=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [11:58] So I heard that US 20.10 will be KDE Plasma... When / how can I install the development branch? [13:51] jukebohi: the development version is where they always are :) http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/dvd/current/ [13:51] jukebohi: however, I would not use that for daily use as it is changing on almost a daily basis [13:52] jukebohi: if all you really want is to run Studio on top of Plasma, install kubuntu and then install ubuntustudio-installer and install it's packages. [15:28] OvenWerks: kubuntu + ubuntustudio-installer leads to a JACK system that does not survive the computer being put to sleep. I would expect that pure Ubuntu Studio were able to handle that [15:28] jukebohi: Jack just plain doesn't handle being put to sleep. [15:28] hmm. ok. [15:29] Not a flaw, it's just not made for it. [15:30] I recommend stopping Jack before your computer is in a state where it needs to sleep.