
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
yesyesproblemyesHi, i want to use xubuntu to turn a old laptop into a digital picture frame. My question is what capacity flash drive should I use? 8? 16? 32GB?08:14
xubuntu14i5885I am struggling08:21
xu-help64wAnybody able to help me?09:41
xu-help64wBeen struggling to get xubuntu working for a good 6 hours or so.09:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:43
xu-help64wThanks. I need help booting xubuntu from grub. Once i boot though, i get sent to another command prompt, and i have no idea what to do from there. I've been trying to install it for about six hours now, without any luck. Any help at all is appreciated!09:46
diogenes_xu-help64w, you booting off a usb drive?09:49
diogenes_does it boot to live environment?09:51
xu-help64wHave no idea. I used rufus to create it, using iso.09:52
xu-help64wStill very new to this.09:52
diogenes_do you get this? https://static.knowledgebase.ai/upload/8688336/6e5edbd58c-bf8a1be51c530261aacf.png09:53
xu-help64wNo. I'm in grub 2.04 for xubuntu09:54
diogenes_xu-help64w, it might mean the iso wasn't properly written to the usb drive.09:56
xu-help64wI have formatted the drive and rewritten the iso to the drive multiple times.09:57
diogenes_try to fully format erase the usb and instead of rufus use this: https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/09:57
diogenes_assuming you're on windows.09:58
jdwwattshello world13:27
puffSo I upgraded to a new laptop, decided to try stock ubuntu GUI for a bit, just because... I'm not overwhelmed.  Tried installing xubuntu-desktop and it's giving me some warnings about unment dependencies and conflicts:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7tXXyn3Rtv/18:25
dispowhisker menu has a 1 second lag day when I click on it,I  noticed this issue since the latest system update19:50
dispoxubuntu 18.04.419:50
brainwashdispo: what was updated exactly?19:52
dispoxfce4-whiskermenu-plugin is already the newest version (2.1.5-0ubuntu1).20:37
lwmarhello, I have the following problem with transmission but also with tixati: I am using another hard drive to store the incomplete torrent files, it is mounted at the start of xubuntu 20 lts. I can hear the disk starting when I open the mentioned applications however it looks like to me that the applications do not wait enough time so I get a22:00
lwmarmissing files error having me to force rechecking for every single file manually22:00
well_laid_lawnlwmar: if you access the files on the disk before starting those apps does it happen ?22:36
well_laid_lawnusing the file manager or sommething...22:36
lwmar@well_laid_lawn no, in that case it does not happen22:47
well_laid_lawnso the issuue is the timme it takes for the disk to spin up22:48
well_laid_lawnyou could make your own lauuncher with a command to spin the disk firdt22:50
lwmaryes but I think that is not the best solution, I think this is probably why my PC freezes so often since I upgraded to v20 of Xubuntu22:51
lwmarmany things make my PC freeze, while before this was not happening. One of them is sometimes when I disconnect the wi-fi22:52
well_laid_lawnif that is the case then filing bug reports is the only way forward afaik22:54
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.22:54
lwmarbut I am not sure if it is a bug and I don't want people to think I like to report false bugs23:00
lwmarthat is why I was asking the other day about help analyzing my logs to diagnose problems23:00

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