22
leftyfbsud0x: you obviously didn't wipe it properly02:22
sud0xI thought I did, i selected erase entire disk when i installed ubuntu and I never had grub pop up after 10+ restarts of the nuc02:23
sud0xeverything worked fine till the power went out and now im here02:23
leftyfbsud0x: is there a flash drive with kali left plugged in somewhere?02:23
sud0xno sir02:23
leftyfbsud0x: I think your fastest solution is going to be reinstalling ubuntu02:23
sud0xthat's what I'm leaning towards as well. Going to pull the data we have off the device and reinstall02:24
sud0xany idea what could've happened?02:24
leftyfbI'm not sure02:25
sud0xleftyfb appreciate your help sir02:29
ZorroTfresh u server install on thinkcentre m73 -- install went fine, but on restart, no network (enet). anyone want to walk an idiot through debugging?02:39
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Bashing-omZorroT: What release did you install. Are we looking for netplan ?02:49
Bashing-om!netplan | ZorroT02:50
ubottuZorroT: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/02:50
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rastanso when i boot with my monitor connected to my rtx, i get artifacts and weird stuff, and its basically unusable. when i boot with vega graphics its fine, but then all the options to use proprietary drivers on the rtx are grayed out and trying to install drivers downloaded from nvidia fails. got bios set to hybrid graphics, but i feel like ubuntu is just refusing to acknowledge the nvidia card03:23
rastansince theres no monitor connected to it03:23
rastangreat...sounds good03:31
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fastfreshHow to hide mounted volume in nautilus?04:29
fastfreshlxd mounts it's storage at boot time, and it shows in nautilus as a volume named "default"04:32
n-iCeguys, might be a weird question, but, any good solution to make a usb bootable with Win 10?04:51
GuddduG'day All. how are you today?04:59
GuddduI have a 1 TB HDD on which I will install nothing but Ubuntu04:59
Guddduhow shall i partition it?04:59
GuddduI am thinking 16 GB SWAP04:59
Gudddu50GB /04:59
GuddduAnd 50GB Each for /var /tmp and /home04:59
GuddduIs that ok?04:59
n-iCesorry got dc, is there a way to create a win 10 bootable usb from ubuntu? thakns05:00
aeplus16GB swap?05:02
aepluswhy not use a swap file instead of dedicating a whole partition?05:02
Guddduaeplus, Yes. I have 8 GB RAM. So double of it is fine?05:02
Guddduaeplus, How do i use a swap file? Will it ask me during install?05:02
aeplus... that way you can scale as needed05:02
Guddduaeplus, So only / and /home and a couple of other mount points for my data is fine?05:03
aeplusit will not ask you, you basically create a partition for / and /boot05:03
Guddduaeplus, So where does the swap file reside and Upto what size it grows?05:04
aeplusonce your system is installed, you can create a file within the / partition05:04
Guddduaeplus, This laptop will be used by a not tech savvy person. So i need to leave it to a good working machine.05:04
aeplusthat file can be as big as you want your swap to be05:04
Guddduaeplus, Also how much should be the size of /boot and /?05:05
aeplusyeah, i still recommend not making a dedicated swap partition05:05
aeplusi usually go for aroound 300-500MB for boot, but I can see 1GB for /boot if people don't remove their old kernels05:06
aeplusfor /, I maximize the whole drive05:07
aeplusaside from what's allocated for /boot05:07
Guddduaeplus, I also see a Dropdown optioon rleated to BIOS and another that says EFI. DO i need to use those?05:07
Guddduaeplus, So ext4 fs mounted on /boot is 1024 MB is what i will select05:08
mogad0nso my https://i.imgur.com/ykeQlsb.png shows that my syslog is being huge .. my system is barely a week old .. i did tail syslog and it shows all the stuff thats UFW BLOCK . I actually ran out of disk space yesterday because my log files were 30+GB. Im on Ubuntu 20.0405:08
mogad0ni panic deleted syslog.1 but now i know to empty them instead or something05:09
mogad0ncan someone help me with whats going on05:09
mogad0nso that i can prevent this05:09
aeplusmogad0n, do you really look at the ufw logs?05:09
mogad0nnope i will disable it05:10
mogad0nbut why is it like this by default05:10
mogad0nit seems unintuitive05:10
aeplusthey other solution would be to have logrotate actually rotate it out05:10
mogad0ni will disable the logging but is that all it ufw logged it to death?05:11
mogad0nshould i provide more info05:11
aeplusGudddu, Dell set up my laptop to have about 32GB of swap, I guess because I have 16GB of RAM... I currently use 378MB of swap05:12
mogad0nyep it's still logging like crazy05:12
mogad0ni guess thats the only issue05:12
Guddduaeplus, In the dropdown where it asks for where to install boot loader, should i select the /boot paritition?05:12
aeplusyeah, i'd disable logging for ufw, it doesn't make sense to log when people fail to connect05:13
Guddduaeplus, But they set it up as a separate paritioon or as a swap file?05:13
mogad0nthanks .. i just wanted to confirm05:13
aeplusGudddu, yes. it is a factory installation... my first big laptop purchase, kind of scared to upgrade to 20.04 because i might miss out on that oem experience05:14
Guddduaeplus, OEM experience is overrated though :-) Play with it i would say05:14
aeplusGudddu, i wanted to do full disk encryption, but creating a file container to act as an encrypted partition for /home will have to do for now05:14
aeplusmogad0n, I do recommend disabling logging for ufw, but of course minimizing the exposed ports and continue logging the services on those ports05:16
mogad0nnoted ..05:16
Sasarawhat makes ubuntu a better software distribution than debian ?05:20
aeplussasara, i just installed Debian 10.4 for my Mini 9... Debian still support 32-bit i686?05:23
Sasaragenerally, yes05:23
aeplusi mean, it's better for me, because it supports 32-bit i68605:23
Sasaraas well as a bunch of secret architectures (honestly i prefer rpi, no real reason)05:24
dw1on ubuntu 18.04 i have a static wired IP set up in the Network Manager gui that works fine. i want to add a secondary IP for a local virtualhost, but adding it to the existing profile under the main ip doesn't add the ip to the system. why not?05:35
dw1ok its working.. sudo nmcli con up "Wired" may have helped05:43
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gordonjcpSkaface82: right, depending on what you're doing if certbot has updated the certificates but they haven't been re-read then you may have problems06:15
gordonjcpSkaface82: I find that when I update my certs I need to reload nginx so it rereads them06:15
Skaface82gordonjcp: ah nice to hear this, my (trial) fix is to change my update script so that it shuts down nginx, and then run the standalone certificate update method06:18
Skaface82instead of using nginx for the cert update06:18
tomreynmy cron job just does this: echo "Running dehydrated at `date`" >>/var/log/dehydrated.log 2>&1; /usr/bin/dehydrated --cleanup >>/var/log/dehydrated.log 2>&1; /usr/bin/dehydrated --cron >>/var/log/dehydrated.log 2>&1; /bin/systemctl restart nginx >>/var/log/dehydrated.log 2>&106:23
GuddduJust nsta06:23
tomreynno error handling there, very dumb.06:23
GuddduInstalled Ubuntu 20 on a laptop that had Windows earlier06:23
GuddduThe first hour of using it ha snot been so impressive somehow06:23
GuddduI am copying 80 GB of data from a disk to another06:24
GuddduAnd it has come down to its knees06:24
GuddduChrome does not open06:24
GuddduFirefox does not open06:24
GuddduOpened after like 6 minutes or so06:24
GuddduThe response is lagging06:25
* jackhum anyone else facing this problem of high CPU usage by firefox 76.0.1 with ubuntu 20.04 ?06:27
BobbyJrI was less than impressed with the performance of a clean Ubuntu 20 install in a VM. Ended up switching to Manjaro.06:27
GuddduBobbyJr, how has your experience been with Manjaro?06:29
GuddduAre most programs easily available?06:29
gordonjcpGudddu: surely that's more of an IO issue than anything else06:30
BobbyJrGuduu: Honestly, very impressed so far. Im running Manjaro Gnome here. And yes software is easily available, you have access to the Manjaro repos, as well as the AUR and Snap/Flatpak repos06:30
gordonjcpGudddu: what kind of disks are you using?06:30
Gudddugordonjcp, A simple HDD06:31
GuddduCopying from a External HDD to my Ubuntu disk06:31
gordonjcpGudddu: okay, SSD?  Conventional?06:32
Gudddugordonjcp, Conventional06:32
gordonjcpthat's always going to be slow, and USB is a bit of a pain in the backside06:32
gordonjcpare you using disk encryption?06:32
Gudddugordonjcp, Agree. But wasn't expecting it to be slow to this extent.06:32
Gudddugordonjcp, No disk encryption.06:33
gordonjcpThat does sound a bit odd, shouldn't be that bad06:33
gordonjcpif you have a very slow disk in the machine you're copying onto, it'll get severely IO-bound06:33
acresearchpeople, ubuntu got updated on my system to the new 20.04 os, but now none of my python packages work since they require python 2.7,,, i tried to downoad the old 18.04 but i could not find it,   where can i find it?06:35
Gudddugordonjcp, According to nmon, the disk I am reading from is 70% busy and the Ubuntu Disk is 30% busy06:38
Guddduacresearch, You could also use virtual environment and use the python version of your choice.06:39
gordonjcpacresearch: I hate to be That Guy, but you need to update your packages to 306:39
gordonjcpacresearch: 2.7 is now ten years old, and is no longer maintained06:40
acresearchgordonjcp: i can't   i do not own them,    some packages are very large like CCTBX and badly maintained (still on python 2.7)   but they are only code the perform a very spesific task06:40
gordonjcpacresearch: well, they won't work any more06:41
acresearchgordonjcp: they don't but i cannot update 2 million code libraries    check it   1 moment06:41
acresearchsorry it is this: https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project/06:42
acresearchit is easier to just downgrade so i can get my work done06:42
acresearchi do not like downgrasing because the code that I maintain are all python 306:42
gordonjcpacresearch: you ought to be able to install "python2" and get the last 2.706:42
gordonjcpbut frankly if that's the only thing that'll do the job you're better upgrading the libraries to 306:43
acresearchgordonjcp: i did, but for some reason it crashes06:43
gordonjcpwell, the reason will be in the error message06:43
acresearchgordonjcp: it is really convoluted:    for example    they installation code gives me a c++ error (i guess):    RuntimeError: Call to 'make -j 1 ' failed with exit code 206:44
gordonjcpacresearch: that github project you pointed me at has references to py306:45
gordonjcpacresearch: that's more to do with your build environment than anything else06:45
acresearchgordonjcp: yes, but it calls scripts with python 2     so it works for a bit then crashes06:45
acresearchgordonjcp: oh06:45
gordonjcpacresearch: make isn't even python06:46
acresearchgordonjcp: but it does not give me any indication what is should be06:46
gordonjcpand exit code 2 is a not very helpful error message, that means it failed to read the Makefile correctly, there's some sort of error in the Makefile06:46
acresearchbut make works on my system06:47
gordonjcpwithout a lot more context it's not really possible to debug it further06:47
gordonjcpright, it would do, but you're feeding it a Makefile it can't understand06:47
acresearchgordonjcp: yeh, i have been fighting with getting it installed for 3 days now06:47
gordonjcpoop, 0745, better head into work06:47
acresearchso i think i sould just downgrade and see06:47
gordonjcpno lockdown for us key workers :-D06:47
gordonjcpacresearch: I'd suggest filing a bug on that github project06:48
gordonjcpacresearch: I notice a distinct lack of unit tests, and I think that project could be split up into modules better06:48
acresearchgordonjcp: hmmm06:48
gordonjcpacresearch: but definitely find out what is choking make at that point, maybe you need to pastebin some of the lines leading up to that error06:49
acresearchgordonjcp: ok06:49
gordonjcpand read that python 2 to python 3 doc I just linked to06:49
gordonjcpI'll be about in a couple of hours once I get to work06:49
Gudddugordonjcp, Could it be the way I partitioned my HDD that I am being punished this way?06:49
gordonjcpthose fire stations won't fix themselves :-)06:49
gordonjcpGudddu: unlikely, unless you're doing something egregiously weird06:50
acresearchgordonjcp: fire stations?06:50
GuddduI Gave 200GB to root, 300 GB to home and 250GB each to two other mount points.06:50
gordonjcpacresearch: yup, my day job06:50
gordonjcpacresearch: I look after comms for the fourth biggest fire brigade in the world06:51
acresearchwow, that is amazing06:51
gordonjcp~8000 Cisco phones, hundreds of switches and routers, 400-odd paging transmitters, and all sorts of other nonsense06:51
gordonjcpand a team of about 1206:51
gordonjcpacross the whole of Scotland, even the bits that are parking space sized rocks in the Atlantic06:52
gordonjcpand slowly, slowly, slowly, Ubuntu is leaking into their infrastructure06:52
lotus|NUCstick ontopic guys, or use #ubuntu-discuss06:53
p4r4kovskyguys hew can i get ubuntu 20 permanently map caps lock to home07:13
p4r4kovskythank you07:13
GR1M0R4CL3you want caps lock to act as super ?07:30
GR1M0R4CL3look at answer with 79 votes07:31
GR1M0R4CL3on my windows key i bought and installed a tux sticker and it's nice to use as super key ;)07:31
p4r4kovskyGR1M0R4CL3: i want it as home brother07:53
TR1950Xhi. I need to run a few commands after a reboot. How do I do that on ubuntu 18.04? The commands must execute after all services are started.07:55
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GR1M0R4CL3what is "home" ?08:03
GR1M0R4CL3in preferences and devices -> keyboard08:03
p4r4kovskyit's the button08:04
GR1M0R4CL3you can set a key for home08:04
p4r4kovskyyou have it on your keyboard08:04
GR1M0R4CL3you can to use that to attach capslock to home ?08:04
p4r4kovskywhere is it again?08:04
GR1M0R4CL3upper right, preferences08:04
GR1M0R4CL3then go to devices08:05
p4r4kovskykeyboard shortcuts right?08:05
GR1M0R4CL3and keyboard08:05
GR1M0R4CL3you can click on "home folder" and attach a key to it08:05
p4r4kovskybrother home is a button08:05
p4r4kovskyit's not a function08:05
p4r4kovskylook it up on your keyboard lol08:05
GR1M0R4CL3well my keyboard has no home button08:06
GR1M0R4CL3it's a compact keyboard for programming with letters and function row08:06
p4r4kovskywell if you google i am sure you will find out that it exist08:06
GR1M0R4CL3so you want to remap capslock to that key08:06
p4r4kovskyyes i do it with xmodmap but it resets once in a while and i have reactivate it it is very boring08:07
p4r4kovskyi want to map this motherfucker permanently08:07
GR1M0R4CL3this post explains how to find the key codes08:07
p4r4kovskyyeah i read all of this brother08:08
GR1M0R4CL3and how to remap one08:08
GR1M0R4CL3does this work ?08:08
p4r4kovskyit's not gonna solve it08:08
p4r4kovskywell it is a few hours of work and at the end it might not work08:08
p4r4kovskyi am looking for more elegant and simple solution08:08
p4r4kovskyubuntu user friendly08:08
p4r4kovskyone of the solutions is maybe it is not at all that bad to just re-activate the function once in a while08:09
p4r4kovskymaybe this help keeps me alert08:09
p4r4kovskybut for example i have arch linux laptop on which it was permanently modified and it never lags08:09
p4r4kovskythere seems to be a Gnome issue why this happens08:09
p4r4kovskybrother what is there?08:09
p4r4kovskyyeah this approach don't work forget it08:10
dan01I have a question about Ubuntu software repositories08:36
dan01Let's take a package in the standard repository, lets say Eclise IDE08:37
dan01Eclipse is developed by the Eclipse Foundation, I think their what you'd call upstream, am I correct?08:37
dan01Who is responsible for packaging Eclipse for Ubuntu into a binary dpkg or snap? Is it Eclipse Foundation aka the developer aka upstream or Ubuntu team?08:38
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GR1M0R4CL3for this package : Ubuntu MOTU Developers (Mail Archive)08:46
dan01GR1M0R4CL3: thanks08:55
acresearchpeople, where can i find old ubuntu distros? like 18.04?09:15
acresearchRatel: thanks09:18
marzHow do I restart networking in Ubvuntu 18 now it's using netplan?09:27
malplenegenmarz: systemctl restart networking09:36
malplenegenalso, systemctl restart NetworkManager09:38
marzI tried, did not work. I have to execute netplan apply09:39
marzBtw, is it possible to trace of figure out what's causing a virtual machine running in Ubuntu 18 to shut down automatically?09:39
swenssonCan't get the latest version to work, as soon as everything is loaded and the UI should load, the tv looses signal of the computer.... This is a laptop so it shouldn't be any graphic driver needed?09:51
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kietoHi! Is it possible to install R 3.x in focal fossa? I see sources for bionic/xenial/trusty/etc in                        â”‚[kieto(Zi)] Hi! I'm trying to install R 3.X in ubuntu 20.04 focal fossa, but I don't see a source for it on https://cran.r-project.org/bin/lin, but not for fossa11:10
irreleph4ntHi. I found that Ubuntu 20.04 offers an outdated (~ 2 yrs) version of dracut. How do I get that updated? The version used is 048, most recent release of dracut is 050.11:11
zhanxirreleph4nt, check for the ppa?11:12
irreleph4ntzhanx, I am new on Ubuntu, so would you mind to elaborate, please?11:13
irreleph4ntzhanx, I assume you mean this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=dracut11:15
ThinkT510!latest | irreleph4nt11:16
ubottuirreleph4nt: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.11:16
zhanxirreleph4nt, with you being new. Its a little harder to explain etc11:17
irreleph4ntThinkT510, I get that. But how many Ubuntu releases have happened since beginning of 2018 (release of dracut version Ubuntu currently offers). 2, 3? Time for an update, really, even if not immediately11:17
zhanxbut remove with apt dracut11:18
zhanxsudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonan.h/dracut <- do that11:18
zhanxand install with apt dracut11:18
irreleph4ntzhanx, ah, nice. Thank you! :)11:18
zhanxreminder you are new11:18
zhanxyou break it you learn to fix it :P11:18
zhanxalso look up removing ppa incase all the packages are not supported yet11:19
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duncan-nzin 20.04 I've lost support for my Thinkpad USB 3.0 UltraDock. What package should i report this against?11:25
irreleph4ntzhanx, I'll keep that in mind, thank you. :)11:26
irreleph4ntUnrelated question: does ubuntu support dbus-broker as a replacement for dbus-daemon? Google yields results only for Debian11:26
zhanxhttps://www.thingiverse.com/thing:607533 <- making that next for geardo cool for a buddy. he is gonna hate me11:27
duncan-nzthere used to be a hardware diagnostic GUI tool in Ubuntu. Is there anything like that now?11:27
BluesKaj'Morning all11:30
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StatelessCatHey boys, hey girls... :)11:53
evgaAnyone else getting alot of apparmor DENIED log messages with ubuntu 20.04 while using the App store or printing ?12:12
tarzeaui'm not using the app store, nor apparmor :)12:14
evgashould I disabled it ?12:14
akemIf it doesn't prevent you from using the store or printing then don't touch it.12:15
evgawell I had to put cupsd into complaint mode cause I was getting crash everytime i tried to print12:15
evganow something similar is happening with the app store12:15
evgasomething is wrong with it12:15
evgai have no idea how this thing should work, but i think it's doing stupid checks on things i should be allowed to do12:16
akemYeah in that case it's different ofc.12:16
evgai keep getting stuff like this.... audit: type=1400 audit(1590149239.213:9781): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.snap-store.ubuntu-software" name="/var/lib/snapd/hostfs/usr/share/mime/generic-icons" pid=18158 comm="snap-store" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=012:17
evgalike.... since when opening icons is a dangerous operation ?? lol12:17
evgaevery year since the last 10 years or so.. i keep giving linux a try.. hoping things would just work... and every fukin time it's always the same story :|12:20
evgawhy something so basic like printing has to crash multiple times and force me to disable this misterious apparmor thing ?? then wonder why normal ppl dont use linux12:21
akemI got everything working out of the box with LUbuntu on my other machine. But got things to fix/configure on regular Ubuntu, but once done it's working very well.12:22
akemYeah that's bad indeed.12:22
Priceyevga: Are you complaining that something is broken, or that logs are saying things you don't understand?12:24
Priceyevga: What's broken?12:24
PriceyMaybe we can help :)12:24
evgaprinting was broken until i disabled apparmor for cupsd with aa-complain command12:24
evganow i see these strange errors when i use the ubuntu store12:25
PriceyBut the ubuntu store isn't broken?12:25
evgaseems to work but why are there log messages about DENIED requests if things are working ? can you explain ?12:26
PriceyWhen I go to the supermarket I often check the doors of cars that I pass in the parking lot. They're normally locked, which is normal. No problem.12:27
PriceyI don't actually need that sock I can see on the back seat.12:27
Priceyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPrintingProblems#AppArmor_Protection_of_the_printing_system likely hasn't been updated in a while but is a bit sad around 3rd party drivers. Would likely be useful to see the audit log for what was denied so new rules could be proposed.12:28
evgaok forget about printing for a second, what about the snap store ?12:29
evgais it normal it produces alot of DENIED log messages while i use it ?12:29
evgacause if you say it's normal then i'll stop looking at those messages, but since I already had problems with apparmor i'm a little worried :D12:30
fribI am unable to install wine because I have held broken packages? What should I do ?12:31
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brutserwith security in mind is this the most accurate way to setup webdav on ubuntu and access to it? >> https://www.hiroom2.com/2018/05/05/ubuntu-1804-webdav-en/12:45
sysRPLhello, i have 2 ubuntu computers that for some reason cannot resolve any of my domain names12:46
brutseri want to create a webdav share on my vps (ubuntu server 20.04) that i can use in my ubuntu clients - but i want to be sure it's secure as it will host some files that need the security12:46
sysRPLcan anyone here get to https://www.codebot.org and or https://www.getlazarus.org or do your dns resolves fail?12:46
sysRPLthis pc and my mac, both on the sam lan, can resolve the domain names12:47
sysRPLthis pc is linux as well12:47
sysRPLthe other two ubuntu machines are 1 wired and 1 wireless12:47
sysRPLthe other two ubuntu machines can resolve other domain names ... just not mine12:48
WoetsysRPL: https://www.whatsmydns.net/12:48
mbeierlsysRPL, www.getlazarus.org’s server IP address could not be found, same for codebot12:49
sysRPLWoet: that worked for my domains12:49
slingamni'm trying to figure out the relationship between rsyslog and systemd-journald on ubuntu 20.04 --- can i just remove rsyslog?12:49
sysRPLi wonder is this is a duckdns problem12:49
sysRPLthey've been flakey for a few months now12:50
mbeierlwhoops - that looked like a temporary problem on my network: www.getlazarus.org is an alias for codebot-org.duckdns.org. codebot-org.duckdns.org has address
mbeierlsysRPL, so it does resolve for me12:50
sysRPLthat's the wrong ip address though12:50
sysRPL97.101.206.19 wait that is okay12:51
makaraI used cryptsetup open to open a disk. That resulted in /dev/mapper/ubuntu--mate--vg-root and also /dev/ubuntu-mate-vg/root. What's the difference?12:51
sysRPLalright so what might be the problem with my 2 ubuntu laptops?12:51
eeosHi everybody! I have 18.04 64 bit .... If I try to run do-release-upgrade12:53
eeosI get the message There is no development version of an LTS available.12:53
eeosHow is that possible? What about 20.04?12:53
zhanxsysRPL, more like the issue is you can't think for yourself by that site. SAD12:55
zhanxi hear bleach will fix that for you12:55
sysRPLoh ty12:56
sysRPLyou so smart12:56
sysRPLyou like mobile designs12:56
DJones!ltsupgrade | eeos12:56
ubottueeos: Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d12:56
zhanxi could fix that for you but you are not so smart linking the super "smart" takes on your sites12:56
sysRPLyeah ignored12:57
zhanxof course, echo chamber it up while wanting help12:57
* sysRPL ignores zhanx 12:57
Ubiquity4321Good morning12:59
Ubiquity4321I am attempting to dual-boot Ubuntu Studio 20.04 and Windows 10. I have installed both OS's, and upon booting I am not greeted with GRUB213:00
Ubiquity4321I attempted to use the ubuntu boot repair and I have a pastebin log13:00
Ubiquity4321cuttently, I only boot to ubuntu. Secure boot and CSM are off in BIOS13:01
threeare you saying it boots straight to windows?13:05
threeoh sorry mis read your last message13:05
threeis the windows boot manager a boot option in the bios?13:05
Ubiquity4321It currently boots straight into ubuntu without a grub menu13:06
Ubiquity4321Windows boot manager is an option, but when selected the PC reboots and boots into ubuntu13:06
threeare they installed as uefi or bios?13:07
threeand how did you install grub. did grub use to show up or did it never show up?13:08
Ubiquity4321UEFI, and grub has never shown13:08
Ubiquity4321I have also attempted to reinstall grub2 with no success13:08
threedo you have os-prober and efibootmgr installed?13:10
threeefibootmgr is the big one there13:10
threeos-prober is for detecting other os installations13:10
Ubiquity4321how do I check?13:11
brutserguys, anyone here: is this the best way to setup webdav on ubuntu server 20.04: https://linuxconfig.org/webdav-server-setup-on-ubuntu-linux (or is that already outdated?)13:11
threesudo apt-get install efibootmgr if its not installed this will install it13:11
Ubiquity4321already installed13:12
threeand sudo apt-get install os-prober13:12
Ubiquity4321sorry, both are already installed13:12
threeoh wait did you make the grub configuration file?13:13
threecheck /boot/grub and see if grub.cfg exists13:13
Ubiquity4321It is there13:14
Ubiquity4321I have also previously run update-grub13:14
threestill try running sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg13:15
Ubiquity4321I receive the output "adding boot menu entry for UEFI Firmware settings", in addition to finding linux and windows images. I receive this same output when running update-grub13:17
threeafter you make the config make sure you run sudo update-grub13:17
Ubiquity4321This is done13:17
threedo sudo nano /etc/default/grub and find the line thats says GRUB_TIMEOUT=X it should be set to a number if its 0 that means grub wont show on boot13:18
eeosThank you very much DJones!!!!13:18
Ubiquity4321ahh well, it IS 013:19
threeyeah try setting it to something else and updating grub then reboot13:19
Ubiquity4321i have changed it to 1013:19
Ubiquity4321I will reboot13:19
Ubiquity4321i have rebooted and did not receive the grub screen13:20
Ubiquity4321it booted straight to ubuntu studio13:20
threedamn thats strange let me look into it some more13:20
Ubiquity4321let me get you a new pastebin log13:20
mbeierlUbiquity4321, silly question - you did update grub, yes? :)13:21
mbeierlsudo update-grub13:21
mbeierlok, just checking - ignore me, thanks13:21
threeah theres some more settings in /etc/default/grub13:21
Ubiquity4321I appreciate your assistance mbeierl13:21
threeis GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET set to true?13:22
Ubiquity4321one moment13:22
threeit should be set to false and GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT should be set to any non 0 number13:22
tomtiger11Ubiquity4321: also remember to update-grub after changing the config13:24
threeyes what tom said13:24
Ubiquity4321I will paste the output of my /etc/default/grub in a moment when it loads13:26
Ubiquity4321those two options are not listed currently13:26
threeyeah if you can just paste it here13:26
Ubiquity4321I could add them, but i'm not sure what else is missing that *should* be there13:26
Ubiquity4321this is odd for a fresh install. Normally I don't encounter any problems :)13:27
threeI imagine ubuntu has grub set to be hidden by default13:27
threeI havent used it much recently so idk13:28
Ubiquity4321sorry for taking so long, i forgot how to pastebin something13:28
shinobi_is ufw enabled by default in 20.04?13:29
mbeierlGRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden looks suspiciously like a culprit13:29
threeit is13:29
threeit should be not there or set to menu13:30
Ubiquity4321i have set it to "menu"13:30
threealso the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" set it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""13:30
Ubiquity4321i have set it to "", and set the timeout style to "menu"13:31
threeactually you probably dont have to do that last one but definatly change the timeout style13:31
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Ubiquity4321i changed those values, ran update-grub, and rebooted. It boots straight back to ubuntu with no grub13:33
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mbeierlreally odd.  It's almost like you're modifying the wrong grub.  Is there more than one grub?  Like on a different partition?13:33
Ubiquity4321this is a brand new hard drive and the first fresh install of windows/ubuntu13:34
Ubiquity4321how would I find it mbeierl ?13:34
threefor future notice its much easier to install windows first and then select install along windows during the ubuntu install13:35
Ubiquity4321that is what I did13:35
mbeierlUbiquity4321, try mount | grep boot13:35
mbeierlI have two of them13:35
shinobi_Can somebody confirm if Desktop Sharing is working in 20.04?13:37
threeis there a folder /boot/efi/grub?13:37
mbeierlUbiquity4321, and is the grub you are updating under /boot/efi/grub?13:37
Ubiquity4321I am updating the grub you guys are telling me to update13:38
threehes not modifying the grub.cfg hes modifying /etc/default/grub13:38
threebut still does the dir /boot/efi/grub exist13:38
mbeierlthree, fair, I'm wondering if the wrong one is being 'published'13:38
mbeierlI mean the wrong target is being written to.  I didn't mean to say 'update' directly as in vi the /boot files13:39
threeyeah thats possible i wonder if update-grub defaults to /boot/grub but i feel like it shouldnt13:39
Ubiquity4321it exists. "boot-repair", "EFI", and 'System Volume Information' are listed there13:39
threedoes /boot/etc/grub/grub.cfg exist?13:40
threeif not then run grub-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/grub/grub.cfg13:40
threei meant /boot/efi/grub/grub.cfg13:41
mbeierlWhat are the dates on the two grub.cfg files: ls -al /boot/grub/grub.cfg13:41
mbeierland /boot/efi/grub/grub.cfg13:41
Ubiquity4321"directory '/boot/efi/grub' does not exist"13:41
Ubiquity4321ahh, well, there's an issue13:42
threelooks like you installed grub in the wrong place then13:42
threemaybe your uefi bios isnt even loading grub13:42
threeit might just be starting the kernal13:42
Ubiquity4321it installed in the default place13:42
Ubiquity4321from the ubuntu studio installer13:42
mbeierlI had no end of headaches with Windows after Ubuntu to deal with this.  EUFI/EFI causes me no end of confusion.13:43
Ubiquity4321mbeierl, do you still need the dates on the files?13:43
threeyeah uefi makes grub config more difficult13:43
mbeierlUbiquity4321, not if the second one does not exist :)13:43
Ubiquity4321i was gonna say13:43
threegrub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=GRUB13:44
threetry reinstalling with that13:44
threeshould obviously be ran as root13:44
Ubiquity4321successful, and I ran update-grub13:45
threeand make sure you run sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/grub/grub.cfg13:45
threeafter the install13:45
threeyou should try rebooting after13:46
Ubiquity4321cannot create /boot/efi/grub/grub.cfg directly nonexistant13:46
threeoh it might be sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/GRUB/grub.cfg13:47
Ubiquity4321same thing13:48
threeif that one doesnt exist then it didnt install right13:48
threewhats the result of ls /bot/efi13:48
Ubiquity4321no such file or directory13:48
threeboot not bot13:48
threetheres no /boot/efi?13:49
Ubiquity4321nvm, yes things live there i knew what you meant and STILL mistyped it13:49
mbeierlls -al /boot/efi | pastebinit13:49
Ubiquity4321ohhhhhhhh i see13:50
threedid you run the grub install command?13:50
Ubiquity4321it's under /boot/efi/EFI/GRUB13:50
mbeierlthat looks like Windows boot only13:50
mbeierlso many EFIs!13:51
threeit shouldnt be13:51
threethis is why i always mount at /boot not /boot/efi13:51
Ubiquity4321like I said, I just did the automatic installation. This is default13:51
Ubiquity4321so it may be a bug?13:52
threewell then try running  sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/GRUB/grub.cfg13:52
threejust to see if it works13:52
mbeierlI'm starting to wonder if the BIOS set EFI to the kernel, not grub, like three was saying13:53
Ubiquity4321three, it worked13:54
Ubiquity4321sorry, the command ran13:54
Ubiquity4321with no errors13:54
threeyeah im pretty sure something wonky happened with your grub install when you installed the os13:54
threewell see if rebooting causes the menu to show up13:54
mbeierlIs there a boot selector in the UEFI boot process?13:54
Ubiquity4321is there a simple way to gut it and start over?13:54
Ubiquity4321i am rebooting13:55
Ubiquity4321one moment13:55
threeyeah i mean if you dont care about the install id recommend just wiping everything reinstall windows first and then instal ubuntt studio13:55
Ubiquity4321neither installs matter13:55
Ubiquity4321but i'll be presented with the same problem as that was the process I followed13:55
threeif you install windows first ubuntu should give you an option "install alongside windows" when youre installing13:56
threeitll configure grub for you basically13:56
Ubiquity4321I selected that when installing ubuntu studio13:56
Ubiquity4321and here we are13:56
threeyou did? oh i thought you installed ubuntu first13:57
threedid grub show up this time?13:57
Ubiquity4321grub did not show up13:57
mbeierlthree, that was me who installed Ubuntu first13:57
Ubiquity4321I can try and do it again for you guys. Will you be around for a little while?13:58
Ubiquity4321I'll gut the whole thing and start over. nbd13:59
threei think before re installing your os we should try reinstalling grub from scratch13:59
threewell you did say the installs didnt matter14:00
mbeierlI'd like to see if there is something in the EFI BIOS that is skipping grub14:00
threei think it just doesnt see grub properly14:00
threenormally grub is at /grub of the boot partition14:01
threebut his is installed at /EFI/grub14:01
BliepoI have a home theater PC, but unfortunately it keeps switching the audio output away from HDMI after it´s not been used for a while.14:01
BliepoIs it possible to disable all outputs except HMDI, or force PA to use HDMI some way?14:02
threeis it running ubuntu bliepo? do you have pulse audio installed?14:02
BliepoLatest LTS Xubuntu and yes, PA is installed14:02
threeoh you said you have pulse yeah there is a way but i forget let me look14:02
BliepoTbh I know very little about pulse audio or anything audio related14:05
threei dont have PA rn on this pc. so as i remember from my xfce laptop theres a tab called output and you can select the check next to an output device is that what youve been doing so far?14:05
BliepoActually I do it from the terminal since I don´t have a mice/keyboard connected to the PC14:06
threeoh im not very familiar with PA in the command line but you can do it in the ui14:07
Ubiquity4321sorry, i stepped away for a brief moment14:07
threeubuquity i would at least reinstall ubuntu if you havent done anything to it. make sure it is booting to uefi14:07
Ubiquity4321I'll just gut the whole things and try again14:08
BliepoOk, I´ll have a look at the UI in a bit then14:08
BliepoNeed to get me a mouse first :)14:09
threealright just make sure you can use the windows license again14:09
corshmockHi all.  I've got a Bus 003 Device 006: ID 046d:082d Logitech, Inc. HD Pro Webcam C920, and Ubuntu Studio 20.04.  Does anyone know if there is software I need to download for this webcam?14:09
threebliepo the ui of pulse is pretty useful. if i were you id set up some sort of remote solution to you htpc14:09
threecorshmock i have no idea. is it currently not working14:10
corshmockthree: thanks pal, not it is working.  I'm just not sure if there is software I should download for full functionality14:11
threeits probably using some generic driver if the quality of the webcam is expected and everything else is functioning alright i wouldnt worry about it14:12
corshmockthree: thanks for the info mate14:13
threeno problem if you run into trouble feel free to ask questions14:14
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kietohow can I filter 'apt search' output to only show me packages *starting with* a specific string? e.g. 'apt search libxml2' to only show me libxml2* packages14:39
ioriakieto, yoou mean this ? apt search ^libxml214:45
kietoioria: yes, thanks, didn't think of that XD14:46
qwertuttyty https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sn4Xp5Hf9j/ https://www.sendspace.com/file/n7i2u7 5.7.0-050700rc6-generic. If 5.6.7-050607-generic to mount ok no error with exfat driver. With exfat-fuse - ok14:47
mr_louI have a question about video drivers.14:48
mr_louI'm running VLC on Ubuntu for days in a row, displaying a videoplaylist continuesly looping.14:49
mr_louIt's a PC Stick Intel Compute Stick STCK1A32WFC if it matters, so Intel graphics.14:49
mr_louUbuntu installs Intel i965 for this.14:49
mr_louBut the thing is, VLC crashes after 12-24 hours or so. VLC authors says it's the driver's fauilt.14:50
mr_louSo my question is: Do I have alternatives?14:50
mr_louI have no idea about drivers. But I can see there's a "mesa va driver".....  will that work, or is that for another graphics card?14:50
ogramr_lou, you could try intel-media-va-driver-non-free14:51
ogravlc should pick that up if you pick vaapi (or vaapi-drm) in the settings14:51
mr_louFor Intel GEN8 Graphics family it says. You think that would work?14:53
bitblithow can i tell if a package is installed by default during setup?14:53
mr_louIntel® HD Graphics for Intel Atom® Processor Z3700 Series14:53
threebitblit apt list --installed14:54
bitblitmr_lou: vlc is great but you might try mpv.14:54
bitblitmr_lou: you could also throttle the cpu to reduce heat.14:55
mr_loubitblit, Yea, sorry. I need VLC because it's blu-ray.14:55
bitblitthree: it's an old system, think it may have been removed. want to see if it's in the default install on the latest release.14:55
vltbitblit: One possible way: install to a virtual machine and check there.14:55
mr_louogra, The Z3700 series is 2rd generation apparently. I don't imagine GEN8 would work, but I'll probably try it anyway.14:56
threebitblit i mean do you mind telling us what it is you are wondering about? I can probably tell you14:57
bryanroderyckhello ubuntu im having trouble to connect to wifi in 20.04 can someone hep me please?14:57
n-iCebryanroderyck: what's the problem14:57
bitblitsure, exim4. i'm learning how to set up mail locally...14:57
threeare you wondering about ubuntu server or like gnome i have a fresh gnome install in a vm i can check14:58
bitbliti think it'd probably be on any ubuntu install.14:58
bitblitbut server for sure14:58
Ubiquity4321three, mbeierl i have completely reinstalled both operating systems14:59
bryanroderyckhi n-iCe ,after upgrade to 20.04 ubuntu doesnt have driver for my wifi14:59
n-iCebryanroderyck: which is?14:59
threebryanroderyck is secureboot disabled?14:59
bryanroderyckwhere is the secure boot :)14:59
threein the bios15:00
Ubiquity4321three, I am not given a grub menu15:00
bryanroderycki have enable it?15:00
threeokay hold up ubiquity i can help you15:00
Ubiquity4321the directory /boot/efi/EFI still exists by default15:00
threebryan having it enabled can cause wifi driver issues15:00
threeubiquity does /boot/efi/EFI/grub exist?15:01
threebut /boot/grub does?15:01
bryanroderyckim going to chec that now15:01
Ubiquity4321three, yes15:01
threebitblit doesnt look like its included in gnome15:02
bitblitthree: thx for checking15:03
threeubiquity thats so weird that its installed there by default. run "mount | grep boot"15:03
threedoes anyone have any other input on this. your grub should be installed at /EFI/grub of the mount point which in this case it /boot/efi so it should be at /boot/efi/EFI/grub but its not for some reason15:06
qwertuttyty5.4 - ok15:07
Ubiquity4321three, when the computer turns on, what tells it to look in a specific spot for a grub menu?15:07
Ubiquity4321maybe it's not looking in the right place?15:07
Ubiquity4321i apologize if that's obvious i'm not a vastly experienced user15:08
bryanroderyckthree sitll having issue with secure boot disable15:10
mbeierlUbiquity4321, what is the manufacturer of this machine?15:10
Ubiquity4321This is a Lenovo Thinkpad T440s15:10
threewell thats what im questioning to. i thought i just looked into /EFI/grub of your boot partition but ubuntu installs it at /boot/grub which would be fine if the mount point of /dev/sda1 was /boot but its not the mount point is /boot/efi15:11
Ubiquity4321secure boot is off, csm is off15:12
threebryan can you give me more info on how the wifi isnt working15:13
threeim looking at a gnome installation rn and it looks like grub may just be set up differently in ubuntu15:14
mbeierlUbiquity4321, hit F12 during the POST process15:14
mbeierlLike during the BIOS splash screen15:14
mbeierlI think that is what we want to check15:14
Ubiquity4321"ubuntu" "Windows Boot Manager" "GRUB" "ATA HDD0: hdd serial" "PCI LAN"15:16
mbeierlOk, try booting from GRUB15:16
Ubiquity4321i am pushed back to the boot menu15:16
mbeierlATA HDD0?15:16
mbeierlI think "ubuntu" is loading the kernel directly15:16
Ubiquity4321System BootOrder not found. Initializing Defaults15:16
Ubiquity4321then reboot into ubuntu15:17
mbeierland you did the grub stuff we tried earlier again?15:17
mbeierlWhat happens if you select Windows?15:17
Ubiquity4321no, this is a completely 100% fresh install15:17
mbeierlok, so maybe try getting rid of the timeout and hidden options again15:18
bryanroderyckis there a pastebin for ubuntu i can paste images?15:18
Ubiquity4321Selecting Windows Boot manager loads windows15:18
mbeierlbryanroderyck, I don't think that is an Ubuntu specific one15:18
mbeierlIt's just one that I know of15:18
Ubiquity4321mbeierl, i apologize, i'm on a toaster right now and it's very difficult to scroll up to find those again. Can you reiterate where the file is and what changes need to be made?15:19
mbeierlUbiquity4321, ok, so the F12 boot is a fail back option if we cannot get this to work for you15:19
mbeierllet me scroll back and check15:19
Ubiquity4321I apologize. Thank you for helping me.15:20
mbeierlUbiquity4321, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/T79YrwpjkD/15:20
* eelstrebor was going to roll back his server box to 18.04 but that's too much work just to be able to print15:20
mbeierlthen sudo update-grub15:20
Ubiquity4321and that's at /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?15:21
* eelstrebor is going to do a workaround and wait for 20.04 hplip to be fixed15:21
GR1M0R4CL3we do have some doc15:21
GR1M0R4CL3there is also a whole page deidcated to using ubuntu with secure boot15:21
mbeierlUbiquity4321, /etc/default/grub15:22
threeubiquity did mbeier help you out sorry i got disconnected15:25
Ubiquity4321I am in the process of doing the thing15:27
Ubiquity4321one moment15:27
akemHey, if i do: "sudo service cpufreqd stop" it will stop the service ok, but what if i want to disable it so that it does not start next reboot?15:28
threewhats up bryanroderyck15:29
bryanroderyckcan you hep me with my wifi15:30
bryanroderycki doesnt have a driver15:30
Ubiquity4321three, mbeierl https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xgBsk9kjHv/ is my /etc/default/grub file15:30
Ubiquity4321i am still defaulting to ubuntu with no grub menu15:30
threeakem i normally use systemd i just find the commands easier to remember, in systemd the command would be sudo systemctl disable cpufreqd15:30
mr_louogra, After looking into it a bit more, I can see that my graphics card is GEN7. What are the chances a GEN8 driver will work with a GEN7 card? :->15:31
mbeierlUbiquity4321, and when you run the update-grub, do you see it picking up an option for Windows?15:31
threebryan do you know what kind of wifi card you have15:31
Bliepothree, using the GUI I can´t really set that much for pulseaudio? I can choose the output and set a fallback, but even so it keeps switching when I turn off the TV for a long time period15:31
Ubiquity4321mbeierl, yes15:31
akemthree, Yes i just saw that on askubuntu, thanks! i'll try that.15:31
mbeierlUbiquity4321, which Boot Option did you use, or did you just let it boot normally?15:32
threebliepo oh i see you want to set like a default audio device15:32
Ubiquity4321I just let it boot normally15:32
mbeierlUbiquity4321, ok, let's try it again with F12 and using SATA15:32
mbeierlI mean ATA HDD15:32
Bliepoyeah, for some reason it keeps switching to the mobo audio out instead of HDMI15:33
ioriabryanroderyck, seems that it wants wl  and it's installed ( bcmwl-kernel-source); that's not the correct one ?15:33
Ubiquity4321mbeierl, system bootorder not found. initilizing defaults15:33
mbeierland then right into Ubuntu?15:33
Ubiquity4321then pc reboots into ubuntu15:33
* mbeierl is running out of ideas :(15:33
threeubiquity what are your boot options and are you even able to boot into windows15:33
bryanroderyckioria sorry im new to ubuntu .how to change this15:34
mbeierlthree, with F12 he does have Windows as an option15:34
GR1M0R4CL3does pressing arrow down show a list of options when booting ?15:34
Ubiquity4321three, "ubuntu" "Windows Boot Manager" "GRUB" "ATA HDD0: hdd serial" "PCI LAN"15:34
Ubiquity4321three, booting into windows works15:34
threebliepo this is relevant https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio/Examples#Set_the_default_output_sink15:34
ioriabryanroderyck,  first we need to know your chipset :   lspci -nnk | nc termbin.com 999915:34
mbeierlWhat I don't understand is why the EFI boot manager is not appearing to load grub15:34
threeubiquity and if you boot into grub it does nothing15:35
bryanroderyckioria, https://termbin.com/brfj15:35
threealso in /etc/default/grub try setting the GRUB_TIMEOUTSTYLE to menu again and then try booting to the grub option15:35
Ubiquity4321three, booting to GRUB kicks me straight back to the F12 boot menu15:36
Bliepothree, tried that already I´m afraid15:36
threeoh really???? wtf15:36
threei mean i can help you manually install grub if you wanna try that lol15:36
Ubiquity4321three, sure!15:36
threelet me look through my ubuntu install to see some stuff15:37
ioriabryanroderyck,  sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source15:37
Ubiquity4321Is it safe to assume that this is a bug of some kind that should be reported?15:37
threeI honestly dont know if its a bug i would like to know if any others have gotten the grub menu to show in 20.0415:39
Ubiquity4321it's Studio 20.04 if that makes a difference15:40
BliepoThe grub menu doesn´t show?15:40
threecan you pastebin your /etc/fstab15:40
ogramr_lou, yeah. the driver might not be suitable for baytrail ... (though probably still worth trying it .. you can always "apt purge ..." again)15:41
Ubiquity4321Bliepo, correct15:41
BliepoSo you installed an Ubuntu flavour and then when you boot it goes straight to Ubuntu or another OS15:41
Ubiquity4321three Bliepo mbeierl https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zbp6WHHpZr/15:42
threehis goes straight to ubuntu and we cant get grub to show15:42
BliepoSo since the system is booting presumably GRUB is installed and working?15:42
threeand personally im having trouble understanding why grub is installed the way it is in ubuntu15:42
threehes booting uefi though15:42
threeso it might just be loading the kernel15:42
threebliepo btw hes on a fresh install15:43
ioriabryanroderyck,  uname -r  (you can paste here)15:43
BliepoIf he has any other OS installed he could try changing the default boot option and see if that changes anything15:44
Ubiquity4321Bliepo, secure boot and CSM are OFF in bios, fresh install of windows 10 and ubuntu studio 20.0415:44
eelstreborvlc doesn't work properly in 20.04 either15:44
bryanroderyckiora where to paste?15:45
ioriabryanroderyck,  here (in this case, you fon't need pastebin), it's just one line15:45
akikUbiquity4321: there's a variable in /etc/default/grub SOMETHING_HIDDEN (sorry i don't have a box here to check that). by removing the value from the key and running sudo update-grub, you'll get the grub menu15:45
BliepoAlright, Ubiquity4321 can you open /boot/grub/grub.cfg and find the line saying Windows?15:45
threeakik we've tried that15:45
akikthree: did you also change the timeout if it was 0 ?15:46
BliepoUbiquity4321, rather, pastebin /boot/grub/grub.cfg15:46
threehttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xgBsk9kjHv/ this is his file15:46
threesorry that is his /etc/default/grub15:46
ioriabryanroderyck, 5.4.0-32-generic ?15:46
Bliepothree, if we make Windows the default boot option is /etc/default/grub we can at least verify whether UEFI is booting directly to the kernel, or whether it´s booting to GRUB15:47
Ubiquity4321this is /boot/grub/grub.cfg https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SCtrXqXbT815:48
threebliepo thats smart15:48
threebut it requires us to know what grub is calling windows15:48
ioriabryanroderyck,    apt-cache policy linux-generic | nc termbin.com 999915:48
BliepoUbiquity4321, can you open /etc/default/grub and change the default to this? GRUB_DEFAULT="Windows Boot Manager (on /dev/sda2)"15:49
BliepoThen run sudo update-grub15:49
BliepoMaybe that´s not a good idea now that I think about it15:49
threeoh he may get locked out15:50
threebut he could always edit the config with a live usb15:50
BliepoYeah, but it´s annoying15:50
ioriabryanroderyck,   sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade15:50
Ubiquity4321i have edited the file, ran update-grub, and rebooted. Windows boots!15:50
BliepoWell, live USB it is then lol15:50
BliepoSo GRUB is working then at least15:51
threei mean its good news that grub is working15:51
threewhy wont it show though its gotta be a setting in /etc/default/grub15:51
Ubiquity4321progress is progress15:51
* Bliepo is gonna have another look at /boot/grub/grub.cfg15:51
threeubiquity you are going to have to boot to the live usb to get back to ubuntu i can help you with that15:52
mr_louogra, Yup. Thanks.15:52
ioriabryanroderyck,  when it's done, reboot and we'll reinstall again  bcmwl-kernel-source15:53
Ubiquity4321three, I am now in my ubuntu studio liveusb. bear with me a moment15:53
bryanroderyckhow to instal bcwl-kernel-source15:53
threeyoure gonna wanna open the cli and "mount /dev/sda5 /mnt"15:54
BliepoActually, maybe try changing the timeout to something like 60 seconds. I have noticed that my BIOS or screen (not sure which is the culprit) needs some time before it shows the menu, so if I set it too short it *is* there but I don´t get to see it15:54
threeoh well actually it may be called something other than sda5 you can do "fdisk -l" to check15:54
Ubiquity4321Bliepo, that's smart as well...hmmmm15:55
Ubiquity4321the liveusb is still loading gentleman. one moment more15:56
threeoh haha no problem i thought you were in15:56
mbeierlthree, was just about to say that about additional partitions15:56
mbeierllike what is in /dev/sda115:56
ioriabryanroderyck,  please, reboot15:56
oxekHow come Ctrl Alt F1...F6 no longer opens up a terminal and instead just freezes the screen?15:56
bryanroderyckok i will15:57
threeoxek what desktop environment you using?15:57
Ubiquity4321mbeierl, three, Bliepo, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GbJkXqh3SG/15:57
Ubiquity4321that is fdisk -l for you15:57
Ubiquity4321it's sda5, and i'll be mounting it15:57
threeyeah it is mount /dev/sda5 /mnt15:58
mbeierlUbiquity4321, ok, so we know that /dev/sda2 is the right place for grub15:58
BliepoI think I fixed the audio issue by disabling all outputs except the HDMI one :D15:58
oxekthree: xfce, this is xubuntu15:58
threeall you gotta do ubiquity is sudo nano /mnt/etc/default/grub and remove the entry about windows boot manager15:59
Ubiquity4321i'm also going to change the timeout to 15 to see if it's that16:00
Bliepothree, don´t forget about chrooting and running update-grub16:00
threeoxek if you do ctrl+alt+f5 you dont get to a terminal. after you do that try doing ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to xfce16:00
threebliepos right "chroot /mnt" and then run "update-grub" then run "exit"16:01
threethats regarding ubuquity16:01
oxekthree: yeah Ctrl Alt F5 freezes screen but Ctrl Alt F7 unfreezes it16:01
BliepoIIRC it might give an error because you need to bind mount /dev and such16:02
Ubiquity4321cannot find device for /16:02
oxekI need to get to the actual terminals provided by linux, that are usually on Ctrl Alt F1..F616:02
threewhen does it say that ubiquity?16:03
Bliepothree, shall I help Ubiquity4321 so you can focus on oxek?16:03
threeBliepo id appreciate that lol16:03
BliepoYeah, getting a little overrun :P16:03
BliepoAlright Ubiquity4321, so you did chroot /mnt and then update-grub and that gives the error?16:04
Ubiquity4321yes Bliepo16:04
threeoxek for future reference they are called the tty16:04
BliepoAlright, type exit and press enter and you should exit the chroot16:04
threeoxek are you able to get to the tty before you log in?16:05
threeoxek also are you on real hardware or in a VM16:06
Ubiquity4321Bliepo, I unmounted /dev/sda5, and remounted it and tried again. I receive the same error "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /"16:06
BliepoThat is okay16:06
BliepoRight now, in front of every line, is there a $ or a # sign?16:07
Ubiquity4321i have exited chroot16:07
BliepoUbiquity4321, okay good, now just follow these instructions here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/145241/how-do-i-run-update-grub-from-a-livecd16:07
oxekthree: real hardware16:07
oxekI'll see if I can do it when I logout16:07
BliepoYou don´t have a separate boot part. so you don´t need to worry about that16:07
BliepoAnd if you have a question or issue let me know16:08
glat-agent2Your GNU/Linux copy is not genuine. Purchase a license for $99 now.16:10
bryanroderyckioria i reboot still no networkmanager  for wifi16:10
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax16:10
ioriabryanroderyck,  i know; uname -r16:11
Ubiquity4321Bliepo, i did a dumb and need to start over. bear with me a moment16:11
BliepoNo prob;em ubuntulog16:11
BliepoEh Ubiquity432116:11
* Bliepo shouldn´t tab autocomplete that carelessly16:12
oxekthree: I can get in from login screen16:12
ioriabryanroderyck,  may i ask you why you're using  --proposed  ?16:12
threeoxek weird that means its an issue with xfce not grub or lightdm. are you running 20.0416:12
bryanroderyckwhere is "--proposed"? i dont know16:13
ioriabryanroderyck,  your kernel16:13
bryanroderyckim new i dont know kernel ..but i have heard about16:14
ioriabryanroderyck,  current is
bryanroderyckwhat can be done16:15
ioriabryanroderyck,  and 5.4.0-33-generic  is in another repo and it's purpose is testing not for users16:16
ioriabryanroderyck,  that's why i asked you why  you have proposed enabled in sources.list16:16
bryanroderycki did upgrade but did know that16:16
ioriabryanroderyck, proposed  it's not enabled  by default; you need to enable it yourself16:17
bryanroderycksorry i did not read all ..i dont know16:18
ioriabryanroderyck,  cat /etc/apt/sources.list  | nc termbin.com 999916:18
BliepoUbiquity4321, brb, max 5 min.16:18
oerhekssee updates settings, tab developers options16:18
Ubiquity4321Bliepo, OK16:19
=== everssh5 is now known as everssh
ioriabryanroderyck,  look almost the last line : deb http://mu.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ focal-proposed universe main restricted multiverse16:20
rangergordI'm on Ubuntu 18.04. When I open VS Code, and right-click it in the activities bar, I get the option Add To Favorites. When I open Qt Creator, I don't get that option. Why would it be different depending on the app?16:20
BliepoUbiquity4321, ok, back16:21
threeoxek im going to lunch i'd suggest asking in the #xfce channel aswell16:21
Ubiquity4321Bliepo, wonderful. I have been able to boot back into ubuntu studio16:21
bryanroderyckioria, why this restriction?16:21
ioriabryanroderyck,  what you mean 'restrictions' ?16:21
Ubiquity4321Bliepo, i still do not receive a grub menu16:21
BliepoAnd you set the timeout to 60 seconds as well?16:22
ioriabryanroderyck,  that repo is unstable and dedicated to testing purposes16:22
BliepoDid it take a long time before Ubuntu booted or was it like normal?16:22
bryanroderyckrestricted multierse16:22
ioriabryanroderyck, the point is not 'restricted' (it means proprietary)  but 'proposed'16:23
bryanroderyckcan i change  it please?16:23
BliepoCan you change the timeout style to menu in /etc/default/grub? See if that changes anything?16:23
ioriabryanroderyck, we can try but why is there that line ?16:23
bryanroderyckwhich line?16:24
BliepoAnd don´t forget to run update-grub afterwards ofc16:24
oerheksdisable proposed in update settings, could work.16:24
ioriabryanroderyck, http://mu.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ focal-proposed universe main restricted multiverse16:24
bryanroderycki dont know16:24
mbeierlUbiquity4321, have we tried walking you through something like this? https://askubuntu.com/questions/681422/grub-menu-not-showing-with-dual-boot-uefi-mode-installation16:24
* mbeierl still thinks the EFI is not hitting grub at all16:25
Bliepombeierl, we changed the default in /etc/default/grub to Windows and that *worked*16:25
BliepoSo it is booting to GRUB16:25
mbeierlBliepo, OH!  Missed that one16:25
Ubiquity4321What a conundrum16:26
ioriabryanroderyck, ok, YOU have enabled proposed , so the system has installed some unstable packages ; i thought you knew that16:26
BliepoUbiquity4321, did you change the menu style?16:26
bryanroderycki did know16:26
ioriaso ?16:26
bryanroderyckdid not know16:27
Ubiquity4321Bliepo, mbeierl, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9hFDQSWKFz/16:27
BliepoNo, make it GRUB_DEFAULT=0 and GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE="menu"16:27
Ubiquity4321i changed it, updated grub, and am rebooting16:28
BliepoIf this doesn´t work I´m pretty much out of ideas to be honest16:29
BliepoOnly thing I can think of is that maybe the menu is displaying on another monitor or such16:29
Ubiquity4321how would I check that?16:29
bryanroderyckioria, can you help me to change that?16:29
BliepoWell, do you have more than one screen on your system?16:29
BliepoWell, then that´s not it16:30
Ubiquity4321also: i booted straight back into ubuntu16:30
Ubiquity4321If the F12 menu had other options, where would they be listed?16:30
Ubiquity4321My F12 menu is the BIOS boot selector16:31
BliepoI think for most it should be on the bottom16:31
GR1M0R4CL3could be another function key at boot ?16:31
ioriabryanroderyck, do you have backups ?16:31
Ubiquity4321Bliepo, What I mean is, where are the entries listed and how are they edited?16:31
ioriabryanroderyck, backups are copies of your relevant files16:32
bryanroderycki can do some on a drive?16:32
ioriabryanroderyck, sure16:32
BliepoUbiquity4321, in the BIOS I believe, but it differs depending on the brand and model exactly where16:32
bryanroderycki dont have much wait16:33
BliepoI believe you can edit it using a tool but I´ve never done that16:33
BliepoI wonder16:34
BliepoUbiquity4321, are you still booted in ubuntu?16:34
BliepoOne sec, let me check something16:34
BliepoAlright Ubiquity4321, can you add the following line to /etc/default/grub? GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT=3016:35
BliepoThen run sudo update-grub and reboot. And if that doesn´t work, I´m really all out of ideas.16:36
mr_louogra, Do you know what graphics cards the mesa-va-drivers are for?16:36
ograsoftware rendering and all fully opensourced ones16:37
SpoonWhat did Ubuntu change about Debian? Is it just a better installer and a different set of repos?16:38
Ubiquity4321Bliepo, okay so it took 30 seconds and then booted into ubuntu again. It appears the menu is *there* but not showing up on my screen16:39
Ubiquity4321I can press Up and Down arrows like normal grub to select other options, but it isn't displayed *what* i'm selecting16:40
Ubiquity4321does that make sense?16:40
bryanroderyckioria, backup done16:40
BliepoAlright, that does at least give some hint to what is going on. It means that you are victim of a ¨recordfail¨ and that there is some sort of display issue. As for how to fix it I have no idea.16:40
BliepoMaybe somebody else can help here, but I think you may have more luck in the forums16:41
ioriabryanroderyck,  ls /var/lib/apt/lists/ | nc termbin.com 999916:41
Ubiquity4321Bliepo, i'm gonna try to comment out that recordfail line, and see if I still have the hidden menu16:44
BliepoAlright, good luck!16:44
ioriabryanroderyck,  grep Package /var/lib/apt/lists/mu.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_focal-proposed* | awk '{print $2}' | xargs dpkg -l 2>/dev/null | grep ^ii |awk '{print $2}'16:45
Ubiquity4321Bliepo, after commenting out the recordfail line, I still have my "hidden" menu16:47
bryanroderyckioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ghcsbGFGkh/16:47
BliepoStrange. I´m not sure what to make of that.16:47
Ubiquity4321i can select options with the up and down arrows, and boot to different OS's by guessing what line contains what I want to show. Is there a way to change the style of grub menu?16:48
BliepoLike I said, I do not know. I never dived this deep into grub16:48
ioriabryanroderyck,  honestly, a reinstall will be easier (if you don't want unstable packages)16:48
bryanroderyckhow to reinstalll all16:49
EriC^^Ubiquity4321: can you pastebin your /etc/default/grub16:50
Ubiquity4321EriC^^, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YHH2ZjK6gs/16:50
ioriabryanroderyck,  maybe i was not clear; atm you're running a testing release  not the official one (for users)16:50
oerheksbryanroderyck, easy; "apt-mark showmanual"  shows manual installed metapackages. save that list somewhere, and have fun16:50
ioriaoerheks, almost all the core system is proposed16:51
EriC^^Ubiquity4321: currently you dont get a visible menu?16:51
Ubiquity4321EriC^^, correct16:52
EriC^^Ubiquity4321: did you run update-grub with 'menu' there?16:52
EriC^^with menu in the file i mean16:52
oerheksioria, oh right, then he should make a list of what he installed, i guess16:52
Ubiquity4321Bliepo helped me figure out that the grub menu is *there* and I can move within it and even select different OS's, but it still doesn't display when I boot the computer16:53
ioriaoerheks, this is the list : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ghcsbGFGkh/16:53
bryanroderyckioria, how to make fresh install?16:53
Ubiquity4321EriC^^, many times16:53
ioriabryanroderyck, why don't we try ,first, to make that work  ?16:54
ioriabryanroderyck,  dpkg -l | grep   bcmwl-kernel-source   | nc termbin.com 999916:55
ioriabryanroderyck,  when did you reinstall    bcmwl-kernel-source  ? i thought i told you to purge16:56
bryanroderycki did not purge16:57
bryanroderyckhow to purge?16:57
jpmh__when I am entering long commands at the terminal in an ssh session at bash after I type the 106th character the cursor jumps back to the begiining of line even though the screen is wider.  In vim, on the same session all is OK - what is causing the bash to wrap?16:57
ioriabryanroderyck,  you did : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/v858qRS4Ts/16:58
bryanroderyckyes i did purge16:59
Ubiquity4321EriC^^, four or five other members here have helped me test every single possible option they can think of. As a nuclear option, I even completely reinstalled fresh16:59
EriC^^Ubiquity4321: aha, ok, does modifying anything in /etc/default/grub make any influence on the menu? like timeout or something16:59
EriC^^Ubiquity4321: aha17:00
Ubiquity4321EriC^^, the timeout changes, and we're able to auto-boot into the Other OS. The problem is that the menu is not displaying17:00
EriC^^Ubiquity4321: did you try changing the resolution of grub and such stuff maybe?17:00
Ubiquity4321EriC^^, not yet. I'm not sure how to do that17:00
troozersHi, my system just updated the kernel 5.4.0-29 > 5.4.0-31 and when I rebooted it no longer seems to recognise my sound card.  Booting back into 5.4.0-29 and the sound card is recognised again.  looking at dmesg on 5.4.0-31 it does show a message that the device is being blacklisted.  Any ideas what is causing this?17:00
EriC^^Ubiquity4321: seems like something related to graphics and grub17:00
EriC^^1 sec17:01
ioriabryanroderyck,  maybe a fresh install will be smoother17:01
bryanroderyckhow to do this17:01
EriC^^Ubiquity4321: are you using an external monitor on your laptop or something?17:01
ioriabryanroderyck,  https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/tutorial-install-ubuntu-desktop#1-overview17:02
Ubiquity4321EriC^^, no17:02
oerheksbryanroderyck, save your data, and a reinstall would be 30 minutes, you are working on this for over an hour now..17:02
bryanroderyckok thanks17:03
EriC^^Ubiquity4321: are you able to access your bios usually with same setup?17:03
Ubiquity4321EriC^^, yes i can easily access bios17:03
threeman ubiquity thats so strange that its there but not displaying17:04
Ubiquity4321i'm going through a few random resolutions atm17:04
Ubiquity4321i already tried 1280x800 with no positive result. i'm gonna try 800x60017:04
threewait can someone link me your /etc/default/grub again17:05
threenvm i got it17:05
threeubiquity if you press esc when the hidden grub menu is there does it show up graphically17:07
threemaybe try the solution here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1142167/grub-menu-working-but-hidden-cant-make-it-visible17:08
Ubiquity4321three, and there we have it!17:11
Ubiquity4321it is the graphical menu17:11
threeeyyyy good stuff17:11
Ubiquity4321this is good, because I actually prefer the console menu17:12
threewait which solution worked pressing esc or making the change i linked17:12
Ubiquity4321three Bliepo EriC^^ mbeierl uncommenting the line in the grub config to show a console list rather than a graphical list solved the issue17:13
EriC^^Ubiquity4321: great17:13
mbeierlUbiquity4321, I just read that!  Who would hae thought?!?17:13
threehuh wait it doesnt look like the normal grub menu?17:14
threeim mad because i was gonna recommend you change that setting like over an hour ago but i thought it wouldnt do anything17:14
SpoonWhat did Ubuntu change about Debian? Is it just a better installer and a different set of repos?17:14
Ubiquity4321three, don't be mad. I appreciate your help. Can I subscribe to your onlyfans?17:14
EriC^^i saw it myself a few mins ago, but somehow thought it disabled the grub command prompt from being available17:14
threehahah yeah i mean this problem helped me pass the time at work so im not really mad. My only fans is belledelphine6917:15
Ubiquity4321we've been at this for...4 hours17:15
Ubiquity4321alright, hit the showers. Good game. I have a working dual boot scenario and I can now start my business17:16
threelmao yeah you first sent your message at 9 its 1 lmao17:17
Ubiquity4321thank you all again for the help. What a ride17:18
threecould you like send an image of the grub menu like uploaded to imgur17:18
threei just want to see you said its like the command line version?17:18
Ubiquity4321similar to this17:19
threethats how my grub always looks so i guess we good17:19
EriC^^this maybe https://www.cyberciti.biz/faqs/uploaded_images/grub-single-user-mode-select-kernel-763178.png ?17:19
troozersmy grub looks like that too, and I had to unhide it yesterday too... sorry i wasn't in earlier to help17:20
Ubiquity4321I bet...that ubuntu studio uses some kind of weird custom grub config because reasons17:20
threemy gnome VM had a similar config to what you sent though17:20
Ubiquity4321or, it has something to do with the graphics settings on my pc17:20
threei think its just an ubuntu thing17:20
* Ubiquity4321 shrugs17:20
mbeierlThose both look like console grub.  Mine uses framebuffer, so it's a "console" but with nicer fonts and like 1280x800 resolution, so much smoother and more space inside the "box" for edits17:21
EickmeyerUbiquity4321: It's a 1) theme, and 2) to make lowlatency the default.17:21
* three downloads rEFInd purges grub17:21
Ubiquity4321Eickmeyer, interesting...17:22
threecan you use rEFInd on ubuntu? i assume you can17:22
EickmeyerUbiquity4321: If the theme isn't working, that's weird, because it's made to work for every PC made since... ever.17:22
EickmeyerUbiquity4321: The lowlatency default is a different setting, I should've clarified.17:23
Eickmeyerthree: You can, it just doesn't exactly take the place of grub though.17:24
Eickmeyer!info refind focal17:24
ubotturefind (source: refind): boot manager for EFI-based computers. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.4-1 (focal), package size 2705 kB, installed size 4489 kB (Only available for amd64; arm64; i386)17:24
threeeh probably not worth it. I always use grub anyway17:24
troozerscan anyone help with a missing sound card that's only started when I updated the kernel to 5.4.0-31?17:25
threetroozers any more info?17:26
oerhekstroozers, looks like a proposed kernel?17:26
troozersJust updated the kernel from 5.4.0-29 to 5.4.0-31 and when I rebooted it no longer seems to recognise my sound card.  Booting back into 5.4.0-29 and the sound card is recognised again.  looking at dmesg on 5.4.0-31 it does show a message that the device is being blacklisted.  Any ideas what is causing this?17:26
troozersThe kernel was part of the usual system update17:27
troozersI did do a comparison of outputs of various commands between the two kernel versions; diff -y output can be seen here >> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HXgQbxmHPn/17:30
threeyou know what soundcard it is?17:31
troozersWhen I boot into the older kernel it see's it as a Realtek ALC122017:32
troozersI need to double-check, just a vanilla motherboard soundcard17:32
troozersmotherboard listing has it down as a 'ROG SupremeFX 8-Channel High Definition Audio CODEC S1220'17:34
threeare you dual booting?17:35
troozersNope, I've enabled the GRUB menu so I can flick between the new and the old kernels17:35
threehave you tried going to a newer kernel17:39
troozers5.4.0-31 looks like the latest available with ubuntu17:40
threewell everything i've read has alluded to this being fixed in 5.517:42
troozersTrying to keep to the kernels that ubuntu provide17:42
threeare you running 19.10?17:43
threereally? i though 20.04 was on a newer kernel version17:43
threeno you are right17:44
troozersI still have the option to boot into 5.4.0-29 and have working audio17:45
threei wish i could suggest more i just dont know17:45
troozersjust curious why dmesg suggests it's blacklisted - it's not anything I've put into a blacklist - and it works in 5.4.0-2917:45
threehave you checked modprobe17:46
troozersi've done a "sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel" but it's not done anything, even on reboot17:47
CarlFK"try forcing pcie rescan"  anyone know how to do that ?17:53
troozersnot sure how you do that17:54
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davido_How do I resolve the invalid credentials issue when running snap refresh? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3bFTCZWp4H/18:01
analogicalis there some Linux tool that can remove metadata tags and album art from mp3-files?18:06
basalthi all, if i connect my ubuntu 19_10 to a 5ghz wifi, i always loose connection after some time18:06
amazoniantoadI just did a fresh install of ubuntu 20 on my computer and now it only boots to a grub command line18:07
troozersanalogical I seem to remember that that id3convert had a --strip option18:07
amazoniantoadUEFI and csm are both enabled18:08
amazoniantoadCan someone help me figure out how to get it to boot like normal?18:08
analogicalI've given up on CSM I only install with UEFI nowadays18:08
troozersid3convert is part of the libid3-tools package18:11
amazoniantoadAnyone? ;_;18:23
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akemamazoniantoad, Boot with the live USB, and try boot repair.18:26
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amazoniantoadakem: how do i locate boot repair?18:26
akemIf it doesn't work you may have to fix the boot manually.18:26
akemamazoniantoad, Wait.18:26
akemamazoniantoad, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair18:27
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akemYou need to add the ppa repository with 1 command then apt-install it. It's written on that page.18:27
akem(The 2nd option)18:27
amazoniantoadthanks akem18:28
amazoniantoadakem: the software wont run because I'm currently in "Bios-compatibility mode" and that I need to run the software from live disk. However I'm currently on the live disk18:30
SpoonWhat did Ubuntu change about Debian? Is it just a better installer and a different set of repos?18:31
akemamazoniantoad, Bios compat mode? What does it says when you try to start boot-repair?18:32
amazoniantoadakem: it lets me start the program like normal18:35
amazoniantoadakem: it just asks me to boot into the live session in uefi mode18:36
akemamazoniantoad, You can't boot in UEFI mode?18:37
amazoniantoadakem: I'm in uefi mode right now18:38
amazoniantoadErm. How can I check without restarting the computer? I could put it on uefi strictly in bios18:38
amazoniantoadbut right now it has the option18:38
akemamazoniantoad, You can't, you gotta check that in the bios, set it to normal mode and disable secure boot if need, then reboot on Live and try boot repair.18:42
amazoniantoadokay thanks18:42
InteloUsing kubuntu. wifi disconnects when I switch user. How to resolve this?19:26
InteloI switch user, and it behaves like I logout user. All previous work is gone. What could be wrong and how to fix it. I am using kubuntu LTS 18.x19:34
vltIntelo: What happens when you switch back?19:34
Intelovlt, everything that was open is gone. Wifi reconnects19:36
Intelojust like i logged out19:36
Intelovlm, happened again19:38
Inteloeven if I press ctrl+alt+f1 or f2 I can switch but it behaves just like logout19:39
Intelovlt, same like https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/6kn35z/is_kdes_user_switching_broken/19:40
InteloHello anyone home?19:46
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mbeierlIntelo, there are 1297 people here, but not all of them are active, or perhaps, like me, are not able to answer your question.19:50
threeintelo might be worth asking in the kubunut channel20:02
fgouldI have searched for solving a magicmouse sensitivity issue that causes many mis-click actions on ubuntu 20.04 arm. I have tested several Coordinate Transformation Matrix values but none appear to work. Also, docs online have different 'list-props' values for deceleration that are not in this current list-props list. Any suggestions where to get a fix?20:25
ulaasis wine32 broken with 20.04?20:30
fgouldulaas I was unable to install it on 20.04 arm.20:31
ulaasfgould, thanks20:33
goddardanyway to have notifications count inside thunderbird icon?20:37
nbusronehi , I am not able to repair grub boot loader after installing boot-repair and this is my pastebin https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/MtJnWskMr9/20:51
nbusroneI install it on VM and not able to repair20:51
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nbusroneno reply ?21:08
oerheksnbusrone, so, you did not use a live iso, but a vm ??21:24
oerheksnot sure that will work ..21:25
nbusroneoerheks : live iso not working even I install grub-repair21:25
nbusroneoerheks : Currently the OS guest is install on VM and VM not able to boot and it was install as /sda not sda121:26
p4r4kovskyguys it is impossible to completely remap caps lock as home under ubuntu under gnome right???21:28
oerheksnbusrone, the live iso should be booted in uefi mode too, as i spot the efi partition21:30
oerheksnot sure bootrepair works on a vm, .. maybe someone else knows?21:30
nbusroneoerheks : I am searching for solution , long story short , trying to do a test on P2V (P=ubuntu) but end up without bootloader partition replace as sda as OS21:33
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nbusroneoerheks : in short , how do I create a mbr ?21:42
garsholnbusrone: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#4-boot-selection-and-partition-scheme21:43
oft_gegongso does the newest release of ubuntu require Secure Boot = disabled in BIOS?21:48
nbusronegarshol : I am about to boot using super grub 2.Problem is ubuntu OS is install as sda not sda121:48
SomethingGenericHi! I installed Ubuntu over Windows 10 a while back, in UEFI mode on my machine. Now, I want to go back to dual-booting the two, but GRUB rescue complains about missing files when I try to boot my Windows 10 USB stick. How can I get around this?21:48
threeare you just trying to boot into the windows installer21:49
SomethingGenericthree, me? Yes.21:49
oft_gegongSomethingGeneric: typically you wipe your hard drive, (1) install windows (2) install ubuntu.21:49
threeoft_gegong is right it will be easier that way21:49
threeoft_gegong also i do not think it requires secure boot off i think secure boot just causes problems with some third party drivers21:50
InnovAnon-Inchow to determine my sound device? cat /dev/urandom | padsp tee /dev/snd/${device} > /dev/null isn't working21:50
SomethingGenericthree, ok. Thanks for the help.21:50
threesomethinggeneric it is possible to do if you need to keep your ubuntu install keep in mind21:51
[R]does anyone know of a place i can get the ubuntu logo with the various version numbers in it as well?21:53
oerhekshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official for a start21:54
sarnold[R]: there's a bunch of assets on the design pages https://design.ubuntu.com/brand/ubuntu-logo/21:54
[R]yeah, i saw those... but those dont have the version #21:55
nbusroneoerheks : I don't think someone can help out except someone are familiar with clonezilla21:59
nbusroneoerheks : where can i find clonezilla channel here ?22:07
sarnoldnbusrone: this website is handy when you don't know if a channel exists, or what network it might be on https://netsplit.de/channels/?chat=clonezilla22:08
nbusronesarnold : thanks22:09
nbusronesarnold : what is idle in whois ?22:14
InnovAnon-IncI figured out my audio device path. Now... how to escape it in docker-compose22:16
nbusroneoerheks : what is idle in whois ?22:18
sarnoldnbusrone: it indicates how long someone has gone without sending messages22:19
sarnoldnbusrone: I can't recall which specific events reset the counter22:19
nbusronesarnold : someone OP at clonezilla and here too but [_KaszpiR_] idle 537:36:18, signon: Thu Apr 30 20:34:27 . how much change of getting a reply from someone idle a month ?22:21
sarnoldnbusrone: not very good :)22:21
nbusronesarnold : anyone will head to vbox channel to see whether any chances to fix it.thanks anyway :)22:22
sarnoldnbusrone: good luck22:22
iconoclastherois there something i can do about xorg taking up all my processor time besides just killing it?22:29
threeprobably dont wanna kill xorg iconoclasthero22:31
iconoclastherocorrect, but a better solution is yet to present itself.22:32
iconoclastherowhen it's eating upso much processor time i can't do anything, i'm left with little other choice...22:32
sarnoldiconoclasthero: what exactly are you seeing?22:34
iconoclastheroit has happened twice today and has happened before as well.22:35
iconoclastherotoday i was trying to watch a video linked from RS (https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-country/todd-snider-talking-reality-television-blues-video-trump-802062/) and it started lagging to the point where i could not watch the animation.22:35
iconoclastheroi flipped over to guake and hit sudo htop and there is xorg eating >100% processor time.22:35
iconoclastheroso i kill it and log back in.22:36
goddardanyway to have notifications count inside thunderbird icon?22:36
sarnoldiconoclasthero: that looks like a youtube video; if you just head to youtube and watch that video, how's your system do?22:37
iconoclastherouhh... it works just fine after i kill xorg and watch it on the rolling stone page.22:38
iconoclastheroi'm watching a different video on youtube right now.22:38
RoseBuscan i ask gpg question here?22:42
RoseBusor just ubuntu-specific questions22:42
dohpam1neanyone know good resources for learning about vpns?22:42
dohpam1neeverything online just says "it encrypts your data through a server" like no shit22:43
tomreynRoseBus: #gnupg is better suited, but you could try here, too.22:43
dohpam1nei'll try there too22:43
tomreyndohpam1ne: this wasn't to you22:43
tomreyndohpam1ne: unless you have questions about a specific vpn implementation supported on ubuntu, maybe ##networking or ##linux or even ##privacy would be a better place for vpn related questions.22:45
dohpam1netomreyn: o lol22:45
iconoclastherohow about https://openvpn.net/ dohpam1ne?22:45
dohpam1neiconoclasthero: I'm on there but it's pretty dense =/22:47
iconoclastherocompaired to "everything online just says "it encrypts your data through a server" like no shit" yes, it is.22:47
iconoclastheroback to the xorg issue...should i expect that xorg is the symptom or the disease?22:48
iconoclastheroi.e., should i try killing another app (e.g., chrome) and see if it resolves22:49
tomreyniconoclasthero: if it's a symptom, then you'll (usually) see another application consuming a lot of resources, too.22:58
tomreyniconoclasthero: in case you want to look into this more, start by posting the url returned by: cat /var/log/gpu-manager.log | nc termbin.com 999923:04
sarnoldoh cool23:06
jpmhwhen I enter a lomg line in bash, the cursor jumps back to column 1 after I have typed character 86.  This is when connected using ssh and term.  With the same connection, vi etc seem to realize tha me terminal is 130 characters wide - what is bash doig and how do I stop it23:07
InteloWhat are ways to share desktop / resources of another pc other than VNC?23:08
[R]Intelo: xrdp23:08
oerheksscreen over ssh23:09
jpmhI would add on my bash issue, even sh does not have a problem23:09
Intelo[R], are these same protocols for screen sharing like VNC and RDP is?23:09
Intelooerheks, ok, whats that?23:09
[R]vnc and rdp have nothing to do with each other23:09
sarnoldjpmh: what's the output of this? shopt | grep checkwinsize23:09
Intelo[R], those are similar protocols 'streaming' screen. Correct?23:10
[R]i mean, the yboth show you the desktop23:10
Intelooerheks, What is screen over ssh?23:10
jpmhsarnold: I get: checkwinsize    on23:10
Intelo[R], I tried zoom. There were lags. For RDP/VNC, the host's IP should be public. Thats not the case with me23:11
sarnoldjpmh: hm. so much for the easy answer. how about kill -SIGWINCH $$  ?23:11
Intelo[R], host's IP. should be public for the client to connect23:11
[R]yeah... tahts how servers work23:11
jpmhsarnold: what does that do, why would I want to kill my own process, or am I missing something here23:12
Intelo[R], Should I expect lags in both RDP and VNC?23:12
sarnoldjpmh: SIGWINCH tells bash that the window size changed, and it should re-query the terminal to find out the size23:12
sarnoldjpmh: not all programs know SIGWINCH, but bash does23:12
Intelo[R], Whats the best thing for low bandwidth connections?23:12
jpmhsarnold: TY - makes sense - I'll try - stand by23:12
oerhekstons of guide online, tmux https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/ssh-tmux-screen-sharing23:12
[R]Intelo: i have no clue what you should expect23:13
[R]try it and see23:13
akikIntelo: x2go is good for that23:13
oerhekslike vnc, disable bacckground to save bandwidth23:13
Inteloakik, How is x2go good?23:14
akikIntelo: low bandwidth23:14
Inteloakik, do they have better compression or something else that RDP and VNC don't have23:14
InteloIsn't it correct that X forwrding over ssh is fastest?23:15
akikIntelo: no23:15
Inteloas no pictures are streamed23:15
Intelooerheks, should tell23:15
Inteloakik,  why not. If no stream of desktop, faster the share23:15
jpmhsarnold: the re-size did not help23:15
sarnoldjpmh: dang :(23:15
sarnoldjpmh: does stty -a report the right size?23:16
InteloMy ip is not public. Its a DSL home connection. HOw can I use RDP or VNC or some other screen sharing protocal?23:16
sarnoldIntelo: does it *need* to be graphics? can you just use mosh with tmux or similar?23:16
jpmhsarnold: if you mean the 'columns' in the stty, YES!23:16
Intelosarnold, I have to see what mosh and tmux is23:17
oerhekswatching youtube remote would be funny23:17
akemAny game suggestion that is playable with the mouse?23:17
jpmhIntelo: if text is sufficient I am a HUGE fan of screen - standard function - works wonderfully - we hold code review meetings using it all the time23:18
[R]akem: xbill23:18
oerhekssolitair, majong23:18
akikIntelo: screen and tmux are for text mode apps23:18
akemYeah i have solitair and mahjong :P xbill i think i remember that, will try it again.23:19
Intelojpmh, akik hm.. I have my developer and he has some hardware issues. i wanted him to remote control my pc where I have all the IDEs + env setup for development. Its a heavy machine and internet he don't have23:19
jpmhIntelo: if he does not have internet this sounds a little tough - are you planning to dial on or somethong?23:20
Intelojpmh, dial?23:22
InteloI don't know. If an IDE is not needed for dev and a developer can use vim. I do not need GUI. Do I?23:22
jpmhIntelo: well how are you going to connect of he has no intermet?23:22
Intelojpmh, he has internet but a bit weak23:24
sarnoldjpmh: okay... I'm running thin on ideas... does $COLUMNS report the same thing stty -a did? does ^L (will wipe the terminal) 'learn' the size of the window well? does $TERM match the actual terminal(s) in use?23:24
jpmhIntelo: then try and be text only and use screen23:24
akikIntelo: i've used x2go with a 3g cellular connection23:24
sarnoldIntelo: this sounds like an ideal use case for mosh, tmux, etc, and skip graphics entirely23:25
Intelojpmh, text only what?23:25
jpmhusing command line and text mode commands23:25
Intelosarnold, ok, I have to se wha tmosh tmux is. Can it convert my GUI apps to non-GUI?23:25
akikIntelo: no23:26
sarnoldIntelo: no23:26
Intelook. Let me youtube on tmosh and tmux. Also, why can't a developer dev on vim (which is non GUI)23:26
akikIntelo: he can23:27
* Intelo youtubes and will get back soon23:27
jpmhIntelo: I personally beli8eve that screen is MUCH easier than tmux when you start - I do believe that tmux may have some more features, but you won't need them and I believe that screen is already installed on most linux distros and certainly ubuntu23:29
Intelo so dev can be done via ssh/non-gui terminal using vim?23:29
akikIntelo: yes23:29
jpmhIntelo: that is EXACTLY what we do for our code reviews23:29
oerhekssshfs ..23:30
jpmhsarnold: so, have we given up on my wrap screen problem?23:30
Intelojpmh, core reviews? I thought github PR is for code reviews23:30
sarnoldjpmh: not quite, but I'm running low on ideas... does $COLUMNS match the terminal or the bash idea of the term size?23:34
sarnoldjpmh: does ^L help?23:34
sarnoldjpmh: is $TERM right?23:34
akiksarnold: i've had good success keeping my local terminal TERM=xterm and remotes with screen TERM=screen23:35
akiknot sure why your remote sees 130 columns23:37
jpmhsarnold: $COLUMNS is correcrt for terminal23:42
TonelocIs it possible in Ubuntu to mount a partition that has Windows already installed on it and wipe the partition, then burn a new Windows .iso onto the same partition that was wiped and leave the machine so that it will boot into the new Windows install?23:44
jpmhsarnold: $TERM seems right - and ^L, assuming you mean control-L makes no difference23:44
jpmhsarnold: not sure what you mean by 'bash idea of screen size'23:44
sarnoldjpmh: when bash wraps after 86 chars or 103 chars, etc..23:45
TonelocIn short, I'm asking can Linux burn a disk image of windows onto a seperate partition of the same drive?23:45
sarnoldToneloc: I don't think windows .isos are "live". I think they are installers only, no?23:46
TonelocOr is there some protection / physical limitation that makes this impossible?23:46
Tonelocsarnold - I want to image a disk, and then copy that image onto the partition bit for bit23:46
TonelocSarnold - so the install is already done23:47
Habbiethen it's not a .iso you're putting on the partition23:47
sarnoldToneloc: oh; so where's the windows .iso come in?23:47
TonelocI didn't know what to call it!23:47
sarnoldah :)23:47
TonelocI guess its just a binary file!23:47
Habbieit's a disk/partition image23:47
TonelocHabbie - thank ou23:48
Habbieand 'linux' will happily ship those things around for you23:48
Habbiehow useful that is is a Windows question though23:48
Tonelocmight not be bootable?23:48
Tonelocor MBR might be stuffed?23:48
sarnoldI haven't done dualbooting in ~20 years, so I'm a bit fuzzy there, but it feels like something you ought to be able to make it work23:49
tomreynToneloc: you can certainly write data in many different ways from a linux distribution. will windows boot that way? most of the time, probably not, but why do we care in #ubuntu?23:49
sarnoldToneloc: the gparted tool can probably help you resize filesystems, I think23:49
Toneloctomreyn - I was just wondering was there any limitation within Ubuntu to doing this, and I also know that #Ubuntu has the most sage members23:50
Tonelocso it seemed like the place to as, but granted Windows isn't a concern here23:51
iconoclastherotomreyn, i assume i should post that when it is happening or now?23:51
tomreynToneloc: if you actually had an iso image for a windows PE based system such as the windows installer you could use woeusb with the --partition option to write it to a given partition on some (supposedly bootable) media23:51
iconoclastherobecause now it's https://termbin.com/wsmj123:51
iconoclastheroother than nvidia (aren't they supposed to be releasing their own drivers sometime soon?), i don't see much to point at.23:52
tomreynToneloc: it's a windows (anti) feature that it won't just boot happily if you take a disk image from computer A and write to to some other storage on computer B, so maybe it's jst not as easy as you assume. there's ##windows where you could ask about 'sysprep'23:53
tomreyniconoclasthero: 'now' is what i meant. i was wondering what hardware and driver you had.23:54
Toneloctomreyn - I need to deploy to 150 machines and we had issues of SSD's and HDD's dying because of transferring too much data during over the network installs23:56
TonelocSo I thought I could use Linux this way to install the disk image "piecemeal" and rest the drives every so often23:57
tomreyniconoclasthero: so you're apparently using a nvidia gtx 1060 graphics chipset with one of the many nvidia proprietary drivers. due to proprietary, debugging X issues there is really difficult. you could have a look at your systemd journal and X logs, but that's all i could suggest there.23:58
Toneloctomreyn- thank you for the steer, I'll check it out - sysprep is a new term to me but certainly makes sense!23:58
akikToneloc: if the image is from that same partition it can work23:59

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