
hpidcockSmall PR https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1162301:49
* thumper looks01:51
hpidcockthumper: I think we should probably just be targeting this to 2.8.101:54
thumpergiven +1 anyway01:54
thumperhpidcock: I don't suppose you could look at the constant failure emails from jenkins?01:55
thumperseems to be snap-edge-build and z-clean-resources-oracle01:55
* thumper wonders if oracle one may be failing because we are still trying to do something with their old removed cloud01:55
hpidcockthumper: sure thing01:56
thumperwallyworld: took a good look at bug 187999202:16
mupBug #1879992: update-status hook error with very little log informaion <cdo-qa> <cdo-release-blocker> <foundation-engine> <juju:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1879992>02:16
thumperit was a bit confusing\02:16
thumperbecause the fcb has logging-config set in model-defaults.yaml, but fkb does not02:16
thumperand due to the change in logging, both now need to add "unit=DEBUG" to get what they had before02:16
wallyworldthumper: it also seems though that something set <root>=WARNING, at least in one of the log files i looked at02:42
thumperyeah, that is the logging worker getting the information from the controller when it starts02:43
thumperall agents start with --debug for initialization02:43
thumperthen get the logging-config from the model02:43
kelvinliuwallyworld: got this PR for adding EKS support, tested AKS/GKE/EKS as well https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11614 could u take a look?05:09
wallyworldkelvinliu: will do, just need a few minutes05:13
kelvinliuwallyworld: im thinking to setup CI test for bootstrapping to EKS05:16
kelvinliuso I will probably spend rest of today and next Mon on this.05:17
wallyworldyup. sgtm05:18
=== bdx9 is now known as bdx
bdxI have a few blockers I want to talk about if possible14:29
bdxdiscourse might be a better place actually14:30
bdxI've taken a stab at communicating our predicament https://discourse.juju.is/t/using-the-add-image-command-with-the-maas-provider/311115:12
thumpersimple review for someone https://github.com/juju/loggo/pull/3822:42
thumperwallyworld: ^^22:42
thumpermakes a lot of my futzing around yesterday unnecessary :(22:42
wallyworldotp, sec22:42
thumperwell, not entirely unnecessary22:42
thumperbut it'll make it a lot simpler22:42
josephillipshey hi i was here recently i talk with someone that told me that LXD was deprecated for openstack23:14
josephillipswhat another real solution i can use for containers inside of openstack23:14
wallyworldjosephillips: as far as i know nova-lxd is deprecated, but you can still deploy workloads to hosted lxd or kvm containers23:44

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