
travismnot sure what packaging stuff it takes to compile i686 on x86_6400:00
jpmhI would like to add setting of color into the PS1 prompt.  So, I added \e[1;33m before my normal prompt - all looks GREAT unless I have a line that is 40 or more characters and I try and edit it, I do use set -o vi, so I want vi style editing.  Seems like the editr gets confused when the line is long and the prompy has color setting.  What am I missing here?00:02
Deano59how do I remove all languages except english/uk?00:14
travismis there such a thing as a language pack?00:14
travismi have a blur effect on my windows00:18
travismits um kde00:18
=== Roey is now known as Roeyland
Sven_vBin one of my notebooks, Ubuntu xenial has problems interpreting the touchpad input. is there a way to ignore mouse movements that hit a certain speed limit, or even undo them once they become faster than allowed?00:34
Sven_vBmost incidents of the problem are that while I try to drag and drop, the cursor suddenly accelerates in another direction. one way to reliably avoid it is to use a touchpad pen (fake finger for when wearing gloves in winter), but I'd like to use my normal fingers most of the time.00:37
Sven_vBthe touchpad usually goes back to sane within a few seconds after I lift my finger, but I have to restart the drag and drop action, that's annoying.00:38
RoseBusin terminal i am typing echo with a double quote, then i shift+insert from my clipboard to paste.  but instead of pasting multiple lines, it is trying to execute the lines in the shell terminal00:42
RoseBuslike this, echo "shift+insert00:42
RoseBusam i doing something wrong?00:42
Bashing-omRoseBus: In the paste is a new line ?00:44
RoseBusyes it's several lines00:44
Sven_vBRoseBus, does the first line include a double quote?00:45
RoseBusSven_vB, that's the first thing I looked for, no it does not.  It's a signed PGP message00:46
Sven_vBRoseBus, depending on what you're trying to do, it might be more failsafe to just run a command that prints clipboard contents.00:46
RoseBuscool i'll try xsel00:47
Sven_vBif you're planning on doing that operation more often, consider making a shell script, too.00:48
RoseBusxsel worked00:50
RoseBusbut i dont know why it wasn't picking up the whole thing as a continuous string when I had a double quote in there00:51
RoseBusi guess it doesn't matter that much00:51
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Sir_Letoscreen cannot find sessions running when I try to join them, they show up when you run screen -ls, but then screen says the session can't be found when you try to join it02:05
Sir_LetoI think my s/o tried to make the screen session shareable02:05
Sir_Letoand know the state is listed as (unkown)02:05
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=== travism__ is now known as travism
tripelbMy Ubuntu create startup disk will not recognize my Manjaro...03:04
=== wymillerlinux_ is now known as wymillerlinux
AscavasaionRhythmbox music player/collection manager.  HOw can I get it to refresh the playlist when I add music?  I can do it manually, but then it creates duplicated etc.  All I need is for it to check... how often does it check?  Any ideas?03:50
=== pinpox- is now known as pinpox
SynfulAckssh has the ~. [enter] hotkey to break out of a unresponsive terminal. Is there something like that for everything else? ctrl+c didnt do anything or ctrl+d.04:33
SaeidHello, I'm in kubuntu 20.04, nvidia is installed via additional software (nvidia 440 for rtx2070), the problem is: in kde Display Configuration I can't see my laptop monitor, I just can see my external HDMI monitor, I also can't turn off my laptop monitor, my purpose is to just have HDMI monitor turn on and laptop be turn off, output of xrandr is https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2PnrYGtF3z/04:33
lotuspsychjeSaeid: did you try a driver switch yet?04:35
SaeidI don't have my laptop monitor connected in xrandr, what should I do? I just have HDMI monitor connected and ok, but laptop monitor is disconnected but is also turn on always (freezing on a tty screen)05:02
mr_louI seem to have a problem with USB drivers I think. The USB device I plug into my Intel Compute Stick to play video files from it, randomly gets remounted, causing VLC to crash after some hours.05:18
mr_louWhen installing Windows 8 it doesn't happen.05:18
mr_louOnly on Ubuntu (18.04)05:19
mr_louIs there any known USB driver issues like that?05:19
mr_louRelated to autosuspend perhaps?05:32
SaeidHow can I save current dispaly settings in KDE? when I reboot they revert06:00
dreamonhello. bought a new thinkpad E15. /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_max_freq and scaling_min_freq both outputs 4900000. CPU uses normally 1.8GHz. what can I do?06:22
basalthi, if i connect with 19_10 to a 5ghz wlan i always be disconnected after a random time, even cannot ping default gateway, but with 2.4ghz connection to same router its working, any hints ?07:34
chuunaI upgraded from ubuntu 18,04 to 20.04 and now the double tap to click dont work for some reason, anyone know how to solve this? Btw, im running i3wm07:41
chuuna(double tap to click, touchpad)07:42
tamarindhey guys, been using ubuntu 18.04 and when i try to open the "endless sky" game it says your system needs open gl 3.0. then i follow multiple instructions online the latest being this one https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/8tpq05/how_can_update_my_display_driver_to_opengl_33/08:25
tamarindand it took a long time to complete the dist upgrade and so. but at the end when i execute the last comment it still says "OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 20.0.7 - kisak-mesa PPA08:26
tamarindcan some one here help me with this please ?08:26
tomreyntamarind: hi there. can you post the output of    cat /var/log/gpu-manager.log | nc termbin.com 999908:40
GwalennHi, I try to install Ubuntu. I want Windows on a raid 0 hdds and Ubuntu on another hdd (no raid). If I set my motherboard on raid 0 for Windows, I can not see any drive on Ubuntu installer.08:42
tatertotsGwalenn: that's expected08:42
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto08:43
tatertotsGwalenn: your windows/fake raid controller driver is windows only...08:43
tomreynif this is intel fakeraid you could actually make it work on ubuntu, too, i think, but i don't know if grub supports it, so you may not be able to boot off it.08:45
Gwalenntatertots: my goal is windows on raid 0 and Ubuntu on a standard drive08:45
Gwalennand I its amd motherboard08:46
tatertotsGwalenn: doesn't really mattere if CPU is intel/AMD...Linux won't see drives with sata mode set to its current state in bios08:47
Gwalenntatertots: ok. It is impossible to Ubuntu to see other drive on sata if I have two drive in raid 0 on my 4 hdd hardware ?08:48
tatertotsGwalenn: you'd have to change BIOS sata mode to AHCI/SATA if you want drives to be seen by Linux08:51
Gwalenntatertots: but If i come back to AHCI after installed windows on raid 0, what 's happened ?08:53
GwalennI will losse my win installation, no ?08:53
tatertotsGwalenn: that would nullify your raid of course08:53
Gwalennin reallity I can't do this : Windows on raid and Linux on normal hdd. Anyway, I give up08:54
tatertotsGwalenn: you could buy a hardware raid card if you really want08:55
tatertotsGwalenn: all the LSI chipset based hardware raid controllers have good linux support or a Dell PERC controller08:56
Gwalenntatertots: no thanks :-D I have enough hardware...08:56
tomreynGwalenn: this explains how you can keep your existing windows installation: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-installation-on-computers-with-intel-r-rst-enabled/1534709:00
OERIASHi, I have an issue with sound on the budgie desktop09:02
OERIASWhen I plug in a headset or headphones it does not play sound to the said headphones09:02
OERIASI have to go to go to the sound settings to and change microphone to headset09:02
OERIASis there a way for the system to automatically set the sound output to the headset/headphones?09:02
hanshProcessing triggers for libc-bin (2.31-0ubuntu9) ...09:06
hanshError: Timeout was reached09:06
hanshits running on a very slow (virtual) harddrive, that's know09:06
hanshshould i be worried?09:06
tomreyn!patience | OERIAS09:07
ubottuOERIAS: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/09:07
tomreynhansh: which ubuntu version are you running there?09:07
hanshtomreyn, 20.04 headless "netinst"09:08
tomreynhansh: by "netinst" you mean that you installed using mini.iso? or pxe bootstrapped? also, which command did you run that created this output?09:08
tomreyn...and what's the full output (on a pastebin, see /topic)09:09
hanshi installed it from a 18.04 running wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/installer-amd64/current/legacy-images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/installer-amd64/current/legacy-images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/installer-amd64/current/legacy-images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/pxelinux.0 && echo OK09:09
hanshthe command was: apt-get install eatmydata09:12
fradI logged in ubuntu 20.04 and now the nm-applet icon and the mouse while running vlc now look different. why?09:13
Gwalenntomreyn: I red it, but not sure this works for me09:14
tamarindtomreyn, thanks for replying https://termbin.com/le3n09:15
tomreynhansh: hmm, not sure then. have you tried cancelling?09:18
hanshah no, it apparently finished after printing that message (it was the very last line it printed though), the program seems to be successfully installed09:19
hanshctrl+c wasn't required, it stopped on its own09:19
tomreynhansh: ah good, so it just took a while.09:20
tomreyntamarind: try removing the kisak-ppa PPA, then upgrade to !ltse09:23
tomreyn!ltse | tamarind09:24
ubottutamarind: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack09:24
tomreynyou're on the vanilla 18.04.0 / .1 kernel - which isn't wrong, but it may not be new enough to make the i915 driver work with higher GL profile (i'm not sure which GL version it can reach, though)09:26
amprxcHello ! When I run "ps -aux", some users have a "+" at the end of their names. Like "systemd+". What does it mean ? Thanks09:30
tomreyntamarind: actually this kernel image you have installed is from 2018?!09:31
tomreyntamarind: actually no, that's not what you run now.09:31
tomreyni was thinking this was your post, and it was recent, only noticed now it's a year old: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/8tpq05/how_can_update_my_display_driver_to_opengl_33/09:32
EtherManAnyone that could tell me how I can set the Config password for the slapd package? dpkg-reconfigure lets me set the admin and rootDS, but not the config pw :/09:32
tomreynamprxc: that the actual value did not fit the width of this column, i.e. it was abbreviated09:33
hanshthe command "apt purge unattended-upgrades" does not stop this process:     665 ?        00:00:00 unattended-upgr09:33
hanshim guessing it's supposed to?09:34
nibzAUhello all :) i was wondering if anyon has experience with xampp and ubuntu.. i am new to ubuntu and installed xamp and tried changing my document root folder ut getting a access forbidden error09:34
amprxchansh oooooooooooh ! And how can I expand the column ?09:34
hanshamprxc, dunno, someone else here might though09:34
amprxchansh ok thanks09:35
tomreynamprxc: see its !man page (ps(1)), and the --columns and -o options there,09:36
tomreynalso -w / w09:36
tomreynhansh: hmm, yes, it probably should have, that's strange.09:36
hanshtomreyn, at least it stops the process from starting after a reboot09:37
amprxctomreyn no prob. I found : "ps ax o user:16,pid,pcpu,pmem,vsz,rss,stat,start_time,time,cmd"09:38
tomreynhansh: so it's no longer listed in ps now? you could have run "ps ef PID" replacing "PID" by the processes PID, and then looked for its full path on the file system, to see whether there were any leftovers after uninstalling the package.09:39
tomreynamprxc: so you used 'o' :)09:39
hanshtomreyn, well find / -iname "*unattended*"  didn09:43
hanshdidn't find anything so guess it's gone (and sorry about the accidental enters.. using a 14" laptop with a 13" chassis and small keyboard x.x)09:44
hansh(and the enter button is right below the ' button)09:44
tomreyn14" laptop with a 13" chassis? i hope you didn't have to split the mainboard.09:45
hansherm, the exact claim from the manufacturer is: 14" display in 13" chassis   - https://i.imgur.com/wmF3Hep.png09:53
hanshguess "screen" is important09:53
tomreynthis makes no sense to me, but fortunately it's not an ubuntu issue. ;)09:54
russkelHi all, is there any known issues with rpi3b ubuntu server crashing on 18.04.4 / 20.04 when the board tries to clock down the CPU? https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3/issues/59309:55
russkelthere's a serial console output there, and it shows cpu frequency change errors and hardware interrupt errors etc09:56
k_szeAnybody has this problem where they install apt install torbrowser-launcher, but Tor Browser doesn't actually launch?09:56
tomreynrusskel: cat /proc/version     reports what?09:58
tomreynk_sze: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/torbrowser-launcher/+bugs09:59
k_szeugh... sounds like that package hasn't ever really worked. lol10:00
hanshwhy is rsyslogd still running after `service rsyslog stop` ?10:02
russkeltomreyn, Linux version 5.4.0-1011-raspi (buildd@bos02-arm64-055) (gcc version 9.3.0 (Ubuntu 9.3.0-10ubuntu2)) #11-Ubuntu SMP Fri May 8 07:43:33 UTC 202010:02
russkelgood place to start10:02
hansh(running the same command on debian10 stops rsyslogd from running)10:02
russkeloh hmm 1011? why not 102310:03
k_szehansh, you're sure you don't have a custom instance of rsyslog, right?10:03
k_szecuz it's definitely possible to define more than the default instance. We're done that at my last company.10:04
russkelnevermind there is no 1023, that must have been 18.0410:04
barnexHello, I'm having a display setting issue. Every time my displays go to sleep they wake up in an incorrect configuration (with panning enabled). I think it's gnome doing it, cause the same happens if I just change my settings through control center. Here's what I set in control center: https://i.imgur.com/4ZYzT40.png here's what is actually set: https://i.imgur.com/mg5MZXx.png10:04
hanshi haven't customized rsyslog in any way, it's just what's installed from  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/installer-amd64/current/legacy-images/netboot10:04
hanshbut i need to remount / as ro, and i can't do that because rsyslogd  1434           syslog    7w   REG    8,2  1391006     75 /var/log/syslog10:04
funnybunny2My FnLock key is lit up when function keys are enabled. Shouldn't it be the opposite?10:04
barnexI can go to advanced in nvidia and disable panning (0x0), but after the displays go to sleep it'll rever to whatever gnome wants again.10:05
lotuspsychjebarnex: ubuntu version and graphics card chipset?10:05
funnybunny2Oh, nvm. I guess I'm supposed to hold Fn to type a function key10:05
barnexlotuspsychje: thanks, yeah: Ubuntu 19.10; nvidia-driver-44010:06
lotuspsychjebarnex: how are both displays connected?10:07
hanshrsyslogd keeps auto-restarting very fast if killed too,10:08
hanshkillall -w rsyslogd -s KILL ; mount / -o remount,ro10:08
hanshmount: /: mount point is busy.10:08
lotuspsychje!who | hansh10:08
ubottuhansh: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:08
tomreyn!info linux-image-raspi focal10:08
ubottuPackage linux-image-raspi does not exist in focal10:08
barnexlotuspsychje: both are directly connected to graphics card, one via display port, other via hdmi cable.10:08
tomreynubottu: you're a liar10:09
ubottutomreyn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:09
hanshlotuspsychje, i'm not really talking to anyone in particular, i'm hoping someone knows how to stop rsyslogd in 20.0410:09
tomreynrusskel: 5.4.0-1011-raspi would indeed be the latest according to https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=focal-updates&arch=arm64&searchon=names&keywords=linux-image-raspi10:09
lotuspsychjebarnex: ok tnx, could you try to: journalctl -f and systemsleep and come back, then pastebin the output?10:09
russkelyeah I got confused, tomreyn10:10
barnexlotuspsychje: fwiw it all started after I switched my DP display to 4:3 mode with bars - instead of getting a correct resolution the panning has started, and even though I've came back to native 16:9 it never went. Re your last message I'll try that, thanks.10:10
InnovAnon-Inctry: systemctl stop rsyslogd10:10
InnovAnon-Inc!hansh there's something restarting it. probably it's systemd or equivalent. less commonly, it could be restarted in inittab. if you didn't add it to inittab yourself, then forget I mentioned it10:12
ubottuInnovAnon-Inc: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:12
lotuspsychjebarnex: could you check if bug #1573345 affects you?10:13
ubottubug 1573345 in kscreen (Ubuntu) "Dual monitor loses settings after screen sleep" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157334510:13
tomreynrusskel: so i think you may want to report a bug against linux-meta, or see if there's one already10:16
russkelon bugs.launchpad ?10:17
tomreynyes, but using the "ubuntu-bug" software10:17
tomreyn!bug | russkel10:17
ubotturusskel: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.10:17
russkelwill do. thanks tomreyn10:17
tomreynrusskel: be aware ports are not fully supported, though, so this is 'best effort'10:19
lotuspsychjerusskel: can you tell us more about your pi3's firmware version?10:21
hanshfigured out how to stop rsyslogd: chmod -x /usr/sbin/rsyslogd ; service rsyslog stop; killall -w rsyslogd -g -s KILL ; chmod +x /usr/sbin/rsyslogd;10:23
russkeltomreyn, okay understood10:23
russkellotuspsychje, is that something that can be upgraded?10:23
tomreynhansh: that's not what you'd normally do, no10:23
funnybunny2How can I get dark mode for Chrome?10:24
lotuspsychjerusskel: im reading threads related to overclocking and DVFS firmware10:24
tomreynhansh: why are you trying to stop it in the first place instead of either deactivating the service or uninstalling it?10:24
russkellotuspsychje, stock, haven't touched it10:24
funnybunny2Windows and Mac OS have a system setting for dark/light. Does Ubuntu have this?10:24
lotuspsychjefunnybunny2: there's a handy addon for browsers called 'dark reader' if you want10:24
funnybunny2Wondering if I can get the official dark mode for Chrome10:25
tomreynhansh: ah you tried to stop the service using the "service" command. i hadn't noticed all that you wrote above. which ubuntu release is this?10:25
dreamonhaving issue playing audio. pavucontrol only device is dummy,no sound. I found out, aplay wavefile as root is playing audio, well. as normal user no audio is there. But no error. (maybe helpful ..)10:25
lotuspsychjefunnybunny2: https://darkreader.org/10:26
tomreynhansh: probably still 20.04, it's what you said previously. but i suspect your installation did not go well, or you have a read-only file system.10:26
hansh20.04, and i want to mount / -o remount,ro ; but it keeps saying "mount: /: mount point is busy."  , and the command lsof / | awk '$4 ~ /[0-9].*w/' prints processes which is keeping it busy, rsyslogd was 1 of those processes (along with atop and 1 other service)10:26
lotuspsychjerusskel: you can also try the !arm channel if they know about overclocking + firmware or an existing/new !bug as tomreyn adviced10:27
tomreynhansh: well if you're running the active OS off this file system then most certainly it'll be busy10:27
funnybunny2lotuspsychje: This is pretty cool. It doesn't work for the Google home page though10:27
funnybunny2(When I open a new tab)10:27
hanshit's running, but not doing anything other than running.. and running an SSH server10:27
lotuspsychjefunnybunny2: it does for me on FF10:27
funnybunny2I'm using Chrome10:28
tomreynhansh: reboot to recovery, that's the only sane way you can boot *this* system so that you can have / r-o10:28
hanshdo i have a network connection in recovery?10:28
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.10:28
BluesKaj'Morning all10:28
lotuspsychjefunnybunny2: well we cant really support chrome, try chromium instead or firefox10:28
russkellotuspsychje, good tip, I'll check out that channel now10:28
hanshill try recovery mode, thanks10:28
lotuspsychjegood luck russkel10:29
tomreynhansh: no, you have either network connectivity or r-o /10:29
russkelthanks lotuspsychje10:29
tomreynhansh: maybe discuss what you are really trying to achieve there10:30
funnybunny2lotuspsychje: I installed a dark theme for Chrome which fixed it. Now everything is dark. Cool10:30
lotuspsychjeenjoy funnybunny210:30
tomreyn!xy | hansh10:31
ubottuhansh: The XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned.10:31
lotuspsychjefunnybunny2: ?10:31
barnexlotuspsychje: sorry it took so long, I've had some issues with not knowing how to use my terminal: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/c4gCtmwyrq/. Also the problem seems to only happen when the monitors actually shut down, just blanking the screen causes no issue. I'll read the bug now.10:31
funnybunny2"XY problem"10:31
barnexlotuspsychje: the "Creative Technology Ltd Sound Blaster Play! 2 Consumer Control" device is connected via monitors USB hub, so it's a good way to track on/off10:33
tomreynhansh: the "service" command is and i think has always been just a wrapper around the commands provided by the init system in use. all currently supported ubuntu releases use the systemd init system, so i would recommend you familiarize yourself with its commands and use those directly. systemctl is the service control command there.10:34
akikhansh: "sudo systemctl stop rsyslog; sudo systemctl mask rsyslog" does that work?10:35
barnexlotuspsychje: and after more investigation it's not that bug. Just cycling power of the monitors reenables panning for me10:37
barnexlotuspsychje: weird thing is I can't fix it with "xrandr --output DVI-D-0 --off --panning 0x0 --output HDMI-0 --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 --rotate left --output DVI-I-1 --off --output DVI-I-0 --off --output DP-1 --off --output DP-0 --primary --mode 1920x1080 --pos 1080x376 --rotate normal --panning 0x0", have to actually go into nvidia settings10:39
barnexhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2t3td9qDtR/ so weird, I must not be understanding something10:44
barnexhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VrbSHBtXKQ/ am I using xrandr wrong? I'd expect it to not add panning and in that case actually not change the configuration at all10:50
SimooonI have a drive from an old computer, with a "lvm2 pv" partition, so as far as I can read this means that there are sub partitions in this partition. Does anyone know how to access these partitions? I can not remember what is on the drive, but I'd like a look before I reformat it.10:51
hanshwhen i enter recovery mode, it stops at "loading initial ramdisk ..." - hmm, i remember the same issue on another system, where the solution was kernel boot parameter dev=ttyS110:54
hanshi want to make an image of /dev/sda on a VPS, i do not have access to the hypervisor, and recovery mode stops at "loading initial ramdisk ...", and if i try in normal mode to run mount / -o remount,ro  it says "mount: /: mount point is busy." , any suggestions?10:56
tomreynSimooon: use lvmdiskscan or pvscan10:57
tomreynSimooon: and once those detect it you'll work with pvs, vgs, lvs, and possibly want to   lvchange -ay SOMEVG/SOMELV    and then mount the file system (assuming there is one) on that LV.10:59
tomreynhansh: cat /proc/version    reports what?11:00
Simooontomreyn, okay will tryt that, thanks for the tip :-)11:01
tomreynyou're welcome :)11:01
lotuspsychjerusskel: thank you to report bug #188038811:07
ubottubug 1880388 in linux-raspi (Ubuntu) "rpi3b becomes unresponsive after closing a program" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188038811:07
russkellotuspsychje, thanks for your help :)11:09
russkelalso forwarded the bug to the turtlebot3 manufacturer so they can get involved and fix their product ;)11:10
Austin__i have a fresh 20.04 install on a fresh nvme drive, but my BIOS can't detect it (PCIe, old-ish MoBo). How can i move /boot/ to a usb stick (detectable by BIOS) safely?11:13
echoSMILEHi. I installed ubuntu in one raspberry pi 3b plus, but the screen nothing shows on screen, from leds things seems to be loading. Any issue related ?11:13
hanshtomreyn, nevermind, seems there's something wrong with the hypervisor, because now the VM can't be booted at all (not even to the bios screen)11:17
echoSMILEAlready boot (but only after reboot)11:19
echoSMILEThe default ubuntu for raspberry don't bring desktop environment ?11:19
tomreynechoSMILE: if you installed this https://ubuntu.com/download/raspberry-pi then the headline says "Ubuntu Server" and that comes without a GUI by default.11:21
echoSMILEtomreyn: oh ok11:21
tomreynechoSMILE: you can, of course, install one, though11:21
tomreyn(as explained on the tutorial linked there)11:22
tomreynAustin__: it's not just about moving /boot, you'll also need to update the grub configuration located there, the initrd located there, and, moreover, ensure this system can boot in bios mode (i.a. it is not an uefi installation) and grub is available to the firmware.11:24
tomreynAustin__: did you create the installation on the nvme while it was connected to a different computer then?11:24
Austin__tomreyn: thats exactly what im unfamiliar with. have been doing a lot of reading but feel very out of my depth11:25
Austin__i can boot to a live usb, and install to the nvme as it is detected by the kernel no problem11:25
Austin__just pre-kernel, im relying on the motherboard, and it's too old (2014/15) to support booting from an nvme11:26
tomreynAustin__: did you spot the last question i asked, too?11:27
Austin__no, the nvme has only ever been in one machine11:27
Austin__^in answer to above11:28
tomreynah so you installed to the nvme while booting the same computer from an ubuntu installer usb stick or something?11:28
Austin__then intend to move /boot to a usb11:28
tomreynand the old mainboard can't switch between bios / uefi booting, yet?11:28
Austin__it has functionality for both11:29
tomreynand have you tried booting off the nvme using either mode?11:29
Austin__neither support nvme unfortunately11:29
Austin__and no updates from OEM to enable it...11:29
tomreynok, it seemed worth discussing it11:29
Austin__understandably, it's be a lot easier that way :)11:29
akikAustin__: have you tried installing grub+kernel+initramfs on the usb stick?11:30
Austin__im not sure how, my google-fu is a little off as i'm so unfamiliar with this11:30
tomreynthis would need to be a different usb stick than the one the installer / live image is running from, i guess.11:31
Austin__yep, i have two sticks for that reason11:31
tomreyndo you prefer bios or uefi booting then?11:33
Austin__lets go uefi11:33
tomreyngpt partition table on the usb, a 250 mb efi system partition (with the corresponding partition flag) and a vfat file system on it11:34
Austin__i'll just do that now, bear with me11:35
Austin__just reflashing nvme to correct anything i might have changed prior to now11:36
tomreynby "reflashing" you mean you'll install ubuntu to it in uefi mode?11:37
tomreyngood :)11:38
tomreynwhen you did, don't reboot just after the installation completes, yet11:39
Austin__ok, ready11:39
tomreynAustin__: you just installed ubuntu using the ubuntu installer in *one* minute? nvme's are fast, but... this seems too fast?11:41
Austin__it was already running when i started talking to you ;)11:41
hanshmaybe he paired it with i9-10900k11:41
Austin__if i had a cpu that new this wouldnt be an issue... :(11:42
tomreynAustin__: which ubuntu version are you instlling actually (sorry if you already told)?11:42
lotuspsychjebarnex: 2 more ideas crossing my mind, is testing this on the 435 driver as a compare test, or jumping to 20.04 before 19.10 going eol11:43
tomreynah right i just spotted it, sorry11:43
tomreynoh server, ok, good to know11:43
Austin__so, new gpt on usb, 1G size, + boot flags?11:43
Austin__1G size partition + boot flags11:44
Austin__i'll add vfat fs after11:44
tomreyn1 GB might be too large for an ESP with an old mainboard. also, you'll definitely not need that much.11:44
Austin__ah ok11:45
Austin__512M did you say before?11:45
tomreynAustin__: do you have other fixed storages installed ont his system, or do you plan to have any?11:45
tomreyn<tomreyn> gpt partition table on the usb, a 250 mb efi system partition (with the corresponding partition flag) and a vfat file system on it11:45
tomreynAustin__: or you could just make it the same size the installer makes it on the nvme11:46
adrian_1908I want to install Ubuntu as a Desktop OS but with a different window manager like i3. Is the Server image suitable for that, or does it contain domain-specific packages and configs that one wouldn't want on the Desktop?11:47
adrian_1908p.s. Don't want the default applications of the Gnome DE either11:48
mesaboogieadrian_1908: server will work. the installer should ask you what services you want to run anyways.11:48
adrian_1908Ok, thanks!11:48
Austin__tomreyn: done, 512M, and vfat added11:48
tomreynadrian_1908: you may want to install network-manager and use that for managing your network connection and caching resolver rather than cloud-init, netplan and systemd-networkd (which would be the server default)11:49
tomreynAustin__: and you tagged it as esp, too?11:50
tomreynAustin__: "it" -> the partition which will be the efi system partition11:50
Austin__tomreyn: no...11:50
tomreynglad i asked!11:51
echoSMILEwhats the password of root by default ?11:52
tomreyn!root | echoSMILE11:52
ubottuechoSMILE: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:52
Austin__tomreyn: tagged as in, a label?11:53
Austin__or something else?11:53
Austin__im googling...11:53
tomreynAustin__: a partition flag11:53
tomreynstored in the gpt11:53
echoSMILEtomreyn: tks11:53
tomreynfdisk -l      will show the same for the nvme11:53
Austin__ok, i'll check the nvme11:58
Austin__and duplicate11:58
tomreynAustin__: i'll be gone for about 15 minutes. once you're ready, you can just unmount what you have at /boot/efi now, then mount the new file system you created on the usb attached storages' esp there, and update fstab to point to this file systems' UUID (as seen on blkid)11:59
tomreynAustin__: then mount it into /target/boot/efi, then chroot /target, then "apt install --reinstall" the existing linux-* packages (dpkg -l | grep '^ii  linux'), update-grub, grub-install12:01
Austin__thank you :)12:03
echoSMILEwhere I can set a static ip for wired interface from cli ?12:03
adrian_1908echoSMILE: `ip a`  or  `ip a | grep wlan0`12:05
echoSMILEone guide days that /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml is the default file, but it donºt exist12:05
adrian_1908or however your interface is called12:06
adrian_1908ah sorry, I read "where can I get", you meant set. My bad.12:07
adrian_1908echoSMILE: If you don't have a file in your netplan dir, you can simply create one. E.g. /etc/netplan/config.yaml12:08
adrian_1908echoSMILE: I don't have wifi set up right now, but something like this might work: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/thnsF78zkV/12:11
adrian_1908echoSMILE: Or rather: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KMCrZDDcXV/12:14
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
echoSMILEadrian_1908: tks. how to disable ipv6 btw ?12:15
Austin__tomreyn: you there?12:17
adrian_1908echoSMILE: Afaik you can't do that via netplan. Do you want to disable the IPv6 stack entirely (all the time) on your system?12:17
TheFuIs there a way to disabled the directory confinement for snaps? The default confinement is breaking our workflow.12:17
echoSMILEadrian_1908: yes12:18
adrian_1908echoSMILE: For that I would probably add a file, e.g. `/etc/sysctl.d/60-disable-ipv6.conf` and inside add the lines `net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1`. Also add 3-4 lines like that one, replacing ‘default’ with ‘all’, ‘lo’, ‘wlan0‘ to be sure.12:21
adrian_1908This way IPv6 should be disabled on your machine entirely. You should see this if you run `ip a` and get no more `inet6` property in there.12:22
adrian_1908echoSMILE: You can also query these properties (after reboot) via `sysctl net.ipv6.conf.{all,default,lo,wlan0}.disable_ipv6`12:25
adrian_1908Should then all print `= 1`12:25
Austin__tomreyn: should i not be updating fstab after chroot?12:28
pragomerI got a serious and urgent network-issue with a new laptop: the laptop is a "HP 6hm83es",  Eth-Controller is: Realtek RTL8111/8169/8411, Wifi-Controller is: Realtek RTL 8821CE12:32
pragomerWifi does not work at all (needs extra driver which I cannot install)12:32
pragomerLAN works but with strange dns -issues (I think so...): some websites work (google, ubuntuusers), some sites dont.... apt and software-center have NO internet12:33
pragomerany ideas? please I need help12:33
vltpragomer: To begin: `ip a`, `ip r` and  `cat /etc/resolv.conf`12:34
pragomervlt: thank you for taking your time for me. I will post the outputs as photo-screenshots... as I cannot get on internet on THAT laptop,ok?12:37
Austin__tomreyn: when i'm booted into the usb stick, /boot/efi is not present. think im missing something12:37
Austin__the live usb stick*12:37
pragomerip a: https://i.imgur.com/tD4mboV.png12:37
pragomerip r: https://i.imgur.com/tkngLTU.png12:38
pragomerresolv.conf: https://i.imgur.com/V1gJoz5.png12:38
vltpragomer: There’s no IPv4 address on your device eno1 (and I have zero IPv6 experience). Is there a DHCP server present?12:40
pragomervlt: yes, you are right... hostname -I only shows me a ipv6 address ...12:41
pragomerdhcp server is there... as 5 other computers in this house work properly with my fritzbox12:41
vltpragomer: You could run `sudo journalctl -f` in a separate terminal to see what’s going on when you then try `sudo dhclient eno1`.12:42
pragomerI think its a driver issue because its a low budget discounter laptop (399 euro)... I think when I could get ubuntu to work with ipv6 for installing software I could get the "additional drivers" to work... and fix the problem12:43
echoSMILEwhy I can't login over ssh ? I already checked and I have the "PasswordAuthentication Yes"12:43
pragomercan I set ubuntu to work with ipv6 ?12:43
pragomerok, setting up a manual ipv4 address seemed to work temporary...12:45
TheFuechoSMILE, sometimes, the sshd_config needs an option after ipv6 is removed.  Sec.  I'll check.12:45
pragomervlt: thanks for the tip with "no ipv4" did oversee this..12:45
echoSMILETheFu: I didnºt disabled ipv6 yet12:46
TheFuadd "AddressFamily inet" to the sshd_config12:46
TheFuThat setting isn't always needed.12:46
TheFuTo troubleshoot ssh ... try ssh -vvv user@server12:47
echoSMILETheFu: hum, locally it worked, but from other host, the password is denied12:51
tomreynAustin__: sorry, this took a while longer12:55
Austin__tomreyn: no worries :)12:56
tomreynupdaing fstab after chroot: does not matter, but it needs to be the fstab of the target system12:56
Austin__i havent really done anything since you last wrote, just googling12:57
Austin__ah ok, thats where i was confused, i was editing it on the live USB12:57
Austin__but never saved anything as i thought it wasnt right12:57
tomreynAustin__: if /boot/efi is not present after boot from usb stick, then you didn'T boot in efi mode, i would think. to check:  echo -n 'This system booted via: '; [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS12:57
TheFuechoSMILE, check that the permissions on the ~/.ssh/ directory and all files inside are correct.  Usually, they need to be 700/600 except the public keys where 644 works.12:59
lapionI am wondering has haswell support been removed from ubuntu va-driver ?12:59
Austin__tomreyn: uefi...13:00
TheFuechoSMILE, perhaps if you posted the output showing the failures?13:00
tomreynAustin__: so you have no file system mounted at /boot/efi, but does this directory exist?13:00
Austin__no, doesnt exist13:00
echoSMILEweird, now worked13:01
Austin__no, sorry, it's there13:01
TheFuechoSMILE, https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2421268 has some troubleshooting ideas.13:01
Austin__i have no idea why umount /boot/efi didnt work earlier13:01
tomreynAustin__: okay, just make sure that that ESP which is on the usb stick which you'll later want to boot from is mounted at /target/boot/efi13:02
Austin__yea ok13:02
tomreynAustin__: there would have been an error message hinting on it13:02
echoSMILETheFu: you don't wanna know why I got danied :x13:03
Austin__tomreyn: so, when you sau mount my usb vfat part to /target/boot/efi, should i have already mounted my nvme system partition to /target?13:06
tomreynAustin__: umm, yes, i think this would be mounted there already after you installed.13:06
Austin__ah, i rebooted :S13:06
tomreyninteresting :)13:06
Austin__i can just mount it there now and continue on?13:07
tomreynyou'll need to mount the virtual file systems, too, before you chroot13:08
tomreynfor directory in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount --bind $directory /target$directory; done13:10
Austin__and the apt command...13:11
tomreyn"the apt command"?13:11
Austin__tomreyn: apt-install --reinstall $(dpkg -l......)13:11
tomreynoh, so did you chroot, yet?13:11
Austin__updated fstab on target13:11
tomreynand you did mount these virtual file systems before you started the chroot?13:12
Austin__mounted usb boot part to /boot/efi13:12
tomreynAustin__: if everything's mounted in place then you can check which kernel packages are installed (apt list --installed 'linux-*'), and "apt install --reinstall ..." them13:16
fradhow do I print a whole page as an image? it is too big for screenshot13:17
Austin__base, firmware, headers13:18
Austin__oh so just step through each and --reinstall?13:18
tomreynAustin__: actually reinstalling the kernel images is not strictly needed because the kernel will remain on /boot which is on the nvme. this is just to trigger having the initrd's (which are also in /boot, so also on the nvme) to be updated.13:18
tomreynyou can supply all the package names in one step <Austin__> oh so just step through each and --reinstall?13:19
tomreynfrad: there are web browser addons which offer this functionality. actually, i think both firefox and chromium have this integrated nowadays13:20
fradtomreyn, where in firefox?13:20
tomreynfrad: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-screenshots13:21
hanshfrad, i ususally use the "Fireshot" addon to do that - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/fireshot/13:21
Austin__tomreyn: when i chroot'd, my console changed, can i swap back to bash easily?13:21
tomreynAustin__: just run /bin/bash13:21
hansho neat, firefox has native support for it now?13:21
felcomy computer is freezing after the lock screen, just happened again13:21
tomreynAustin__: you can usually add this as an extra argument to the chroot command13:21
Austin__tomreyn: after i've chroot'd, i cant get web access13:27
Austin__apt install fails as a result13:27
tomreynAustin__: is this a symbolic link? where to?    ls -l /etc/resolv.conf13:28
Zenyatta@felco - try checking your power settings. Some hardware doesn't  take well to the Linux sleep mode and just hangs.13:29
jaltHi, on default xenial (16.04) installs. is /tmp mounted as tmpfs (in RAM)? Additionally, if /tmp is indeed tmpfs, is that sufficient to guarantee that it is stored in RAM (ignoring swap)?13:29
hanshjalt, that's not default 16.04 behaviour, no, but /tmp is cleared on every reboot by default iirc13:30
tomreynAustin__: and this target exists?13:30
tomreynAustin__: and does it look fine, too?13:30
jalthmm, i am on xubuntu xenial and mount reports: tmpfs on /run/user/1000 type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=3282740k,mode=700,uid=1000,gid=1000)13:31
Austin__it's empty, but it exists13:31
Austin__the interface has no ip address FYI13:31
jaltit's unlikely but not impossible that i made it tmpfs myself many moons ago13:31
tomreynAustin__: weren't you online before you started the chroot?13:32
Austin__if i exit, i'd get network access...13:32
tomreynAustin__: and you mounted all the virtual file systems as i suggested?13:32
tomreynjalt: i think (not 100% sure though) that tmpfs was only default since 18.04 LTS13:33
tomreynjalt: xubuntu xenial is EOL, though13:33
Austin__tomreyn: i'll list the one's i mounted: /boot/efi from usb stick, /target from /dev/nvmen0p2 (/)13:34
Austin__that's it13:34
Austin__just had a bit of scrollback and dint see any others :S?13:34
jalti'm trying to find an authoritative source that demonstrates if tmpfs is guaranteed to be in ram, since i am sure my /tmp is tmpfs (whether it was default or not was mere curiosity)13:35
Austin__balls, just spotted it13:35
tomreynAustin__: <tomreyn> for directory in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount --bind $directory /target$directory; done13:35
tomreynAustin__: i even asked to make sure, you just didn't answer :)13:36
Austin__sorry, i assumed you meant just boot and rootfs, i completely missed the line you just quoted13:37
tomreynAustin__: no problem, but please point it out when something i say seems strange or you're not sure about it, such as "virtual file systems"13:38
tomreynAustin__: so you'll need to unmount anything you may have mounted from within the chroot, then exit the chroot, then mount the virtual file systems, then chroot again, then see if you can access the internet13:39
tomreynping -c1
tomreynping -c1 one.one.one.one13:39
tomreynjalt: did you read it, yet, and did it answer your question?13:40
jaltposted it before reading it, as i was confident it would answer my question, and now that i read it, indeed it did :)13:41
Austin__tomreyn: theyre installed now :)13:41
tomreynjalt: hmm then i should read it again, too.13:41
tomreynAustin__: what's installed?13:42
jalttmpfs is usually RAM but can be swapped and grown/shrunk, so not quite the usual definition of ramdisk. yet it works for me and my /tmp is indeed tmpfs, so all is good13:42
Austin__logs showing it's generated initrd.img and added boot menu entry etc13:42
tomreynjalt: thanks, that's what i expected.13:42
Austin__tomreyn: the reinstall step after exiting chroot and mounting vfs' as you said13:43
jalti probably went through the same process a long time ago, which is why i ended up setting tmp to tmpfs if xenial did not default to it, but alas, forgot about it and now had to refresh13:43
Austin__there's a chroot in there before the reinstall obv13:43
tomreynAustin__: very well. and your chroot's fstab was already updated to point to the ESP?13:43
tomreynAustin__: you reinstalled what exactly outside the chroot? i'm not sure i'm following, sorry.13:44
Austin__tomreyn: yes, fstab was pointing /boot/efi to the usb stick's UUID13:44
tomreynAustin__: maybe by "reinstall" you are referring to mounting file systems.13:45
tomreynAustin__: reinstalling the kernel packages would need to be done from *within* the chroot13:45
Austin__yep, thats what i did. sorry if i'm being confusing with incorrect terminology13:45
tomreynjalt: why are you wondering about tmpfs is guaranteed not to be swapped, is this to prevent sensible info from being swapped to disk?13:46
tomreynAustin__: okay, glad we verified this. :)13:46
Austin__so i should be good to reboot and select the new usb stick now?13:47
jalttomreyn, no, swapping (when appropriate) is not a problem for my usage, i simply could not find anything on tmpfs that categorically described it always residing on RAM (as opposed to residing on ram if certain conditions were met, etc.)13:48
tomreynAustin__: you need to grub-install, yet, unless you already did?13:49
Austin__nope, was waiting13:49
Austin__done, no errors reported13:50
jaltfor the record i will be using /tmp to hold the contents of mounted loopfs ISOs temporarily, in order to edit and build custom ISOs, so using RAM made more sense than using a hard drive, and was trying to ensure that my /tmp was already setup that way (which is was)13:50
jalt*it was13:51
tomreynAustin__: so, inside the chroot, you now should see "mount" repoorting that the usb stick's ESP is mounted at /boot/efi and an ls on this should show an EFI subdirectory containing an "ubuntu" subdirectory, and that should contain grub.cfg and grubx64.efi - is this so?13:51
Austin__yes, all as described13:52
tomreynjalt: i see. you may want to play with swapiness and the other swap configurations if this is going to be a configuration you'll be using "in production", i.e. regularly.13:52
jaltbeen there done that :)13:53
Austin__tomreyn: although, in grub.cfg, it's searching for a disk with UUID that matches the nvme13:54
Austin__shouldnt that match the USB?13:54
tomreynAustin__: not if you want the kernel and initrd to reside on the nvme13:54
nbusronehi , for some reason , setting cannot cannot be access.Once I select System setting but nothing show up and my CPU spike to full load for gnome-control-center. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9zT4wqXDR8/13:54
tomreynAustin__: either is possible. i assumed you wanted as much on the nvme as possible, and as little as possible on the usb13:54
Austin__tomreyn: that's true, so what is on the USB right now?13:55
tomreynAustin__: what i'm assuming here is that grub will be able to find the nvme and load its configuration file and the kernel from it13:55
Austin__i dont think that will work. if it did, i would be able to just install 20.04 to the nvme and be done with it?13:56
Austin__im not making an assertion, just querying13:56
tomreynAustin__: this may or may not work. when you tried booting directly off the nvme *in uefi mode* originally, did you get a "OS not found" like message from the firmware, or did you get a grub console?13:57
Austin__grub console13:57
tomreynthen it should work as it is now13:57
Austin__ok :)13:57
Austin__just so i know, whats on the USB right now?13:57
Austin__grub + kernel + initrd?13:58
tomreynyour efi system partition, including the 'grub shim'13:58
tomreynthe full grub and kernel and initrd are on the nvme13:58
Austin__thank you, should help me a lot when gooling all of this later13:59
Austin__shall i try a reboot?14:00
tomreynjalt: :) did you see my note regarding xubuntu 16.04 being EOL?14:00
tomreynAustin__: yes i think you're good to go, just make sure the mainboard firmware will boot in uefi more from the usb14:00
nbusroneI think i fix it by disable 3D a vb after looking at the gnome-control-center -v14:00
jaltyeah, i may be porting my iso builders to 20.04, but due to subiquity i am still considering my options14:01
Austin__tomreyn: i'm at a grub console14:02
Austin__tomreyn: i can see the usb stick, and see the efi subdir etc14:03
Austin__tomreyn: but that is the only disk that is returned when i "ls"14:04
tomreynAustin__: :-/ sorry14:09
Austin__it's fine :) everything is fresh, so nothing to break :)14:09
stevendalesudo apt-get -f install14:09
Austin__it's my understanding that i need initrd including kernel on the usb to then mount the root partition from the nvme14:10
tomreynAustin__: so you'll need to boot off the usb stick again, mount te nvme's root file system to /target, mount the virtual file systems, chroot /target /bin/bash, then create a new ~1 GB partition on the "boot" usb stick next to the ESP, create an ext4 file system on this new partition, mount that to the target's /boot14:12
nbusroneI feel ubuntu takes 10 second longer to load after i did a boot-repair , how to remove the 10 second ?14:13
tomreynthen update fstab to point to this /boot file system, and update-initramfs -k all -u, and update-grub14:14
tomreynAustin__: ^ and i agree you seem to need to have at leats the initrd (and for ese of handling, also the kernel) on the "boot" usb14:14
Austin__tomreyn: is what you just said in addition to everything we've done so far? (if i was starting again completely from scratch)14:15
tomreynAustin__: you don't need to completely start from scratch, so what i just said was based on the situation you're in now.14:16
Austin__yea, understood, i'm trying to keep a mental note of what is happening so i can write this up for my own notes for future14:17
Austin__ok, i'll get cracking14:18
nbusroneSorry , i fix it again by edit grub #GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT="0" . I though the bug still continue.14:22
jackhumrecently my firefox have started eating lot of cpu , it works good when i  use private window , anyone here have any knows about this issue ?14:24
tomreynAustin__: good luck. my food is done here, so i'll be back in another hour roughly.14:25
tomreynjackhum: see the "energy impact" column at about:performance14:25
Austin__tomreyn: thanks so much, drop me some paypal details and i'll buy you a beer14:26
tomreynAustin__: hehe, thanks, but this wasn't good enough. ;-)14:27
vltjackhum: (Some) extensions get disabled in private mode. Maybe look also there.14:27
* jackhum tomreyn: active tab shows highest energy usage14:27
Austin__tomreyn: your call. thanks :)14:27
jackhumvlt: any tool which can help me to see which extensions use most cpu cycles14:28
Austin__tomreyn: should i mount the efi partition on the usb to /boot/efi before doing update initramfs and update grub?14:30
tomreynAustin__: yes, just like the new /boot file system (and partition) you'll create on the usb stick goes to /boot first of all.14:31
Austin__so fstab will need a /boot mount and /boot/efi mount?14:31
tomreynjackhum: there's https://profiler.firefox.com/ but this is getting pretty advanced and i'm not able to guide.14:31
tomreynAustin__: correct.14:32
tomreynAustin__: bbl, sorry...14:33
SmashcatHi, anyone know if I can still get mysql 5 for Ubuntu 20.04? The version they have in apt is mysql 8.0 which is broken (doesn't even install correctly)14:38
hanshSmashcat, idk but i had no problem installing mariadb-server on 20.04 at least.. but how did mysql install fail?14:41
Smashcathansh: Some kind og dpkg failure. It doesn't create the config dirs etc properly, so it can't be started or configured. I'll try maria :)14:42
filifunkyhi all, I had a python script that connected to a mysql database through a module mysqldb.  I updated my ubuntu to the latest LTS 20.04 and the script no longer works.  I get an ImportError: No module named MySQLdb.  I try to install it through sudo apt-get and I get package 'python-mysqldb' has no installation candidate.  All answers I see online say that I should install python pip but everytime I try to do that it says that "unable to locate package14:44
filifunkypython-pip"  Any ideas for what is wrong here?  Thanks!14:44
Austin__tomreyn: i had to re-do the apt install steps as update-initramfs exited immediately and made no changes to /boot14:46
Austin__boot/ now looks as i'd expect14:46
Austin__and grub-install14:47
Austin__now grub.cfg is searching for the 2nd part on the usb14:48
Austin__gunna reboot14:48
Smashcathansh: Must be some problem when upgrading from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04. Neither mysql or mariadb work. I'll have to install from source :)14:49
Austin__no dice14:50
davido_Can anyone explain what is going wrong with this snap refresh, and how I can fix it? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6gHQYwXbdv/15:02
davido_It happens on both my laptop and desktop system running 20.04.15:02
BluesKajdavido_, don't post your email addreses, not secure practice15:03
hanshSmashcat, what happens when you try to install it? can you pastebinit?15:04
Smashcathansh: It installs fine, but after install it doesn't launch as it can't find config files or directories. I guess that Ubuntu adds those directories by default in the 20.04 install, but the installer for mariadb doesn't15:07
hanshSmashcat, can you show us the errors?15:08
Smashcathansh: I'll just reinstall it to get the output again. I'll be installing from source code for this, as need to get it working15:08
Austin__tomreyn: i'm in. after a spelling mistake in fstab i think i'm sorted now15:09
Smashcathansh: Here's the log with errors: https://pastebin.com/RWGfpKLB15:11
hanshSmashcat, what do you get from namei -l /var/lib/mysql/ib_buffer_pool15:15
Smashcathansh: No such file or directory15:15
hanshas in "namei" wasn't installed or15:16
ice9is it safe to upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04?15:16
Smashcatroot@ike:/etc/apparmor.d# namei -l /var/lib/mysql/ib_buffer_pool15:16
Smashcatf: /var/lib/mysql/ib_buffer_pool15:16
Smashcatdrwxr-xr-x root  root  /15:16
Smashcatdrwxr-xr-x root  root  var15:16
Smashcatdrwxr-xr-x root  root  lib15:16
Smashcatdrwx------ mysql mysql mysql15:16
Smashcatice9: I did that today - a few problems. Mostly in my case, mysql and mariadb do not install or start15:17
Smashcathansh: Not sure if you saw the paste there - I have namei installed. The file named "ib_buffer_pool" was not found15:18
hanshSmashcat, i saw.. im guessing 50%, of that, can you PM it? or pastebinit15:18
Smashcathansh: https://pastebin.com/41xRstbd15:20
Smashcathansh: I should also mention it also couldn't find /etc/mysql/conf.d until I symlinked that to /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d (which it DID create during install)15:24
hanshSmashcat, with a bit of luck, apt purge "*mysql*";  apt purge "*mariadb*"; rm -rfv /var/lib/mysql /etc/mysql /etc/default/mysql /usr/share/mysql /usr/share/mysql-common;     and *finally*:  apt install mariadb-server;15:24
hansherrr dont do that if you actually have some databases you need from an old broken installation though15:25
Smashcathansh: The dbs are safe - they're not in the standard location. I usually configure the new datadir after installing15:26
Smashcathansh: Heh, no it's even worse than before https://pastebin.com/1DF2iSfh - seems like the installer expects mysql to already have created all the directories it needs.15:29
SmashcatI think the package maintainer just hasn't tested it at all on a new system.15:30
hanshSmashcat, ups, yeah you're running apt from a folder that no longer exist, i don't think apt likes that15:30
hanshcd out of there15:30
hanshcd /15:31
hanshor something15:31
hanshand.. check it15:32
Smashcathansh: Yes, I removed the dirs again, purged it, reinstalled, and same error as before.15:32
hanshstill the "/var/lib/mysql/ib_buffer_pool doesn't exist" error?15:33
SmashcatYep, it can't find any of its config files15:33
hanshor do you mean still the "sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory" error?15:33
hanshhmm ok.. and i'm stumped15:33
SmashcatFirst error. The output from /var/log/mysql/errors is the same as before15:34
SmashcatI've got a Windows server that can run mysql for now, and the Linux server can connect to it. In the meantime I'll build from source on the linux server, as the packages are clearly broken :)15:35
barnexlotuspsychje: re jumping to 20.04 - yeah, that was my plan all along and I think I'll try that, was going to do anwyay. Thanks for all the help15:37
doublemHi there, I installed 20.04 LTS with LVM2 + LUKS and was thrown into initramfs busybox, any idea what is missing?15:41
activedecayhow would I got about writing a clipboard manager program from scratch? i sort of remember there being a "dbus" thing that other clipboard managers listen to.15:50
activedecaythe shell i'm using is gnome, and gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text seems like a good starting point15:51
akemYou can script it, using xclip IIRC.15:52
activedecayi'm looking for a c library call that, when i run my program as a daemon, gives me the last thing copied to the clipboard15:53
akemCheck xclip source code then.15:54
akemIt's a command line interface to the clipboard.15:54
activedecaywill do15:55
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TheFuIs there a way to disable the directory confinement for snaps? The default confinement is breaking our workflow.16:07
lestachello, today i go to install linux at my desktop device, for terms of security and optimal work, at present is best ubuntu, lm, or another distribution? thanks!16:14
ograTheFu, nope ... the packager can extend it through various interfaces though16:14
ograTheFu, so best is to ask the packager of the software you use to extend file access capabilities if there is anything that breaks the app for you16:15
SmashcatAh cool, found a spare SSD, I can install 16.04 on it, to get the server up and running again after mistakenly upgrading to 20.04 :)16:26
lotuspsychjelestac: we are in the ubuntu support channel, we advice ubuntu :p16:43
dreamonhaving issue playing audio. pavucontrol only device is dummy,no sound. I found out, aplay wavefile as root is playing audio, well. as normal user no audio is there. But no error. (maybe helpful ..)16:48
lotuspsychjedreamon: please if you ask a question provide a bit more details like ubuntu version and kernel so volunteers can debug a better way16:49
dreamonxubuntu 20.04, Linux mydreamon 5.4.0-31-generic,Audio Conexant CX807016:51
InteloWhich version of vim does ubuntu 20.x LTS has?16:51
lotuspsychjethank you dreamon, can you check if your soundcards driver is loaded please, sudo lshw -C sound16:51
lotuspsychje!info vim | Intelo16:52
ubottuIntelo: vim (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor. In component main, is optional. Version 2:8.1.2269-1ubuntu5 (focal), package size 1208 kB, installed size 3038 kB16:52
dreamonlotuspsychje, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/J32p2gmBsY/16:52
dreamonI use a Thinkpad E1516:53
Intelolotuspsychje, which ubuntu version/16:53
Intelolotuspsychje, how can i get vim 8.2?16:53
lotuspsychjedreamon: lets test creating a second user on your system and check if sound works there?16:55
Intelooh its focal16:55
Intelolotuspsychje, how can i get vim 8.2?16:56
lotuspsychjeIntelo: sudo snap install vim-editor16:56
dreamonlotuspsychje, Ok start login.. one moment16:58
Intelolotuspsychje, would this be better or snap one ? sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/vim16:58
Intelolotuspsychje, if I use either, do I have to uninstall old vim? or will my old settings/packages fade away?16:58
lotuspsychjeIntelo: apt and snap dirs are not mixed, you can use both independent from each other16:59
lotuspsychjeIntelo: we dont support and advice external ppa's, adviced to stick with the apt/snap repos17:00
Intelolotuspsychje,  so after installing vim from snap, if I type vim, which one will launch? also, in my home/me/.vimrc , which one will it read to?17:01
lotuspsychjeIntelo: i did not test the vim snap myself, i suspect its gonna be in the /snap dir17:02
dreamonlotuspsychje, made a testuser reboot, logged in. Only dummy device in pavucontrol17:03
lotuspsychjedreamon: ok tnx for testing that, so this issue is systemwide17:04
novahow can someone get vim 8.2 on ubuntu without compiling source? I dunno if they upgraded from 18.04LTS or not yet17:04
novaI guessed vim-gtk would be 8.2, but it's not17:05
Intelonova, I already asked that :)17:05
Intelo!info vim | nova17:05
ubottunova: vim (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor. In component main, is optional. Version 2:8.1.2269-1ubuntu5 (focal), package size 1208 kB, installed size 3038 kB17:05
Intelolotuspsychje> Intelo: sudo snap install vim-editor17:05
dreamonYesterday I did somethin like this (Im not sure anymore) sudo alsa force-reload → and sound was there.. but today no luck anymore17:06
Intelolotuspsychje> Intelo: we dont support and advice external ppa's, adviced to stick with the apt/snap repos17:06
Intelo!info vim-gtk17:06
ubottuvim-gtk (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor (dummy package). In component universe, is extra. Version 2:8.1.2269-1ubuntu5 (focal), package size 12 kB, installed size 185 kB17:06
novarust in pupperoni ubuntu stoopid bye have a great time. cool bot name, though.17:06
dreamonlotuspsychje, I already tried this → https://itsfoss.com/fix-sound-ubuntu-1304-quick-tip/17:07
Inteloso after installing vim from snap, if I type vim, which one will launch? also, in my home/me/.vimrc , which one will it read to?17:08
InteloAnyone else can give a clue ^?17:08
Intelolotuspsychje, snap "vim-editor" is not available on stable but is available to install on the following17:10
Intelo       channels:17:10
Intelo       beta       snap install --beta vim-editor17:10
Intelo       edge       snap install --edge vim-editor17:10
lotuspsychjeIntelo: choose one?17:12
Intelolotuspsychje, ya which has which version? How to check17:13
oerhekswhy not uninstall the other vim?17:13
oerheksor which vim would give some info17:14
Intelooerheks, sounds fair. but how can I get info about the above 217:14
Intelooerheks, why not go with sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/vim17:14
lotuspsychjeIntelo: i already said why17:15
Intelolotuspsychje, ya, maybe I was curious on more details17:15
lotuspsychjedreamon: you can try one of these https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/06/fix-no-sound-dummy-output-issue-in.html17:16
Intelook, uninstalling old vim and installing beta17:16
lotuspsychjeIntelo: beta is 8.2.78817:16
Intelohow can I get info about the above 217:16
Intelowhich version of snap has what17:17
lotuspsychjeIntelo: snap info vim-editor17:17
dreamonlotuspsychje, OK17:19
lotuspsychjedreamon: did you test your audio card on a liveusb as a test?17:19
Inteloam.. .I removed vim with apt purge vim but I still get old vim when I type 'vim'17:20
InteloIs there something wrong?17:22
InteloWhen I install a package with snap. E.g vim. Where do I put .vimrc?17:24
TheFuogra, that's too bad.  We have TB of NFS storage and cannot change where it mounts.17:24
ograTheFu, well, prehaps someone on https://forum.snapcraft.io has other ideas ... i'd start a discussion over there17:27
dreamonlotuspsychje, We are getting closer! I made "options snd-hda-intel model=generic" on alsa-base.conf and reboot → still dummy output only. so made → sudo alsa force-reload → sound is back!!!17:27
ograyou could surely use bind mounts if you just need to point there from somewhere else17:28
dreamonlotuspsychje, but after reboot its gone, again.17:28
TheFubind mounts didn't work.17:28
dreamonNow I make → sudo alsa force-reload → after reboot it sound is good17:28
ograwell, better ask on the forum then17:28
TheFuNor did symbolic links17:28
ograyeah, links are known to not work17:29
ograbind mounts should though17:29
lotuspsychjedreamon: did your sound work on a liveusb 20.04?17:30
dreamonlotuspsychje, I think so.. I tried one time.17:30
lotuspsychjedreamon: do you recall when things got scrambled up?17:31
cryptopsyhow can i pass a PS1 to chroot so tht the chroot has a different PS1 than the one in the .bashrc it loads?17:31
dreamonlotuspsychje, sorry englisch is not my main language. what does "scrambled up" mean?17:33
lotuspsychjedreamon: when your sound was not working anymore17:33
cryptopsybe nice17:34
dreamonlotuspsychje, OK.. till now I have to make this "sudo alsa force-reload" to do each boot..17:34
dreamonlotuspsychje, Thank you very much for your Help17:36
* Intelo cannot trace .vimrc location for snap based vim17:36
lotuspsychjeIntelo: did you check the /snap dir?17:41
TheFuogra, these are NFS mounts.  cannot open path of the current working directory: Permission denied17:44
TheFudid a bind mount under the HOME and still got the permission denied.17:45
ograwell, the guys knowing about the underlying filesystem issues are on the forum,  i know technically bind mounts work for nearly everything but probably you need some special setup if the backend is NFS, not sure17:46
TheFuogra, thanks.  My searches seem to say that NFS isn't supported by snaps due to the way the constraints are setup that doesn't allow NFS. Seems it is called an upstream issue.  Which is why disabling the constraints or repackaging appears to be the only possible answer.17:58
ograTheFu, NFS is definitely not supported for homedirs and i doubt you'd be ableto put the snaps themselves onto an NFS share, but if accessing data on NFS doesnt work this is likely a bug (again. ask the forum, i cant really tell (i havent touched NFS in a decade personally)18:01
akikogra: "NFS is definitely not supported for homedirs" you mean with ubuntu?18:06
dreamonlotuspsychje, I found the problem. but dont unterstand how to fix it.18:17
lotuspsychjedreamon: whats happening18:17
dreamonThere is a process → timidity /usr/bin/timidity -Os -iAD → after killing it sound is back.18:18
lotuspsychjedreamon: that sounds a lot of a bug i found about that18:18
dreamoni saw "sudo alsa force-reload" is killing some process IDs and looked before and killed it manually.. Sounds back18:19
TheFuakik, No, we are talking about snaps.  Ubuntu supports NFS for HOME.18:19
dreamonlotuspsychje, here I found someone with same issue.. → https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=316720&start=2018:20
TheFuogra, I've moved on to the "repackaging" effort.  It is working so far. Love the flexibility of Unix-like systems!18:20
dreamonwhat is this process /usr/bin/timidity for?18:21
lotuspsychjedreamon: bug #179364018:22
ubottubug 1793640 in timidity (Ubuntu) "Pulseaudio fails to detect sound card, while timidity is installed" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179364018:22
dreamonlotuspsychje, cool, thanks I remove timidity ;)18:26
lotuspsychjedreamon: would have been much easier, if you mentioned timidity at your start question..18:26
dreamonlotuspsychje, I didnt knew about this.. after you info i searched for people that have to start alsa after each reboot.. so found this information18:28
lotuspsychjedreamon: your sound got broken after installing timidity?18:30
dreamonno.. I after changing hardware .. bought a thinkpad and copied hdds18:32
TheFuWell, the chromium-browser snap doesn't work with a user's HOME on NFS. But ....18:33
lotuspsychjedreamon: ah, you cloned an existing ubuntu install with timidity installed already on a new HD in another system?18:33
TheFubut running /snap/chromium/current/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chrome directly, does work.18:33
TheFuFor a browser, I really want the constraints for security.  Don't think a video editor has the same risks, however.18:34
dreamonlotuspsychje, yes. I must tell you. I do this since years ( about 8years ). everybody is telling me not to upgrade, but after a few days of hard work, it runs fine18:35
dreamonyou brought my sound back. Im happy.. ;)18:35
lotuspsychjeenjoy dreamon18:35
jpmhI like to have my PS1 variable set the color but find that when I do, and lines in bash are long the set -o vi (use vi style edit) gets confused as to where the cursor is.  Any ideas on how to fix this?18:35
dreamonOk removing timidity works!! sound after reboot.18:40
lotuspsychje!yay | dreamon18:41
ubottudreamon: Glad you made it! :-)18:41
dreamonI have one more thing. on xubuntu i can see cpu speed. it shows 4.48GHz .. but my cpu is only 1.8GHz fast. maybe I can fix it anyhow?18:42
buruHi I recently installed Ubuntu server, and I'm having a problem at boot where the screen is completely black (I think this is where grub menu should be presented)18:42
buruTried changing the grub config from hidden to menu, and giving it a little more time but there's still no menu after reset.18:43
tripelbMakdaame startup disk won't see my manjaro~~.iso18:44
tripelbIn 20.04  Make startup disk won't see my manjaro~~.iso18:45
filifunkyhi all, I had a python script that connected to a mysql database through a module mysqldb.  I updated my ubuntu to the latest LTS 20.04 and the script no longer works.  I get an ImportError: No module named MySQLdb.  I try to install it through sudo apt-get and I get package 'python-mysqldb' has no installation candidate.  All answers I see online say that I should install python pip but everytime I try to do that it says that "unable to locate package18:47
filifunkypython-pip"  Any ideas for what is wrong here?  Thanks!18:47
mattflyhow to i reduce gama or do any color correction on ubuntu 20.04?19:00
trickyhey guys can anyone help me with virt-manager and spice?19:21
fradwhy does the locate command only work for a local ssd and not for external ssds?19:22
fradI cd'ed to the external ssd and locate only finds results in the internal drive19:22
Sbur3HI. Anyone wanna walk me through troubleshooting video problems?19:23
Intelo!info browsh19:24
ubottuPackage browsh does not exist in focal19:24
Sbur3Looks like someone unplugging and replugging the monitor on a relatively but not totally regular basis19:25
Sbur3It feels deliberate19:26
giacois it possible to switch workspace using mouse wheel + key combination? Problem is that I like fullscreen terminal in workspace, and this blocks access to application bar on the left, so standard scolling using lower left spot is not working19:28
giacoI'm using ctrl+alt+up/down now19:28
trickymy problem is with virt-manager i run a linux mint vm and connect to it with remote-viewer, i saw on forums it can do multiple display to the vm but mine only shows one19:31
guloI had posted this on the Ubuntu forums a couple of days ago as well, but I have a problem where some applications are not being drawn properly in my fluxbox GUI on 20.04. One example is OBS when I open it, it mirrors all of the bottom controls more than once depending on the size of the window. I have this problem in a CAD application that I use as well. I don't even know what to Google for to troubleshoot. How would I go about19:34
gulotroubleshooting this?19:34
SmashcatThis upgrade from 16.04 -> 18.04 -> 20.04 has fucked my system so badly I'm going to use Docker for all my services :)19:36
yutaHi, When I did apt update, There are some updates.but autoupdates shows nothing.Is this usual habite?20:08
GR1M0R4CL3you do apt update20:27
GR1M0R4CL3then followed with apt upgrade20:27
GR1M0R4CL3update grabs info about what is available. but doesnt do updates itself20:27
GR1M0R4CL3after using apt update it will tell you if you have upgrades available, and what command to type to see them20:27
tomreynAustin__: sorry for not responding earlier - i had to leave there. i'm glad you made it, though! :)20:31
yutaGR1M0R4CL3, I mean auto updates GUI shows nothing.20:32
mesaboogieyuta: it will pick it up soon enough20:33
mesaboogiehit refresh if you are impatient20:33
mesaboogieyuta: default is every 10 minutes for the update manager to check for updates20:35
mesaboogieyuta: after the 10 mintues first, then it goes to every 2 hours so yeah, soetimes if you check with apt it could be the update manager has not picked it up yet. patience.20:36
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mesaboogieyuta: and the update manager only gets refreshed when the update manager is closed ( unless you manually hit refresh, of course) so that is the daily update manager tips.20:38
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yutamesaboogie, Thanks :)20:53
yutaI will wait.20:53
MmikeSo, I managed to start the upgrade - I just needed to plant modified meta-file for new releases, which doesn't have artful disabled. It pulls stuff from old-releases.ubuntu.com, and installs artfull packages.21:00
MmikeWhen this is done I'll revert /etc/update-manager/meta-release file to original version and upgrade to bionic21:00
Mmikein case anyone ever runs into this21:00
MmikeI'd update the wiki, but I'm no longer with Canonical so I don't have the access, let me know if you want me to write the sumup to just paste into the wiki.21:01
yutaMmike, I should learn more thanks :)21:04
mesaboogieyuta: turns out I though I was talking in #linuxmint so I described the wrong info for you. turns out ubuntu's software updater only checks for updates "Daily" by default.21:05
mesaboogieyuta: this can be changed in prefs.21:05
Mmikeyuta, not sure if you had the context , just ralized I might be typing into wrong channel :) so, the issue was upgrading from zesty to most recent LTS, at least21:05
yutamesaboogie, ok Thanks :)21:06
mesaboogieMmike: I just did the same thing.21:06
mesaboogieyuta: plus the software updater checks for updates as soon as you run it.21:08
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wholesumGood sunday :)21:34
wholesumBASH question: inside an LXC container, i want to redirect script output to a custom device (/dev/myscript) so that /dev/myscript can be read from the host. Is this possible?21:34
cknoettgUbuntu Server 18.04 running in Azure - simple Minecraft server. I have the minecraft server running in a separate screen using the screen command. When I run "top" - I see that java is running, but I can't confirm that this is definitely the minecraft server running. Does top display running services from a different screen? Also, is there a way to21:41
cknoettgrun top from inside the screen itself? When I connect to that screen, it takes me to the running server log, not a prompt where I can issue commands.21:41
GR1M0R4CL3sorry was busy21:46
GR1M0R4CL3well typing "sudo apt update" will immediatly show updates21:46
yutamesaboogie, Thanks , I am ubuntu newbie , I will learn :)21:47
cknoettgWhenever I ask server questions, I feel like the guy who posts in forums "I am a new sysadmin, and I am just stuck on one thing: I need you to tell me the exact DNS settings to enter for my private server." :-)21:48
EriC^^cknoettg: ctrl+a then 'c' creates a new session21:51
EriC^^cknoettg: ctrl+a n/p switches between them21:51
cknoettgWhenever I connect to the existing screen, it does bring me to the bash prompt - it just brings me to the server output...Sometimes the simple things escape me. I suppose that since it is bringing me to the server logs, then ipso facto, it must be running. Wow, I've had a long day :-)21:54
cknoettgI haven't read it in many moons, but the newest edition of the Linux and Unix System Administration Handbook is on its way in the mail. Looking forward to dusting off the cobwebs.21:56
CoDeAmRohey guys21:56
CoDeAmRoi am new here can anyone help me21:56
GR1M0R4CL3ask and people shall try21:57
=== jpmh42 is now known as jpmh_
CoDeAmRoi need help with hexchat and ubuntu os21:58
guloCoDeAmRo, Depends, what is your actual question?22:01
CoDeAmRoi am using ubuntu for 11 years and i have 7 laptops and one of my laptops got intel hd vga card how to get the driver for 18.4 ... is it mesa or something else22:01
CoDeAmRocan i use nvidia even if its not supported22:03
guloCoDeAmRo, nvidia is supported on Ubuntu.22:05
guloI am running an nvidia 1080 TI right now.22:05
CoDeAmRocan you help me with the best driver for intel integrated22:05
CoDeAmRothe laptop that i use dont have nvidia inside just intel hd22:06
guloCoDeAmRo, Have you ever used ubuntu-drivers-common before?22:07
CoDeAmRoyes but it says no drivers22:07
guloubuntu-drivers devices comes back with no driver recommendations?22:08
CoDeAmRosudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall .... you mean that22:09
Bashing-omCoDeAmRo: Intel (and AMD) graphic's drivers are included in the kerenl. What is your present issue with the driver ?22:09
gulosudo ubuntu-drivers devices22:09
guloThat will give you recommendations. I'm going AFK for a bit, I'll be back to help if someone else hasn't helped by then.22:10
CoDeAmRothanks alot22:11
CoDeAmRoso mesa drivers is not needed ?22:11
oerheksintel is standard supported in the kernel, for years now22:12
oerhekslspci -vnn | grep -i VGA -A 12 # should give i915 ?22:13
Bashing-omCoDeAmRo: For Intel the kernel provides all .22:13
CoDeAmRoyes i have lagging issue when i play games like ps1 emulator22:13
oerheksdepending what gen intel, it is not a racemonster.22:13
CoDeAmRomy laptop is 6th gen 201622:14
oerheksgive intel as much as possible shared mem in the bios.22:14
oerheksand be happy22:14
CoDeAmRohow to do it22:15
oerheksboot, press the special key to get into the bios, and read the manual?22:16
oerhekstoo many biosses, to know them all. and check for a bios update, for a start22:17
OERIASHi, I have an issue with sound on the budgie desktop22:19
OERIASWhen I plug in a headset or headphones it does not play sound to the said headphones22:19
OERIASI have to go to go to the sound settings to and change microphone to headset22:19
OERIASis there a way for the system to automatically set the sound output to the headset/headphones?22:19
catbeardhi all22:20
catbeardare there any binary package updates RE: cve-2020-12662 for bionic22:20
oerhekscatbeard, i see none, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unbound22:22
cryptopsypost your ubuntu dsktop, here's mine: https://i.imgur.com/lJdj6N7.png22:23
oerheksthat is kinda offtopic here, post this on the forum, more readers and responce22:24
cryptopsywhat can i do with rtx?22:26
catbeardcan anyone here bother the maintainer contact for that project to update it please?22:26
oerhekscatbeard, one can file a SRU22:26
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates22:26
oerheksi think only security fixes make it to LTS versions like bionic22:27
catbeardit would most certainly be a security fix22:28
oerheksoke, then you would have a valid argument :-)22:28
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guloI had posted this on the Ubuntu forums a couple of days ago as well, but I have a problem where some applications are not being drawn properly in my fluxbox GUI on 20.04. One example is OBS when I open it, it mirrors all of the bottom controls more than once depending on the size of the window. I have this problem in a CAD application that I use as well. How would I go about troubleshooting this?22:49
catbeardoerheks: would one be able to file on on my behalf22:50
catbeardand let me know a link to get updates if any22:51
cronoliohello, what the way for ubuntu 18.04 to use iptables as nftables transparently?22:55
CoDeAmRouse ip tool22:55
oerhekscatbeard, no, please file the sru yourself?22:56
catbeardnot at all familiar with the process for filling one, nor the particulars of what i'd file it under, i could source compile but boss won't let me :|22:57
oerhekscronolio, 2 different frameworks? interesting, tell us more why?22:57
cronoliooerheks: iptables deprecated ?22:58
oerheksnftables is default in debian now. https://wiki.debian.org/nftables23:00
cronoliobut docker still use iptables. so i need to get same thing in ubuntu 18.04 like in debian buster is done23:01
oerheksubuntu too, ufw framework that uses iptables23:02
oerheksso, i wonder why you want 2 frameworks23:02
cronolioi don't need 2 framework. i want to call iptables but use nftables23:03
cronoliohttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man8/iptables-nft.8.html looks like it is available in 20 lts23:06
eelstreborwhy doesn't scp have a update switch rather than over-writing everything everytime? trying to get rsync to work is a real pain also.23:35
catbeardrsync > scp23:36
catbeardman rsync # you gotta tell it exactly with flags what you want it to do, lots of backup systems are based off of rsync flags23:36
leftyfbeelstrebor: what trouble are you having with rsync?23:39
westorafter i create a new user and trying to install something i get :: configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables :: any idea why that is happening? maybe the new user doesn't have the required access? (ubuntu 20.04)23:45
gulowestor, What command are you running? And yes, that sounds like they don't have permissions to create the executable.23:47
westori used "adduser name"23:47
eelstreborleftyfb, it complains that port 22 isn't open even though i gave it an alternate port for ssh23:48
westorhow can i give the new user full permissions ?23:48
guloTry using sudo adduser name23:49
westori was already logged in as 'root' when i executed23:49
leftyfbeelstrebor: how are you specifying the port? Also, it might be easier to just specific a host in your ~/.ssh/config23:49
gulowestor, if you cat /etc/passwd is your new user in there?23:52
guloOkay so it created the user. I wonder if you killed binutils. Try doing sudo apt-get install --reinstall binutils23:53
westorok done let me try again23:54
westorsame error again23:54
westori don't know what else to do now23:58
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guloIt looks like you are missing some packages. From what I am googling, you can try installing build-essentials23:59

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