
=== phil_ is now known as Guest30945
user|15089how much ram does kubuntu need00:06
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dillonhey guys00:52
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dillonhey I need to make a bootable flash drive but I am new to kubuntu, so far I'm really liking it, however I do not know how to do this particular task, can anyone help?01:42
Roeylandis Chromium segfaulting for everyone, or just me?01:48
dillonI personally use firefox, so I wouldn't know01:53
dillonRoeyland would you now how to do the above I asked about?01:58
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Roeylandah interesting01:59
Roeylandlet me see..01:59
rebelflag1993I how to do it on windows, but I'm not sure how to do it on linux...yet01:59
Roeylandrebelflag1993: ^ so this article talks about installing "rufus" to do this02:00
rebelflag1993yeah, that's a windows program02:00
Roeyland$ sudo dd bs=4M if=/home/sana/Downloads/ubuntu-18.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb1 status=progress oflag=sync02:01
Roeylandrebelflag1993: ^02:02
rebelflag1993ok, thanks02:03
rebelflag1993I will say that I love how light and efficient this O.S. is, I can't believe how small it is (I just converted from windows)02:05
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IrcsomeBotthilina34GL3 was added by: thilina34GL302:35
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SaeidHello, I'm in kubuntu 20.04, nvidia is installed via additional software (nvidia 440 for rtx2070), the problem is: in kde Display Configuration I can't see my laptop monitor, I just can see my external HDMI monitor, I also can't turn off my laptop monitor, my purpose is to just have HDMI monitor turn on and laptop be turn off, output of xrandr is https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2PnrYGtF3z/04:03
SaeidI don't have my laptop monitor connected in xrandr, what should I do? I just have HDMI monitor connected and ok, but laptop monitor is disconnected but is also turn on always (freezing on a tty screen)05:02
Saeidhmm, I think I'm right now at a point that if restart the laptop, I have no screen at all :D05:12
SaeidHow can I save current dispaly settings in KDE? when I reboot they revert06:00
gungomanhow can i install gnome3 on kubuntu?10:17
BluesKaj'Morning all10:28
tomreyngungoman: you could install ubuntu-desktop in addition to kubuntu-desktop, but i'm not sure this would go well. it's usually best to install either a qt based or a gtk based desktop, not both in parallel.10:41
tomreynyou're welcome!10:41
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IrcsomeBot<Rutvikm> Is there an option to remove the Auto prefix, for wifi networks connected automatically? Or add that auto in a bracket after SSID? It can misguide in some cases11:38
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user|59225hello my network card dosent works under kde 20.0414:10
user|5922503:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller [10ec:8168] (rev 03)14:11
user|59225        Subsystem: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd Onboard Ethernet [1458:e000]14:11
user|59225        Kernel driver in use: r816914:11
user|59225        Kernel modules: r816914:11
user|59225i cant install r8168-dkms_8.048.00-1_all.deb14:12
user|59225can anybody help..14:15
user|59225here you can read some infos its my post in Ger. https://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/kubuntu-20-4-lts-netzwerkkarte-nicht-erkannt/14:16
BluesKajuser|59225, sudo apt install r8168-dkms doesn't install?14:16
user|59225no dont works, the files be in the download folder14:19
user|59225search file directory in red colerd write14:20
BluesKajyou posted r8169 first, so which is it14:21
user|59225r8169 dont works i cant see network or net card ... maybe the r8168 works... but i cant install on platform Kubuntu 20.04 the r8168.deb with installer..14:24
BluesKajwhich kernel, uname -r14:26
user|59225on kde 18.04 works 5.3.0-53-generic14:29
user|59225with r816814:29
BluesKajrun uname -r on 20.04 to find the kernel version14:31
user|59225on 20.04 i dont know i have no inet on 20.04 so i have to change hard disk to look14:31
BluesKajyou don't need internet to run that command in the terminal14:32
user|59225can you bild an installer for 20.04 with this kernal and neworkscard driver14:32
BluesKajjust run the command so we know which kernel you have14:33
user|59225with r816814:33
user|59225in one installer for 20.04 sorry my englisch is bad14:34
user|59225ok i have to turn off now and have to look and i come back in 10 min14:35
BluesKajthen joib #ubuntu-de chat14:35
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:35
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BluesKajn_, tell us your issue16:35
alejandro_when i can have help whit the wireless conection?16:36
alejandro_sorry, where...16:36
alejandro_the main issue maybe is kubuntu does not recognize the broadcom board16:39
BluesKajalejandro_, you might need to download the bcm linux driver from their website16:41
n_is there a trisqul free node channel?16:43
n_or is it ok ask about my issue here16:44
n_never mind i gotthe channel16:48
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user|52869Is Kubuntu supported by Ubuntu esm18:50
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jukebohiksgrd_network_helper taking up 100% of 2 cores of 419:52
jukebohinot doing any downloading or anything like that19:53
jukebohiwhat will happen to my system if I kill the process?20:06
jukebohiwell at least the CPU usage went down when I killed ksgrd_network_helper20:07
jukebohiseems the internet is up20:07
IrcsomeBotmax... was added by: max...21:31
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shaheeranybody here ?21:52
shaheerif you are not chatting , so what are you doing here ?21:53
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josh1devHow is everybody doing22:55
dillonhey guys I'm trying to start customizing my kubuntu and I want to start by changing the file manager.  I saw deepin and I like the way it looks, but I don't know how to install it with termainal.  I've already downloaded it but now I'm stuck, can anyone help?23:07
Oderuswhat did you download, a deb?23:12
dillon_Oderus no, it was a zip23:13
Oderushave you uncompressed it?23:13
Oderuswhats inside23:14
dillon_can I attach a screenshot here?23:14
Oderusyou can, but.. if you have to build it from sourcecode, theres full instructions here23:15
Oderusotherwise, you could also search google for a deepin deb file, which you would just double click to install23:15
Oderushope this helps, i gotta run!23:16
dillon_ok, I will try that.  Thank you so much for the help23:16
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> I changed my resolution and now my pc got stuck and won't login in Kubuntu23:22
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> I can access to tty123:33
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> I just have this issue with the resolution and the monitor23:34
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Maybe it goes in conflict with nvidia drivers23:34
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Any help?23:34
dillon_I wish I could help, but I'm very new also23:39
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> :(23:40
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